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根据国家质量监督检验检疫总局任务书,中国建材工业协会和北京国建东方绿色建材认证有限公司、地方有关部门以及中国砖瓦工业协会的安排和委托,国家建筑材料工业墙体屋面材料质量监督检验测试中心2003年对全国686个生产企业的726个墙体屋面材料及道路广场砖产品进行了国家监督抽查、重点企业检查、认证产品监督检查、地方委托检查及新标准执行准备情况检查。受检企业产量:墙体屋面材料约3000亿块(折烧结普通砖),道路广场砖约1.2亿平方米,分别占目前全国生产企业总产量的4.2%和2.4%,受检企业分别约占目前生产企业总数的1%和1.1%。抽查产品分…  相似文献   

Much like religious objects produced and consumed elsewhere in the Islamic world, images of Muhammad are often associated with acts of play and worship, their power to cultivate joy and direct religious feelings in various faith communities strengthened in large part by their remove from the commodity situation. As scholars of visual and material culture have highlighted, a product is never merely an object to be acquired and used, stripped of symbolic import and application. On the contrary, it is a thoroughly socialized commodity central to cultural practices of exchange—of sending and receiving social messages—that take place in regimes of value. Within postrevolutionary Iran in particular, images and objects depicting the Prophet Muhammad have been manufactured en masse over the past three decades, catering to official regime ideology and popular devotional practices alike. This study explores how these types of prophetic products serve to visually reinforce and materially reify narratives about the ascendancy of the Shi’i faith, the legitimacy of Islamic governance, and the value of martyrdom within the larger religious and political landscape of contemporary Iran.  相似文献   

改革开放后,随着经济建设的迅猛发展,对基本建筑材料的需求量成倍增长,我国砖瓦工业也进入了快速增长时期,全网烧结砖瓦生产企业曾一度发展到12万家之多.如此大规模建设还是一种高速度、低水平的建设,也引发了一系列问题,诸如技术装备落后导致产品质量低下,相对能耗过高,毁田现象严重,对环境负面影响较大等.为此,从20世纪80年代末开始,我国正式启动了墙体材料革新工作,以禁止使用耗能高、资源消耗大的实心粘土砖为突破口,大力发展新型墙体材料,这使中国砖瓦工业遇到了前所未有的挑战,同时也为这一古老行业的发展进步带来了良好的机遇.  相似文献   

宋戈  金音 《建筑与文化》2016,(11):178-180
正近年来我国汽车市场得到了快速的发展,而进行一般乘用车销售和维修服务的场所——汽车4S店的数量也经历了爆炸式的增长,成为一种常见的建筑类型,并在外部形象、内部功能分区与流线、防火技术等方面有着特殊的要求。奥迪(Audi)品牌将这种场所称为奥迪城市展厅,其在中国的建设热潮是从2008年开始,迄今已建成400余家。奥迪城市展厅的设计和建造使用了内部代号为"Terminal"的全球统一建筑CI标准,这是一个包含了建筑方案设计、施工图设计、室内精装修设计、家具布置设计、标示布置设计、施工服务等的全流程服务(参见图2)。而大约  相似文献   

《Material Religion》2013,9(2):142-155

Introducing the themes and contexts for this special issue of the journal, this editorial reflects particularly on the experience of museums and museum and heritage educators in the UK and Asia in interpreting religions and religious art. It looks at successful examples of specialist museum programs and exhibits on religions; and distance learning resources that include faiths in suggesting new approaches to citizenship education through cultural learning. It looks more broadly at new approaches to religious education that encompass sacred spaces.  相似文献   

绿色建材的发展:从概念到发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
今天,对“绿色”的理解已从安全、健康、环保的概念发展为评价社会可持续发展的重要标识。我国绿色建材、绿色建筑的发展并不是从理念到实践的逐步有序推进,而是在学习发达国家的先进理念和经验的同时,以时不我待的迫切要求,以简单的拿来主义方式学习国际先进经验,在同一时期全  相似文献   

罗皓宇 《中国建材》2007,(12):70-74
中国复材4年来主营业务收入增长334%,利润总额增长212%,净利润增长163%;已由单一复合材料制造商发展为以风力发电机叶片、碳纤维、新型铺地材料、玻璃纤维薄毡、玻璃钢管罐、高压容器、船艇及休闲类复合材料产品等为主营业务的国家级产业集团。  相似文献   

俞啸 《建筑机械化》2012,33(11):20-24,4
2012年11月7日,在喜迎党的十八大胜利召开之际,中国工程机械工业协会在古城西安隆重召开了第四届二次会员代表大会暨第十一届工程机械发展高层论坛。  相似文献   

