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近两个月来,本刊网站的论坛里又不太安静。有个叫"高清迷"的香港网友遭到了广东一些网友的质疑。彼此论战的焦点大部分在说香港电视好看或不好看。"高清迷"网友说大陆电视越来越好,水平已经超过香港的电视节目。广东网友们则是缅怀香港电视的辉煌历史。这原本是简单的我说你好你说我好,互相捧场的事情,但是网络的奇妙性在于事情并没有朝积极的方向发展,其结果是吵架不可避免的发生了。外来的和尚是不是会念经,我们先不去管他。重要的是我们要弄清楚自己是怎么回事。本文,是专业电视人对我国各省卫视台做的调查评估。让我们了解一下我国的电视台的现状吧。  相似文献   

李晓延 《今日电子》2007,(5):126-127
2007年3月21日~23日的上海新国际博览中心是格外的热闹,超过2万名来自电子行业的专业观众汇聚与此.吸引他们来到这里的原因就是慕尼黑上海电子展,慕尼黑上海激光、光电展(LASER. World of Photonics China)、中国国际半导体设备、材料、生产和服务展览暨研讨会(SEMICON China),以及中国国际电子电路展览会(CPCA Show)四大电子业权威品牌展联合在此举行.  相似文献   

现在使用ADSL上宽带网的用户是越来越多了,对ADSL设备的维护也成了一个不容忽视的问题.只有维护保养好它,不但让你的"宽带之旅"省心又省力,还能延长其寿命.ADSL的维护可分为软件和硬件两个方面来分析,软件主要是PPPOE协议的问题,和计算机本身的气操作系统,和网卡方面的事情.硬件主要是局端的节点设备,和用户端猫的问题.还有通信的线路等一些因素.  相似文献   

命题逻辑是一个以命题为基本研究对象的数学化的逻辑系统,命题逻辑是数理逻辑的基础,也是计算机科学与技术的理论基础.为了深入理解命题逻辑,将命题逻辑与一般的代数学进行比较,从6个方面简要总结和论述命题逻辑中代数学的一些思想和方法,使得读者能从中体会到代数学的一些思想和方法在命题逻辑中的应用.  相似文献   

袁坤 《IT时代周刊》2007,(22):20-20
11月1日,似乎是个好日子!来自英特尔、EMC、思科的3位跨国公司CEO均选在这一天访华,并宣布其在中国市场大手笔的战略投入. 11月2日,来自全球最大显卡芯片厂商NVIDIA公司的联合创始人、总裁兼CEO黄仁勋借访华之际,在清华大学美术学院报告厅进行了"GPU--还原一个真世界"的演讲.  相似文献   

引言 热插拔(hot swapping)的定义是从一块正在通电运作中的背板(backplane)上插入或移除电路板.这项技术被广泛应用在电信服务器(telecom servers)、USB界面、火线(firewire)界面和 CompactPCI应用等[参考1].这种技术可在维持系统背板的电压下,更换发生故障的电路板,而同时系统中其它正常的电路板仍可保持运作.  相似文献   

Attacks such as APT usually hide communication data in massive legitimate network traffic, and mining structurally complex and latent relationships among flow-based network traffic to detect attacks has become the focus of many initiatives. Effectively analyzing massive network security data with high dimensions for suspicious flow diagnosis is a huge challenge. In addition, the uneven distribution of network traffic does not fully reflect the differences of class sample features, resulting in the low accuracy of attack detection. To solve these problems, a novel approach called the fuzzy entropy weighted natural nearest neighbor(FEW-NNN) method is proposed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of flowbased network traffic attack detection. First, the FEW-NNN method uses the Fisher score and deep graph feature learning algorithm to remove unimportant features and reduce the data dimension. Then, according to the proposed natural nearest neighbor searching algorithm(NNN_Searching), the density of data points, each class center and the smallest enclosing sphere radius are determined correspondingly. Finally, a fuzzy entropy weighted KNN classification method based on affinity is proposed, which mainly includes the following three steps: 1、 the feature weights of samples are calculated based on fuzzy entropy values, 2、 the fuzzy memberships of samples are determined based on affinity among samples, and 3、 K-neighbors are selected according to the class-conditional weighted Euclidean distance, the fuzzy membership value of the testing sample is calculated based on the membership of k-neighbors, and then all testing samples are classified according to the fuzzy membership value of the samples belonging to each class;that is, the attack type is determined. The method has been applied to the problem of attack detection and validated based on the famous KDD99 and CICIDS-2017 datasets. From the experimental results shown in this paper, it is observed that the FEW-NNN method improves the accuracy and efficiency of flow-based network traffic attack detection.  相似文献   

