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在人们的日常工作与生活中,计算机网络技术及其相关的安全技术有着广泛的应用空间,并直接与人们工作生活的效率以及质量产生强烈的关联关系。对此,本文将从计算机网络管理以及相关领域的安全技术角度出发,阐述论析相关观点。  相似文献   

21世纪,计算机技术在中国各行各业蒸蒸日上。它作为一种信息管理工具,极大提高了人们的工作效率。移动互联网的普及,将计算机技术推到每个公众面前,改变了人们的日常生活习惯。图书馆作为人类知识的起源,对社会发展起到了极大作用。面对计算机技术变革的潮流,图书馆应与时俱进,引进相关计算机技术,实现图书日常检索、出借、归还、入库和分类等相关工作,将知识更加便捷普及到公众。基于此,主要探究计算机技术对图书馆方面的作用,提供相关发展建议,旨在推动图书馆提供更高效的服务,满足人们对知识的诉求。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的不断发展,计算机网络安全也越来越受到人们的重视,同时计算机病毒的肆虐横行也给人们带来极大的困扰。文章主要就如何防护病毒、保护计算机网络的安全进行相关分析。  相似文献   

基于内容的图像检索中的相关反馈算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
近几年,相关反馈算法作为解决图像检索问题行之有效的方法,受到人们越来越多的重视,各种各样的相关反馈算法层出不穷,该文回顾了早期的启发式相关反馈算法和近期的最优相关反馈算法,对现有的相关反馈算法进行了分析、总结和对比,并提出了今后相关反馈算法的发展方向。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术以及网络技术的发展,人们在学习、工作、生活等各个方面,越来越离不开计算机的帮助,尤其是电子商务大大改变了人们的生活方式。然而与此相对应的是用户的个人安全却是人们目前所面对的非常严峻的问题,本文分析了造成计算机安全威胁的主要原因,提出了相关的防御措施。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的进步,我国在电子商务领域也取得一定成绩。针对整个经济市场来说,电子商务的崛起也为全社会经济的发展带来了积极的影响,同时,其带动了人们的消费,为人们的网上消费提供了一定的便利性、安全性。但是,电子商务在本质上其实属于网上交易,因为计算机网络的安全性较差,造成的网络安全问题受到了人们的广泛关注。为规避相关风险,有关人员应掌握更多的网络安全技术知识,以此更好地保证电子商务网络的安全性。针对上述问题,本文将着重分析有关网络安全技术的相关应用,使其更好地服务于电子商务领域,希望能够为相关工作人员提供帮助。  相似文献   

基于时域自相关平方函数的基音周期估计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
语音信号的基音估计算法多年来一直是人们关注的问题。属于时域法的基于短时自相关函数的基音估计方法以其算法简单、计算量小而成为人们首选的算法。论文在此法的基础上,提出了一种基于时域自相关平方函数的基音周期估计方法。通过实验仿真表明,该方法简单易行,基音周期估计的准确性比较高。  相似文献   

万维网上非结构化、异构、海量的信息资源给人们寻求合适的信息造成了困难.搜索引擎、个性化搜索工具及其他相关技术的使用,在一定程度上缓解了这个问题,但在面对人们长期的、系统的知识获取需求时,它们所起的作用相对有限.本文分析了人们通过万维网求知的一般过程,并结合一个系统的设计和实现讨论了能有效协助用户万维网求知的具体相关技术,并阐述了该多用户协作的万维网知识获取系统的整体结构和特点.  相似文献   

目前,当人们浏览互联网资源或参加相关讨论时,不可避免地会遇到同反病毒保护云技术相关资料或内容。  相似文献   

数字图片在人们生活中越来越普遍,随时随地拍照即可,已经成为人们生活中很重要的一部分,同时对图片处理的需求也越来越多。如何更好地处理图片,已经成为更多相关研究的重点。总结了一些常见的图片处理算法及相关图片处理软件,方便大家借鉴及应用。  相似文献   

