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Crystallographic characteristics and microwave dielectric properties of Ni-modified MgTa2O6 ceramics
Liang Shi Xueying Wang Rui Peng Gang Wang Cheng Liu Xiaolei Shi Dainan Zhang Huaiwu Zhang 《Ceramics International》2021,47(16):22514-22521
Ni2+ modified MgTa2O6 ceramics with a trirutile phase and space group P42/mnm were obtained. The correlations between crystallographic characteristics and microwave dielectric performance of MgTa2O6 ceramics were systematically studied based on the chemistry bond theory (PVL theory) for the first time. The results indicate that the introduction of Ni2+ causes a change in polarizability and the Mg–O bond ionicity, which contributes to the variation of dielectric constant. Moreover, the lattice energy, and packing fraction, full width at half maximum of the Raman peak of Ta–O bond, as the quantitative characterization of crystallographic parameters, regulate the dielectric loss of MgTa2O6 ceramics in GHz frequency band. In addition, the study of sintering behavior shows that the densification and micromorphology are the crucial factors affecting the microwave dielectric performance. Typically, Ni2+ doping on the A-site of MgTa2O6 can effectively promote the Q × f values to 173,000 GHz (at 7.43 GHz), which ensures its applicability in 5G communication technology. 相似文献
Bin Tang Qiuyuan Xiang Zixuan Fang Xing Zhang Zhe Xiong Hao Li Changlai Yuan Shuren Zhang 《Ceramics International》2019,45(9):11484-11490
The CaMg1-xCr2x/3Si2O6 (0?≤?x?≤?0.1) microwave dielectric ceramics were synthesized via conventional solid state reaction. In this study, the effects of Cr3+ substituting for Mg2+ on morphology, crystal structure and microwave dielectric properties of CaMg1-xCr2x/3Si2O6 ceramics were explored. XRD diffraction patterns exhibited that the CaMg1-xCr2x/3Si2O6 ceramics possessed the pure phase of CaMgSi2O6 when x?≤?0.06 and a small amount of secondary phase Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3 for 0.08?≤?x?≤?0.1. SEM micrographs revealed that the substitution of Mg2+ with Cr3+ could decrease the grain size. The apparent density was affected by the concentration of Mg vacancies. The correlation between crystal structure and microwave dielectric properties was investigated through the Rietveld refinement and Raman analysis. The microwave dielectric properties were mainly dependent on relative density, ionic polarizabilities, internal strain ?, disordered structure and MgO6 octahedron distortions. Finally, CaMg1-xCr2x/3Si2O6 (x?=?0.02) ceramics sintered at 1270?°C for 3?h exhibited excellent microwave dielectric properties of εr?=?8.06, Q?×?f?=?89054?GHz, τf?=??44.92182?ppm/ºC. 相似文献
Two low temperature sintered NaPb2B2V3O12 (B?=?Mg, Zn) ceramics with garnet structure were synthesized through conventional solid state reaction route and their crystal structure and microwave dielectric properties were investigated for the first time. Rietveld refinements of XRD patterns show both the compounds belong to cubic symmetry with space group Ia-3d. Observed number of Raman bands and group theoretical predictions also confirm cubic symmetry with space group Ia-3d for both NPMVO and NPZVO. At the optimum sintering temperature of 725?°C NPMVO has a relative permittivity of 20.6?±?0.2, unloaded quality factor (Quxf) of 22,800?±?1500?GHz (f?=?7.7?GHz) and temperature coefficient of resonant frequency +25.1?±?1?ppm/°C while NPZVO has relative permittivity of 22.4?±?0.2, Quxf of 7900?±?1500?GHz (f?=?7.4?GHz) and near zero temperature coefficient of resonant frequency of -6?±?1?ppm/°C at 650?°C. The relative permittivity of the compounds is inversely related to the corresponding Raman shifts. 相似文献
Hao Li Pengcheng Zhang Shengquan Yu Hongyu Yang Bin Tang Fuhai Li Shuren Zhang 《Ceramics International》2019,45(9):11639-11647
