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Traditional architecture and associated environments created by residential buildings provide an important focus of interest in contemporary Turkey.1 They are generally accepted as physical witnesses of the past to be preserved and studied. Continuity in the traditional characteristics of the social group living in these environments has been observed in many of the extant settlements in Turkey. The reciprocal relationship between the dwelling and its owners, or users, has led to a dual definition of the 'traditional dwelling unit': the social unit being the 'family', the architectural unit the 'dwelling'. The existing, modest-scaled, traditional dwellings in Turkey, which constitute the subject of this study, were mostly constructed after the seventeenth century, but more recent buildings exhibiting similar characteristics are also covered by the term 'traditional'.2 The concept of 'privacy' serves as the basis of evaluation in analysing the interrelation of any two units. The interface of two units can be defined as an hierarchy of privacy represented sociologically by the interrelations of person/family/neighbourhood relationships and architecturally through the interrelations of room/dwelling unit/street/neighbourhood.3 This approach will include a brief summary of some previous studies of traditional residential architecture (Fig. 1).  相似文献   

陈重东  蒋英 《山西建筑》2006,32(3):26-27
概述了生态建筑的起源及发展,从村镇的选址与规划布局、建筑材料、建筑形式论述了村镇传统居住建筑的生态性。从而为设计师们对生态技术的探索提供资料。  相似文献   

王崇恩 《山西建筑》2007,33(15):19-20
介绍了山西传统民居外墙高、单坡顶、四合院、规模大的建筑特点,阐述了其设计理念,并为发展地方特色的现代建筑设计提出了一些建议,以弘扬山西地方特色的建筑传统,创造出具有山西特色的建筑风格。  相似文献   

本介绍福建传统民居的平面类型,总结福建传统民居的成功经验以及与现实生活发生的矛盾,提出民居保护的措施。  相似文献   

徽州民居建筑中传统文化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对构成中国传统文化的架构及其特定的时空与群体意义的剖析,对中国文化架构的特质加以归纳并进而引申对传统徽州民居形态特征及其文化表现进行了分析,指出徽州民居是中国传统文化(意识)的缩影特例,对其建筑形式及内涵文化特征的把握应站在传统文化的本质层面.  相似文献   

王海云 《山西建筑》2007,33(22):46-47
从传统民居建筑的设计方法中归纳出四种可借鉴的创作方法:实用与艺术相结合、型类学的设计、类比与象征的设计手法、“话语与语境”的关系,并对现代建筑的设计,特别是对传统民居的现代化改造提出了建议。  相似文献   

从建筑防灾的层面分析了传统民居建筑的形成和发展,阐述了民居建筑防灾的精神性与物质性,从房屋选址、防震、防火、防水防潮、防风等方面探讨了民居建筑防灾的具体措施.  相似文献   

传统民居虽在许多方面已不适应现代生活,但其丰富 环境空间章法及文化内涵为现代居住环境的建筑文化提供许多 有益的启示,为传统民居的更新与发展现代居住建筑的设计寻 求创新的方法。  相似文献   


Recently, the role of occupants' behaviors on building energy efficiency has been much more taken into account. Occupants' migration on a building scale is a phrase on which this article focuses as one of the best occupants' responses to the climate condition for comfort and energy efficiency in traditional architecture. This paper attempts to step towards recovering the role of traditional adaptive occupants in contemporary buildings for comfort and energy efficiency. To this end, this study aimed to achieve the following objectives: (1) to summarize the socio-environmental and psychological elements of traditional housing that help occupants migrate in a building for their needs, comfort, and energy efficiency. (2) to reveal the interrelated factors affecting occupants' migration in building scale for comfort and energy efficiency. (3) to present types of occupant migration in buildings for comfort and energy efficiency. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, first, a literature review was conducted on the socio-environmental and psychological elements of traditional housing that help occupants migrate in a building for their needs, comfort, and energy efficiency. Also, the interrelated factors affecting occupants' migration in buildings and the types of occupant migration in building for comfort and energy efficiency were considered via both content analysis of available literature, and field survey methodologies. Besides, a comparison is made between the traditional style of housing and migration and the new style. Finally, the results showed that psychological, environmental, and social factors not only motivated people to move around to survive; achieve more thermal, visual, and mental comfort; but also contributed to more environmentally friendly spaces, which ultimately provide people with health, well-being, and energy efficiency. These movements and their associated contributing architectural elements were interrelated and affected one another in mutual respect. People underwent these movements in vertical and horizontal directions for their needs and energy efficiency because the space potentials provided incentives for them to do so.


