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<正>【案例背景】那天早晨,我与往常一样早早来到教室,等待孩子们一个个来到讲台旁上交家庭作业,一切都是那么平常。过了一会儿,侯馨雨(化名)迅速把作业本交了上来,上交的却是一篇英语日记。【案例过程】正当我想拿起红笔进行批改时,映入我眼帘的却是满纸的英文。这篇日记的题目是:My mother is awful.正文内容是这样写的:My mother is awful,because she lost my rabbit,the rabbit was very lovely.I love it.The rabbit had two long end two eyes,It’s so beavitful Rabbit ate apples...But I can’t belive it!My rabbit lost,I asked my mother,Can’t you lost my rabbit?She ashed,yes,I can,what?I fell awful I wanted to cry,who can tall me,where’s my rabbit.Oh,my god.  相似文献   

My Family     
<正>【栏目要求】1.将学生习作根据中考分值给出成绩;2.在应该修改的地方划线并标注序号;3.根据所标序号进行修改并说明修改的理由;4.给学生习作点评<优点与不足>;5.请点评名师提供简历一份,包括:学校、职务、职称、荣誉、教研教学成果、照片一张。来稿请寄:430079华中师范大学外国语学院《中学生英语》杂志社初中部收My name is Shi Ruqin.I am from a worker’s family.There are six peoples①in my family.They are my grandfather,my grandmother,my father,my mother,my sister and I.Every member in my family works hard.My grandfather and grandmother are farmers.  相似文献   

<正>1.Thumb大拇指英语的all(fingers and)thumbs表示"笨手笨脚"的意思。例如:(1)I’m all fingers and thumbs this morning.I don’t seem to be able to button up my shirt.今天早上我的手怎么这么笨呢,好像连衬衫都扣不上了。(2)He was so excited that his fingers were all thumbs and he dropped the teacup.他激动得手都不好使了,竟把茶杯摔了。  相似文献   

<正>For years I fought with the bird’s nest that sat on top of my head—my curly hair.多年来我一直与头上的"鸟巢"——那一头卷发作斗争。Growing up in a Russian-Jewish home with parents who thought North American styling products were similar to illegal things,I was never allowed to put them in my hair.我在一个俄罗斯的犹太家庭中长大,父母都认为北美洲的造型产品与非法物品极为类  相似文献   

<正>Mrs. Lane knew I needed help, and she found a way to help me.莱恩太太知道我需要帮助,她找到了一种方法来帮我。I’ve done almost every sport I can think of for almost as long as I can recall. So I’ve had a lot of coaches. And my best coach was my eighth grade math teacher, Mrs. Lane.从我记事起,我几乎做过每一项我能想到的运动,所以我有很多教练。我最好的教  相似文献   

<正>When I was sixteen years old, my father bought me a set of used golf clubs."I think you’ll be good at this sport, and golf is something you’ll enjoy,"he said. I’ll never forget those clubs.They were Bobby Jones Signatures, made by Spaulding. I loved them, as I loved my father.我16岁时,父亲给我买了一套二手的高尔夫球杆。他说:"我想你会擅长这项运动的。你  相似文献   

<正>The New Teacher George comes from school on the first of September."George,how did you like your new teacher?"asked his mother."I didn’t like her,mom,because she said that three and three were six and then she said that two and four were six,too."新老师9月1日,乔治放学回到家里。"乔治,你喜欢你们的新老师吗?"妈妈问。"妈妈,我不喜欢她,因为她说3加3得6,可后来又说2加4也得6。"  相似文献   

<正>The Dead Sea Teacher:Tom,what do you know about the Dead Sea?Tom:I didn’t even know when it was ill.死海教师:汤姆,你对死海都了解些什么?汤姆:死海生病时我都不知道。Bedtime Prayers Julie was saying her bedtime prayers."Please God,"she said,"Make Naples the capital of Italy.Make Naples the capital of Italy."Her mother interrupted and said,"Julie,why do you want God to make Naples the capital of Italy?"And Julie replied,"Because that’s what I put in my geography exam!"睡前祷告词朱莉叶在做睡前祈祷。"祷告上帝,"她说,"让那不勒斯成为意大利的首都吧。让那不勒  相似文献   

<正>本期点评名师杨淑玲女,山东省汶上县汶上镇第二中学英语教师。在教学中认真钻研,大胆创新。有多年从教经历,经验丰富。!!!When I was very young,I was so shy that I never go out to play with other children.One day,my uncle’s son wanted to play football with me,but I was afraid that the ball maybe hit my head.So I refused him.My mother was a little angry.She told me that I must  相似文献   

<正>I had a quick thirty-minute layover~1 in Detroit before heading home to Toronto.I rushed up the jetway~2,knowing that my gate was on the opposite end of the airport,I got there with five to spare and stood waiting for Group 3"to be called.在回多伦多的家之前,我在底特律短暂停留了30分钟。因为知道我的登机口在机场的另一端,我快步冲上登机道。我提前五分钟赶到了那里,站在那里等待(广播)呼叫到"第三组"。  相似文献   

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