Mg2(Ti1-xSnx)O4 (x?=?0–1) ceramics were prepared through conventional solid-state method. This paper focused on the dependence of microwave dielectric properties on crystal structural characteristics via crystal structure refinement, Raman spectra study and complex chemical bond theory. XRD spectrums delineated the phase information of a spinel structure, and structural characteristic of these compositions were achieved with the help of Rietveld refinements. Raman spectrums were used to depict the correlations between vibrational phonon modes and dielectric properties. The variation of permittivity is ascribed to the Mg2(Ti1-xSnx)O4 average bond covalency. The relationship among the B-site octahedral bond energy, tetrahedral bond energy and temperature coefficient are discussed by defining on the change rate of bond energy and the contribution rate of octahedral bond energy. The quality factor is affected by systematic total lattice energy, and the research of XPS patterns illustrated that oxygen vacancies can be effectively restrained in rich oxygen sintering process. Obviously, the microwave dielectric properties of Mg2(Ti1-xSnx)O4 compounds were obtained (= 12.18, ?=?170,130?GHz, ?=??53.1?ppm/°C, x?=?0.2). 相似文献
Urban Došler Marjeta Maček Kržmanc Danilo Suvorov 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2010,30(2):413-418
Single-phase Mg3B2O6 and Mg2B2O5 ceramics were synthesized and then structurally and dielectrically characterized. The highest Qxf value of 230,900 GHz was obtained for a Mg3B2O6 ceramic with a density of 97% and 1000-μm grains. Considerably lower Qxf values (10,000–32,000 GHz) were determined for the Mg2B2O5 ceramic. Mg3B2O6 and Mg2B2O5 exhibited permittivities (?) of 7.2 and 6.2–7.0, respectively. Both ceramics showed negative temperature coefficients of resonant frequency (τf) of ?18 to ?45 ppm/°C. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2017,37(8):2825-2831
In this study, the effects of the Mg2+ ions replaced by Ca2+ ions on the microwave dielectric properties of newly developed MgZrTa2O8 were investigated. Mg1-xCaxZrTa2O8 (x = 0–1.0) ceramics were prepared via a solid-state reaction method. Calcination of the mixed powders was performed at 1200 °C and sintering of the powder compacts was accomplished at temperatures from 1200 to 1550 °C. The substitution of Ca2+ significantly inhibited the densification of Mg1-xCaxZrTa2O8, led to the expansion of the unit cells, and triggered the formation of a second phase, CaTa2O6. The porosity-corrected relative permittivity increased almost linearly with the x value because of the replacement of the less polarizable Mg2+ ions by the more polarizable Ca2+ ions. The variation in the Q × f values followed a similar trend as that of the sintered density, and the change trend in the τf values was in accordance with that of relative permittivity. The best composition appeared to be Mg0.9Ca0.1ZrTa2O8, which showed excellent microwave dielectric properties of εr = 22.5, Q × f = 231,951 GHz, and τf = −32.9 ppm/°C. The Q × f value obtained is the highest among the wolframite dielectric ceramics reported in literature. 相似文献
The LiNiPO4 ceramic for the LTCC technology was prepared via the traditional solid-state reaction route and its dielectric properties were investigated for the first time. The best dielectric properties of LiNiPO4 ceramics with a εr of 7.18, Q×f value of 27,754?GHz and τf of ?67.7?ppm/°C were obtained in samples sintered at 825?°C for 2?h. Rietveld refinement was firstly employed to study the crystal structure and dielectric properties of LiNiPO4 ceramics. Unfortunately, the relatively large negative τf was unfavorable to practical applications. Therefore, we introduced TiO2, which possessed a considerable positive τf, to obtain a desired τf value. The prepared LiNiPO4 ceramics with 15?wt% TiO2 sintered at 900?°C for 2?h exhibited excellent dielectric properties of εr~11.49, Q×f~10,792?GHz, τf~?2.8?ppm/°C. The Ag co-fired experiments confirmed the excellent chemical compatibility with LiNiPO4-TiO2 ceramics which might be potential dielectric LTCCs for high frequency applications. 相似文献
Shaobo Zhang Liwei Shi Lanyang Zhang Haiyan Zhu Wangsuo Xia 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2018,101(3):1014-1019