去年10月一个温暖的早晨,在澳大利亚内陆深处,14名麻省理工学院的学生和校友上午6点就爬出了他们的睡袋,准备车队,进行又一天的艰苦驾驶,在护卫队的护送下,他们驶过一段平坦、笔直、炎热、灰尘弥漫的道路.领头的车辆迎着其他车流,形成了一个缓冲带,一辆货车断后以监测整个队伍的进程.  相似文献   

The diode infrared focal plane array uses the silicon diodes as a sensitive device for infrared signal measurement. By the infrared radiation, the infrared focal plane can produces small voltage signals. For the traditional readout circuit structures are designed to process current signals, they cannot be applied to it. In this paper,a new readout circuit for the diode un-cooled infrared focal plane array is developed. The principle of detector array signal readout and small signal amplification is given in detail. The readout circuit is designed and simulated by using the Central Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (CSMC) 0.5 μm complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor (CMOS) technology library. Cadence Spectre simulation results show that the scheme can be applied to the CMOS readout integrated circuit (ROIC) with a larger array, such as 320×240 size array.  相似文献   

2007年的元旦前,业界对商品化"中国芯"的最后一丝担忧得到了舒缓. 12月27日,神州龙芯集成电路设计有限公司对外公布,中科院计算所已选择与欧洲最大的半导体公司意法半导体,将就龙芯2E的生产和销售展开合作.双方合作细节至今未见披露,但知情人士向透露,双方已经达成初步意向,即意法半导体将出资3000万元购买龙芯2E处理器5年产销权,在此期间,这家法国公司每销售一枚处理器将向北京神州龙芯公司提交2美元的专利许可费.中科院计算所所长李国杰向证实,正式确认合作的时刻将等到今年3月,届时双方将齐聚人民大会堂公布合作详情.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,用户对业务质量的需求也日益提高,为此3GPP组织加强了对QoS的研究,在UMTS阶段引入了端到端QoS机制,并在LTE阶段对QoS机制进行了扩展和增强,目前QoS的研究是3GPP研究的一个热点。本文对3GPP移动通信网QoS演进进行了介绍,分析了UMTS和EPC网络的QoS实现机制,并对两种QoS实现机制进行了分析。  相似文献   

文中剖析了Ogre渲染引擎的工作原理,描述了基于GPU的后处理技术,利用Ogre渲染引擎通过GPU实现了二维快速傅里叶变换,添加了探测器成像系统调制传递函数(MTF),实现了系统线性噪声和随机噪声的添加,模拟了实时三维红外场景中的探测器效应.  相似文献   

