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研究了定向凝固NiAl-28Cr-5.85Mo-0.15Hf合金的微观组织与在293~1373K温度范围内的力学性能.结果表明:合金是由NiAl枝晶轴和枝晶间区(NiAl和Cr(Mo)相的共晶)组成的.经过长期固溶时效处理NiAl/Cr(Mo)合金析出少量弥散分布的Huesler相,其余Hf以固溶体方式存在.DSNiAl-28Cr-5.85Mo-0.15Hf合金具有明显的韧脆转变行为,韧脆转变温度依赖于应变速率.室温拉伸断口呈现明显的解理断裂,而韧脆转变温度在以上时,合金具有较大的变形量,断口上有许多韧窝,呈现明显的塑性断裂特征.  相似文献   

采用定向凝固方法制备了Cr/Mo微合金化高Nb Ti-Al合金,并考察了其微观结构和力学性能.结果表明,两种合金都呈现出层片状微观组织.尽管温度梯度受限,抽拉速度较高,但与Ti-16A1-12Nb相比,Ti-16A1-12Nb-3Cr-1Mo合金中的片层倾向于与抽拉方向呈更小角度生长,在室温和650℃时的拉伸强度和塑性...  相似文献   

施加脉冲电流进行Ti-45.5Al-4Cr-2.5Nb(原子分数,%)合金的定向凝固并结合仿真实验,研究了脉冲电流对其凝固组织和性能的影响。结果表明:随着频率为200 Hz的脉冲电流密度的增大电流集肤效应增强、熔体内电流集肤效应加重。在集肤层电流焦耳热效应的作用下糊状区侧向散热的热流密度降低,使枝晶的平均偏离角减小,从而使合金的断后延伸率增大。脉冲电流密度较小时,在焦耳热效应和电磁搅拌的作用下熔体中枝晶的重熔和破碎使柱状晶晶粒的径向尺寸减小。但是,过量的焦耳热使熔区的长度增大、温度梯度减小,反而使晶粒的径向尺寸增大。因此随着电流密度的增大TiAl合金的抗拉强度先提高后降低,施加频率为200 Hz、电流密度为35.3 m A/mm的脉冲电流Ti Al合金的抗拉强度最大,比母合金铸锭的抗拉强度提高了70.7%。电流密度为52.9 m A/mm时延伸率达到最大值,比母合金锭的延伸率提高了129.5%。  相似文献   

目的 研究凝固模式对TiAl-Nb合金定向凝固组织和力学性能的影响。方法 利用Bridgman定向凝固方法制备了单一β、亚包晶、过包晶以及单一α相4种凝固模式的TiAl-Nb合金,对显微组织进行观察,并进行室、高温拉伸性能测试及断口形貌分析。结果 单一β凝固模式柱状晶明显倾斜,其他凝固模式合金的柱状晶挺直且宽度较均匀,除单一α凝固合金中片层方向近似与定向凝固方向平行外,其他模式凝固合金中大部分片层方向与定向凝固方向呈近45°夹角;拉伸性能结果显示,亚包晶合金室温和高温抗拉强度最高,分别为429和483 MPa,单一α相合金室温和高温抗拉强度最小,分别为281和204 MPa。结论 亚包晶合金其室温和高温拉伸性能均高于其他凝固模式的合金性能,但定向凝固试样制备过程中产生Y2O3颗粒夹杂,导致拉伸试验过程容易形成应力集中,致使定向凝固TiAl-Nb合金较早发生断裂。  相似文献   

张贵杰  杨洋  夏亮亮  齐建军 《材料导报》2016,30(Z1):502-504
对Fe-C-Mn系TWIP钢进行室温拉伸实验来测试力学性能,利用光学显微镜对金相组织进行观察,使用SEM对拉伸断口形貌进行观察。通过透射电镜对变形后的微观组织进行观察。结果表明:Fe-C-Mn系TWIP钢表现出优异力学性能,延伸率为47.14%,抗拉强度达到927 MPa,强塑积达到43700 MPa·%。在室温下完全为奥氏体组织,在拉伸后孪晶的数量明显增加。实验样钢中既包含了TRIP效应,又包含了TWIP效应,并且还有马氏体效应的共同作用。  相似文献   

李勇  李焕  赵亚茹  周雅婷 《材料导报》2016,30(9):95-99, 104
定向凝固过程中的界面形态对凝固组织有着决定性作用,相场法可以很好地展示凝固过程固液界面形态的演变。阐述了定向凝固相场方法数值模拟的基本原理及国内外研究现状,并指出了该领域目前面临的问题及未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