New high‐quality microwave dielectric ceramics Mg2NdNbO6 were prepared by conventional solid‐state sintering method. The phases, micro‐structures and microwave dielectric properties of Mg2NdNbO6 ceramics were investigated at sintering temperature in the range of 1275°C‐1400°C. The X‐ray diffraction patterns showed that the peaks of the compounds were attributed to two phases, including the main crystalline phase of NdNbO4 that was indexed as the monoclinic phase and MgO as the second phase. Well‐developed microstructures of Mg2NdNbO6 ceramics can be achieved, and the grain size reached the maximum value (1.63 μm) at 1375°C. As the sintering temperature increased, the dielectric constant, temperature coefficient of resonant frequency and apparent density remained almost unchanged, however, the significant change in the quality factor was observed. At 1375°C, Mg2NdNbO6 ceramics possessed excellent microwave dielectric properties: εr = 16.22, Q × f = 116 000 GHz and τf = ?30.96 ppm/°C. 相似文献
Yuanming Lai Yiming Zeng Jiao Han Xiaofeng Liang Xiaoling Zhong Mingzhe Liu Bin Duo Hua Su 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2021,41(4):2602-2609
In this work, the Zn2-xSiO4-x-xCuO (x = 0, 0.04, 0.08, 0.12, 0.16 and 0.20) ceramics were synthesized through solid state reaction. The dependence of microwave dielectric properties on the structure was investigated through X-ray diffraction (XRD) with Rietveld refinements, Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Raman spectra. The melting of CuO can reduce the densification temperature of Zn2-xSiO4-x ceramics. In comparison with x = 0, the x = 0.08 ceramics were densified at 1150℃ and the excellent microwave dielectric properties with low dielectric constant (εr = 6.01), high quality factor (Qf = 105 500 GHz) and τf = ?28 ppm/°C, were obtained. The εr, Qf and τf value are dominated by covalency of Si-O bond and secondary phase, crystallinity and lattice energy, respectively. This provides a theoretical basis to further adjust the microwave dielectric property (especially τf value) from the structural point of view. 相似文献
Different experimental conditions were applied to investigate the optimum sintering properties of SrZnP2O7 ceramics, and its crystal structure and microstructure were investigated by X-ray powder diffraction and scanning electron microscope, respectively. The microwave dielectric properties were measured using a network analyzer. In calcination process, SrZnP2O7 powders were synthesized at different temperatures. The sintering characterizations and electric properties of the SrZnP2O7 ceramics prepared from the different calcined SrZnP2O7 powders were studied systematically. Better microwave dielectric properties can be obtained when using well calcined powders and optimum sintering conditions. 相似文献
Xiaolei Shi Huaiwu Zhang Dainan Zhang Cheng Liu Jie Li Lichuan Jin 《Ceramics International》2021,47(9):12567-12573
To suppress the impurity phases and porous microstructure caused by lithium volatilization, the Li2Mg3ZrO6 and Zr-deficiency Li2Mg3Zr1-xO6 (x = 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10) ceramics were successfully synthesized via the solid-state method assisted with atmosphere-controlled sintering. The influences of non-stoichiometric on structure characteristics, morphology and microwave dielectric properties of Li2Mg3Zr1-xO6 ceramics were investigated. The XRD and SEM results proved that the Zr-deficiency restrained the formation of impurity phases and remarkably improved the densification of Li2Mg3Zr1-xO6 samples. The variation trend of dielectric constant (εr) was explained by the relative density and theoretical dielectric polarizability. The quality factor (Q × f) was strongly associated with the impurity phases and relative density. Additionally, the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (τf) showed the same trend as the total bond energy Etotal, indicating the bond energy might play vital roles in thermal stability of Li2Mg3Zr1-xO6 samples. Typically, the Li2Mg3Zr1-xO6 sample obtained at x = 0.06 possessed remarkable dielectric performances: εr = 13.13, Q × f = 116,400 GHz (10.14 GHz) and τf = ?26.30 ppm/°C. 相似文献
Ying-Chun Zhang Xiu Wang Bao-Jian Fu Yan-Hong Liu Yuan-Zhu Ding Zhen-Xing Yue 《Ceramics International》2012
ZnTa2O6 microwave dielectric ceramics have been prepared using ZnTa2O6 nano-powders synthesized by sol–gel processing in this study. The crystal structure and microstructure of the ZnTa2O6 powders and ceramics were characterized by XRD and SEM techniques. ZnTa2O6 ceramics can be densified at a lower sintering temperature of 1200 °C. Microwave dielectric properties show that both of Q × f and ?r values are lower than those of ceramics prepared by solid state route, and the τf values do not show different from that of solid state route. ZnTa2O6 ceramics sintered at 1200 °C exhibit good microwave dielectric properties: Q × f = 50,600 GHz, ?r = 35.12 and τf = 9.69 ppm/°C. 相似文献