在闭箱、开口箱、被动辐射体箱和带通箱系统的设计中,人们已认识到单元的TS参数和箱体的声学参数有紧密的配合关系。一旦箱体的结构设计有所确定,安装在箱体上的扬声器单元的TS参数也必须确定,这样,系统的低音频特性就因此而定。但是在批量投产时,TS参数的偏差将对系统的低音频特性产生变化。以开口箱的系统频率响应曲线为分析目标,要观察TS参数的偏差所产生的变化。为此,采用LEAP5扬声器设计软件作相应的模拟,证明只要TS参数的偏差在一定的范围内,频率响应曲线的变化也可以维持在一个偏差带内。这样,可根据系统的技术指标来确定TS参数的偏差。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the history of e-Health initiatives in Australia. It highlights the importance of contextual factors in their evolution and the way in which certain initiatives have been managed. The first section outlines the development of e-Health systems in Australia from their inception to the present day. Then, Australia’s e-Health system is evaluated in relation to comparable countries using social mechanism theory. This provides a process-based approach for understanding the relationship between process, context and outcomes in the evaluation of e-Health initiatives in Australia and in comparable countries.  相似文献   

Improved LUT Technique for HPA Nonlinear Pre-Distortion in OFDM Systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, we focus on the Look-up Table (LUT) technique for the compensation of HPA nonlinear distortion. An improved LUT method is proposed with better performance compared with conventional LUT technique in terms of convergence speeds, BER and total degradation (TD). It can get over 8 dB gain in out-of-band spectrum re-growth suppression and about 0.3 dB BER performance gain than conventional LUT technique with the same iteration times. Also, we propose an actual application of HPA with pre-distorter in OFDM transmitter. Ai Bo was born in Shannxi Province in China on February 7, 1974. He received a BSc. Degree from Engineering Institute of Armed Police Force in 1997, a Master and Dr. degree from Xidian University in 2002 and 2004 in China respectively, and now working as a post dr. in Dept. of E&E, state of key lab. on microwave and digital communications in Tsinghua University in China. He has once participated in the key research project on HDTV in TEEG (Team of Engineering Expert Group) of China. He is an editorial committee member of journal of “Computer Simulations”, “Information and Electronic Engineering”, an IEEE member and a senior member of Electronics Institute of China (CIE). He has published over 60 scientific papers in his research area till now. His current interests are the research and applications of OFDM techniques with emphasis on synchronization and HPA linearization techniques. Yang Zhi-Xing graduated from Tsinghua University, P.R. China in 1970. He is now a Professor and Deputy Director of State Key Lab. on Microwave and Digital Communication at the Department of Electronic Engineering and the Director of the DTV R&D Center in Tsinghua University. As a DTV technical expert for the Chinese government, Professor Yang has also been a member of the DTV standardization Committee of China and a leader of the DTV Standardization Harmonizing Group in Ministry of Information Industry of China. His major research interests include broadband information transmission technologies and DTV broadcasting systems. Pan Chang-Yong received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Department of Electronic Engineering in Tsinghua University, P.R. China, in 1996 and 1999, respectively. He is now an associate professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering and a member of the DTV R&D Center in Tsinghua University. His research interests are in the areas of broadband wireless transmission systems and satellite communications. Zhang Tao-Tao was born in Shandong Province in China in 1982, he received BSc. degree from Tsinghua University in 2004 and now pursing his Master degree in Dept. of E&E, state of key lab. on microwave and digital communications in Tsinghua University in China. His research interests is the power amplifier linearization techniques. Wang Yong was born in Shannxi Province in China in 1976. He received a BSc., a Master and a Dr. Degree from Xidian University in China in 1997, 2002 and 2005, respectively, and now is an associate professor in Xidian University. He has once participated in the key research project on HDTV in TEEG (Team of Engineering Expert Group) in China and is an IEEE Member. His interests are broadband multimedia communications. Ge Jian-Hua was born in September, 1961 in JiangSu Province in China. He received the B.Sc., Master and Ph.D. degree from Xidian University in 1982, 1985 and 1989, respectively. He is now the professor in both Xidian University in Xi’an and Shanghai Jiaotong University in Shanghai. He is the senior member of Chinese Electronics Institute. He has won lots of scientific and technical prizes in China and published many papers. His interests are transmission communications and web security.  相似文献   

