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目的 自编码器作为一种无监督的特征提取算法,可以在无标签的条件下学习到样本的高阶、稠密特征。然而当训练集含噪声或异常时,会迫使自编码器学习这些异常样本的特征,导致性能下降。同时,自编码器应用于高光谱图像处理时,往往会忽略掉空域信息,进一步限制了自编码器的探测性能。针对上述问题,本文提出一种基于空域协同自编码器的高光谱异常检测算法。方法 利用块图模型优良的背景抑制能力从空域角度筛选用于自编码器训练的背景样本集。自编码器采用经预筛选的训练样本集进行网络参数更新,在提升对背景样本表达能力的同时避免异常样本对探测性能的影响。为进一步将空域信息融入探测结果,利用块图模型得到的异常响应构建权重,起到突出目标并抑制背景的作用。结果 实验在3组不同尺寸的高光谱数据集上与5种代表性的高光谱异常检测算法进行比较。本文方法在3组数据集上的AUC(area under the curve)值分别为0.990 4、0.988 8和0.997 0,均高于其他算法。同时,对比了不同的训练集选择策略,与随机选取和使用全部样本进行对比。结果表明,本文基于空域响应的样本筛选方法相较对比方法具有较明显的优势。结论 提出的基...  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to develop an anomaly detector as an analytical expression for detecting anomalous objects in remote sensing using hyperspectral imaging. Conventional anomaly detectors based on the subspace model have a parameter which is the dimension of the clutter subspace. The range of possible values for this parameter is typically large, resulting in a large number of images of detector output to be analyzed. An anomaly detector with a different parameter is proposed. The pixel of known random variables from a data cube is modeled as a linear transformation of a set of unknown random variables from the clutter subspace plus an error of unknown random variables in which the transformation matrix of constants is also unknown. The dimension of the clutter subspace for each spectral component of the pixel can vary, hence some elements in the transformation matrix are constrained to be zeros. The anomaly detector is the Mahalanobis distance of the resulting residual. The experimental results which are obtained by implementing the anomaly detector as a global anomaly detector in unsupervised mode with background statistics computed from hyperspectral data cubes with wavelengths in the visible and near-infrared range show that the parameter in the anomaly detector has a significantly reduced number of possible values in comparison with conventional anomaly detectors.  相似文献   

Kernel matched subspace detectors for hyperspectral target detection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we present a kernel realization of a matched subspace detector (MSD) that is based on a subspace mixture model defined in a high-dimensional feature space associated with a kernel function. The linear subspace mixture model for the MSD is first reformulated in a high-dimensional feature space and then the corresponding expression for the generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) is obtained for this model. The subspace mixture model in the feature space and its corresponding GLRT expression are equivalent to a nonlinear subspace mixture model with a corresponding nonlinear GLRT expression in the original input space. In order to address the intractability of the GLRT in the feature space, we kernelize the GLRT expression using the kernel eigenvector representations as well as the kernel trick where dot products in the feature space are implicitly computed by kernels. The proposed kernel-based nonlinear detector, so-called kernel matched subspace detector (KMSD), is applied to several hyperspectral images to detect targets of interest. KMSD showed superior detection performance over the conventional MSD when tested on several synthetic data and real hyperspectral imagery.  相似文献   

目的 高光谱异常检测由于其重要的应用价值,引起了研究人员的广泛关注,但大部分的检测算法,往往直接利用输入的高光谱遥感影像所携带的光谱信息或者空谱信息进行检测。考虑到由于成像过程的限制,如成像条件的复杂性以及光谱通道众多导致的每个通道光子数量有限等问题,所获取的高光谱遥感影像往往在一定程度上偏离真实场景,而这也制约了异常检测的精度。针对此问题,本文提出了一种局部梯度轮廓变换的高光谱遥感影像异常检测算法。方法 为了在不影响算法性能的基础上减少计算复杂度,首先选取部分可能的异常像元,只对这些局部的异常像元可能位置进行梯度轮廓变换。其次,将变换后的梯度轮廓用于指导原始高光谱遥感影像的空域增强。最后,对增强后的高光谱遥感影像进行检测。通过将局部梯度轮廓用于影像的增强,避免了成像过程中由于细节损失而造成检测精度受限的情况。结果 实验在来自4个数据集的6幅高光谱遥感影像上进行了性能验证。首先利用经典的Global-RX (Reed Xiaoli)检测算法同时检测本文算法增强后的影像和原始影像,分别取得的平均AUC (area under curve)值为0.987 1和0.933 6,本文算法带来了0.053 5的精度提升;同时,通过与其他3种预处理方法进行比较,证明了本文局部梯度轮廓变换方法的有效性;更进一步,利用基于协同表示CRD (collaborative representation-based detector)的检测器对增强后的影像和原始影像分别进行检测,分别取得的平均AUC值为0.990 7和0.977 5,检测结果再次验证了本文算法能够有效提升影像的检测精度;通过对比,实验数据表明本文所采用的局部梯度轮廓变换可减少约37.82%的时间复杂度。结论 本文算法通过将局部的梯度轮廓进行变换并用于指导原始影像的增强过程,使得影像的空间轮廓信息更为锐利,更为接近真实场景,从而获得异常检测结果的提升。  相似文献   