Q.J. Mei C.Y. Li J.D. Guo S.X. Huang X.H. Zhang H.T. Wu 《Ceramics International》2013,39(8):9145-9149
Microwave dielectric properties of corundum-structured Mg4Ta2O9 ceramics were investigated as a function of sintering temperatures by an aqueous sol–gel process. Crystal structure and microstructure were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). Sintering characteristics and microwave dielectric properties of Mg4Ta2O9 ceramics were studied as a function of sintering temperature from 1250 °C to 1450 °C. With increasing sintering temperature, the density, εr and Qf values increased, saturating at 1300 °C with excellent microwave properties of εr=11.9, Qf=195,000 GHz and τf=?47 ppm/°C. Evaluation of dielectric properties of Mg4Ta2O9 ceramics were also analyzed by means of first principle calculation method and ionic polarizability theory. 相似文献
Kang Du Fei Wang Xiao-Qiang Song Yan-Bo Guo Xiao-Chuan Wang Wen-Zhong Lu Wen Lei 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2021,41(4):2568-2578
The crystal structure and dielectric properties of Ti4+-substituted CaSnSiO5 ceramic were investigated. Ti4+ entirely substituted Sn4+ of CaSnSiO5, and the solid solutions were formed at Ca(Sn1-xTix)SiO5 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) ceramics. The evolutions of crystal structure were analysed through Rietveld refinement and transmission electron microscopy, and the phase transition from A2/a to P21/a space groups at Ca(Sn1-xTix)SiO5 (0.9 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) ceramics was clarified. The change in dielectric properties was related to the structural evolution of Ca(Sn1-xTix)SiO5 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0). The τf values of Ca(Sn1-xTix)SiO5 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) ceramics initially decreased to +49.8 ppm/°C and then increased to +98.3 ppm/°C because of Sn/TiO6 octahedral distortion. The temperature coefficient of capacitance and εr anomaly peak were controlled by Ti4+ substitution for Sn4+ at Ca(Sn1-xTix)SiO5 (0.4 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) ceramics. The results provided a way to control the τf value of microwave dielectric ceramics. 相似文献
Electronic states and cation distributions of MgAl2O4 and Mg0.4Al2.4O4 microwave dielectric ceramics
Susumu Takahashi Hirotaka Ogawa Akinori Kan 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2018,38(2):593-598
The electronic state and microwave dielectric properties of MgAl2O4 prepared using solid-state (MA-S) and molten salt (MA-M) methods and those of Mg0.4Al2.4O4 (M04A24) were investigated. The λ values, which correspond to the fraction of Al3+ cations in tetrahedral sites, for MA-S, MA-M, and M04A24 were 0.23, 0.41, and 0.60, respectively. In molecular orbital calculations, a larger overlap was observed between Al-3s or Al-3p in tetrahedral sites and O-2p orbitals for M04A24, and the bond order for AlO at tetrahedral sites of M04A24 (0.241) was higher than those for MA-S (0.178) and MA-M (0.205). The dielectric constant, εr, for M04A24 (7.6) was lower than those for MA-S and MA-M (both 7.9), and the highest quality factor, Q·f, was obtained for M04A24 (235, 800 GHz). It was found that the covalency of the AlO bonds in the MO4 tetrahedra is closely related to the Q?f values of the present ceramics. 相似文献
A novel low-loss microwave dielectric material MgZrNb2O8 was reported for the first time. Single-phase MgZrNb2O8 was prepared by a conventional mixed-oxide route and sintered in the temperature range of 1280–1360 °C. The microstructure and microwave dielectric properties were investigated systematically. The X-ray diffraction results showed that all samples exhibit a single wolframite structure. When the sintering temperature was lower than 1340 °C, the Q×f value mainly depended on the relative density. However, when the sintering temperature was above 1340 °C, the Q×f value mainly relied on the grain morphology in addition to the density. The MgZrNb2O8 ceramic sintered at 1340 °C for 4 h exhibited excellent microwave dielectric of εr=26, Q×f=120,816 GHz (where f=6.85 GHz), and τf=?50.2 ppm/°C. These results demonstrate that MgZrNb2O8 could be a promising candidate material for the application of highly selective microwave ceramic resonators and filters. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2006,26(10-11):1791-1799
Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3 (BMT) is a very important microwave dielectric resonator material with a high dielectric constant of about 25, high quality factor and small temperature variation of resonant frequency. The preparation temperature of BMT ceramics is relatively high, about 1650 °C. The microwave quality factor of BMT depends on the ordering of Mg–Ta–Ta ions on the perovskite B-site. In the present paper we report how one can tailor the properties of BMT ceramics by glass addition, slight non-stoichiometry and by dopant addition. (a) It is found that addition of small amount of glasses such as B2O3, ZnO–B2O3, ZnO–2B2O3, ZnO–B2O3–SiO2 reduces the sintering temperature, increases density, order parameter and quality factor. (b) Slight Mg or Ba deficiency improves densification, order parameter and quality factor whereas excess Mg or Ba deteriorated the properties (c) Small amounts of dopants such as Sb2O5, MnCO3, ZrO2, WO3, SnO2 and ZnO improve the microwave dielectric properties. It is found that the quality factor is maximum when the ionic radii of the dopant ions are close to the weighted average ionic radii of B site ions (i.e. Mg1/3Ta2/3), which is 0.653 Å. 相似文献
Mg(Ti1-xNbx)O3 (x = 0–0.09) ceramics were prepared by the conventional solid-state reaction method. The phase composition, sintering characteristics, microstructure and dielectric properties of Ti4+ replacement by Nb5+ in the formed solid solution Mg(Ti1-xNbx)O3 (x = 0–0.09) ceramics were systematically studied. The structural variations and influence of Nb5+ doping in Mg(Ti1-xNbx)O3 were also systematically investigated by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy, respectively. X-ray diffraction and its Rietveld refinement results confirmed that Mg(Ti1-xNbx)O3 (x = 0–0.09) ceramics crystallised into an ilmenite-type with R-3 (148) space group. The replacement of the low valence Ti4+ by the high valence Nb5+ can improve the dielectric properties of Mg(Ti1-xNbx)O3 (x = 0–0.09). This paper also studied the different sintering temperatures for Mg(Ti1-xNbx)O3 (x = 0–0.09) ceramics. The obtained results proved that 1350 °C is the best sintering temperature. The permittivity and Q × f initially increased and then decreased mainly due to the effects of porosity caused by the sintering temperature and the doping amount of Nb2O5, respectively. Furthermore, the increased Q × f is correlated to the increase in Ti–O bond strength as confirmed by Raman spectroscopy, and the electrons generated by the oxygen vacancies will be compensated by Nb5+ to a certain extent to suppress Ti4+ to Ti3+, which was confirmed by XPS. The increase in τf from ?47 ppm/°C to ?40.1 ppm/°C is due to the increment in cell polarisability. Another reason for the increased τf is the reduction in the distortion degree of the [TiO6] octahedral, which was also confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. Mg(Ti0.95Nb0.05)O3 ceramics sintered at 1350 °C for 2 h possessed excellent microwave dielectric properties of εr = 18.12, Q × f = 163618 GHz and τf = ?40.1 ppm/°C. 相似文献
Yi-Cheng Liou Chao-Yang Shiue Min-Hang Weng 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2009,29(6):1165-1171
TiO2 added NiNb2O6 ceramics produced using a reaction-sintering process were investigated. Pure columbite NiNb2O6 could be obtained without TiO2 addition. With 30 and 40 mol% TiO2 addition, a phase with the same structure of Ni0.5Ti0.5NbO4 formed. Grain growth is easier in pellets with 30 and 40 mol% TiO2 addition than in the NiNb2O6 pellets. Microwave dielectric properties: ?r = 20.7, Q × f = 19,800 GHz (at 9 GHz) and τf = ?31.9 ppm/°C were obtained for NiNb2O6 pellets sintered at 1300 °C/2 h. ?r around 45, Q × f = 5400–7700 GHz (at 6 GHz) and τf ~ 73 ppm/°C were obtained in pellets with 30 mol% TiO2 addition. ?r around 50, Q × f = 3800–5700 GHz (at 6 GHz) and τf ~ 99 ppm/°C were obtained in pellets with 40 mol% TiO2 addition. 相似文献