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Dialysis and ultrafiltration were investigated as methods for measuring pH and ionic calcium and partitioning of divalent cations of milk at high temperatures. It was found that ionic calcium, pH, and total soluble divalent cations decreased as temperature increased between 20 and 80°C in both dialysates and ultrafiltration permeates. Between 90 and 110°C, ionic calcium and pH in dialysates continued to decrease as temperature increased, and the relationship between ionic calcium and temperature was linear. The permeabilities of hydrogen and calcium ions through the dialysis tubing were not changed after the tubing was sterilized for 1 h at 120°C. There were no significant differences in pH and ionic calcium between dialysates from raw milk and those from a range of heat-treated milks. The effects of calcium chloride addition on pH and ionic calcium were measured in milk at 20°C and in dialysates collected at 110°C. Heat coagulation at 110°C occurred with addition of calcium chloride at 5.4 mM, where pH and ionic calcium of the dialysate were 6.00 and 0.43 mM, respectively. Corresponding values at 20°C were pH 6.66 and 2.10 mM.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The objective of this study was to enhance calcium solubility and bioavailability from calcium-fortified soymilk by fermentation with 7 strains of Lactobacillus , namely, L. acidophilus ATCC 4962, ATCC33200, ATCC 4356 , ATCC 4461 , L. casei ASCC 290, L. plantarum ASCC 276, and L. fermentum VRI-003. The parameters that were used are viability, pH, calcium solubility, organic acid, and biologically active isoflavone aglycone content. Calcium-fortified soymilk made from soy protein isolate was inoculated with these probiotic strains, incubated for 24 h at 37 °C, then stored for 14 d at 4 °C. Soluble calcium was measured using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AA). Organic acids and bioactive isoflavone aglycones, including diadzein, genistein, and glycetein, were measured using HPLC. Viability of the strains in the fermented calcium-fortified soymilk was > 8.5 log10 CFU/g after 24 h fermentation and this was maintained for 14-d storage at 4 °C. After 24 h, there was a significant increase ( P < 0.05) in soluble calcium. L. acidophilus ATCC 4962 and L. casei ASCC 290 demonstrated the highest increase with 89.3% and 87.0% soluble calcium after 24 h, respectively. The increase in calcium solubility observed was related to lowered pH associated with production of lactic and acetic acids. Fermentation significantly increased ( P < 0.05) the level of conversion of isoflavones into biologically active aglycones, including diadzein, genistein, and glycetein. Our results show that fermenting calcium-fortified soymilk with the selected probiotics can potentially enhance the calcium bioavailability of calcium-fortified soymilk due to increased calcium solubility and bioactive isoflavone aglycone enrichment.  相似文献   

Effect of pH and calcium concentration on proteolysis in mozzarella cheese   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Low-moisture Mozzarella cheeses (LMMC), varying in calcium content and pH, were made using a starter culture (control; CL) or direct acidification (DA) with lactic acid or lactic acid and glucono-delta-lactone. The pH and calcium concentration significantly affected the type and extent of proteolysis in Mozzarella cheese during the 70-d storage period at 4 degrees C. For cheeses with a similar pH, reducing the calcium-to-casein ratio from -29 to 22 mg/g of protein resulted in marked increases in moisture content and in primary and secondary proteolysis, as indicated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and higher levels of pH 4.6- and 5%-PTA-soluble N. Increasing the pH of DA cheeses of similar moisture content, from approximately 5.5 to 5.9, while maintaining the calcium-to-casein ratio almost constant at approximately 29 mg/g, resulted in a decrease in primary proteolysis but had no effect on secondary proteolysis. Comparison of CL and DA cheeses with a similar composition showed that the CL cheese had higher levels of alpha(s1)-CN degradation, pH 4.6- and 5%-PTA-soluble N. Analysis of pH 4.6-soluble N extracts by reverse-phase HPLC showed that the CL cheese had higher concentrations of compounds with low retention times, suggesting higher concentrations of low molecular mass peptides and free amino acids.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Soymilks with sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) (0% to 1.2%) and calcium chloride (12.50, 18.75, and 25.00 mM Ca) were analyzed for total Ca, Ca ion concentration, pH, kinematic viscosity, particle diameter, and sediment after pasteurization. Higher added Ca led to significant ( P ≤ 0.05) increases in Ca ion concentration and significant ( P ≤ 0.05) decreases in pH. At certain levels of SHMP, higher concentrations of added Ca significantly increased ( P ≤ 0.05) kinematic viscosity, particle diameter, and sediment. Increasing SHMP concentration reduced Ca ion concentration, particle diameter, and dry sediment content, but reduced kinematic viscosity of samples ( P ≤ 0.05). Adding SHMP up to 0.7% influenced pH of soymilk in different ways, depending on the level of Ca addition. When the pH of Ca-fortified soymilk was adjusted to a higher level, ionic Ca decreased as pH increased. There was a negative linear relationship between the logarithm of ionic Ca concentration and the adjusted pH of the soymilk. Ionic Ca appeared to be a good indicator of thermally induced sediment formation, with little sediment being produced if ionic Ca was maintained below 0.4 mM.  相似文献   