The ancient walls of Diyarbakir are the city's most important urban element, exhibiting an artistic grace through the arrangement of the towers, architectural values, dimensions, materials, and decorations. Diyarbakir is located at the crossroads of important trade routes, one connecting the Western World to the Far East and the other connecting North to South. Architecturally, its defensive walls and towers make it one of the most important surviving castles. In this study, the history, location, architectural and building properties of fortifications of Diyarbakir were explained and technical dimensioning typology studies on towers and city walls were submitted.  相似文献   

岭南自古便是中、西文明交流的窗口.在两种异质文化的交流融汇过程中形成了独具特色的岭南建筑文化,从而产生融合中西两种建筑风格的岭南民居建筑.在中国社会现代化过程中由于传统岭南建筑文脉的失落,便产生了在住宅设计中岭南建筑文化传承问题的思考.  相似文献   

自然主义在居住建筑中的体现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
唐晓雪  石磊 《山西建筑》2006,32(9):12-13
介绍了几种不同建筑风格中所透出的自然主义情结,探讨了自然主义在住宅建筑中的体现,以促进自然主义在建筑设计中的应用,从而提升建筑设计水平。  相似文献   

谢巍  雷芸芸 《山西建筑》2007,33(32):54-55
论述了居住建筑的重要性,从功能、结构、设备、市场、美观等众多方面研究了居住建筑的设计因素,探讨了居住环境设计,以帮助设计时认清发展趋势,从而使建筑师对居住建筑的设计有明确的适应性和引导性。  相似文献   

浅析张家口地区传统民居建筑   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对张家口地区传统民居建筑的地理气候、文化社会环境作了分析,阐述了张家口地区传统民居建筑的空间布局、建筑形式、建筑材料的特征,总结了影响张家口地区传统民居建筑的各种因素,以期为今后的建筑规划设计积累经验。  相似文献   

罗松 《福建建筑》2012,(1):19-21
建发房产琴亭湖住宅项目从环境情感、场地情感、建筑情感三个方面深入诠释了在人居项目设计中,情感在建筑创作中潜移默化的贯穿与融合。  相似文献   

随着城市以空前的速度和规模开发建设,城市面貌日新月异,处于城市中心的历史旧城区的更新开发是迫切需要的,与此同时旧城区的历史保护却受到极大的挑战和冲击,其中城市老城区中的传统住区的处境尤为尴尬.由于功能上的需求,新建筑不断在旧城区中扎根,新建筑与原有的传统建筑间在文化、空间、建筑形式等等方面的对话不可避免.如何能够和谐共生,如何在保护与更新之间寻找一个平衡点,笔者以广州荔湾区华贵路小区招标项目为例,阐述在新的发展形势下,探索城市旧城区中传统住区保护与更新在实施中的思路和方法.  相似文献   

赵艳君 《山西建筑》2006,32(24):26-27
分析了从古典建筑到当代建筑的审美观念的变化,探讨了中国传统建筑文化的精粹与局限性,介绍了传统建筑与现代建筑之间的关系,论述了二者间艺术和审美意识锲合的创作之路,并指出了几种倾向,促成传统与现代的交汇。  相似文献   

对可呼吸建筑的实践进行了分析研究,认为可呼吸建筑在技术上有两种趋势,提出建筑师在设计过程中应尝试一些新技术,利用好自然气候条件,加强气流的组织和引导,节约能源,创造舒适健康的室内环境。  相似文献   

王卓娃 《山西建筑》2006,32(11):18-19
对“建筑作为一种栖息场所”进行了解读,从现象学、美学以及建筑创作的角度,阐释了建筑作为空间、人类活动的独特理解,也为评价建筑提供了另一条途径。  相似文献   

李娟 《山西建筑》2010,36(34):47-48
通过比较最具防御特色的民居建筑:福建土楼,赣南围屋,桃坪羌寨,粤开平碉楼,探讨了防御式民居之间的异同,以期深入挖掘防御性民居建筑的内涵价值与文化特征。  相似文献   

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