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我国住房制度改革的不断深化,随着广大人民群众质量意识的不断加强,居民对住房质量问题的投诉也不断增加,投诉中较为突出的住宅质量问题之一就是关于外墙渗水问题,在雨季和冬季屋面存雪期间尤为明显。建筑物外墙渗水通病由来已久,给住户正常生活和使用造成极大不便,甚至产生严重的危害,在一定程度上给住户心理造成不必要的伤害。此类问题的严重性同样也引起了建筑的建  相似文献   

从建筑工程质量投诉密度分析出发,构建建筑工程质量评价体系。在参建单位质量自评基础上,通过引入住户质量投诉因素、工程质量表彰因素、监管机构质量检查因素,建立建筑企业、住户、监管机构三方互动的建筑工程质量评价体系。  相似文献   

梁捷 《江西建设》2000,(4):17-18
在中国消费协会公布的1999年消费投诉十大热点中,消费对房屋建材的投诉增长了20.2%。另据年初中国社会调查事务所对北京、上海、重庆、广州、武汉5个城市的近2000名商品房住户进行的调查发现.有68.4%的住户为住房问题投诉过。  相似文献   

现浇钢筋混凝土住宅工程楼板抹灰的空鼓、脱落现象近年时有发生,这些质量通病,往往造成住户投诉、纠纷和索赔等后果.为了解决这类问题,我公司采用了现浇楼板底板不做粉刷抹灰层,直接批腻子的施工方法,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

1概述住宅工程的质量关系到千家万户住户的利益。近年来,住宅工程的质量问题成了住户投诉的热点,而多层住宅的质量问题更为突出。如何减少住宅工程的质量问题,我认为应从结构工程抓起,因为多层住宅主体结构工程的质量关系到结构安全及使用功能,主体结构质量好坏直接...  相似文献   

住宅工程一般使用周期较长,涉及范围较广,住宅工程的质量问题长期以来是住户的关注热点与投诉热点。住宅工程质量关系到人民群众的切身利益与房地产市场的健康发展。本文对住宅工程质量投诉中出现的几个常见问题的防治进行了探讨。  相似文献   

由于各种因素的影响,在一些房屋建成后出现了诸如楼板产生裂缝等质量问题,这种现象容易引起住户的不满和投诉。建筑物板件裂缝的问题不但影响了住户的使用,也降低了板件的耐久性,甚至于影响到整个建筑物的可靠性。对多层建筑中现浇钢筋砼板出现的裂缝,文中从设计和施工方面作简要分析并提出相应控制措施。  相似文献   

李彩朋  李雪亮 《四川建材》2012,38(4):110-111
随着房地产行业的迅猛发展,商品房质量及住宅小区环境成为了百姓普遍关注的问题了.就工程质量而言,因楼板裂缝造成业主投诉是普遍存在的质量问题,因为多数住宅楼交楼标准都是毛胚房,业主接手后,装修时间并不一致.如果下层的住户先装修,上层住户装修时,有可能因楼面裂缝漏水将下层的顶棚损坏.同时楼板裂缝造成楼板钢筋容易与空气接触,加快钢筋腐蚀和老化,也就加快了建筑物老化.因此,如何控制楼板裂缝是值得大家探讨和研究的问题.笔者结合多年的质量监督经验,认为做到以下几点,可以很好的控制楼板裂缝的质量问题.  相似文献   

住宅现浇楼板底抹灰层的空鼓、脱落,往往造成住户的投诉、纠纷、索赔等。为解决这类问题,我们采用现浇楼板底不粉刷,直接批腻子的办法,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

保障房本是国家政府给予拆迁户、低收入群体等弱势群体的福利和照顾,应该对其质量引起重视,但是我国保障房却经常遭到质量性问题的投诉。本文就针对关于保障房中的住户投诉和媒体曝光的事件中,经常出现的"渗裂漏"等问题,对保障房建设实施精细化管理进行研究和分析,希望能为这一类问题的解决和相关部门的监督管理工作提供一些参考意见和方法。  相似文献   

随着房地产市场的快速发展和人们维权意识的提高,人们对住宅环境的高品质需求同工程质量问题频发之间的矛盾,成为当前及以后相当一段时间内房地产行业亟需解决的难题.在总结住宅工程质量投诉现状的基础上,分析了业主对质量问题投诉处理结果预期的几种类型,探讨了质量投诉的热点问题和处理的难点问题,并就如何科学、有效地处理住宅工程质量投...  相似文献   

旷开萃 《重庆建筑》2011,(10):28-32
针对当前经常出现的由房屋裂缝问题引发的矛盾纠纷,首先分析住户投诉的主要问题、矛盾的主要情况和处理的主要困难,并以法律法规、规范标准和协议文件为基础重点研究处理问题的基本依据和关键要求,再从技术、管理和法律等角度提出解决处理房屋裂缝问题的程序与方法,最后进行了案例研究。  相似文献   