针对协同表示的高光谱图像异常检测算法中双窗口中心为异常像元同时背景字典存在同种异常像元的情况,中心像元的输出较小难以与背景区分的问题,提出一种改进协同表示的高光谱图像异常检测算法。为了减小背景字典中异常像元的权重,使用背景字典原子与均值的距离调整原子的权重,从而增大上述情况下中心像元的输出。实验结果表明,提出的算法在不同双窗口下都取得了较好的检测效果,验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

目的 高光谱遥感中,通常利用像素的光谱特征来区分背景地物和异常目标,即通过二者之间的光谱差异来寻找图像中的异常像元。但传统的异常检测算法并未有效挖掘光谱的深层特征,高光谱图像中丰富的光谱信息没有被充分利用。针对这一问题,本文提出结合孪生神经网络和像素配对策略的高光谱图像异常检测方法,利用深度学习技术提取高光谱图像的深层非线性特征,提高异常检测精度。方法 采用像素配对的思想构建训练样本,与原始数据集相比,配对得到的新数据集数量呈指数增长,从而满足深度网络对数据集数量的需求。搭建含有特征提取模块和特征处理模块的孪生网络模型,其中,特征处理模块中的卷积层可以专注于提取像素对之间的差异特征,随后利用新的训练像素对数据集进行训练,并将训练好的分类模型固定参数,迁移至检测过程。用滑动双窗口策略对测试集进行配对处理,将测试像素对数据集送入网络模型,得到每个像素相较于周围背景像素的差异性分数,从而识别测试场景中的异常地物。结果 在异常检测的实验结果中,本文提出的孪生网络模型在San Diego数据集的两幅场景和ABU-Airport数据集的一幅场景上,得到的AUC (area under the curve)值分别为0.993 51、0.981 21和0.984 38,在3个测试集上的表现较传统方法和基于卷积神经网络的异常检测算法具有明显优势。结论 本文方法可以提取输入像素对的深层光谱特征,并根据其特征的差异性,让网络学习到二者的区分度,从而更好地赋予待测像素相对于周围背景的异常分数。本文方法相对于卷积神经网络的异常检测方法可以有效地降低虚警,与传统方法相比能够更加明显地突出异常目标,提高了检测率,同时也具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

In the field of hyperspectral image processing, anomaly detection (AD) is a deeply investigated task whose goal is to find objects in the image that are anomalous with respect to the background. In many operational scenarios, detection, classification and identification of anomalous spectral pixels have to be performed in real time to quickly furnish information for decision-making. In this framework, many studies concern the design of computationally efficient AD algorithms for hyperspectral images in order to assure real-time or nearly real-time processing. In this work, a sub-class of anomaly detection algorithms is considered, i.e., those algorithms aimed at detecting small rare objects that are anomalous with respect to their local background. Among such techniques, one of the most established is the Reed–Xiaoli (RX) algorithm, which is based on a local Gaussian assumption for background clutter and locally estimates its parameters by means of the pixels inside a window around the pixel under test (PUT). In the literature, the RX decision rule has been employed to develop computationally efficient algorithms tested in real-time systems. Initially, a recursive block-based parameter estimation procedure was adopted that makes the RX processing and the detection performance differ from those of the original RX. More recently, an update strategy has been proposed which relies on a line-by-line processing without altering the RX detection statistic. In this work, the above-mentioned RX real-time oriented techniques have been improved using a linear algebra-based strategy to efficiently update the inverse covariance matrix thus avoiding its computation and inversion for each pixel of the hyperspectral image. The proposed strategy has been deeply discussed pointing out the benefits introduced on the two analyzed architectures in terms of overall number of elementary operations required. The results show the benefits of the new strategy with respect to the original architectures.  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to propose an innovative technique for anomaly detection in hyperspectral imageries. This technique allows anomalies to be identified whose signatures are spectrally distinct from their surroundings, without any a priori knowledge of the target spectral signature. It is based on an one-dimensional projection pursuit with the Legendre index as the measure of interest. The index optimization is performed with a simulated annealing over a simplex in order to bypass local optima which could be sub-optimal in certain cases. It is argued that the proposed technique could be considered as seeking a projection to depart from the normal distribution, and unfolding the outliers as a consequence. The algorithm is tested with AHS and HYDICE hyperspectral imageries, where the results show the benefits of the approach in detecting a great variety of objects whose spectral signatures have sufficient deviation from the background. The technique proves to be automatic in the sense that there is no need for parameter tuning, giving meaningful results in all cases. Even objects of sub-pixel size, which cannot be made out by the human naked eye in the original image, can be detected as anomalies. Furthermore, a comparison between the proposed approach and the popular RX technique is given. The former outperforms the latter demonstrating its ability to reduce the proportion of false alarms.  相似文献   

