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Mid-twentieth-century modern architecture in Houston thematised responsiveness to the natural phenomena of heat and light despite the fact that Houston's most celebrated modern buildings were designed to be completely reliant on central air-conditioning. An examination of Houston buildings constructed from the late 1940s through the 1960s demonstrates the ways in which modern architects sought to privilege the architectural recognition of regional climatic difference while also employing modern technology to alleviate local climatic extremes of heat and humidity. The spectacular modern buildings that represent this era in Houston raise crucial questions: How did architects reconcile the doctrine of climatic responsiveness to the equally modern desire for maximum transparency? What proved more compelling: responsiveness to local circumstance or the imperatives of modern structural and mechanical engineering? Did modern architects perceive that there might be contradictions between responsiveness to climate and other aspects of modern architectural identity, such as transparency? Because concern about the roles of building design and construction in the responsible use of natural resources is current at the turn of the twenty-first century, it is pertinent to examine the ways modern architects in a particular climatic setting negotiated the issue of climatic responsiveness as modern architecture became the dominant practice.  相似文献   

伊朗历史荟萃了丰富的建筑杰作,比如萨删时代(540AD)的“Tagh—i—Kasra”以及那个年代建造的规模最大的墓穴。经过1400年前阿拉伯人的劫掠,那时曾经是索罗亚斯德教徒的伊朗人开始转而信仰伊斯兰教。这次转变造就了伊朗建筑与伊斯兰建筑的相互融合。该文探讨了伊朗建筑师在设计适合伊朗不同气候地区(如炎热干旱地区或温带和寒带地区)的建筑时所采用的可持续性传统方法,对建筑形式与环境的协调进行了重新解读,以期人们反思现代建筑与现代规划。  相似文献   

日本建筑在当今世界建筑中独具一格,是东方建筑的典型代表。在不同历史阶段日本在在对待外来建筑文化上,是基于一定的模式进行吸收和采纳,并与自身本土民族性的建筑文化发生交织与碰撞,使建筑跳脱出单一的仿造和复制,而是发生质变产生全新的内涵。日本建筑得以重生,在于建筑师找到了民族性与外来文化共生的发展途径,大胆创新,形成富有意蕴的新建筑。文章纵观日本建筑史,结合建筑实例进行分析,对中国现代建筑文化如何把握有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

中国新乡土建筑的当代策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球化进程的不断推进,新乡土建筑这一课题逐渐引起了人们的重视和关注。一批国内建筑师。从本民族的建筑出发,在对中国本土建筑进行深入研究和分析的基础上,设计出了一批极富乡土韵昧。又充满现代气息的建筑。虽然目前中国新乡土建筑设计还处于起步阶段,也存在着一些问题,但他们的创新精神。值得许多建筑师学习。  相似文献   

The paper explores the idea of architecture and Occidentalism in the writings of building journals and illustrated magazines in the early twentieth century. More specifically, it examines how images of architecture, buildings and landscapes of the “West” and the “non-West” were used as key tropes to construct particular imaginaries and moral claims at a specific time and space: republican Shanghai and colonial Hong Kong from the mid-1920s to the late 1930s. Central to these developments was the emergence of new image-making practices that were made available by modern printing technologies, which led to a surge of production and circulation of images in the popular press. As a salient representation of modernity, progress and achievements of “civilizations,” images of architecture came to capture the attention of architects and builders, cultural producers and the fast-growing middle-class reading public in these metropolises. The exploration of these representational practices raises several questions: What kinds of assumptions about the “West” and the “non-West” were associated with these architectural images at this time? What kinds of new knowledge did the authors of these articles seek to produce through their experimentation with new visual and textual strategies? How did these representations relate to and differ from those in the more authoritative architectural historiographies? Finally, if these narrative productions about the West can be seen as processes of Occidentalism, what new historical insights do they offer?  相似文献   

专注于此时此地——关于北欧当代建筑中的地方主义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
董卫 《新建筑》1997,(3):35-39
北欧地方主义建筑的特征主要表现在:将在历史的尊重融于对现实环境的深刻理解之中,在借鉴国外建筑思想对本国本地和具体项目性的实际情况出发,充分利用当地资源,使新的建筑成为一种真正的地方产品。  相似文献   

