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“人命关天,安全第一。”这是经常挂在许多领导嘴边的话。然而,在现实生活中,总有不少单位和个人在这方面因不落实而付出血的代价。据有关资料表明,2000年我省共发生火灾10万多起,死亡521人,伤253人,烧毁建筑面积19.3万平方米,直接财产损失6718.9万元。如此多的火灾,如此大的人员伤亡和财产损失,原因应该说是很多的,但其中一个不容忽视的极重要原因就是消防安全责任制落实不到位。  相似文献   

没有调查,就没有发言权。上海的消防安全环境究竟如何?上海的消防安全压力究竟来自何方?上海究竟该如何应对特大型城市所特有的火灾负荷?  相似文献   

(续上期)(二)努力把消防工作推向社会化消防工作事关国计民生,牵系千家万户,涉及各行各业、各个领域,伴随手人们的起、居、作、息。因此,做好消防工作需要全民参与,并得到全社会的关注、重视和支持。建立社会化大消防格局是保障国民经济稳步发展的重要条件,也是发展消防事业的必由之路,实现这个目标,关键在于五个‘变”。一是政府的责任感变“强”。政府作为消防工作的管理者和领导者,既是管理目标、计划的决策者、制定者,又是管理过程中的组织者。指挥者和协调者,在消防工作中起着灵魂、核心和中枢作用。应该指出的是,由于…  相似文献   

冯树彦 《山东消防》1999,(11):46-47
《中华人民共和国消防法》规定了消防安全重点单位的确定原则及其应当履行的职责,使重点单位监督管理走向法制化。认真贯彻消防法规,加强消防安全重点单位的监督管理,对推进全社会消防工作,预防重大、特大火灾事故,减少人身伤亡和财产损失将起到重要作用。一、消防安全重点单位的确定我国消防法规对消防安全重点单位的范围,已规定的较为具体,这些单位是:(一)商场、市场、宾馆、饭店、体育场(馆)、会堂、公共娱乐场所等公众聚集场所;(二)车站、机场、码头,]"播电台、电视台、电力、电信、邮政、全融等重要场所;(三)政府…  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,计算机的不断普及,全球正步入互联网时代人们通过网络进行电子商务,浏览信息,收发邮件,聊天等网络活动,网络已经成为生活中密不可分的一部分。网吧这一应运而生的新生事物也如雨后春笋般布满了大街小巷,这些网吧大小不一,设置地点各不相同,情况错综复杂,存在诸多消防安全隐患,2002年6月16日凌晨位于北京海淀区的蓝极速网吧发生火灾,造成25人死亡13人受伤,这一事件为网吧的安全经营高鼓响了警钟。  相似文献   

王桂霞 《山东消防》2002,(10):31-31
随着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们对居住的内外环境条件的需求越来越高,住宅小区的建设数量越来越多、规模越来越大,小区的环境绿化越来越好、智能化水平也越来越高,但目前住宅小区的消防安全环境却不容乐观。近年来,住宅火灾的起数和损失在逐年上升,据统计,2001年,仅济宁市共发生火灾1650起,财产损失832万元,而其中住宅火灾就有922起,直接财产损失365.4万元,火灾起数和损失分别占到55.9%和43.9%。尽管我们在家庭火灾的预防方面做了大量工作,但仍存在许多的火灾隐患,影响着居民的安居乐业。一般来说,住宅小区存…  相似文献   

肖兴东 《今日消防》2021,6(7):132-134
消防工作的原则是"政府统一领导、部门依法监管、单位全面负责、公民积极参与",但部门如何依法监管、单位如何全面负责是一直以来难以真正解决的难题.消防监督机构与单位之间是监督与被监督的关系,是既矛盾又统一的关系.做好消防安全工作不单要落实好单位消防安全主体责任,还要在消防安全监督管理上下功夫.但当前的消防监督管理模式已不适应推动单位落实消防安全主体责任的需要.因此只有转变消防监督管理方式和模式,引导和督促单位切实落实好消防安全主体责任、重视消防安全,才能真正推动消防安全工作健康可持续发展.  相似文献   

结合工程实例,对特殊教育学校建筑的疏散安全和消防设施等方面进行分析、阐述,重点研究此类型学校建筑的火灾危险性特性,提出火灾防控的消防设计措施。  相似文献   

Building safety and human behaviour in fire: A literature review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The most crucial aspect of a building's safety in the face of fire is the possibility of safe escape. An important precondition is that its fire safety facilities enable independent and adequate fire response performances by the building's occupants. In practice, it appears that the measures currently required by law do not always provide the support that people in burning buildings need. Consequently, understanding how individuals behave in the case of fire and fire evacuation is essential if we are to bring fire safety measures into line with occupants’ needs during an incident. This paper contains a review of the available literature on human behaviour in a fire so far as building safety is concerned. The findings are presented as an overview of the critical factors which determine occupants’ fire response performances, namely the characteristics of fire, human beings and buildings. The study highlights that some of the assumptions about the existing paradigm of fire safety in buildings are not consistent with the knowledge set out in the literature. The key observation is that psychonomics appear to have significant influence on occupants’ fire response performances. Accordingly, the traditional approach to fire safety will have to be supplemented by scientific knowledge from this field. Hence, there is a need for a new approach to fire safety design in buildings, which is set out herein.  相似文献   

