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Myrna L. Estep 《控制论与系统》2013,44(1):15-26
The problem of detecting nontransient faults in sequential logic circuits by random testing was analyzed by Das et al. utilizing the well-known continuous parameter Markov model. Given a sequential circuit with certain stuck faults specified, the original state table and its error version can be readily derived from analysis of the circuit under fault-free and faulty conditions, respectively. By simulating these two tables next on a computer, we can obtain the parameters of the desired Markov model. For a specified confidence degree, it is easy to derive the parameters of the model and to calculate the required lengths of the random test patterns, or the maximum testing time. This paper presents further analysis of the model and reports simulation results on VAX 11/750 system which provides some useful insights into the nature of faults in relation to random testing and the associated confidence degree. 相似文献
介绍了青海湖自然保护区视频监控网络的建设情况,并结合J2EE、ActiveX等技术,提出了构建基于Web的视频监控系统的详细设计方案.基于Web视频监控系统的建立为鸟类监测提供了一个简单易用的平台.该研究项目将服务干鸟类科研的开展,是一个结合了信息学、生物学的跨学科e-Science创新工程. 相似文献
This paper presents a general approach for building a robust and efficient supervision system for fault detection and recovery. The approach uses a set of monitors that obtain information about the system state and, instead of detecting fault states directly, detects significant differences between perceived and expected states. To deal with uncertainty in the knowledge about the system state and the result of some actions, it uses a POMDP model to decide when it is worthwhile to take recovery actions. We present the general approach and show its application with an indoor mobile robot by reporting and evaluating comparative results for different solutions. 相似文献
FDD(feature-driven development)是一种特征驱动的软件迭代开发过程.FDD把特征作为每次迭代开发的基本增量单元和里程碑,通过特征优先级控制、特征开发时间控制等措施,达到减少软件项目实施时间的目的.以FDD为基础,阐述了一种基于领域特征并行开发的方法,并结合学生收费领域的系统开发给出了其实施FDD的过程.该方法可以有效提高特征开发的并发性. 相似文献
本文介绍了一个实现分子模型的生成及显示的软件包,该软件包能对三维分子模型(空间填充模型)进行动态显示,随时进行几何变换及开窗变换,交互性能好.文章详细介绍了该软件包所采用的新的快速的算法,算法包括线框图显示及真实感图显示,与国外同类算法相比,研制的算法速度非常快. 相似文献
本文利用商用CFD软件对压气机转子通流部分建立了一个三维的数值模拟计算平台.对NASA Rotor 37跨音速压气机转子全工况特性进行了计算,与NASA Rotor37的实验结果对比表明,本文的网格生成技术和数值模拟方法都是比较成功的,满足一定的数值求解精度,具有工程技术应用价值.在湍流模型方面引入Baldwin-Lonax(B-L)湍流模型和Spalart-All-maras(S-A)湍流模型,并对模拟结果进行了分析对比研究.对跨音速压气机转子内流场的数值模拟结果表明:S-A湍流模型对跨音速压气机转子的模拟能力优于B-L湍流模型. 相似文献
电子商务中撮合交易系统的研究及实现 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文提出了一种新型的面向市场构架的综合撮合交易系统,描述了其原理及技术实现,在比较当前成型的电子商务交易系统的基础上,阐述了本系统的优势所在。 相似文献
Soils are fundamental to urban environmental quality. They have aesthetic and recreational functions in parks and gardens and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity. They also directly influence citizens' health. This paper describes the initial development of a decision support tool (DST) to appraise the urban soil resource and its valuable functions within a wide range of urban environments. It is aimed to provide assistance to local, national, and European authorities in the optimum planning and sustainable management of their soils resources. The DST is an integrated information technology system based on a spatially distributed environmental database management system of soil quality parameters and soil characteristics together with broader environmental factors. The integration is achieved through the implementation of the DST within the framework of a geographical information system coupled with risk assessment, pollution decay, and other models including the handling of “soft” data. The DST will be web-based, allowing wide access to all stakeholders and citizens, providing on-line forums for consultations, and exchange of information and feedback among stakeholders. It is designed to support true transparency in decision making at the local and international levels. The paper focuses specifically on the development of the system architecture of the DST. 相似文献
