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为了得到单个VDTA浮地回转器,首先给出了VDTA的16个奇异模型,再根据节点导纳矩阵扩展法,系统综合了基于电压差分跨导放大器(VDTA)的浮地回转器,该回转器使用1个VDTA和一个接地电容,而且容易集成。通过调节的VDTA偏置电流,电路的参数能电控调节。最后,为了证实导出电路的可实现性,利用回转器构造了一个二阶通用滤波器,其极点频率fo=159 kHz,品质因数Q=1。MULTISIM仿真结果与理论一致。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于T形电路的回转器实现电路的设计方法。该方法以T形电路为基础,通过修改电路的结构,接入两个电压控制电压源,利用运放电路来实现这两个受控源,给出了一种回转器实现电路的设计过程。给出的设计实例和Multisim电路仿真结果,表明本文方法的有效性。所讨论方法易于理解且具有普遍性,对于回转器以外的其它特定二端口电路的设计也具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

多端口网络驱动点导纳矩阵函数的综合   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文提出了用(p + q)端口回转器综合多端口网络驱动点导纳矩阵函数,将多端口网络驱动点导纳矩阵函数Y(s)分解成G·Y_b(s)·G~T的形式,并且给出了求矩阵函数Yb(s)和矩阵G的方法。给出了Y(s)= G·Y_b(s)·G~T的综合电路。  相似文献   

一系列用CCⅡ实现的接地回转器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了四种用CCⅡ实现的接地回转器,这些电路结构简单,易于集成。计算机仿真实验结果证实了四种实现方案的正确性。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于Π形电路的回转器实现电路的设计方法。该方法通过将电压控制电压源与电阻串联的支路并联接入Π形电路,利用运放电路来实现负电阻和受控源,给出了一种回转器实现电路的设计过程。给出了设计实例和Multisim电路仿真结果,表明本文方法的有效性。所讨论方法易于理解且具有普遍性,对于回转器以外的其它特定二端口电路的设计也具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于Π形电路的回转器实现电路的设计方法。该方法通过将电压控制电压源与电阻串联的支路并联接入Π形电路,利用运放电路来实现负电阻和受控源,给出了一种回转器实现电路的设计过程。给出的设计实例和Multisim电路仿真结果,表明本文方法的有效性。所讨论方法易于理解且具有普遍性,对于回转器以外的其它特定二端口电路的设计也具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

无源LC梯形网络的综合已经形成了一套完美的理论和方法.而对有源RC网络的综合却研究的不多.文中基于节点导纳矩阵主元扩展理论,用给定的符号电压传递函数,给出了两个新的低通和带通二阶有源RC滤波器电路的综合方法.电路的仿真结果验证了有源网络综合理论在滤波器设计中的可行性.  相似文献   

广播电视系统设备的接地   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
系统地介绍了广播电视设备接地的作用、要求和接地系统的施工方法,并对数据机房的接地要求作简要的介绍。  相似文献   

使用回转器-电容模型代替传统的磁件建模方法,能够直接建立磁件的等效电路模型.在这种模型中,绕组被等效为回转器,磁导等效为电容.由于回转器-电容模型建模方便、电磁信息完整,近年来受到相关研究人员的关注.本文针对回转器电容模型的研究生教学,结合该模型的知识特点,将教学的结构原则和程序原则应用于教学活动中,针对回转器电容模型的引出、回转器电容模型建模方法以及模型如何应用于电路分析和仿真分析介绍其教学方法.  相似文献   

回转器在振荡电路中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文叙述应用回转器的振荡电路的原理与实践.将运算放大器及其外接元件组成回转器,就能够模拟一只Q值极高的大电感,从而实现超低频振荡.这种等放电感的电感量可达1MH,甚至更高!如果将模拟电感与适当的电容组成并联谐振回路,它的振荡频率很容易低于1Hz.在此回路两端接上正反馈回路,就能维持稳定振荡,而且波形良好.电路输出可以作为标准信号,用来校准医用微分器,作生理电脉冲波形变换的研究.  相似文献   

