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编辑部主任:王飞wang_fei@chip.cn三四月,春风荡,摄影人,在路上;走出去,带回来,驻留下,细心赏。拍风光,讲技巧,学大片,立意妙;小见大,大挪移,移情境,境无极。大美片,细思量,得佳作,技要强;高动态,低饱和,长曝光,全景旺。说联想,看联系,关系紧,更有力;多与少,讲对比,比色调,比心思。拍纪实,定主题,深挖掘,揣心理;潜意识,很重要,大时代,专题靠;言有物,物有主,意有形,形附属;稳准狠,是要点,轻技巧,重体验。整体感,计划性,章节式,故事成;单张片,何须恋,失选题,成遗憾。  相似文献   

动物组织含约45种矿物元素,依其在动物体内含量多寡,分为常量及微量矿物元素,其中含量多于0.01%的矿物元素称常量元素,包括钙,磷,镁,硫,钠,钾,氯,含量少于0.01%者称微量元素,与动物营养有关的主要有铁,铜,锰,锌,硒,碘,钴,钼 ,氟,锡,镍,硅,砷,铬,钒(吴成坤,1991年,韩友文,1996)。本文仅对我国猪矿物元素营养研究进展予以综述,主要涵盖矿物元素需要量,来源及生物学效价等内容。  相似文献   

网之初,性不善,阿帕网,为冷战。苟 不用,性乃迁,实验室,始相连。昔黑客,爱钻研,只图名,不为钱。反复试,日夜干,互联网,终出现。 网之性,日平等,倡免费,不记名。戴假面,网上走,无人晓,汝是狗。话虽粗,理不谬,隔着网,看不透。 上网者,曰网虫,分大小,不相同。最高级,是大虾,不明白,要问他。次一等,是小虾,建主页,有个家。初学者,叫菜鸟,水平低,态度好。 网上交,是网友,聊上瘾,不想走。网友见,叫面掐,酒喝完,不想他,是美眉,送回家,以后事,不说巴 网上想,网下盼,没几日,成网恋。谈网恋,有争议,…  相似文献   

这是本单元第一课时,单词新授课。本节课主要任务是学习常见动物单词:elephant, panda, lion,giraffe, monkey,以及拓展一些动物及其所喜爱食物的单词: tiger,bear, frog, rabbit, cat, dog, duck, pig, cow, sheep, bamboo, leaves, meat, grass.  相似文献   

The content of the article includes:Firewall and their roles,service packs,account considerations,antivirus,dial in accessor remote network access,intrusion detection,strong password practices,serVices installed,file system,bios,booting drivers,installing IIS on separate network segments,segment the network,branch offices,backups,etc.  相似文献   

本次演唱会是英皇娱乐为庆祝公司成立十周年而举办的,云集了旗下几乎所有重量级艺人:谢霆锋,古巨基,容祖儿,TWINS,林峰,陈伟霆,泳儿,钟舒漫,王祖蓝,洪卓立,郑希怡,Boy'z,李逸朗,吴浩康,水木年华,洪杰,林俊杰与海鸣威等。  相似文献   

《X-Man》游戏秘技选关指令:在游戏过程中,于主选单中顺序输入-三角,圆圈,三角,正方,三角,圆圈.L1+R1.解放所有服装:在游戏开始前,于主选单中顺序输入-三角,圆圈,三角,正方,正方,正方,L1+L2.解放CEREBRO FILES:在游戏开始前,于主选单中顺序输入-三角,圆圈,三角,正方,正方,正方,R1+R2.(假若成功,选择Bonus后再选Cerebro就可看CEREBRO FILES)解放CHEAT MENU功能:在游戏开始前,于主选单中顺序输入-三角,三角,圆圈,圆圈,正方,正方,圆圈,圆圈,L1+R1,L2+R2.(成功后,在游戏中进入PAUSE MENU,就发现CHEAT MENU的新指令)《…  相似文献   

你的泪光,柔弱中带伤,满屏的熊猫香,删除过往,熊猫猖狂,点上三根香,是谁在电脑前冰冷地绝望?近日,可谓两岸烧香停不住,病毒已染重山。一些人因防范不严,准备不足,不幸中招。面对满屏的熊猫满屏的香,恨不得也烧上一炷赶紧脱险。正月初一,你在佛前默默地许愿,虔诚地插上香:学业有成,事业兴旺,永远年轻,“钱”途无量……那么,佛真的保佑你了吗?也许,或挂科,或金榜未名,或事业平淡,或遭遇不顺,或新房轿熊猫慢慢拜,暗黄色的香,我重装又重装,心里发慌,路在何方,谁为我思量,冷风吹乱憔悴模样……  相似文献   