Soymilk fortified with 25 mm Ca (Ca carbonate, Ca citrate, triCa phosphate, Ca gluconate or Ca lactate) was compared with the properties of unfortified soymilk (control). Calcium carbonate, Ca citrate and triCa phosphate did not significantly affect [Ca2+], absolute viscosity and particle size of soymilk, but Ca gluconate and Ca lactate significantly increased these properties. The pH of soymilk was significantly increased by adding Ca carbonate but significantly reduced by adding Ca gluconate and Ca lactate. Dry sediment of soymilk increased significantly with the addition of all Ca salts excluding triCa phosphate. Freezing point depression increased significantly only for Ca gluconate and Ca lactate, mainly owing to their higher solubility.  相似文献   

The effects of Ca concentration and pH on the composition, microstructural, and functional properties of Mozzarella cheese were studied. Cheeses were made using a starter culture (control) or by direct acidification of the milk with lactic acid or lactic acid and glucono-delta-lactone. In each of three trials, four cheeses were produced: a control, CL, and three directly-acidified cheeses, DA1, DA2, and DA3. The cheeses were stored at 4 degrees C for 70 d. The Ca content and pH were varied by altering the pH at setting, pitching, and plasticization. The mean pH at 1 d and the Ca content (mg/g of protein) of the various cheeses were: CL, 5.42 and 27.7; DA1, 5.96 and 21.8; DA2, 5.93 and 29.6; DA3, 5.58 and 28.7. For cheeses with a high pH (i.e., approximately 5.9), reducing the Ca content from 29.6 to 21.8 mg/g of protein resulted in a significant decrease in the protein level and increases in the moisture content and mean level of nonexpressible serum (g/g of protein). Reducing the Ca concentration also resulted in a more swollen, hydrated para-casein matrix at 1 d. The decrease in Ca content in the high-pH cheeses coincided with increases in the mean stretchability and flowability of the melted cheese over the 70-d storage period. The fluidity of the melted cheese also increased when the Ca content was reduced, as reflected by a lower elastic shear modulus and a higher value for the phase angle, delta, of the melted cheese, especially after storage for <12 d. The melt time, flowability, and stretchability of the low-Ca, high-pH DA1 cheese at 1 d were similar to those for the CL cheese after storage for > or = 12 d. In contrast, the mean values for flowability and stretchability of the high-pH, high-Ca DA2 cheese over the 70-d period were significantly lower than those of the CL cheese. Reducing the pH of high-Ca cheese (27.7 to 29.6 mg/g of protein) from -5.95 to 5.58 resulted in higher flowability, stretchability, and fluidity of the melted cheese. For cheeses with similar pH and Ca concentration, the method of acidification had little effect on composition, microstructure, flowability, stretchability, and fluidity of the melted cheese.  相似文献   