The concept of tropical architecture is one that was constructed in the 1950s to link the work of modernist practitioners in a number of locations outside the West. Tropical architecture has been represented as a form of critical regionalism, in that it offers a language based in the conditions of the non-western world. While this may be true of the movement in the Americas, in the case of the British colonies of West Africa tropical architecture was located within the networks of modernist and colonial culture as much as it was place bound. Tropical architecture was established in the metropolitan architectural circles of the 1950s through the use of the term in books and journals, a conference and a course of specialisation in London. These forms of support assisted architects to create modern architecture in far-flung sites, under difficult conditions. Despite this enmeshment of the peripheral sites of practice with the colonial metropolis through communications, tropical architecture was seen as something other than colonial architecture. The changing political and economic opportunities at the end of the colonial period prompted architects to develop a post-colonial identity for architecture, which was done through the representation of their approach as one that could transcend national boundaries. Tropical Architecture in the Humid Zones , by Fry and Drew explicitly offers support for an imaginary architect who comes from a generic tropical zone. The influence of the metropolis on the culture of tropical architecture remained significant, even after independence. While the consistency of approaches that marked the work of the 1950s has been replaced by a multiplicity of attitudes to design, the contemporary literature, curricula and research on African architecture share an emphasis on its climatic conditions. This content, in turn, ties the approach to authoritative sources in the West, giving it an identity that links the local and the global in complex and interdependent ways.  相似文献   

东南亚传统民居特质及其现代发展与运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东南亚是一个独特的地理、文化区域,文章在总结该区域传统民居天然的建筑材料、简明的构造特征、民族化的装饰艺术、生态的建筑技术等建筑特质的基础上,分析了现代社会、经济、文化条件下东南亚传统民居特质的现代发展与运用。指出当代建筑师们应当在运用现代建筑理念和手法的基础上,吸收当地传统建筑的建构智慧,创造出适合当地生活条件、符合现代生活需求和审美观念的新建筑形式来,这也是乡土建筑现代化与现代建筑地区化的永恒之道。  相似文献   

This paper considers the architecture and design process of Liverpool University's Veterinary School and Civil Engineering building, designed by the modernist pioneer architect, Edwin Maxwell Fry (1899–1987) in the period 1955–60. The architecture of Britain in the aftermath of the Second World War marked a departure from the modernism associated with the International Style, ‘white cubes’ and ‘primitive functionalism’, and there was a move amongst architects and reports in the architectural press that sought to review architecture through the agendas of ‘expressive’, ‘formal’ and even ‘vernacular’ design. Both of Fry's buildings initially appear as subscribers to the functionalist doctrine, adopting a sombre, even aloof exterior, but a closer inspection reveals that they are not just the routine, clichéd modern buildings that became so prevalent and scorned throughout the 1950s. They demonstrate some of the wider concerns architects had at that time, namely: monumentality, the use of art and murals as a means of conveying meaning, and a concern for context within a functional-vernacular tradition. These notions were also astutely tracked through the architectural journals along with ‘formalism’ (leading to Brutalism) and perhaps most significantly through Nikolaus Pevsner's determination to bind the English picturesque tradition with the lineage of Modernism.  相似文献   

朱广宇 《华中建筑》2012,(1):168-170
从20世纪初开始,前后三代提契诺建筑师的创作既传承了伦巴第地区文化和阿尔卑斯山区的乡土传统,又结合了现代建筑的基本原理,形成了独具特色的地域建筑文化。30年代,以瑞诺·塔米为代表的早期现代主义建筑师开创了提契诺建筑文化的新局面;70年代中期,提契诺学派在"提契诺现代建筑"展览后引起了世人的瞩目;90年代末,门德里西奥建筑学院成为推动提契诺建筑创作继续发展的新力量。在USI校园建设中,提契诺第二代建筑师和新生代建筑师将新理性主义和批判地域主义结合起来,共同创造了多元共生的建筑文化。  相似文献   

Natural ventilation is regarded as one of the most energy-efficient ways of ventilating a building. Suitable methods for predicting ventilation performance are essential for regulating indoor air parameters in buildings. This study establishes a method to predict the natural ventilation potential for residential buildings. The average annual ventilation rate (N) and annual cooling load saving ratio (ACSR) for the top six types of residential buildings were measured and analyzed under different conditions. The N calculation formula was summarized to calculate the natural ventilation air change rate for each of the designated buildings. In addition, the logarithmic regression curves of the ACSR (with N) were also obtained and then used to predict the natural ventilation potential for specific climatic conditions. The simulation results could be used to guide engineers in deciding when and where natural ventilation can be incorporated as an energy-efficient feature without affecting indoor comfort. Moreover, accurate strategic analysis could also be used to assist architects evaluate the potential of natural ventilation at the architectural pre-design stage.  相似文献   

The concept of tropical architecture is one that was constructed in the 1950s to link the work of modernist practitioners in a number of locations outside the West. Tropical architecture has been represented as a form of critical regionalism, in that it offers a language based in the conditions of the non-western world. While this may be true of the movement in the Americas, in the case of the British colonies of West Africa tropical architecture was located within the networks of modernist and colonial culture as much as it was place bound.