TiAl合金由于其低密度和高比强度,在航空材料中展现出良好的应用前景。通过定向凝固控制TiAl合金晶体取向,有助于大幅提升合金高温性能和服役温度,促进TiAl合金在新一代航空发动机上的应用。综述了近年来TiAl合金定向凝固的研究方法和成分?组织?性能关系的研究进展,总结了国内外定向凝固TiAl合金的主要研究单位及研究主题,简要介绍了定向凝固方法与模壳材料的应用情况。从合金成分角度,分析并总结了α、β相稳定元素和其他常见元素对定向凝固组织和性能的作用;从力学性能角度,介绍了定向凝固高Nb?TiAl合金在高温拉伸、蠕变、高周疲劳性能上的优势及相关机理;从定向凝固工艺角度,归纳了生长速率和温度梯度对合金凝固路径、片层取向及宏观、微观偏析的影响。展望了定向凝固TiAl合金的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

本文在生产条件下,研究了不同约束性凝固参数对 DZ38G 合金定向结晶叶片的组织和力学性能影响。结果表明:在4mm/min 的抽拉速度下,可以获得柱晶平直,发散度小的定向结晶叶片。型壳和浇注温度过高会导致合金中 Cr 元素损耗率的增加,叶片显微疏松增多,组织粗大,合金力学性能降低。型壳温度在1500—1550℃,浇注温度为1500—1540℃时,可以获得满意的组织和较高的力学性能,所铸定向结晶叶片已通过台架长期试车的考验。  相似文献   

研究了DZ-22B合金800℃、5000h,900℃、3000h长期时效后显微组织和力学性能的变化试验结果与相分计算结果吻合。结果表明,长期时效后,末析出TCP相。力学性能基本稳定。  相似文献   

对经定向凝固的共晶 Fe—2.94%C—29.1%Cr 合金及过共晶 Fe—3.12%C—35.9%Cr、Fe—2.80%C—33.1%Cr 合金的凝固组织作了研究。上述三种合金中的初晶及共晶碳化物均为(Fe,Cr)_7C_3它们都以小面状析出,其中初晶在与凝固方向垂直的截面上为六角形块。初晶碳化物在定向凝固时以六角形状进行包抄式的凝固,然后再从六角形壳向内凝固,最终生成完整六角形。随着凝固速度变小,初晶(Fe,Cr)_7C_3的截面尺寸及间距增大,且从实心的六角形棒变成空心的六角形棒。过共晶合金的液固两相区长度约为1.5mm。共晶合金凝固时,碳化物的形貌为不规则多边形棒,且在凝固速度大时,组织细小。上述三种合金,当凝固速度 R>2m/sec 时,液固界面将变得凹凸不平。  相似文献   


High Mn twinning induced plasticity (TWIP) steel is a new type of structural steel, characterised by both high strength and superior formability. TWIP steel offers an extraordinary opportunity to adjust the mechanical properties of steel by modifying the strain hardening. The use of TWIP steel may therefore lead to a considerable lightweighting of steel components, a reduction of material use and an improved press forming behaviour. These key advantages will help implement current automotive vehicle design trends which emphasise a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and lowering of fuel consumption. In addition, high strength TWIP steel will effectively contribute to weight containment in vehicles equipped with hybrid and electric motors, as these are considerably heavier than conventional motors. The present review addresses all aspects of the physical metallurgy of the high strength TWIP steel with a special emphasis on the properties and key advantages of TWIP sheet steel products relevant to automotive applications.  相似文献   

王雷  奚运涛  王世清  高倩 《材料导报》2018,32(Z1):432-438
本研究通过等径通道挤压(ECAP)对孪晶诱导塑性变形钢(TWIP钢)在300℃下进行了晶粒细化,并运用金相显微镜、电子背散射衍射(EBSD)、透射电镜(TEM)观察了经不同道次挤压后TWIP钢的晶粒、孪晶形貌及位错组织。结果表明,在均匀化退火状态下,试样晶粒基本呈现等轴状态,通过测微尺测量晶粒尺寸,约为(90±30)μm。在1道次挤压后,晶粒沿剪切方向显著伸长,并有尺寸较小的新晶粒产生,许多形变孪晶在剪切带中产生。2道次挤压后新产生的细小晶粒增多,并开始产生许多微孪晶,孪晶易于在晶界处产生。经过4道次等径通道挤压,晶粒逐渐细化至超细晶状态,晶粒尺寸达到0.3~1μm,孪晶厚度随挤压道次的增多而不断减小,甚至达到几十纳米。在不同晶粒尺寸下,TWIP钢在高温ECAP过程中产生孪晶的机理不同。  相似文献   

选取定向凝固镍基高温合金DZ444不同方向片状试样,利用电子背散射衍射等技术表征晶体取向和微观组织,利用脉冲回波技术分析纵波声速和声衰减系数。结果表明:两声学特性呈各向异性,随着试样平面法向与凝固方向之间夹角φ由0°到45°再到90°,纵波声速由5533m/s增大到6595m/s后又降至5634m/s,而声衰减系数逐渐增大,变化约0.19dB/mm;对信号频谱分析发现,表面回波与一次底波的主频差值、主频幅值差值及表观积分反射系数均逐渐增大,这主要是由微观组织和晶体取向差异造成的。  相似文献   