Formanyyears,computersciencehasbeenstrainingattheboundsofthecomputer,hopingforalanguage,atechnique,asysternthatwouldtranscendtherigidboundsofthepurelyprocedural.Allofthoseattemptshavefailed,toagreaterorlesserdegree.Yetnow,withoutintendingit,weperhapsfindourselvesimperceptiblyoverthatedge.Thereisnosinglewatershedevent,butwehaveneverthelesscrossedfromonecomputingeraintoanother.TwoMicrosoftonlineencyclopedias,EncartaandCinemania,standoneithersideofacontinentaldivideinelectronicpublishing.Bothma…  相似文献   

题记:滔滔江水,奔涌向前,悲喜,沉浮,生死都牵发于江湖,如一叶浮萍,生于晨,而亡于暮,委于风或覆于水,身负血海深仇,胸怀磅礴大志,浪流千里,饮风而长,沐雨而壮。忍辱、沉默、等待,人在江湖,身不由己,苦海无边,回首是岸。——前言  相似文献   

Social networking sites have gained popularity among all populations, especially young adults. Personality traits were found to be predictive of how individuals use social media. Therefore, this study sought to examine the association between shyness and self-disclosure to a Facebook friend as well as self-disclosure to a face-to-face friend. Two studies were conducted. The first study tested how shyness and social loneliness are related to self-disclosure to a Facebook friend to whom an individual talks most often. The second, follow-up study tested how shyness is related to self-disclosure to a Facebook friend to whom a person speaks to only though Facebook, and also to a face-to-face friend to whom the participants talk only face-to-face and never through Facebook. Participants were college students from a large research university in the United States. Study 1 found a negative association between shyness and self-disclosure to a Facebook friend. Study 2 found a negative association between shyness and self-disclosure to a face-to-face friend. The theoretical implications and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper considers the nature of medical work and how new telemedicine technologies can be developed to support that work. Telemedicine developers attempt to increase communication and collaboration between medical practitioners and between patients and medics, with the goal being to make medical care and information more easily accessible. However, the focus of telemedicine systems appears to have so far been technology centred, and the work they are trying to support is often ignored. We argue that to develop appropriate telemedicine technologies, it is important to understand the nature of medical work, and to examine the manner in which medical practiceactually occurs. Only then will we be in a position to design appropriate telemedicine technologies to support these activities. Unless designers have an insight into the work itself, new technologies will continue to fail to support what telemedicine effectively aims to promote — collaboration and access to distributed knowledge.  相似文献   

Colour, marbling and surface texture properties of beef longissimus dorsi muscle are used in some countries to grade carcasses according to their expected eating quality. Handheld VIA systems are being used to augment the grader assessments, however attempts have been made to develop higher resolution image systems to give consistent and objective predictions of quality based on these properties. Previous efforts have been unable to model sufficiently the variation in eating quality. A new approach has been applied whereby beef carcasses were subjected to homogenous post-slaughter treatment to minimize variation in eating quality related to other factors such as chilling temperature and hanging method. Furthermore a wider range of features were used to better characterize colour and marbling and the wavelet transform was used to characterize texture. Objective and sensory panel tests were performed to evaluate the beef eating qualities. Classical statistical methods of multilinear regression (MLR) and partial least squares regression (PLSR) were used to develop predictive models. It was possible to explain a greater portion of variation in eating quality than before (up to r2=0.83). Carcasses were classified as high or low quality with a high rate of correct classifications (90%). Genetic algorithms were used to select the model subsets.  相似文献   

张明胜  王艳华 《计算机工程》2006,32(11):165-166
对于现在的互联网络通信状况,负载均衡显示其越来越多的重要性,通常实现负载均衡是使用软件并结合相应的算法,该文所描述的是利用Cisco公司的CSM模块来实现安全可靠的负载均衡,CSM模块将客户机的请求分发到不同的虚拟服务器,配合Cisco MSFC模块并合理地进行DNS的配置,实现网络服务的负载均衡。简要介绍了CSM模块的工作原理,如何配置DNS,如何设置虚拟主服务器,以及如何对系统CSM模块进行设置做了描述。  相似文献   