There are a growing number of smart phone applications allowing the user to control their television, set-top box or other entertainment devices. The success of these applications is limited. Based on findings from media studies in Austria and France focusing on how people currently use their TV and iTV systems and associated devices, this article describes recommendations for the design of a smart phone application enabling users to control Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) systems including all connected entertainment devices. Recommendations include the need to allow users to control devices that are related to the IPTV experience (not only the set-top box or television set) and the focus on scenarios of usage like supporting listening to music, enjoying a movie or controlling the connected home. Based on similarities and differences found in the two samples, future smart phone applications for controlling TV will only succeed if they provide meaningful functionalities that satisfy the (varying) user needs, support personalisation and personal usage and respect the limitations of mobile phones with respect to possible parallel activities performed.  相似文献   

直播电视产品已经广泛的走入了人们的日常生活中,如CNTV现已拥有央视直播、卫视直播、城市直播、数字直播,共140余路高清直播,并在不断增加,逐步覆盖全国各省、市、地方全部直播频道.直播电视主要由不同种类的电视节目构成,如新闻资讯类、电视谈话类、文艺类、娱乐类、记录片类等等.对于不同种类的电视节目,能够运用计算机进行高效率的实时判定类别将是一项非常有科研意义和实际应用价值的工作.短视频实时判定系统以直播电视节目作为切入点,对其中的广告片段判定做了比较深入和细致的研究,用基于学习的视频类别判定技术和切合实际的程序架构,来实时的分析和标注直播电视节目中的广告片段,并实现了从视频采集到结果展示的完整系统,省去了人工标注视频资料的耗费,使视频分类算法转化成了生产力.  相似文献   

A cerebral vascular accident, known as common language stroke, is one of the main causes of mortality and remains the primary cause of acquired disabilities in adults. Those disabled people spend most of their time at home in their living rooms. In most cases, appliances of a living room (TV, light, cooler/heater, window blinds, etc.) are generally controlled by direct manipulation of a set of remote controls. Handling many remote controls can be disturbing and inappropriate for these people. In addition, in many cases these people could be alone at home and must open the door for visitors after their identification by either moving to the door or using an intercom system which requires in both cases a physical activity. Furthermore, these people need a continuous health monitoring especially blood pressure to avoid a recurrent stroke. Smart spaces and assisted technologies would be beneficial to assist person with disabilities to live independently, enhance their quality of life and empower their autonomy. A complete system which improves and facilitates the daily life and covers all aspects such as appliances automation, appropriate interaction mode and health monitoring of these people is still lacking. The aim of this work is to create a safe and high-quality living environment for persons with disabilities to enable them to live more independently by automating the operation of a living room appliances according to the current context without the need to use remote control devices, the use of a suitable interaction modality with appliances that require direct interaction and a remote health monitoring system which can alert relatives and caregivers in case of an emergency.  相似文献   

随着移动终端的普遍应用,无线通信技术和地理信息系统的飞速发展,基于位置的服务LBS(Location Based Service)与移动GIS(Geographic Information system)相结合的应用模式已成为研究热点,并且开拓了一个具有无限潜能的市场. 本文首先论述了基于位置服务的移动GIS的基本概念,探讨了Android开发平台的系统架构与基于LBS的移动GIS体系结构,在此基础上设计了一个基于android平台的移动GIS系统,该系统在传统移动GIS的基础上进行了改进,克服了传统移动GIS缺乏社交互动性的缺点,不仅能够实现准确的实时定位与轨迹记录查询,还能够与好友互相分享实时位置以及进行多人轨迹的同时追踪,可以用于对老人儿童等弱势群体进行实时监护,也可以用于企业员工、车辆的管理调度等.  相似文献   