房现石  梁永锋  任松波  林均品  叶丰 《功能材料》2012,43(11):1450-1454
采用Gleeble 1500热模拟机对定向凝固Fe-6.5%(质量分数)Si合金进行热压缩变形研究。结果表明,Fe-6.5%(质量分数)Si合金柱状晶组织热形变过程中很难发生动态再结晶,以动态回复为主,易产生严重的变形带;在无序相区间,在柱状晶晶界处发生动态再结晶形核,但长大受到限制,仅局限于晶界附近。与锻态等轴晶组织相比,有序相区间,两种组织形变行为基本一致,受温度影响剧烈,在无序相区间,随温度升高,等轴晶组织的形变激活能略有升高,平均值约为294kJ/mol,而柱状晶组织的形变激活能逐渐降低,平均值约为260kJ/mol。  相似文献   

The directional solidification enables independently control of the holding temperature and withdrawal rate over a given range. This technology was used to investigate the precipitation behaviour of oxide in aerospace bearing steel M50NiL. Most of the oxides are Si–Al–Mn–Ti–O complex inclusions with spherical shape. With the increase of withdrawal rate, the size and volume fraction of oxides decrease. In contrast, the diameter and volume fraction increase remarkably with the increase of holding temperature. The composition of oxides with different sizes varies with holding temperature. The holding temperature of 1550°C accompanied with a cooling rate over 95.7°C?min?1 is deemed as the optimal solidification parameters for M50NiL steel, which can significantly reduce the size and volume fraction of oxides.  相似文献   

The effects of Ti and V additions on microstructure and mechanical properties of rapidly solidified Al-20w/oSi-5w/oFe alloy were investigated, respectively. The hypereutectic Al-Si-Fe base alloys were gas-atomized and hot-extruded to make the consolidated bars. The addition of 2w/oTi increased wear resistance and mechanical properties such as tensile strength, hardness and elongation. Based on TEM analyses, it can be concluded that the improved properties in the Al-Si-Fe alloys containing Ti were caused by the formation of DO22-(Al,Si)3 Ti phase finely dispersed in the matrix. On the contrary, V addition was less effective than Ti, in that V could not decompose as the expected Al10V phase with a large v/o of precipitates; V was mostly solid-solutionized in the other unknown phase.  相似文献   

Two duplex stainless steels 2205 and 2205 with 2.5?wt-% B addition prepared by a fast solidification technique were investigated. The samples were arc melted and cast in a cylindrical mould with varying diameters in a single cavity that provided different cooling rates. The hardness increased in both cases for smaller diameters, however, there was a different profile from the surface to the centre in case of 2205 with 2.5?wt-% B. The microstructural investigation indicated that boron addition led to the formation of hard borides and grain refinement. Different boride morphologies that varied with the cooling rates were identified. The compression strength at room temperature improved by a factor of 3.5 with boron addition without considerably decreasing the ductility.  相似文献   

定向凝固A1-Bi偏晶合金中第二相的粗化行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了获得第二相弥散分布的偏晶合金,在定向凝固条件下,对Al-Bi偏晶合金的凝固行为进行了研究,考察了第二相体积分数对凝固组织的影响,并对第二相粒子的粗化因素进行了分析.研究结果表明:用定向凝固方法可以制得具有弥散第二相分布的偏晶系Al-Bi合金;在一定的生长条件下,第二相粒子的半径随体积分数的增大而增大;第二相体积分数以及熔体中存在的Stokes流和Marangoni对流是引起第二相粒子粗化的主要因素.  相似文献   

A new approach to creep analysis based on short time high precision stress relaxation testing is applied to a directionally solidified nickel based superalloy, GTD111. For specimens taken in the longitudinal, transverse and diagonal orientations, it is shown that extensive data may be generated on a single specimen. The analysis, either in terms of stress vs creep rate, or in terms of stress vs predicted times for a specific creep strain, may be used directly in design. At low stresses and high temperatures the longitudinal orientation may offer the highest creep strength, but at high stresses and lower temperatures the diagonal and transverse orientations are stronger. This new methodology allows rapid evaluation of the consequences of microstructural evolution, rather than attempting to incorporate such changes in the actual test as in the conventional long time creep-rupture testing approach. For high strength cast superalloys, such as GTD111, the creep strength is not strongly affected by thermal exposures or moderate deformation at high temperatures. However, such exposures may lead to embrittlement which requires a separate test for evaluation. This decoupling of creep strength and fracture resistance allows enhanced efficiency in both alloy optimization and component life assessment.  相似文献   

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