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This paper is concerned with ways in which meaning, assembled into narratives, can be injected into architecture. Rather than seeking the translation of narrative tools into new architectural devices, each section interrogates an existing architectural technique to examine the ways in which it can become the entry point for narrative into a corner of a design. The United States Holocaust Museum, as a building infused with narrative, is used as a testing ground for these hypotheses.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with ways in which meaning, assembled into narratives, can be injected into architecture. Rather than seeking the translation of narrative tools into new architectural devices, each section interrogates an existing architectural technique to examine the ways in which it can become the entry point for narrative into a corner of a design. The United States Holocaust Museum, as a building infused with narrative, is used as a testing ground for these hypotheses.  相似文献   

Susan Larson   《Cities》2003,20(6):395
Compared to some major urban centers in Spain that have successfully participated in the fierce competition over cultural capital since the 1980s (such as Barcelona, Seville, or Bilbao), Madrid seems not so much to look outward to the international community to sell its image but to more reflectively construct and critique life, on the periphery of what was previously the center of an extremely centralized state. The power to build and shape Madrid during the 1980s and 1990s often found inspiration in the more disposable and ephemeral forms of culture circulating in its immediate environment, just as cultural forms and cultural content drew directly from the desire to represent human reactions to this urban setting. The conservative Partido Popular has taken credit for the positive urban reforms of the Socialists and criticized them for the failures, while giving Madrid over to the car and abandoning the progressive social housing policies of earlier years, which were based on rational Modernist planning and the political possibility of the Modernist project. Much recent literature and film about Madrid focuses on the resulting ideological, political and economic shifts.  相似文献   

In this paper I examine potential for critical visual research studies in landscape architecture and related disciplines. The reasons for a neglect of imagery in research publications and the gap between landscape architectural practice and theory are considered, and the ways in which this restricts understanding are explored. I argue that visual studies can be used to bridge the practice-theory divide and enable investigations which are currently limited or absent in text-based methods and dissemination. To this end, five kinds of visual study are defined and their philosophical and methodological underpinnings and potential discussed. I conclude with an examination of the relationship between critical thinking and visual processes and the role of the viewer. The overall aim is to provide openings for future visual research studies and the development of critical visual discourses.  相似文献   

近年来,国内涌现出一大批建筑与室内设计作品,但真正优秀的设计不多,材料往往只被当作构筑空间的结构或围合材料或界面材料,进而导致材料与建筑本体特征的脱节。石材是建筑装饰中运用较为广泛的主要材料之一,从围合结构到承重结构,从室内装饰到室外景观,不同的用途配合有不同的工艺作法。一般来讲利用的都是其天然属性——坚硬、耐久和沉重的惰性。从古典建筑、中世纪建筑和文艺复兴建筑时期的建筑以及现代建筑,我们清晰地看到通过对石材的应用形成了欧洲特有尊重天然效果、强调精湛工艺的品格以及具有厚重体积感和整齐有序特征的建筑文化体…  相似文献   

课题总目标本课题研究目标之一是通过建筑围护结构的蓄能调温作用调节控制建筑室内环境的热负荷,提高建筑物对太阳能使用比例和利用效率.降低建筑对化石能源的消耗。研究目标之二是通过调湿型建筑围护结构控制室内湿负荷.降低建筑室内环境因除湿产生的能源消耗。本课题最终目标拟将调温调湿材料与建筑围护结构、采暖空调系统末端和太阳能等自然能源有机结合起来.  相似文献   

生态建筑,绿色建筑在持续发展建筑中的定位   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
黄涛 《新建筑》1998,(2):11-12
持续发展建筑是近年来建筑界讨论的热点。生态建筑和绿色建筑分别代表着持续发展建筑的宏观与微观两个层面的意义,是持续发展建筑不可分割的两部分。通过分析绿色建筑与生态建筑之间的差异及联系,阐述了这一观点。  相似文献   

某大桥6—2基桩质量的检测与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李春生 《土工基础》2002,16(2):73-74
某大桥 6— 2桩由于砼试件抗压强度不合格 ,进行了多种方法的检测。本文对检测结果进行综合分析和探讨  相似文献   

