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介绍了图书馆2.0的概念,阐述了图书馆2.0带来的变化,探讨了图书馆2.0发展的障碍。  相似文献   

介绍了图书馆2.0的概念,阐述了图书馆2.0带来的变化,探讨了图书馆2.0发展的障碍。  相似文献   

网格技术的出现,催生了图书馆2.0这种全新的信息和知识管理形态。使需要运用知识的人们,能够通过网格技术迅速的较为准确地找到自己所需要的知识点。网格技术使知识有了自我产生的可能。为了使知识有序生长。我们图书馆人面临的是难得的机遇和全新的挑战。本文试图对运用网格技术,建立知识推介系统,为党校的教学科研服务作一些探讨。  相似文献   

网格技术的出现,催生了图书馆2.0这种全新的信息和知识管理形态。使需要运用知识的人们,能够通过网格技术迅速的较为准确些找到自己所需要的知识点。网格技术使知识有了自我产生的可能。为了使知识有序生长。我们图书馆人面临的是难得的机遇和全新的挑战。本文试图对运用网格技术,建立知识推介系统,为党校的教学科研服务作一些探讨。  相似文献   

Web2.0技术用于高校图书馆服务工作,具有重要的意义,盖因Web2.0技术具有丰富的高科技含量,能有效整合图书馆服务平台与读者的关系,促进图书馆服务方式的优化和服务效率的显著提升,服务目标得以实现。特别是利用Web2.0技术中的Rss技术提供给读者以个性化的服务、建立互动渠道,实现即时通讯、多功能的资源整合,实现数字化服务,这一系列的方法策略,有助于提高图书馆服务工作效率和质量,值得在实践中进一步发展创新。  相似文献   


In April 2006, Alliance Library System and Online Programming for All Libraries partnered to start the Second Life Library 2.0 in the online world Second Life and in August 2006 purchased an island on the Teen grid of Teen Second Life. Second Life is a virtual world, a descendant of multiplayer online games. Educational institutions have recently been drawn into Second Life's robust economy and vibrant cultural life. The Second Life Library 2.0 works with librarians from around the world and with other educational partners such as TechSoup, WorldBridges, and the New Media Consortium. Second Life Library 2.0 provides “traditional” library services such as ready reference, book discussions, and search assistance, but, at heart, it explores what it means to be a virtual library in a virtual world.  相似文献   

Many CBR systems have been developed in the past. However, currently many CBR systems are facing a sustainability issue such as outdated cases and stagnant case growth. Some CBR systems have fallen into disuse due to the lack of new cases, case update, user participation and user engagement. To encourage the use of CBR systems and give users better experience, CBR system developers need to come up with new ways to add new features and values to the CBR systems. The author proposes a framework to use text mining and Web 2.0 technologies to improve and enhance CBR systems for providing better user experience. Two case studies were conducted to evaluate the usefulness of text mining techniques and Web 2.0 technologies for enhancing a large scale CBR system. The results suggest that text mining and Web 2.0 are promising ways to bring additional values to CBR and they should be incorporated into the CBR design and development process for the benefit of CBR users.  相似文献   

为实现无时无处的图书馆2.0,首先对SOA进行了概述,包括其基本概念以及架构,同时介绍了SOA的主流实现技术WebService的概念及其相关协议,结合国内外图书馆2.0应用研究,重点介绍了基于SOA的Web服务实现Library 2.0的核心技术。  相似文献   

Flash MX是优秀的动画制作软件,结合ActionScript2.0可以制作强大的交互式课件。本文根据开发交互式课件库的实际经验,给出了进行交互课件库建设的一般制作流程,并制定了通用的8层5帧的课件开发模板。  相似文献   

为探讨基于UML 2.0进行数字图书馆系统建模与设计的方法,采用UML 2.0作为建模工具构造数字图书馆模型,并结合Rational统一过程加以描述。在对数字图书馆业务建模和需求分析的基础上,建立其静态结构与动态结构模型,并指导开发。将UML应用于数字图书馆建设,可以加速开发进程,提高代码质量,支持动态业务需求。  相似文献   

