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For over two decades, ecological literacy has sought to integrate foundational premises for addressing environmental problems. Here Jody Boehnert of EcoLabs explains how she has developed graphics resources and tools for designers in order for them to understand the perceptual shifts that are necessary to learn the causality and complexity of ecology and how it is embedded in human relations.  相似文献   

Malte Wagenfeld tackles the difficult problem of visualising air, and in his physical experiments reveals a world of eddies, swirls and wafting particles circulating around moving bodies. Here he offers a literal and conceptual glimpse at the invisible nature of atmosphere. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文以汉寿县城排水专业规划为例,分析了小城市排水系统的现状及存在的主要问题,提出小城市排水规划的总体原则及具体对策,并针对小城市污水处埋问题进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

蔡震  邓东  王宏杰 《城市规划》2004,28(8):89-92
1项目背景 作为中国西部唯一的直辖市、西南重要的经济中心城市,重庆获得了新的发展和机遇,中央商务区(CBD)的建设将成为城市面向未来的形象窗口,将集中展现城市精神.  相似文献   

结合新型防渗技术的概念,对几种常见的新型防渗材料进行了分析,提出了一种环保型产品——TPO防渗衬垫,并对其技术特点及施工方法进行了详细说明,指出TPO防渗衬垫环保无污染、抗刺穿能力强、施工简单,符合海绵城市建设理念。  相似文献   

结合太原市某道路改造工程实例,阐述了该工程项目的施工难点和特点,并从工程组织方式、质量管理工作、项目文化建设以及验收移交工作等方面入手,总结了道路改造工程的项目管理经验,通过改造,提高了城市综合服务效能。  相似文献   

卜亮 《山西建筑》2014,(7):132-133
结合华润余姚五彩城的项目特点,从生活给水系统、热水系统、排水系统、雨水系统等方面总结了其给排水系统的设计要点,分析了各系统的设计方法,为类似给排水设计积累了经验。  相似文献   

郑斌 《福建建设科技》2014,(2):30-31,29
绿色建筑体系是生态城市建设的核心内容之一,但目前绿色建筑体系难以有效的应用在城市生态规划建设中,无法充分发挥其节能低碳的价值。本文通过借鉴绿色建筑体系的四大特点,总结出生态城市建设中绿色开放空间网络、分布式能源系统、土地开发模式、城市规划管理等四个方面的应对之道。希望能为城市生态规划思路提供研究依据,为建设实施提出方向。  相似文献   

分析了盐碱地的类型及其形成的原因,总结了盐碱地常用的绿化种植技术,并从土壤改良、植物选择、树种种植等方面,阐述了太原市龙潭公园绿化种植的技术措施,为今后华北地区盐渍地的开发治理提供参考。  相似文献   

马黎明  郝焕云 《山西建筑》2008,34(4):253-254
结合工程实例,对外墙外保温及新型墙体材料,给水及采暖系统的设备节能、太阳能利用、新型外门窗、新型给排水及采暖管材等节能措施在银河逸景花园项目中的应用情况进行了详细阐述,以达到降低建筑能耗的目的,最终实现建筑节能。  相似文献   

In times of climate change political goals concern a reduction in total energy consumption and to use energy more efficiently. To achieve this, users need to transform their behaviour and start reflecting on their energy use. This paper discusses three different methods for visualising energy use, namely information tools, keeping time-diaries and using the ‘Power-Aware Cord’. Each method has its pros and cons, but combining different methods could prove a useful way to draw attention to household energy use and the possibilities for energy reduction. By combining the data gained from the different methods, it will be more likely that strategies will be found that are better suited to people's behaviour.  相似文献   

In architectural education the goal of teaching structures has a different focus than in engineering. The architect must be knowledgeable about a wide range of structural issues that influence form, material, and construction. Yet it is unrealistic to assume that the architect should acquire the expertise in structural analysis and design possessed by the engineer. This article considers the dilemma and suggests that a greater emphasis on visualisation through the use of models might contribute to an alternative approach. The characteristics of three types of structural models: form, behaviour, and analogue, are examined in both physical and digital examples.  相似文献   

程权 《山西建筑》2011,37(35):125-127
重点介绍了某办公楼空调系统,空调系统在冷源的选择上,经过经济分析和周围环境调研,采用了在用电方面具有削峰添谷作用的冰蓄冷技术,同时设置了大量的与之相配合的控制系统,以使本办公楼空调系统成为节能节电的系统。  相似文献   

‘Built city, planned city, virtual city: the city museum’ is the title of a day-long seminar held in Turin, Italy, on 22nd March 2011. It is also the name of an Italian research project reasserting the role of urban historians and the historical and humanistic disciplines in defining the scope and content of the city museum.  相似文献   

张明 《城市燃气》2006,(9):16-19
1上海五号沟LNG事故气源备用站(一期)概况1999年4月东海天然气早期开采供应上海城市燃气工程建成投运,开始向上海浦东地区供应天然气,工程设计供气能力120万m3/d。根据上、下游供气协议,因海上开采风险和台风等不可抗拒因素,上游一年内可能有10天的最大连续停供气期。为此,在下  相似文献   

<正>在很多人心目中,深圳是个简单而缺乏厚度的城市,深圳的建筑和建筑师圈儿也是如此,但这些年,它们却呈现出丰富而有趣的状态。深圳有着最市场化的设计机构,又有着中国最具专业性和理想主义的规划主管部门。深圳不是中国建筑最主流话语权的阵地,却是很多当代最有影响力的建筑师成长过的重要地方。深圳是大轴线、大绿化、大马路式新城规划的始作俑者,却又是正面研究城中村的先行家。深圳是最商业化的城市,又是倡导公民建筑的中国建筑传媒奖发源地,也是目前中国最具学  相似文献   

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