As part of a larger research project which examined the concept of healthy houses in Canada, this study provides a preliminary assessment of potential segments of Canadian householders based on their attitudes about two indoor environmental quality (IEQ) attributes (indoor air quality and lighting). Additionally, concerns about energy efficiency in the home are also addressed. A nationwide survey of households (n = 784) was conducted to search for indications of segments of Canadian householders that value their homes’ indoor environments and energy efficiency, thus addressing issues of consumer interest for healthier homes. Similar groups of householders were derived based on their levels of agreement with a variety of statements regarding some indoor environmental quality attributes and energy efficiency. The specific goals were: (1) to identify segments within Canada which indicate the presence of potential consumers of healthier houses on a broader scale; and (2) to characterize these groups using attitudinal and demographic variables. Segmentation in this study was conducted using a k-means cluster analysis, with the clusters being characterized using demographic and attitudinal information. Results indicated that there is indeed an identifiable segment within the Canadian housing sector for products and services associated with the healthy housing concept. Although housing and policy recommendations are not explicitly made, both private and public stakeholders in the Canadian housing sector could benefit by taking note of these findings.
David CohenEmail:

重庆小城镇居民用水状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对重庆小城镇(市)———永川、黔江居民生活用水状况调查研究表明:2004年两座城市居民实际人均用水量与居民的家庭收入具有一定的相关性,但总体而言仍低于现行规范值。居民对现有的自来水水质满意程度不一,26.21%的居民对现在的自来水水质非常不满意或不满意,74.6%的居民都希望供水的卫生状况得到改善,27.27%的居民希望有直饮水供应,并且被调查的居民中已有56.68%的家庭将桶装水作为饮用水。85%以上的家庭愿意为自来水质改善和污水处理支付费用。  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(2):112-126
Understanding the receptivity, including concerns and drivers, of water-users such as householders, is vital in facilitating the promotion, appropriate installation, end-use and maintenance of rainwater harvesting (RWH) systems. This article presents the triangulated results of a literature review and survey, undertaken to increase policy-makers' understanding of householder receptivity to RWH. It was identified that overall receptivity to RWH is high, but that factors pertaining particularly to cost and maintenance pose threats to receptivity. Three areas for improvement have been identified: product development, capacity building and support services, for which recommendations for action are provided. These present policy-makers with a starting point to enhance the receptivity of householders to RWH.  相似文献   


The potential role of households as ‘co-managers’ of energy in smart grids is widely discussed in the social science literature. Much remains uncertain about the social relations and practices emerging around novel smart grid technologies and their contribution to sustainability. Drawing on 14 ‘show-and-tell’ home tours with householders in a smart grid trial, an analysis is presented of how home energy management (HEM) is performed in everyday life. The focus is on three technologies: monitoring technologies, smart heat pumps and home batteries. How and why householders do (not) engage with energy management during the pilot project is described. When householders participate in HEM practices, they gain energy management understandings and an awareness of smart grid objectives. Since HEM practices are shared between householders and actors from the energy provision system, they display particular ways of distributing responsibilities, power and agency over technologies, experts and householders. The time and space granted to these three smart grid technologies are shown to depend on the trust relationships between householders and the more or less absent providers of technologies and services. These insights emphasize the need to develop smart grid solutions reflexively with respect to the different spaces and practices in households in which they operate.  相似文献   

The move towards greater provision of healthcare at home has been a significant policy intention for the past two decades [Ham, C., Dixon, A., & Brooke, B. (2012) Transforming the Delivery of Health and Social Care: The Case for Fundamental Change (London: Kings Fund)]. Key to this ambition is the need to provide suitable accommodation for disabled households by installing a range of possible adaptations. Using data from English Housing Surveys of 2003/2004 and 2009/2010, we compare levels of the provision of adaptations with a number of socio-cultural variables, and report on some significant correlations. This includes most importantly, bias against non-white disabled households and younger disabled households, a significant link between rented accommodation and disabled households, and a worrying increase in the proportion of adaptations deemed by the householders to be ‘not needed’, from 7 to 25 per cent, over that 6-year time period. We discuss the context of these results and conclude with an outline plan for future research, which is urgently needed to verify and understand the issues raised.  相似文献   

Resilience has been a challenging approach to analyse the built environment–society linkages and to design more sustainable built environments for enhancing society’s quality of life. This paper explores the linkages between the building, home garden and human system resilience in the Lefke region of North Cyprus. To this end, 50 buildings with a vernacular value, their home gardens and householders were evaluated. The method consisted of developing a conceptual framework for better understanding the linkages among the three systems, exploring the appropriate resilience assessment indicators for the systems, data collection with a questionnaire and data evaluation (based on a 1–5 Likert scale). The results revealed that the average relative values of the building, home garden and human system resilience are, respectively, 2.22 (low), 2.49 (low), and 3.63 (medium). Diversity, traditional knowledge and connectivity were found to be the key indicators for evaluating the linkages amongst the systems.  相似文献   

结合工程实践,对民用建筑工程设计部分专业现状进行分析,涉及到跨行业、跨行政隶属关系的设计系统的管理问题,提出"社会综合管理概念"建立必要的行政法规,补充设计行政管理细则,对改善民用建筑工程设计质量将会起到积极作用。  相似文献   

随着国家交通基础设施的日益发展,桥涵施工技术越来越成熟。公路桥涵台背回填作为路桥施工中的一个重点和难点,其质量的好坏极大影响公路通车后的平整度及使用舒适度。如施工工艺及相关措施控制不好,此区域极易产生沉降、不平整、跳车等质量隐患。结合多年来路桥施工的实践经验,对桥涵台背回填质量隐患成因进行分析,对质量预防措施和质量问题处治进行总结,为同行施工提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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