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Small to medium enterprises (SMEs) make a key contribution to the economy in terms of employment, innovation and growth. Project management can play a significant role in facilitating this contribution, but SMEs require less bureaucratic forms of project management than those used by larger, traditional organizations. We are undertaking this research to identify the nature of project management required by SMEs, and the results of the qualitative stage of our research are reported in this paper. We interviewed people from companies of the three sizes of SME, micro, small and medium, from a range of industries and from four countries. SMEs use project management both to manage operations, to deliver tailored or bespoke products to customers, and manage innovation and growth. We found similar project management approaches used for both purposes. The main differences occurred by size of company and country. Both Ireland and Sweden looked for more laissez-faire management styles, while people in Austria and Romania were willing to accept more autocratic styles. People in Sweden wanted more structure than people in Ireland. Also laissez-faire styles of management were more appropriate in micro and small companies, whereas more democratic or autocratic styles were needed in medium-sized companies. All three sizes of company wanted less bureaucratic versions of project management than traditional forms, but medium-sized companies, where people fulfil more specialist roles, need more structure than small and micro companies.  相似文献   

评委点评:本方案设计定位明确、基地分析合理,基本保留并恢复原有湿地及菜圃的功能。设计的核心思想紧扣乡村文化主题,功能空间关系分析基本合理,通过当地民间竹编技艺结合场地的综合使用功能,巧妙构筑场地标志性景观,将乡村文化与自然材料、使用功能与景观形式较好地融为一体。方案还能用生态设计的概念贯彻设计过程,在有效的空间内综合运用“声、光、电”技术与景观的结合。  相似文献   

赵凡蓓 《建筑创作》2006,(9):126-129
这座2006年1月峻工的巴斯塔餐厅属于不远的一个四星级酒店,掩映在山林中,原有的巴斯塔餐厅被去年的一场意外火灾事故全部烧毁。新的设计意在使用简单的平面布局和当代建筑材料创造一种永恒的史前风格。木材、石头、青铜、艺术加工玻璃的大量使用以及室内外的设计使整个建筑成为大自然的主人,大自然也成为她的一部分。  相似文献   

Astronautical engineer and President of the Mars Society Robert Zubrin explains why a human exploration of Mars is preferable to the Moon and now within our grasp, despite being an average of 225 million miles away. He advocates how missions might be realised through a Mars Direct approach that employs relatively small spacecraft launched directly to the Red Planet via boosters.  相似文献   

上期我提出了不同类型的项目是否需要不同的领导风格这一问题,并阐述了什么是"不同类型的项目".这个问题引起了人们的许多争论,人们对此各持己见.一些人认为项目管理是一般性技能,一旦人们掌握了它,就可以把它应用于所有类型的项目中.而另外一些人则认为不同的项目需要不同的管理方式.上期我阐述了项目分类,并提出了组织对项目分类的原因之一是为了在组织内开发恰当的项目管理程序和技能,来管理他们正在实施的各种项目,然后把这些程序和技能应用于每一个项目中.如果管理不同类型的项目需要不同类型的程序和不同的技能,那么也许使用不同的领导风格也是恰当的.  相似文献   

Over the last 40 years, social housing has become dominated by households on low incomes. However, there is a lack of recent research that quantifies residualisation, particularly the historical trends. This paper therefore presents an Index of Residualisation as a novel means of quantifying the changes. Using the Index, it is shown that, in 2010 social housing in the UK was three times more residualised than in 1970, but that residualisation has been broadly stable over the last 20 years. However, the UK government’s social housing reforms are likely to change the tenure significantly and the impact of these changes on residualisation needs to be monitored. The Index is ideally suited to this role, and can also be used to investigate the drivers of residualisation and conduct comparative studies.  相似文献   

广西壮族自治区是以壮族为主体的少数民族聚居区,主要居住着壮.汉.瑶、苗等十二个民族。近年来,随着社会经济的发展.特别是中国——东盟博览会落户广西首府南宁.全方位弘扬和展示广西各民族悠久历史和灿烂文化.宣传广西.提高广西知名度.促进广西对外开放,增进各民族相互了解和团结成为了地方政府的一个工作重点。广西民族博物馆(以下简称民博)就是在这样的形势立项建设的。  相似文献   

The literature on Project Management (PM) shows that, in spite of advancement in PM processes, tools and systems, project success has not significantly improved. This problem raises questions about the value and effectiveness of PM and PM systems. This paper reports a research study which tests the relationship between PM performance and project success drawing from empirical data on PM professionals working in UAE project-based organisations.  相似文献   

在最近的一系列文章中,我主要讨论在不同类型的项目中是否适宜采用不同的领导风格.也就是说,项目经理的领导风格是否影响着项目成功,不同的领导风格是否适合在不同类型的项目中采用.  相似文献   

黄艳 《建筑细部》2007,5(3):470-471
在几个世纪前,用木材和太阳自动取暖意味着每个房间都要有单独的炉子。由于每个炉子所需的木材需要在固定间隔内靠手工搬运,这就意味着大量艰苦的劳动。在那个时候很少有人考虑到太阳的技术使用价值。  相似文献   

分析了工程的社会性,包括工程目标、工程活动、工程评价的社会性。结合有关案例,对工程决策、规划、实施、运行等社会过程进行了阐述。提出为保证工程为社会接受,要在工程建设过程中引入社会评价,建立协商机制,营造公众参与的环境。  相似文献   

The peculiarly British difference between nature conservation interests, represented by the Nature Conservancy Council, and landscape interests, represented by the Countryside Commission, is seen to have deep historical roots in complex understandings of the natural world which can be revealed by a study of the arts. Both the work of John Constable, and that of Wordsworth and the Lake poets are considered, and Ruskin seen as a figure of great significance.  相似文献   

齐康  林卫宁 《建筑创作》2004,(2):114-121
福建省博物馆是福建省近年来最重要的大型文化项目之一,本文就该馆的设计,从自然性、文化性、地方性、标志性等几个方面做了深入浅出的阐述,同时也论述了其设计的主要手法和风格。  相似文献   

丁锴  雷娟茹 《城市建筑》2013,(16):168-168
近年来,随着城市化建设的不断发展,城市生态园林建设越来越重视其绿化工程的建设。本文以项目管理的基本方法为基础,就园林绿化工程的管理方法进行了科学系统的分析和阐述,并对现有园林绿化工程的项目管理提出了一系列的优化措施。  相似文献   

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