The presence of civic and regional survey as a locus of discussion in early British planning texts is closely associated with the involvement of the Scottish biologist planner Patrick Geddes in the early planning movement. This paper reads the Geddesian survey idea and its assimilation into planning discourse as the expression of a modern apology of planning. Geddes's understanding of survey places science and society in a relationship in which society is not merely determined by the progressive development of scientific insights. Instead, survey is understood as a process in which a growing awareness of the urban environment encourages an informed and self-conscious citizenry to take charge of its own future. In the Geddesian survey-project the citizen appears as the modern subject, caught in an ambiguous relationship to the environment. He or she seems to be fully determined by the environment, while at the same time able to shape that environment freely and independently. The effort to ground planning in scientific survey inserts the planning process within a logic of environmental determinism, while attempting to safeguard a place for planning as an emancipated act of self-determination. Planning appears both as a process determined by 'nature' as well as the quintessential expression of the human con trol over 'nature'. Survey, presented as preliminary to planning, is understood as a thought vehicle which opens up a space for the development of the modern plan in its full reformist breath of both physical reform and social reconstruction.  相似文献   

The presence of civic and regional survey as a locus of discussion in early British planning texts is closely associated with the involvement of the Scottish biologist planner Patrick Geddes in the early planning movement. This paper reads the Geddesian survey idea and its assimilation into planning discourse as the expression of a modern apology of planning. Geddes's understanding of survey places science and society in a relationship in which society is not merely determined by the progressive development of scientific insights. Instead, survey is understood as a process in which a growing awareness of the urban environment encourages an informed and self-conscious citizenry to take charge of its own future. In the Geddesian survey-project the citizen appears as the modern subject, caught in an ambiguous relationship to the environment. He or she seems to be fully determined by the environment, while at the same time able to shape that environment freely and independently. The effort to ground planning in scientific survey inserts the planning process within a logic of environmental determinism, while attempting to safeguard a place for planning as an emancipated act of self-determination. Planning appears both as a process determined by 'nature' as well as the quintessential expression of the human con trol over 'nature'. Survey, presented as preliminary to planning, is understood as a thought vehicle which opens up a space for the development of the modern plan in its full reformist breath of both physical reform and social reconstruction.  相似文献   

为适应当代民俗建筑的相关设计,深入发掘东北地区传统的辽金时代建筑文化,通过与唐宋、明清建筑文化的对比,归纳总结了辽金时代特有的一些建筑文化特点。并分析在当代建筑中成功应用中国古建筑元素的案例,学习其设计方法,并将其运用到当代民俗建筑中去。  相似文献   

曹祥  梁云利  贺文凯  刘振东 《混凝土》2005,(6):93-94,98
本文通过清水混凝土在北京某大型办公楼的成功应用,主要介绍配制和生产清水混凝土的一些控制措施.包括严格选择原材料.精心设计配合比及严格的生产过程控制,并分析和探讨影响混凝土外观的因素。  相似文献   

孙亮 《山西建筑》2004,30(15):17-18
介绍了建筑符号学的理论 ,从建筑符号学的抽象性、建筑符号学中新符号的产生、建筑符号的失真现象等方面进行了论述 ,对建筑符号学这一理论的价值进行了肯定  相似文献   

持续发展建筑中的生态建筑与绿色建筑   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
崔英姿  赵源 《山西建筑》2004,30(8):9-10
阐述了持续发展建筑的两个层面的意义,分析了绿色建筑与生态建筑之间的差异及联系,指出这两方面相辅相成,共同推进建筑的持续发展。  相似文献   

极繁主义的代表“巴洛克”和“洛可可”风格:极简主义:在德国由格罗皮乌斯提出。建筑存在的悠久历史使之成为宇宙之中最多样的文化,也是艺术的引导者——创造依据与依赖物质实体。当东方的文明远远领先世界文明之列的时候.它所依据的物质实体却在时间的流逝中慢慢腐朽,但这依然不影响东方世界的发展。  相似文献   

刘剑  黄康 《山西建筑》2007,33(26):268-268
就我国建筑节能现状及实施做了初步探讨,并对造成我国建筑高能耗的原因进行了分析,指出建筑节能对我国社会发展具有的重要意义,提出全民应提高节能意识,以有效推广节能建筑。  相似文献   

试论建筑类院校城市规划专业和建筑学专业合并问题   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
改革开放以来,建筑类院校在特定的历史环境里,在建筑学的基础上陆续开办城市规划专业,适应了市场急需,取得了重要的、历史性的发展;另一方面,随着学科的发展,学习化社会来临以及社会市场对城市规划的人才培养新要求,学科融合、专业合并是建筑类院校人才培养方式的必由之路,并以此契机,为两个专业全面提升奠定基础。  相似文献   

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