随着科学计算可视化技术和地质信息技术的发展,三维地质建模逐渐成为石油勘探、岩土工程、GIS和科学计算可视化等领域研究与应用的热点。本文主要介绍了在三维地质建模中常用的三角剖分算法中的逐点插入法,在实际运用中进行了改进,对三维空间中的原始数据点进行三角网化并构造地质体。  相似文献   

低功率半导体激光照射对神经功能恢复的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨低功率半导体激光对家兔神经功能恢复的影响。方法用 36只体重 2 .5kg左右的家兔随机分为 3,6 ,9和 12周 4个观察期组 ,每个观察期组随机分为半导体激光照射组 (各用家兔 5只 )和对照组 (各用家兔 4只 )。麻醉后 ,均切断左侧腓总神经 ,用 9/0尼龙单丝对端吻合神经外膜。各照射组在术后 1d开始照射家兔L5 ,6脊髓节段 ,照射激光输出功率为2mW ,每天照射 5min ,连续照射 7d。对照组不照射 ,均按期观察。结果术后 3周 ,可在照射组看到细小而稀少的再生轴突 ,对照组直到术后 6周才看到 (P <0 .0 1)。照射组的腓总神经潜伏速率均优于对照组 (P <0 .0 1) ,动作电位波幅照射组也优于对照组。展趾功能到术后 12周 ,照射组与侧健相同 ,对照组才恢复到照射组 6周的水平。结论低功率的半导体激光促进脊髓运动神经细胞功能 ,加速轴突再生  相似文献   

低功率磁作用半导体激光照射对神经功能恢复的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 :探讨低功率磁作用半导体激光对家兔神经功能恢复的影响。方法 :用 5 6只体重 2 .5kg左右的家兔随机分为 3 ,6,9和 12周 4个观察期组 ,每个观察期组随机分为半导体激光照组 (各用家兔 5只 )、磁作用半导体激光照组 (各用家兔 5只 )和对照组 (各用家兔 4只 )。麻醉后 ,均切断左侧腓总神经 ,用 9 0尼龙单丝对端吻合神经外膜。各照射组在术后 1d开始照射家兔L5 ,6脊髓节段 ,照射激光输出功率为 2mW ,磁作用半导体激光照射采用在激光输出端安置强度为 5mT的恒磁场作用在激光上 ,每天照射 5min ,连续照射 7d。对照组不照射 ,均按期观察。结果 :术后 3周 ,各照射组看到细小而稀少的再生轴突 ,对照组直到术后 9周才看到 (P <0 .0 1) ,磁作用激光照射组优于激光照射组 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;各照射组的腓总神经潜伏速率和动作电位波幅均优于对照组 (P <0 .0 1) ,磁作用激光照射组优于激光照射组 (P <0 .0 5 )。展趾功能到术后 12周 ,磁作用激光照射组与侧健相同 ,激光照射组恢复到磁作用照射组 9周水平 ,对照组才恢复到磁作用半导体照射组近 6周的水平。结论 :低功率的磁半导体激光促进了脊髓运动神经细胞功能 ,加速了轴突再生。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,国家对人才的需求量不断增加,并且对人才培养的要求越来越高。高校作为人才输出的重要基地,人们对高等教育的重视程度不断加深,尤其是近年来高校在发展的过程中其规模也在不断的扩展,导致固定资产管理中的一些问题逐渐凸显出来。本文就固定资产管理中存在的问题进行分析,进一步探讨云计算技术在高校固定资产管理中的应用。  相似文献   

高洁  刘松华 《电子科技》2009,22(11):5-8
研究了异向回旋媒质平板波导中电磁波的模式特性,给出了电磁波在异向回旋媒质中的导行条件。根据媒质介电常数张量分量取不同的符号,分4类情况分析不同媒质参数条件下传播模式的特性,并讨论了不同情况下虚横波数模式的存在性。结果表明这种媒质中的电磁波模式与一般媒质有很大不同。  相似文献   

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