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任德曦  胡泊 《中外能源》2013,18(3):21-32
我国核电经过约一年半的安检、评估、规划后,在核安全规划、核电安全规划和核电发展规划发布后,于2012年11月重新启动,建设安全、高效的核电产业是这次核电重启的战略与方针.核安全是核电的生命线,我国核电安全的具体目标是:每堆年发生严重堆芯损坏事件的概率低于十万分之一,每堆年发生大量放射性物质释放事件的概率低于百万分之一.我国建设了安全性更好的二代改进型及三代示范堆核电站,从二代到三代,安全性、技术先进性在不断提高.我国运行核电机组安全业绩良好,安全是有保障的.核电高效发展是核电站效率、规模和建设速度的问题,就是要高效能、高效用、高效益发展核电.1985~2011年,我国用26年时间只建成了15台核电机组,装机容量只占电力总装机容量的1.1%,发展速度并不快.为了满足日益增长的能源需求,今后仍应积极推进核电建设,规模、批量建设核电站.至2015年应建成核电装机容量40000MW,至2020年应建成核电60000~70000MW,在建机组保持在30000MW左右.我国核电站比投资在不断下降,容量因子、设备可用率在不断提高,核燃料燃耗在不断加深.核电高效发展本身也包括经济发展核电,要在“安全第一”的前提下,处理好安全、高效、经济之间的关系,均衡统一发展.  相似文献   

中国核电发展战略研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国能源资源品种丰富,人均占有量较少;能源资源结构不尽合理;能源资源分布与生产力布局不平衡。核电作为清洁能源,其基本特性决定了在应对能源挑战中有能力发挥无可替代的重要作用,我国在现阶段发展核电是调整能源布局的有效途径。中国核电已形成规模化批量化发展格局。二代改进型压水堆核电站随着技术的发展和运行经验的反馈.逐步引入新的成熟技术,使核电站的安全性得到进一步的提高。更应积极消化吸收第三代核电技术,使其安全目标更高、技术更先进。加快开发快中子增殖堆核电站、构建核燃料循环体系.可以将铀资源的利用率由普通的热堆的不足1%。提高到60%~70%,从而有效防止铀资源枯竭的威胁。  相似文献   

目前我国现役核电机组主要采用二代或二代加技术,但随着核电安全的提高,拥有更高安全系数的三代核电将逐渐成为主流。因此不同的核电公司围绕国内核电发展到底应该采取哪条技术路线展开激烈竞争。  相似文献   

核电是典型的高技术产业,上海是我国核电产业的发源地,从建设秦山核电一期开始逐步形成了比较完整的核电装备制造和技术服务产业体系,实现了技术能级从二代到三代的跨越,上海市核电办公室作为专业职能部门发挥了推进协调的积极作用。未来随着三代核电建设批量化和自主化,上海将发挥产业链集聚的优势,进一步提升核电技术装备发展水平,为我国核电装备产业发展和“走出去”贡献新的力量。  相似文献   

国家原子能机构23日在上海举行“三代核电技术报告会”提出,中国要积极推进三代核电技术引进、消化、吸收工作,努力提高中国核电自主创新能力。为进一步增进社会各界对核电技术发展历程的了解,国家原子能机构向媒体提供资料,详细介绍目前已知的一、二、三、四代核电概念。  相似文献   

<正>三代核电技术是目前国际上在役核电站中最先进的技术,目前我国已经掌握了该技术,并基本实现了国产化。在四代核电技术方面,我国的高温气冷堆示范工程是世界上示范工程里最接近完成的,也是最接近商业化、安全性最高的四代核电技术8月31日,科技部介绍核电重大专项实施情况。国家能源局核电司副司长、核电重大专项实施管理办公室负责人秦志军表示,当前我国核电自主创新能力显著提升,为实现核电强国目标奠定了坚实基础。据介绍,核电专项自2008年启  相似文献   