With recent advances in hyperspectral imaging sensors, subtle and concealed targets that cannot be detected by multispectral imagery can be identified. The most widely used anomaly detection method is based on the Reed–Xiaoli (RX) algorithm. This unsupervised technique is preferable to supervised methods because it requires no a priori information for target detection. However, two major problems limit the performance of the RX detector (RXD). First, the background covariance matrix cannot be properly modelled because the complex background contains anomalous pixels and the images contain noise. Second, most RX-like methods use spectral information provided by data samples but ignore the spatial information of local pixels. Based on this observation, this article extends the concept of the weighted RX to develop a new approach called an adaptive saliency-weighted RXD (ASW-RXD) approach that integrates spectral and spatial image information into an RXD to improve anomaly detection performance at the pixel level. We recast the background covariance matrix and the mean vector of the RX function by multiplying them by a joint weight that in fuses spectral and local spatial information into each pixel. To better estimate the purity of the background, pixels are randomly selected from the image to represent background statistics. Experiments on two hyperspectral images showed that the proposed random selection-based ASW RXD (RSASW-RXD) approach can detect anomalies of various sizes, ranging from a few pixels to the sub-pixel level. It also yielded good performance compared with other benchmark methods.  相似文献   

目的 由于在军事和民用应用中的重要作用,高光谱遥感影像异常检测在过去的20~30年里一直都是备受关注的研究热点。然而,考虑到异常点往往藏匿于大量的背景像元之中,且只占据很少的数量,给精确检测带来了不小的挑战。针对此问题,基于异常点往往表现在高频的细节区域这一前提,本文提出了一种基于异常点粗定位和协同表示的高光谱遥感影像异常检测算法。方法 对输入的原始高光谱遥感影像进行空间维的降质操作;通过衡量降质后影像与原始影像在空间维的差异,粗略定位可能的异常点位置;将粗定位的异常点位置用于指导像元间的协同表示以重构像元;通过衡量重构像元与原始像元的差异,从而进一步优化异常检测结果。结果 在4个数据集上与6种方法进行了实验对比。对于San Diego数据集,次优算法和本文算法分别取得的AUC (area under curve)值为0.978 6和0.994 0;对于HYDICE (hyperspectral digital image collection equipment)数据集,次优算法和本文算法的AUC值为0.993 6和0.998 5;对于Honghu数据集,次优算法和本文方法的AUC值分别为0.999 2和0.999 3;对Grand Isle数据集而言,尽管本文方法以0.001的差距略低于性能第1的算法,但从目视结果图中可见,本文方法所产生的虚警目标远少于性能第1的算法。结论 本文所提出的粗定位和协同表示的高光谱异常检测算法,综合考虑了高光谱遥感影像的谱间特性,同时还利用了其空间特性以及空间信息的先验分布,从而获得异常检测结果的提升。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Hyperspectral image(HSI) anomaly detection, as one of the hottest topics in current remote sensing information processing and image processing,has important...  相似文献   

Collaborative representation-based detection (CRD) has been developed in hyperspectral anomaly detection tasks and testified to be very effective;however,hetero...  相似文献   

The Journal of Supercomputing - We present a reliable and efficient FPGA implementation of a procedure for the computation of the noise estimation matrix, a key stage for subspace identification of...  相似文献   

