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Counting respirable dust particles using bright field microscopy has been the classic approach for rapid practical evaluation of the dustiness of workplace atmospheres. The technique has been beset with difficulties arising out of variations in the optical systems and the counting cells used by various laboratories. This paper reviews the history of the technique and some of the problems which have been encountered. It also details the method used by the Vermont Division of Occupational Health for the past 20 years to count dust, describing the easily reproducible optical system and the use of a “thin” hemocytometer cell employed.  相似文献   

对“批判的地域主义”的批判性阅读   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王颖  卢永毅 《建筑师》2007,(5):12-17
本文通过对西方20世纪80年代以来批判的地域主义理论的重要文献以及其批评的分析、比较和评述,提供了对于批判的地域主义正面和负面的多角度认识,并希望以此揭示出批判的地域主义从其产生时起就不可避免的内部矛盾。  相似文献   

Gorman J 《Interiors (New York, N.Y. : 1978)》1992,151(12):28, 32, 36 passim

不久前,《星球大战前传3:西斯的复仇》在全球同步首映,中国的观众陷入到了狂欢之中,尽情地享受着全球化带给我们的福音。我们在世界各地看同一部电影,吃肯德基、麦当劳,这无疑是进步,但同时也表明我们正在趋同一种没有任何可识别性的消费文化,地方性知识正在日趋消亡。其实,地方性知识的黄昏早已降临。  相似文献   

范东晖 《建筑师》2006,(3):34-37
20世纪60年代,西方社会出现文化转型,建筑理论在对建筑社会意义的重新思考中,走上了一条“批判性生存”的道路。本文概述了批判理论对建筑学的影响,并对目前批判建筑在现实世界中面临的“批判”与“生存”两难处境进行了分析。  相似文献   

随着现代主义运动由盛而衰,建筑学中源于手工艺及机器大工业的"建造"概念被重新审视,而逐渐被"制造"所取代,"制造"与"建造"相比,其含义更复杂、多元,即不仅指向物质现实的实体塑造,还包括了意识形态的概念策划、设计策略、文本阐述等等。在这一理论框架下简介鲁本·A·阿尔克莱、罗密·赫奇·马钱特、雨果·P·萨格雷多、罗德里戈·佩雷斯·德·阿尔塞几位学者与此观念相关的研究成果。《新建筑》杂志将其所撰写的研究论文辑录为本期专栏,以期引起读者关注,并进一步对当代建筑及建筑设计的本质与意义进行批判性思考。  相似文献   

There are occasions when individuals working for a business see beyond the intended consequences of strategies, and foresee potentially detrimental unintended consequences. Described as critical strategic foresight, it is likely to come from individuals with some challenging questions about how to deal with the future and, hence, cannot be gathered via permanent facilities such as suggestion schemes and knowledge management systems. Without these facilities, an individual's inconvenient and challenging question about the future can easily be attributed to resistance to change. Accordingly, an individual's critical strategic foresight can be regarded as a negative view to be eradicated rather than an original view to be evaluated. Businesses are therefore urged to make use of creative thinking methods to better anticipate potentially detrimental unintended consequences.  相似文献   

Siza's architecture is remarkable for its precise accommodation to sites. Since the 1970s it has shown a more explicit reliance upon typological forms. Both aspects of his work suggest an architecture anchored to history. Yet, for all the importance that site and type seem to play in Siza's work, they emerge as strange protagonists. Although tightly calibrated to site, Siza's architecture reveals the remoteness of the past, establishing an intricate contrast between itself and the underlying site. Types are deployed, but the hierarchies of our movement through them, of implied architectural promenades, seem to occur against their grain - as if the historical orders manifest in types were inherited instruments of a remote and somewhat alien past. This article delineates these phenomena in Siza's work, and reveals their genealogy in the historical milieu out of which Siza emerged.  相似文献   