A key assumption of future television (TV) environments is that the future TV viewing experiences will be more active and interactive. Currently several TV technologies based on networked computing, e.g., IPTV (Internet Protocol TV) or Mobile TV, have made it possible for people to interact with their TVs, or even with other viewers through their TVs, by allowing them to access additional functions, for example actively participating in a quiz show, instantly sharing other viewers’ opinions and sending or receiving emails while they are watching a TV programme.To ensure uptake of these new TV technologies, it is essential to match the performance of the novel systems to both current TV viewing experiences and future user needs, since the characteristics of the additional tasks that TV viewers will perform will lead to other substantially different TV viewing experiences. This paper reports on the usefulness and performance evaluation of a novel TV-based human-to-human interaction environment, where audiences of a specific TV channel can exchange public and private text messages. It combines the two popular analogies (Internet chat and SMS) and embeds them into the viewers’ TV experience.Our results showed that this TV hosted human-to-human communication environment could integrate well with the current TV viewing experience. This might lead to applications such as TV-based personal messengers and/or live bulletin board community for fans of a specific TV show. They also revealed several issues that need to be addressed in the development of new TV technologies.  相似文献   

With the advent of new cable and satellite services, and the next generation of digital TV systems, people are faced with an unprecedented level of program choice. This often means that viewers receive much more information than they can actually manage, which may lead them to believe that they are missing programs that could likely interest them. In this context, TV program recommendation systems allow us to cope with this problem by automatically matching user’s likes to TV programs and recommending the ones with higher user preference.This paper describes the design, development, and startup of queveo.tv: a Web 2.0 TV program recommendation system. The proposed hybrid approach (which combines content-filtering techniques with those based on collaborative filtering) also provides all typical advantages of any social network, such as supporting communication among users as well as allowing users to add and tag contents, rate and comment the items, etc. To eliminate the most serious limitations of collaborative filtering, we have resorted to a well-known matrix factorization technique in the implementation of the item-based collaborative filtering algorithm, which has shown a good behavior in the TV domain. Every step in the development of this application was taken keeping always in mind the main goal: to simplify as much as possible the user task of selecting what program to watch on TV.  相似文献   

随着网络技术发展及移动运营商之间竞争导致流量资费的下降,手机、平板、itouch等设备成为人们生活中不可或缺的部分。然而,通信技术的发展在方便人们获取知识的同时,也极大的消耗着人们的时间:课堂上,低头把玩手机的学生不在少数。新形势下,教师应该如何应对?该文通过分析移动学习技术、移动学习形式、移动学习特点,高职院校教学困境,提出在高职教学中应用移动学习思想,并给出几中在高职教学中较为可行的移动学习应用方案。  相似文献   

随着信息时代的快速发展,计算机和互联网被越来越多的人使用并依赖着,计算机系统也逐渐成为了人们生活和工作的一大支柱。一旦这些计算机系统被破坏,所有以此来赖以生存的人或机构都会因此而崩溃。那么要保障人们工作和生活正常进行,计算机信息系统的安全保护措施就必不可少。  相似文献   

随着现代生活节奏的不断加快,人们在生活工作中碎片化的时间越来越多,如何利用这些碎片化的时间成为人们不得不面对的问题。如今随着移动网络的传输速度不断提高,各种移动终端的应用很好的充实了这些碎片化的时间。本文在分析移动网络环境下移动终端设备的应用对于用户产生的信息安全问题的同时也分析了新型移动终端设备的发展前景与设计理念。  相似文献   

移动Internet中的IP组播研究综述   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
吴茜  吴建平  徐恪  刘莹 《软件学报》2003,14(7):1324-1337
随着组播应用的不断增加以及参与者的增多,组播领域的研究一直受到人们的广泛关注.而另一方面,近年来,移动设备迅速得到了普及,并且无线网络技术也得到了飞速的发展,因此,如何为移动主机提供更好的支持引起了人们的普遍关注.由于组播应用所具有的可扩展性强、高效等特点在移动这种资源受限的环境中显得尤为突出和重要,因此,移动环境中的组播应用引起了人们越来越多的重视,在该领域展开了大量的研究.详细地介绍了现有的主要移动组播算法和协议,讨论了每种算法或协议的适应范围以及优点,比较深入地剖析了其中存在的缺陷和问题,并且对这些移动组播算法和协议进行了综合对比.同时,特别针对移动环境可靠性较差的特点,对移动环境中进行可靠组播所面临的新问题以及相关研究现状进行了讨论.希望通过这些说明和对比,能够帮助研究者为其特定的需求选择适当的移动组播算法或协议.最后,讨论了移动环境中IP组播未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

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