代齐 《中外能源》2009,14(1):112-112
中国国家能源局一位官员近日在成都表示.中国考虑调整《核电中长期发展规划》,将原定的到2020年时核电装机容量计划达到4000×10^4kW的目标,调高为7000×10^4kW或以上。国家能源局能源节约和科技装备司副司长黄鹂1月3日在成都举行的“第一届中美核级设备鉴定研讨会”上做出了上述表示。黄鹂在成都介绍说,中国现阶段一方面在对国际先进的三代核电技术积极引进吸收再创新,发展更先进和安全的核电堆;另一方面则积极应用成熟的第二代及“二代加”技术来大力发展核电。  相似文献   

据2011年7月29日《国电商务网》报道,据核能行业协会的知情人士透露,"目前正进行的在建核电项目审查,有可能在8月份完成。"该人士介绍,待国家相关主管部门对已建和在建核电项目普查完毕后,相关主管部门将针对不同类型的核电项目,提出不同的整改方案,能够改建为三代核电技术的项目要尽快改建,短期不能改建的项目需要制定长期整改计划。相对于二代核电技术,第三代核电技术更安全,但是核电技术升级涉及众多利益。据了解,只有国核技引进的是第  相似文献   

核电技术路径之争 随着核电的跨越式发展,中国已经成为了全球核电在建规模最大的国家。与此同时,也恰巧赶上第二代和第三代核电技术更替期,因此,要不要全面采用三代技术引起了业界的争议。  相似文献   

核电是中国能源供给侧结构性改革的重要选择。与传统能源不同,核电有自身的发展规律。本文对全球不同时期不同技术、同一技术路线不同机组核电建设周期和建造成本变化的规律进行了分析。分析表明:一是随着时代的发展,核电建设周期和成本呈现总体上升趋势;二是同一种技术路线下,核电建设周期和成本都是逐步减少的。产生第一种现象的原因是因为社会对核电安全性的要求在提升,相应的工程建设和设备制造难度在加大,工程量在增加;第二种现象是因为同一种技术路线下,首台机组建设过程中设计变更等各种问题在后续建设中得到解决,学习效应发挥作用,建设周期和建造成本逐步减少。当前,尽管我国在建的第三代核电项目首堆建设大幅度延期,但可以乐观判断,未来批量化建设后,工期和成本都将大幅度下降。为此,应坚定我国发展核电的政策和决心,推动核电的最优化发展。  相似文献   

我国清洁能源碳减排效益分析及发展顺序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘兰菊 《水电能源科学》2012,30(8):211-213,115
发展低碳能源是应对全球气候变化、实现电力低碳化发展的有效途径,最终要以发电技术在具体工程项目中应用来实现,衡量各技术的经济可行性、评价可再生能源发电技术CO2的减排效益是关键。分析了当前我国主要5种低碳发电技术置换火电的碳减排成本及产生的碳减排效益,并对2020年低碳能源发电技术的碳减排潜力进行了测算。结果表明,水电发电成本及相应的碳减排成本最低,核电其次,光伏发电最高,应优先发展水电、大力开发核电,同时积极发展风电等其他低碳能源。  相似文献   

本文概述核能对保障我国能源安全从而促进国民经济可持续发展的重要作用,指出我国的压水堆核电技术从第二代向第三代发展,总体上可以说是“今天”核电产业的技术升级工程。快堆及其燃料闭合循环可以充分利用铀资源和实现核废物的最少化,从而保证核裂变能的可持续发展。作者强调,我国核能科技的发展战略不仅要重视“今天”的核电产业的技术升级,更应着眼于“明天”的核能产业的技术开发。尽快启动我国快堆核能系统的技术开发具有极其重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