A new way of implementing two local anomaly detectors in a hyperspectral image is presented in this study. Generally, most local anomaly detector implementations are carried out on the spatial windows of images, because the local area of the image scene is more suitable for a single statistical model than for global data. These detectors are applied by using linear projections. However, these detectors are quite improper if the hyperspectral dataset is adopted as the nonlinear manifolds in spectral space. As multivariate data, the hyperspectral image datasets can be considered to be low-dimensional manifolds embedded in the high-dimensional spectral space. In real environments, the nonlinear spectral mixture occurs more frequently, and these manifolds could be nonlinear. In this case, traditional local anomaly detectors are based on linear projections and cannot distinguish weak anomalies from background data. In this article, local linear manifold learning concepts have been adopted, and anomaly detection algorithms have used spectral space windows with respect to the linear projection. Output performance is determined by comparison between the proposed detectors and the classic spatial local detectors accompanied by the hyperspectral remote-sensing images. The result demonstrates that the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms is promising to improve detection of weak anomalies and to decrease false alarms.  相似文献   

高光谱遥感图像具有超多波段、光谱分辨率高、信息量丰富等优点,但同时也给异常探测的实时处理带来了重大考验。基于Cholesky分解的高光谱实时异常探测算法很好地解决了实时性问题,而图形处理器(GPU)的并行优化设计则更高效。实验结果表明:提出的优化设计在保证探测精度的同时,进一步提升了计算效率,算法加速比最高达到3. 14倍,说明基于GPU的并行优化算法能够较好地满足高光谱遥感图像实时处理的应用需求。  相似文献   

Recently, some methods based on low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition (LRASMD) have been developed to improve the performance of hyperspectral anomaly detection (AD). However, these methods mainly take advantage of the spectral information in hyperspectral imagery (HSI), and ignore the spatial information. This article proposes an LRASMD-based spectral-spatial (LS-SS) method for hyperspectral AD. First, the Go Decomposition (GoDec) algorithm is employed to solve the low-rank background component and the sparse anomaly component. Next, the sparse component is explored to calculate the spectral sparsity divergence index (SDI). Based on spectral SDI, the detection result in the spectral domain and the reliable background points, which are employed as training data to construct the background manifold by linear local tangent space alignment (LLTSA), can also be obtained. Then, based on the background manifold and the transformation matrix, the low-dimensional manifold of the whole data is computed by linear mapping. After that, the kernel collaborative representation detector (KCRD) is used in the low-dimensional manifold of the whole data for the spatial SDI. Finally, SS SDI is computed for the final detection result. The theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed LS-SS can achieve better performance when compared with the comparison algorithms.  相似文献   

高光谱图像空间分辨率不足容易导致异常检测虚警率过高,针对此提出了一种新的异常检测算法。算法首先利用主成分分析PCA对低分辨率高光谱图像进行主成分提取,然后对所提取的主成分和高分辨率图像分别进行IHS变换,分别得到各自的强度分量。运用IHS变换的可逆性,将高光谱数据新的强度分量与原色度分量H和饱和度分量S进行IHS逆变换,得到空间信息增强的高光谱图像数据,最后使用改进的KwRX算法对空间信息增强的高光谱图像数据进行异常检测。仿真实验表明,与KRX算法、PCA-KRX算法相比,本算法在检测目标像素数和虚警个数上都有较大的改善,说明了本算法的的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

Remotely sensed hyperspectral sensors provide image data containing rich information in both the spatial and the spectral domain, and this information can be used to address detection tasks in many applications. One of the most widely used and successful algorithms for anomaly detection in hyperspectral images is the RX algorithm. Despite its wide acceptance and high computational complexity when applied to real hyperspectral scenes, few approaches have been developed for parallel implementation of this algorithm. In this paper, we evaluate the suitability of using a hybrid parallel implementation with a high-dimensional hyperspectral scene. A general strategy to automatically map parallel hybrid anomaly detection algorithms for hyperspectral image analysis has been developed. Parallel RX has been tested on an heterogeneous cluster using this routine. The considered approach is quantitatively evaluated using hyperspectral data collected by the NASA’s Airborne Visible Infra-Red Imaging Spectrometer system over the World Trade Center in New York, 5 days after the terrorist attacks. The numerical effectiveness of the algorithms is evaluated by means of their capacity to automatically detect the thermal hot spot of fires (anomalies). The speedups achieved show that a cluster of multi-core nodes can highly accelerate the RX algorithm.  相似文献   

在分布式信息物理融合系统(CPS)中,由于各子系统间的强耦合性,常常会因为故障的传播导致整个系统的物理故障和网络异常。针对这一问题,提出了一种新的基于数据驱动的框架用于检测系统范围内的异常。该框架是用于发现和表征CPS各个子系统间相互作用的一种基于符号动力学的时空特征提取方案,并将提取的特征通过受限玻尔兹曼机(RBM)学习到一个系统级的模型。实验结果表明,该框架可以通过一个图模型捕获CPS的多模态,同时可用于异常检测。  相似文献   

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