基于Lade-Duncan破坏准则,在平面应变条件下,本文首先解决了土体内聚力和内摩擦角的合理选取问题,进而利用这些参数进一步探讨了地基的临塑荷载、界限荷载和极限荷载。研究结果表明,土体的天然静止侧压力系数对地基的临塑荷载和界限荷载有显著的影响:同时也指出中间主应力对地基的临塑荷载、界限荷栽或极限荷载均有重要的影响,显著地提高了地基的承载力。  相似文献   

This article aims at making international development (ID) projects critical. To that end, it shows that project management (PM) in ID has evolved as an offshoot of conventional PM moving like the latter, but at varying speeds, from a traditional approach suited to blueprint projects where tools matter (1960s–1980s); towards eclectic and contingent approaches suited to process projects where people matter the most (1980s–now); and finally pointing towards the potential contribution of a critical perspective which focuses on issues of power (1980s–now). Consequently, it points to a confluence between the Critical Project Studies movement and Critical Development Studies movements. More specifically, it argues that the postdevelopment, the Habermasian, the Foucauldian and the neo-Marxist lenses may be effectively called upon in that scholarship. Thus, it suggests a framework to encourage project actors to reflect on their personal positions in light of the power relations which shape PM in ID.  相似文献   

导读:批判遗产研究的批判性阅读 2021年5月,上海古籍出版社推出了罗德尼·哈里森(Rodney Harrison)所著《文化和自然遗产:批判性思路》一书的中文译本[1].该书英文版Heritage:Critical Approaches面世于2012年8月[2],近十年来已被公认为当代"批判遗产研究"领域(Critical Heritage Studies,CHS)的代表作,在国际遗产理论界产生了广泛影响,并被世界多所著名大学的遗产研究课程列为必读书目.  相似文献   

随着临床研究和基础研究的不断深入,研究者们对重症患者诊疗评价指标的认知不断提高,发展至今,重症患者的治疗已然从群体化、个体化治疗发展到器官化治疗阶段,直接评估器官血流并以器官血流及功能改善为目标的治疗方式越来越多地应用于重症患者临床诊治。重症超声作为重症患者治疗的重要监测和评价方式,在器官化治疗方面发挥着不可替代的作用,不断推动着重症医生对疾病的认知和评价方式。重症超声的应用,革新了人们对全身氧输送的认知,深化了对心肺以及其他重要脏器血流动力学的理解,同时推动了重症患者的临床诊治。如何更好地应用重症超声,精细对器官血流动力学的评价,是重症医生面临的重要问题。本文拟从全身氧输送及器官血流评估两方面,系统阐述重症超声发挥的重要作用及应用方法,以期为临床医生提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

This paper discusses several efforts made to study and investigate soft rocks, as well as their physico- mechanical characteristics recognized up to now, the problems in their sampling and testing, and the possibility of its reproduction through artificially made soft rocks, The problems in utilizing current and widespread classification systems to some types of weak rocks are also discussed, as well as other problems related to them. Some examples of engineering works in soft rock or in soft ground are added, with emphasis on their types of problems and solutions.  相似文献   

Combining insights from the sociology and political economy of the professions with several more recent analyses of canon formation, this article provides a critique of the transmission model of education which currently dominates architectural training. The transmission model is criticized for its tendency to portray students as passive and homogeneous professional subjects removed from social and political forces. An alternative model of educational practice, informed by theories of critical pedagogy, is considered. Critical pedagogy provides insights into how the existing framework of architectural education might be challenged, permitting the development of a more democratic learning environment informed by competing interpretations, alternative histories, and a new range of situated political issues.  相似文献   

杨林  庞弘 《华中建筑》2009,27(5):10-12
解决现代建筑面临的环境与能源压力以及复兴本土建筑文化,使得研究批判性地域主义建筑具有双重含义。该文试图通过研究其与现代建筑、传统、乡土、技术等四方面的关系,并对恰当的建筑实例进行剖析,来解读批判性地域主义建筑特征。  相似文献   

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