In the light of nullor-mirror models for current-controlled current conveyor trans-conductance amplifier (CCCCTA), initiating the admittance matrices of the Tow-Thomas (T-T) filter, three different types of the T-T filter are synthesised by means of the nodal admittance matrix (NAM) expansion method. The type A filter, which employ one CCCCTA, one grounded resistor and two grounded capacitors, has eight different forms, the type B filter, which employ one CCCCTA, two grounded capacitors and a second-generation current-controlled conveyor (CCCII) or an second-generation inverting current-controlled conveyor (ICCCII) or an operational trans-conductance amplifier (OTA), has 64 different forms and the type C filter employing one CCCCTA and two grounded capacitors has eight different forms. In all, 80 voltage-mode/current-mode T-T filter circuits are obtained. Because of using canonic number components, the circuits are highly desirable from the viewpoint of IC fabrication and their parameters can be electronically tuned through tuning bias currents of CCCCTAs. The hand analysis and computer simulation results have been provided to support the synthesis method.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show how some basic building blocks for active-RC circuit design, such as amplifiers, impedance converters and simulated inductance circuits, may be synthesised in a systematic way by expansion of their port admittance matrices. The circuit topology emerges from the synthesis procedure, allowing all possible implementations to be identified and explored. Nullors representing ideal op-amps and transistors are represented within the nodal admittance matrix of a synthesised circuit by linked infinity parameters. In nodal admittance matrices describing ideal circuits synthesised, the replacement of linked infinity parameters by finite parameters provides a seamless transition to non-ideal analysis and practical circuit design.Now with the Singaporean Armed Services.David Haigh was born in Middlesex, England, in 1946. He obtained the B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Bristol University in 1968 and in 1976 he received the Ph.D. degree from the University of London. From 1968 until 1972 he worked under Dr. Wolja Saraga first at the GEC Hirst Research Centre and then, from 1972, at Imperial College London where he worked on microelectronic high precision filters. In 1987 he joined the staff of the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department of University College London, where he studied analogue integrated circuit design with particularly interest in high frequency circuits. In 2003 he re-joined the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College London, where his interests broadened to include general approaches for analogue circuit synthesis. He is editor-in-chief (Europe) of the Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing Journal.Fang Qun Tan graduated with a B.Eng. degree from Imperial College London in 2002. He then studied for the M.Sc. in Analogue and Digital integrated Circuit Design at Imperial College and graduated with distinction in 2003. His M.Sc. project was on the subject of systematic synthesis methods for analogue circuits. At present Fang Qun is with the Singapore Armed Services.Christos Papavassiliou was born in Athens, Greece, in 1960. He received the B.Sc. degree in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Ph.D. degree in Applied Physics from Yale University. He has worked on monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) design and measurements at FORTH in Crete, Greece, and has been involved in several European and regional projects on GaAs MMIC technology. In 1996 he joined Imperial College London, where he is currently a Senior Lecturer. He currently works on SiGe technology development as well as instrumentation and substrate noise coupling in mixed mode integrated circuit design. He has 30 publications.  相似文献   

Based on sixteen nullor-mirror models of the voltage differencing transconductance amplifier (VDTA) and port admittance matrices of the tow-Thomas (T-T) filter with orthogonal control between the characteristic frequency (fo) and figure of merit (Q), two different categories of the voltage-mode and transconductance-mode T-T filters are synthesized by the means of the nodal admittance matrix (NAM) expansion method. The category A filter that employs two compressive VDTAs and two grounded capacitors includes four structures, and the category B filter that uses two compressive VDTAs, two grounded capacitors, and one grounded resistor, also includes four structures. These circuits are suitable for integrated circuit manufacture, and their parameters fo and Q can be orthogonally adjusted with varying the bias currents of VDTAs. After the paper and pencil test is completed, the computer analyses, including alternating current (AC), parameter sweep, Monte Carlo (MC), and noise analyses, are performed to support the synthesis approach.  相似文献   

本文基于教学实践,提出一种基于二端口级联的回转器设计方法,并采用运放加以实现。将回转器的传输参数矩阵分解两个子传输传输矩阵之积,然后讨论两个子传输传输矩阵的实现电路,再将这两个实现电路级连,得到回转器的实现电路。使用运算放大器实现电路中的负电阻与受控源,并以Multisim仿真验证该方法的正确性。所述回转器设计与实现方法对电路理论的教学具有一定的启发与助益。  相似文献   

In this paper, firstly we demonstrate the use of nodal admittance matrix to convert a low-pass band-pass filter based on operational amplifier (op-amp) to a circuit based on a second-generation current conveyor (CCII). This technique allows us to get eight presumptions of filter circuits. Secondly, we present a novel architecture circuit of CCII, which can operate at low supply voltage of 0.75 V. All simulations are performed by TSPICE models. The simulation results show that this circuit has a low impedance at terminal X (RX=1.01 ), a very high input impedance at terminal Y, and wide bandwidth current and voltage. The center frequency of the proposed filter is variable on the interval[157 kHz, 196 MHz].  相似文献   

文中参照分裂法的思想方法提出了一种大型网络的节点分析法。它主要将整个网络分解为若干个子网络,然后经过“删减”运算使得电路的独立节点数得到大大的减少,从而简化了整个网络节点方程的求解。  相似文献   

According to the equivalent view for the terminal current-voltage constraint relationship between pathological elements and the various second-generation current-controlled convegors (CCCIIs), four pathological models for the CCCII are first derived by means of the nodal admittance matrix expansion in this paper. Moreover, 48 new pathological models for the modified CCCII are also synthesized. The derived pathological models for the various CCCIIs are expected to be useful in circuit analysis and synthesis.  相似文献   

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