The high risk of fire dieath and injury among elderly people is well documented. To be effective, fire safety education must reach older adults in the settings in which they reside: nursing homes and other long-term care institutions, board and care homes, and independent living facilities including the person's own home. Training must also be targeted at the people who are responsible for fire safety. In the case of the nursing home or board and care home, the responsible people are the staff and owners. In the case of the majority of older adults who live independently in their homes, it is either the individual or family members. These programs must also be comprehensive.A fire safety education curriculum was developed by a group of experts in a variety of related fields including fire safety, gerontology, health care industry, developmental disabilities, research, and instructional design. Older adults were included in each planning session. Based on that curriculum, workshops and workshop materials were developed for each of the three target populations: staff of health care facilities, staff and owners of board and care homes, and elderly people living independently in their homes. Materials included both print and audiovisuals. A pilot test of each workshop was conducted to test the short-term effects of the programs.Results indicated significant gains in knowledge for all groups and a significant improvement in positive attitudes toward fire safety for most participants. Measures of effects of the programs on intentions to change fire safety practices indicated a potential for change. Results also showed that the measured traits, knowledge of fire safety and attitudes toward fire safety, were relatively stable.  相似文献   

朱声球 《今日消防》2021,6(7):65-66
大型医疗建筑具有人员密集、设备先进、功能分区多等特点,一旦发生火灾很容易造成重大人员伤亡和巨大的经济损失.文章将从当前大型医疗建筑的日常消防安全管理问题出发,对其进行深入分析,并为加强消防管理提出相应的应对策略,以供参考.  相似文献   

Since the 1950s, the direct property damage due to fire has increased with the development of industrialization and urbanization in China. The number of fire casualties has come down significantly since the 1980s while fire incidents with high casualties has occurred occasionally. Research on fire safety science and technology and its application have advanced, encouraged by Government at all levels, the Fire Service Department of the Ministry of Public Security and all of society. In recent years, the fire situation in China has become relatively stable and an effective strength in fire research has been established, comprising the four Fire Research Institutes of the Ministry of Public Security, the State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, fire enterprises and other fire research institutes. Since the 1990s, research has been carried out on fire detection and alarm, fire suppression techniques, structural fire-resistance, fire prevention techniques, fire modeling, performance-based fire protection design, urban fire protection planning, fire-fighting and rescue, fire protection standardization, fire dynamics and the fundamentals of fire protection. In the next 5 years, research will be focused on the theory of fire dynamics; evaluation techniques for fire risk and fire and rescue services of urban areas; new techniques of fire suppression systems and equipment and their engineering application; modernization of fire department apparatus and equipment; techniques for evaluation and design of structural fire resistance; human behavior in fire; development of a fire database; fire protection engineering economics; and performance-based fire protection design.  相似文献   

房芳 《今日消防》2021,6(7):62-64
随着消防工作法治化进程的不断推进,消防监督执法越来越完善,逐渐形成了较为完善的执法体系,但是在法治化、专业化愈加强化的今天,法律支撑及基层消防执法人员的执法能力、编制配备与执法要求之间表现出一定的不适应性.针对当前我省消防监督执法工作实际,面向全省各级消防救援机构进行了深入调研,文章从研判全省消防安全形势、剖析全省防火干部队伍现状进行分析,指出当前消防监督执法工作中存在的问题,提出推进消防执法建设的对策、措施.  相似文献   

李尚级 《山西建筑》2010,36(9):177-178
结合施工现场用电实际情况和自身工作实践,对施工现场临时用电存在的各种安全隐患进行了分析,从规章制度、投入、整改三方面入手,提出了对用电安全隐患的整治措施,以期将用电安全事故杜绝在萌芽状态,防患于未然。  相似文献   

李正建  郑妍 《山西建筑》2012,38(18):138-139
通过列举几起典型的火灾案例,分析了引起古建筑发生火灾的危险因素,并系统地提出了古建筑防火对策,以避免火灾的发生,确保历史文化遗产的消防安全。  相似文献   

海南旅游业消防安全的现状与发展构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游业作为海南省经济发展的第一大支柱产业,确定在21世纪20年代,将海南建设成为中国旅游强省,国际性热带海岛度假休闲旅游目的地。提出了加强旅游消防管理立法,从法律制度上规范旅游消防安全管理,按“旅游大消防”原则,编制《海南省旅游消防发展总体规划》,建设旅游消防基础设施;建立旅游消防管理体系和消防安全宣传教育体系,形成消防管理责任风络,全方位提高全民消防安全意识等构想。  相似文献   

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