邓洁  唐晓岚 《山西建筑》2008,34(8):25-26
指出受某些历史原因的影响,传统的风水理论曾一度被人视为文化糟粕,对应当代景观环境设计,通过系统阐述风水理论所含的文化内涵以及若干科学思想,揭示了其对当代景观设计所具有的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

史娇艳  李国彦  黄雯 《建筑》2010,(10):6-10
河南省长垣县的防腐蚀产业从"一把刷子"起步,发展成为当地支柱产业,走出了独具特色的"长垣之路"。其成功经验可以归结为两条:一是长垣人肯吃苦,敢闯敢干;二是长垣县委、县政府管理有方,在抓好人才培养这一基础工作的同时,狠抓行业发展的软硬环境,为长垣防腐蚀业的发展提供了肥沃土壤。  相似文献   

The Chinese GNP in 1993 was 13.4%, against 12.7% in 1992 and this paper highlights the role of the construction industry in China and pinpoints those areas that will have new legislation following the introduction of the Construction Industry Development Act as well as issues dealing with reform and international practice.  相似文献   

Despite wide-ranging research on information and communication technologies (ICT) in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry, little is known about the role that industry plays in the adoption and use of ICT. Based on observations of how the drivers for ICT use seem to be inconsistent with the industry’s central characteristics, and drawing on information systems (IS) research that demonstrates the role of shared systems of meaning, the purpose here is to develop an analytical framework that explains how industry shapes the adoption and use of ICT. Building on a theoretically driven approach and a case study, a framework is first sketched and then substantiated through empirical illustrations. Three dimensions of industry are highlighted: the socio-cognitive environment, the market and production environment and institutional actors. It is explained how the interplay of these dimensions shapes the way the industry functions, which in turn influence the adoption and use of ICT. The outcomes of the interplay can either be aligned or misaligned with ICT, which explains why certain aligned applications are rapidly adopted, whereas other applications are not. The primary implication is that the framework can aid in analysing the need for structural adaptation when trying to achieve ICT-induced change.  相似文献   

This paper introduces two starkly contrasting faces of recent European urbanism, and shows how they have shaped the same urban territory, New Belgrade. In the first place, it outlines the central dilemmas and difficulties around the construction of a large modernist city in Europe, and secondly, it explores the modifications undertaken in order to accommodate a radically different, consumption‐oriented society. The location for this enquiry is the largest municipal district within Belgrade. New Belgrade, with its immense size and expanse (over 40 sq km and a population of about 250,000), grand boulevards and massive apartment buildings lined up in numbered blocks, is a mixture of modernist vision and socialist planning, far larger than any comparable urban district in Central and Eastern European cities. Designed as a federal capital for Tito’s Yugoslavia, it rapidly became a predominantly residential suburb. New Belgrade is now being re‐positioned and partly re‐built as a business centre in a process of change driven largely by international capital, with international companies investing in the construction of large retail, leisure and business facilities. At the same time, open spaces are being filled in, often with up‐market housing. The paper provides an overview of some of the plans and controversies that surrounded the city’s construction and an outline of the modifications that have transformed New Belgrade since.  相似文献   

<正>2009年11月25日,在哥本哈根联合国气候变化大会前夕,我国政府郑重承诺到2020年单位生产总值温室气体排放比2005年下降40%~45%,今年3月全国人大和政协两会上,温家宝总理在政府工  相似文献   

一、2004年行业运行情况 湖北省委省政府把建材工业列为全省经济的重要支柱产业.2004年适应新形势、新任务、迎接新挑战,全省建材工业总产值290亿元,与2003年相比,增长20%,居全国第8位;工业增加值100亿元,同比增长20%,居全国第8位;利税26亿元,同比增长25%,居全国第9位;水泥产量3700万吨,同比增长12%,居全国第8位.  相似文献   

李湘洲 《门窗》2004,(6):33-35
1国家发展与改革委员会国发[1996]31号文件中规定:“建设项目,无论大、中、小,无论新、扩、改建和技术改造,都需要采用能耗物耗小,污染物产生量少的清洁生产工艺“.……  相似文献   

人生有几个5年? 人生有几个“同志+兄弟”共创辉煌从而终身无憾的5年? 中材料集团总经理谭仲明和党委书记于世良正是这样一对“同志+兄弟”组合。 回首中材料集团从2001年至2005年走过的历程,上至国务院国资委,下至集团干部职工,都在称道——  相似文献   

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