Tropical architecture was established in the metropolitan architectural circles of the 1950s through the use of the term in books and journals, a conference and a course of specialisation in London. These forms of support assisted architects to create modern architecture in far-flung sites, under difficult conditions. Despite this enmeshment of the peripheral sites of practice with the colonial metropolis through communications, tropical architecture was seen as something other than colonial architecture. The changing political and economic opportunities at the end of the colonial period prompted architects to develop a post-colonial identity for architecture, which was done through the representation of their approach as one that could transcend national boundaries. Tropical Architecture in the Humid Zones , by Fry and Drew explicitly offers support for an imaginary architect who comes from a generic tropical zone.

The influence of the metropolis on the culture of tropical architecture remained significant, even after independence. While the consistency of approaches that marked the work of the 1950s has been replaced by a multiplicity of attitudes to design, the contemporary literature, curricula and research on African architecture share an emphasis on its climatic conditions. This content, in turn, ties the approach to authoritative sources in the West, giving it an identity that links the local and the global in complex and interdependent ways.  相似文献   

文章主要介绍了日本现代主义建筑师如何思考和表达本国建筑传统。在20世纪30至40年代的民族主义背景下,这一主题引起了很多日本建筑师的注意,他们热衷于将现代建筑表现为在钢筋混凝土建筑上加上一个倾斜的瓦屋顶。但也有日本建筑师认为这只是对中国建筑的继承而非日本建筑本质的转译,并进而在现代主义的视角下发展了自身的传统。  相似文献   

现代城市和建筑的发展,使得自然通风的利用比传统建筑更为复杂。不同气候条件与建筑形式能否利用自然风需要更多的理论研究与技术支持。本文将结合中钢天津响螺湾项目重点探讨高层办公建筑自然通风引入技术的可行性方案,致力推动自然通风技术的应用,推动建筑的可持续发展。  相似文献   

在当前全球面临资源短缺、污染严重的严峻局势下,如何使建筑能够减少能耗,并使建筑能够给人提供一个绿色的空间,也成为摆在国内建筑师以及建筑行业面前的一个难题。生态建筑和仿生建筑是其中的一种解决方法。本文以笔者对于国外建筑界最新动态较为熟悉的知识背景,介绍了大量的近年来国际上最具代表性的生态建筑和仿生建筑,而且其中绝大多数的作品都是国际著名建筑师的作品。这对于国内的建筑设计以及建筑学教育都会起到较好的启发作用。  相似文献   

在当今中国高速的城市建设当中,出现了千城一面,表面的现代化,不可持续发展等问题,使城市变得越来越单调、冷漠、缺乏亲和力。因此,创作出具有地域文化特色和人情化的建筑是解决问题的基本方法。游牧文化作为内蒙古独具特色的文化现象,很多建筑师在创作当中尝试着应用,但很少有人来系统的学习或深入的理解。本文用抽象艺术的视角,寻求基于地域文化表达的建筑创作出发点,并通过对内蒙古草原造型艺术和内蒙古地区具有代表性的建筑进行归类分析,从而找到创作地域特色在建筑造型上表达的具体做法,期望能够为以地域建筑创作的建筑师们提供全新的视角。  相似文献   

通过分析中国城市公共建筑的发展,阐述了在中国经济快速发展过程中,城市公共建筑外观发展存在的问题:强暴旧城,破坏传统建筑,疯狂克隆、攀高比傻,乱建标志性建筑,盲目走城市国际化道路.仿古成瘾,造成中国许多城市建筑外观的相似性.并提出了解决以上问题的观点和方法.强调要繁荣中国城市建筑,建筑师要加强自身素质,不能盲目崇洋,要重视民族文化,不能丢弃本质.繁荣建筑创作要建立在中国地域文化上,中国的建筑创作的繁荣昌盛,要靠中国建筑师自身去完成,只有这样中国的建筑才会有生命力.  相似文献   

This article examines the emergence of "modernization"—the remodeling of existing buildings—as a significant part of architectural practice in the United States in the 1930s. It shows how the Great Depression spurred interest in modernization among architects and building material manufacturers. It reveals how architects reconsidered the scale, scope, and substance of professional practice. It investigates how manufacturers developed products and construction methods specifically for modernization, and it analyzes their strategies for promoting these products to architects and architectural clients. The article argues that modernization embodied a nexus of social, economic, and technological factors that transformed the interaction of architects, manufacturers, and clients, as well as the buildings they produced. It further contends that this transformation had important consequences, bringing about a reevaluation of the nature and definition of architecture and a questioning of the relationship between architecture and the marketplace—issues that are still being debated today.  相似文献   

肖湘东  陈伟志 《山西建筑》2006,32(6):48-48,65
从对自然环境气候的适应方面分析了湘西民族建筑的生态思想,对湘西居民超前的生态精神进行了研究,以达到创造具有良性生态循环和富有地方特色的当代建筑文化的效果,获得可持续发展。  相似文献   

生态原点——气候建筑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从乡土建筑入手,回顾建筑学与气候相关的历史,探讨乡土建筑对气候的反馈特征及现代气候建筑的成果。  相似文献   

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