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<正>They Are Directly from America Mrs.Smith lived in London.One day she received some American dollars from her daughter who was working in New York.She went to a jewelry shop for a pair of earrings.At the counter,the salesman checked each note carefully to see if the money was real.It made the old woman impatient.At last she couldn’t wait anymore,uttering,"Trust me,sir,and trust the American dollars.They are directly from America."直接从美国来的史密斯太太住在伦敦。一天她收到在美国  相似文献   

<正>Who Were the Other Two?An adjective has three qualitative degrees:good,better and best.An English grammar teacher married a man of quality."You are the best woman in my life,"an原nounced the groom on their wedding night."And just who were the other two?"angrily snapped the grammar conscious bride.另外两个是谁钥一个形容词性质上有三种程度的区别:原级,比较级和最高级。一位英语语法老师嫁给了一位上等绅士。"你是我一生中遇到的最好的女人,"新郎在他们的  相似文献   

<正>A crow lived in the forest and was absolutely satisfied with his life.But one day he saw a swan2."This swan is so white,"he thought,"and I am so black.This swan must be the happiest bird in the world."一只乌鸦住在森林里,对生活相当满意。但是有一天,他看到了一只天鹅。"天鹅真洁白。"乌鸦想,"我却是一身黑。天鹅肯定是世界上最快乐的鸟儿。"He told his thoughts to the swan."Actually,"the swan replied,"I was feeling that I was the  相似文献   

<正>There are many expressions using the word"eye"in English.So today,let’s start with the word"eye".英语中有很多表达中使用了"眼睛"这个词。今天我们就从"眼睛"这个词说起吧。When it comes to relationships,people’s eyes can be a window into their hearts.This means that their eyes can tell a lot about how they feel.I will tell a story about a man and a woman who are teachers at the same school.The woman is interested in the man.She uses many methods to catch his eye,or get him to notice her.Once he sets eyes  相似文献   

<正>1.Farmers say,"As a man sows,so shall he reap."农夫说:种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。2.Hunters say,"A bird in hand is worth two in the bush."猎人说:双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。3.Tailors say,"Make clothes to one’s own measure."裁缝说:量体裁衣。4.Carpenters say,"Such carpenters,such chips."木匠说:什么木匠出什么活。5.Fishermen say,"The best fish swim near the bottom."渔夫说:好鱼居水底。6.Blacksmiths,"Strike iron while iron is hot."铁匠说:趁热打铁。  相似文献   

<正>A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with white beards sitting in her front yard.She did not recognize them.She said,"I don't think I know you,but you must be hungry.Please come in and have something to eat."一个女人从家里出来,看到三位白胡子的老人坐在她的前院,她不认识他们。她说:"我想我不认识你们,不过你们一定饿了,请进来吃点东西吧。""Is the man of the house home?"they asked."男主人在家吗?"三个老人问道。  相似文献   

<正>A man enters a store to buy milk.He walks out of the store with milk.That is all—milk.At the same time,a woman enters the same store also to buy milk.But,she also buys chicken and lemons to make dinner that night.一个男人走进商店去买牛奶,出来的时候手上就拿着牛奶——仅仅只有牛奶。然而当一  相似文献   

美国著名教育家卡特(Allan·M·Carter)在1966年写给美国教育委员会的报告中指出:"The library is the heart of a university;no other single non-human factor is as closely related to the quality of graduate education."  相似文献   

<正>1.A hot summer noon,a vendor1is shouting,"Jars for sale.White and black ones."夏日炎炎的中午,一名摊贩大声吆喝着:"卖坛子啰,黑白两样的坛子啰……"2.A blind man comes over to buy a black jar.The blind man asks the colors and price.The vendor tells him,"2 yuan for the white one and 3 yuan for the black one."一个盲人过来要买一只黑坛子。盲人问坛子的颜色和价钱。摊贩说:"白的每个两元钱,黑的每个三元钱。"  相似文献   

<正>As is known to everyone,there are the pictures of the Presidents of the United States or great men on front of various denominations~1 of dollar bills.Do you know who they are?In fact,they play a very important role in American history.众所周知,各种面额的美元纸币正面上都印有美国总统或著名人物的头像,你知道他们是怎样的人吗?事实上,他们在美国历史上都扮演着非常重要的角色。  相似文献   

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