基于Policy的网络管理模型的研究与实现   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于policy的网络管理支持管理系统动态扩充,得到越来越多的研究与应用,首先给出了基于policy的网络管理模型,然后定义policy服务器的体系结构和支持协同的基于policy的网络管理框架,管理框架支持管理人员对任务进行分解,用ploicy描述子任务,然后将ploicy分发到policy服务器,由policy服务器解释执行,多个域的ploicy服务器之间可以发送和接收消息以协调地运行,完成全局的管理任务,管理人员可以动态地对ploicy进行修改以适应系统的变化。  相似文献   

遗传规划算法在化合物设计、筛选研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用计算机科学中新兴的遗传规划算法思想,结合化学物质的本质特点,运用进化操作来实现化合物的合成设计和筛选。文中针对算法运用讨论了函数集、终止集问题,通过计算元素组成的字符串的化合价的结果来确定适应度函数,既符合化学学科的本质规律,又满足了算法的要求。通过复制、交换和突变操作,经过多代次的进化终止,取得了满意的结果。文章还针对其实用性,从化学本质出发,提出了建议和研究方向。可以说本文是遗传规划在化学化合物合成筛选中运用的成功探索,同时也为进一步研究打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Sexual topics are attractive to young adults and this may invoke substantial attention that diverts their thinking regarding sexual intervention to engage learning contents. The aim of this study was to explore students’ mindfulness when learning how to use condoms from watching videos on a social media (i.e., YouTube), and to self-assess their mindfulness, which reflected to their continuance intention to learn about safe sex via social media, mediated by their perception of hedonic and utilitarian values. Data from 132 senior high students were collected and subjected to confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results indicated that the neuroticism personality trait was positively correlated to mindfulness, but openness was negatively correlated to mindfulness. Mindfulness was positively correlated to both hedonic and utilitarian experiential values, and both experiential values were positively correlated to continuance intention to learn about safe sex via social media. The implications of this study suggest that social media may be a useful channel for senior high school students to learn sexual health concepts.  相似文献   

Embedded systems contain several layers of target processing abstraction. These layers include electronic circuit, binary machine code, mnemonic assembly code, and high-level procedural and object-oriented abstractions. Physical and temporal constraints and artifacts within physically embedded systems make it impossible for software engineers to operate at a single layer of processor abstraction. The Luxdbg embedded system debugger exposes these layers to debugger users, and it adds an additional layer, the extension language layer, that allows users to extend both the debugger and its target processor capabilities. Tcl is Luxdbg's extension language. Luxdbg users can apply Tcl to automate interactive debugging steps, to redirect and to interconnect target processor input-output facilities, to schedule multiple processor execution, to log and to react to target processing exceptions, to automate target system testing, and to prototype new debugging features. Inclusion of an extension language like Tcl in a debugger promises additional advantages for distributed debugging, where debuggers can pass extension language expressions across computer networks.  相似文献   

Competition forces manufacturing systems to be flexible and to increase product variety and process complexity. These tasks depend on the flexible design of a bill of materials (BOM), one of the most important inputs in manufacturing planning and control systems. Product variety forces systems to generate BOMs with regard to product properties through a BOM pattern. A variant bill of materials provides a structure to manage product variability. In this study, an algorithm is designed to build a BOM pattern using computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) data, and another algorithm is designed to generate variants with regard to product specifications. Genetic algorithm is used to generate new products to provide high product variability for testing algorithms. After the test, both algorithms are applied to a real industry problem. The BOM pattern is built automatically using CAD/CAM data, and variants are generated with regard to the pattern, and the results are discussed.  相似文献   

随着具有一定计算能力和无线通信能力的智能传感器(称为mote)的出现,越来越多的物联网应用可以实现对环境及其变化的就地感知、就地决策和就地反应.但因为mote的感知能力和感知范围有限,它们需要协同感知才能更全面地感知环境的状态,才能更好地适应环境的变化.而传统的mote协同感知的实现方法要求开发人员过多地关注mote之间的交互逻辑,并且mote应用也无法适应复杂环境的不断变化.为了避免开发人员在交互逻辑上花费过多的精力,同时保障开发出来的mote应用系统能够适应不稳定的外界环境,提出了一种基于元组空间的mote协同感知支撑机制,使得mote之间的协同感知过程(包括交互的建立过程以及对环境变化的适应过程)对开发人员完全透明.最后实现了一个简单的应用场景,展示了该方法如何满足功能需求以及在环境发生变化时如何对环境进行适应.  相似文献   

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