Wenjia Cai  Can Wang  Jining Chen  Siqiang Wang 《Energy》2011,36(10):5994-6003
This paper investigates the relationship between the green economy and green jobs in China through the following question: Can the current GHG mitigation policies in China’s power generation sector bring more jobs to China? Using both analytical and input–output models this paper analyzes the direct and indirect employment impacts of two main mitigation policies in the power generation sector. This paper proves that the above-mentioned question is not simple. Mitigation policies in China’s power generation sector from 2006 to 2009 caused a total of 44 thousand net jobs losses. However, as the share of renewable energy that has an indirect employment impacts increased in 2010, the policies from 2006 to 2010 actually resulted in 472 thousand net job gains. This paper asserts that to ensure the co-existence of green economy and green jobs in China’s power generation sector, policy makers should further promote solar PV, biomass and wind technologies. In 2010, for every one percent increase in the share of solar PV generation there could be a 0.68% increase in total employment in China, larger than any other power generation technology. Finally, this paper argues that a matching educational system and personnel structure is also needed.  相似文献   

The paper is divided into three parts. First there is a summary of recent changes in public opinion in Western Europe towards nuclear energy. The second part argues that the chances of nuclear accidents are high and that the focus of concern should be on identifying what level of accident will prove ‘acceptable’. The third part summarizes current British research and proposes an alternative framework for predicting British attitudes to nuclear power.  相似文献   

In this study, two types of high temperature electrolyzers (O=SOE and H+SOE) were investigated for hydrogen generation in relation to nuclear power plant operations. The analysis encompasses the thermal integration of proton and ion conducting solid oxide electrolyzers, which are fed with steam generated in the nuclear plant. Under consideration in the study was the steam turbine cycle of an AP1000 nuclear power plant. The main parameters of electrolysis were tailored to match the typical operating temperature of the electrolyzers, and the water utilization factor was set at the same value for the two technologies under consideration. There are some advantages to applying high temperature electrolysis to the deaerator steam feed: first, there is almost no modification of the nuclear steam turbine cycle; second, flexibility of the nuclear power plant rises by 20% with almost constant thermal load of the nuclear reactor; and third, high pressure hydrogen is obtained for commercial purposes. The analysis concludes that hydrogen can be produced in electrolyzers integrated with nuclear plants at an energy cost of 38.83 and 37.55 kWh kgH2−1 for protonic and ionic solid oxide electrolyzers, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes Japan's national power generation strategy with a view to explaining Japan's phlegmatic approach to wind energy development. The analysis concludes that Japan's current power generation strategy is not optimized to achieve the government's three strategic energy objectives of simultaneously enhancing economic security, national energy security and environmental security (3Es). To achieve long-run energy sustainability, Japan needs to strive to phase out nuclear power, which is the centerpiece of its current power generation strategy. The analysis concludes by offering four suggestions for a sustainable 3E power generation strategy: (1) internalize all external costs associated with power generation technologies in order to level the economic playing field, (2) increase feed-in mandates for renewable energy to 20%, (3) fully liberalize the power generation industry and (4) intensify R&D in energy storage technologies to support intermittent renewable technologies.  相似文献   

This paper define the concept of the nuclear power integrated system as a fast-thermal one. the integration with three successive fast reactor generations is considered: first reactor genertion—LMFBR(PuO2); second reactor generation-LMFBR(CPu); and third reacator generation—GCFBR(PuO2). A time interval of [0, 40] years is considered and the time evolution of the integrated system is followed under the following circumstances: a time delay of 15 years in the case of the first reactor generation, 20 years in the case of the second reactor generation and 25 years in the case of the third reactor generation. By applying the mathematical model of integrated systems an analysis of the three nuclear power integrated systems is made and many important conclusions of interest to decision makers are also drawn.  相似文献   

分布式电源技术在我国的应用探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探讨在我国发展分布式电源技术的必要性和紧迫性,并指出在我国目前电网情况下,为了充分发挥分布式电源的作用,必须研究分布式电源并网运行时与电力系统动态之间的相互影响,如电压调节问题、电能质量问题、短路电流增大及继电保护适应性问题等。  相似文献   

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