Web2.0技术在互联网上已是流行趋势,这给高校信息资源建设提供了新的思路,可以提高建设效能、改善资源质量,本文介绍分析了Web2.0在信息资源共享的应用后,指出了Web2.0应用于图书馆的可行性,即引入图书馆与用户之间、用户与用户之间的交互信息资源新模式,真正实现以读者用户为中心。  相似文献   

In laboratory automation systems the user interface is that part of the software/hardware systems that provides for communication with the user. A new software approach is reported, consisting of a flexible interpreter combined with FORTRAN coded application modules. The interpreter (BACO) is built on a tagged data structure, comprising user variables, program lines as well as part of the language definition. A language dialect may be defined, tailored to the requirements of the application at hand. The structure of the system is described and an example of its application is given.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce our experiences in applying the Web 2.0 philosophy to build a TV guide system for Interactive Digital TV (IDTV) platforms. Subscribers give their opinion about TV content and, informally, a folksonomy is progressively built. Based on this shared knowledge, the TV guide obtains personal recommendations and allows users to browse among the multimedia content. Additionally, and over this collaborative layer, a more formal vision enables applying semantic reasoning to supplement the knowledge informally inferred.  相似文献   


Challenges to the process of thinking critically about information resources abound in the electronic environment. As the proliferation of sites on the World Wide Web increases, more and more librarians and educators are faced with the daunting task of instructing users in the scholarly applications of the Web. These obstacles to critical thinking include the mystery of computing technologies, the seduction of the user by various aspects of the technology, and the perplexity or confusion caused by the sensation of being overwhelmed by information. Through the examination of these obstacles in the instruction setting and using tool analysis to demystify these obstacles, the student will receive a clearer view of the information landscape that he/she has begun to explore.  相似文献   


This article is a theoretical discussion that introduces examining the emerging library blog of the public academic library from the approach of genre theory. Genre theory classifies texts not only by form but by the social actions performed, a definition developed by Carol Miller. Public and private spheres are found to intersect in the library blog, complicating the traditional role of the librarian as objective information provider.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with information-seeking dialogues in a restricted domain (we consider a consultation system for a Computer Science Department, delivering information about the various tasks that the users may want to perform: for example, how to access the library, get information about the courses of the Department, etc.) and presents a framework where a plan recognition and a user modeling component are integrated to cooperate in the task of identifying the user's plans and goals. The focus of the paper is centered on the techniques used for building the user model and exploiting it in the determination of the user's intentions. For this task, we use stereotypes and we propose some inference rules for expanding the user model by inferring the user's beliefs from both the sentences s/he utters and the information stored in the plan library of the system, that describes the actions in the domain. Moreover, we introduce some disambiguation rules that are applied to the information in the user model for restricting the set of ambiguous hypotheses on the user's plans and goals to the most plausible ones. This also simplifies a further clarification dialogue if it is necessary for a precise identification of the user's intentions.  相似文献   

There are many research reports directed at establishing the characteristics and needs of new or inexperienced computer users, and indeed these have been the topic of at least three substantial review articles in the last decade. Most of these studies, however, make little effort to report carefully the defining characteristics of their samples beyond the use of intuitive and tautologous labels such as 'expert' or 'naive' and so on. Inevitably this leads to difficulties in interpretation and generalization of findings. The paper outlines some conceptual considerations in separating out terms applied to computer user samples and suggests a basis for a fuller reporting of sample parameters which would aid comparison between reported studies.  相似文献   

User interface design and coding can be complex and messy. We describe a system that uses code search to simplify and automate the exploration of such code. We start with a simple sketch of the desired interface along with a set of keywords describing the application context. If necessary, we convert the sketch into a scalable vector graphics diagram. We then use existing code search engines to find results based on the keywords. We look for potential Java-based graphical user interface solutions within those results and apply a series of code transformations to the solutions to generate derivative solutions, aiming to get solutions that constitute only the user interface and that will compile and run. We run the resultant solutions and compare the generated interfaces to the user’s sketches. Finally, we let programmers interact with the matched solutions and return the running code for the solutions they choose. The system is useful for exploring alternative interfaces to the initial and for looking at graphical user interfaces in a code repository.  相似文献   

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