传统的舆情分析方法存在两个缺陷:由于缺少对舆情文本必要的语义处理,传统的基于关键词或热词的网络舆情分析方法往往分析结果不准确,即漏判率和假阳性比较高;在舆情发展初期,由于数据稀疏,一般不能及时发现舆情苗头。针对这些问题,提出一种基于领域文法的分析方法对微博文法进行分析,并给出一套通用的领域文法的设计原则以及分析方法。基于领域文法的方法与统计方法相比主要的优点和创新点包括:领域文法可以在数据稀疏的情况下依然可以很好的工作;领域文法的方式不需要对信息进行统计,不会受到距离的影响;领域文法的方法可以很好地提取真正有用的信息而不会像统计方法易受到词搭配的影响。为论证该方法,选择贪腐类舆情作为一个验证应用。实验表明,贪腐舆情文法很好地对贪腐类微博舆情文本内容进行识别和提取,从而达到贪腐舆情监控的目的。 相似文献
安卓恶意应用行为大多源于对系统资源的非法使用,资源使用信息将有助于快速地分析恶意行为。然而,由于安卓系统使用权限机制对资源进行管理的特性,现有的基于系统调用监测安卓应用资源使用的方法并不行之有效。针对该问题,设计并实现了SysTracker:一种采用系统调用辅以API-系统调用映射关系来监测安卓应用资源使用的技术。SysTracker通过截获安卓应用程序中的系统调用,并对系统调用的相关信息进行解析,借助API-系统调用映射关系将特殊的系统调用序列还原为相应的API调用,从而识别出应用程序中资源使用信息。大规模的应用程序测试显示SysTracker对API调用的识别率高达99.2%。同时,通过对多款应用程序的分析表明,SysTracker能直观反映应用对资源使用的情况以快速识别出应用的恶意行为。 相似文献
李淑堃 《计算机应用与软件》2012,29(4):203-205,208
基于Web的选课系统受到上机条件和时间的限制,短信猫(GSM Modem)通过GSM网络进行数据的发送和接收.采用C#语言和Visual Studio 2008作为开发工具和平台,设计和开发一种基于短信猫的选课辅助系统,具有方便性、廉价性、移动性等特点.系统很好地弥补了Web选课系统的不足,实现两条信息渠道优势互补,增加选课系统的灵活性,在实践应用中取得很好的效果. 相似文献
一个面向公众的药品价格Web信息系统的设计与实现 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文以《苏州药品价格Web信息系统》为例,介绍了一个用于药品价格信息发布的Web信息系统,以及与之相对应的系统结构、数据库结构和部分实现的关键技术。 相似文献
In large electronic marketplaces populated by buying and selling agents, it is difficult to judge trustworthiness. A variety of systems have been proposed to help traders to find trustworthy partners by learning to discount or disregard disreputable parties. In this article, we present a novel model for providing safe electronic marketplaces: Commodity Trunits, a system that considers trust as a tradable commodity. In this system, sellers require units of trust (trunits) to participate in transactions, and risk losing trunits if they act dishonestly. Sellers can purchase trunits when needed, and sell excess quantities. We demonstrate that under Commodity Trunits, rational sellers will choose to be honest, since this is the profit maximizing strategy. We also show that Commodity Trunits provides protection from a number of vulnerabilities common in existing trust and reputation systems, e.g., the important exit problem, where sellers can cheat without fear of repercussions if they intend to leave the market. We then present a simulation that validates the system by demonstrating that a market operator can manage the trunit marketplace to ensure sustainability. We conclude with a discussion of the value of Commodity Trunits as a method for promoting trust in electronic marketplaces. 相似文献
本文首先分析了Web用法挖掘的数据源-Web日志文件的内容和格式,建立了一种适用于Web用法挖掘的关联挖掘数学模型DPR,并利用深度优先搜索算法进行了仿真实验。 相似文献
一个数值天气预报模式的并行混合编程模型及其应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
朱政慧 《数值计算与计算机应用》2005,26(3):198-207
提出了一个适用于数值天气预报模式的并行混合编程模型,归纳出混合并行算法设计的特点.依据该模型,针对国内发展的区域数值天气预报模式,开发基于MPI/OpenMP的并行版本.通过对五种并行方案的并行性能分析比较,发现其结果同抽象模型的分析结论是一致的. 相似文献
Abstract We analyze Junctional models in the wide spectrum of model types. Our premise is that, in order to identify the merits of model types, their perceptions of reality are important. We classify modeling approaches into two categories, the kernel and the interpretative. The kernel approach, which assumes that the world can be modeled by a composition of predefined primitives, suffers from important drawbacks. The interpretative approach, to which the functional models belong, assumes that we know how things work. We investigate the characteristics of this approach from a diagnostic point of view and show that, although it provides a powerful tool for describing devices, it is hindered by serious disadvantages when used in isolation. We advertise the use of multiple models as a solution and provide an ontological semantic network as a framework for the integration of multiple model types. 相似文献
数据挖掘产生的模式如何被处理,对IDS系统的实时性和有效性至关重要。该文提出了一种模式编码算法,对模式进行量化处理,从而高效地检测入侵。同时,文中还从理论上论证了模式编码量化检测方法与基于相似性理论的模式检测方法的等效性,证明任何用相似性理论实现的入侵模式检测算法均可用编码量化处理来等效实现。 相似文献