Calcium is a mineral essential for humans, especially for bone constitution. Yet most of the worldwide population does not satisfy their Ca needs. Hence, Ca supplementation is of major importance, even in western countries where some specific populations at risk do not satisfy the recommended daily intake of Ca. More than 70% of dietary Ca comes from dairy products. Calcium supplementation of naturally Ca-rich sources such as skim milk is then of special interest. To our knowledge, few data are available concerning milk Ca (MC) supplementation of milk, particularly when followed by pH cycle. In this paper, MC supplementation is studied and compared with Ca chloride (CC) supplementation as a well-known source of Ca. The effect of Ca salt supplementation followed by pH cycle was studied in reconstituted skim milk. Calcium supplementation was carried out with CC and MC at 25 mmol of Ca/kg of skim milk. Ionized Ca concentration and turbidity variations were followed in situ by Ca ion selective electrode and turbidimetry using light reflection. From normalized data on ionized Ca concentration and turbidity vs. pH, it appeared that hysteresis areas were smaller for CC-supplemented milk, whereas unsupplemented milk and MC-supplemented milk behaved similarly. For these 3 dairy systems, pH cycles to pH 5.0 led to a larger hysteresis area than pH cycles to pH 5.5. The shrinkage of the hysteresis area could be interpreted as a reinforcement of casein micelles with Ca ions over the pH cycle.  相似文献   

金属离子及pH对谷氨酰胺发酵的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验了金属离子及pH对谷氨酰胺发酵的影响。结果表明,在下述条件下谷氨酰胺产量最高:Zn2+为1.0mg,Fe2+为1.0mg,Mn2+为2.0mg(每100g培养基);初始pH为7.0。   相似文献   

近年来,第4代补钙产品——促钙吸收肽(如酪蛋白磷酸肽)的研究已成为热点,其主要是通过钙离子通道发挥促钙吸收作用。钙离子通道是一组跨细胞膜的蛋白质,它控制着Ca~(2+)进入细胞的过程,TRPV6和Cav1.3是钙在肠道跨膜吸收的2种重要钙离子通道。TRPV6是TRPV离子通道家族成员中高选择性的Ca~(2+)转运通道,由钙结合蛋白D9k(Calbindin-D_(9k))和维生素D共同参与调节。Cav1.3在去极化条件下被激活,从而发挥重要的促钙吸收作用,但其不依赖于Calbindin-D_(9k)和维生素D的调控。小肽转运蛋白是一种低亲和力、高容量的协同转运载体,其不仅可以消除氨基酸之间的相互竞争,加速蛋白合成,也可促进动物对矿物质的吸收与利用。本文概述了生物活性肽通过其与2种最常见的钙离子通道(TRPV6、Cav1.3)的作用及小肽转运系统(Pep T1转运)转运,以促进钙的高效吸收,旨在阐明活性肽的高效促钙吸收机制。  相似文献   

A novel approach for measuring calcium in milk by the use of high performance nonsuppressed ion chromatography is proposed. Total calcium as well as the calcium present in the colloidal and salt state in milk can be quantified. Because the presence of citrate in the milk serum interferes with the measurement of calcium by the conductivity detector, the free and chelated calcium can also be distinguished. By using a sample preparation procedure using Amberlite resin (Fluka, Steinheim, Germany), the amount of soluble calcium in milk can be determined. Because the quantification of calcium in milk and milk derivatives is becoming increasingly important in order to understand the functionality of the milk proteins, better methods need to be developed to determine, with a high level of accuracy, the amount of calcium present in milk in various forms.  相似文献   

Raw skim milk, with or without added CO2, was heated, held, and cooled in a small pilot-scale tubular heat exchanger (372 ml/min). The experiment was replicated twice, and, for each replication, milk was first carbonated at 0 to 1 degree C to contain 0 (control), 600, 1200, 1800, and 2400 ppm added CO2 using a continuous carbonation unit. After storage at 0 to 1 degree C, portions of milk at each CO2 concentration were heated to 40, 56, 72, and 80 degrees C, held at the desired temperature for 30 s (except 80 degrees C, holding 20 s) and cooled to 0 to 1 degree C. At each temperature, five pressures were applied: 69, 138, 207, 276, and 345 kPa. Pressure was controlled with a needle valve at the heat exchanger exit. Both the pressure gauge and pH probe were inline at the end of the holding section. Milk pH during heating depended on CO2 concentration, temperature, and pressure. During heating of milk without added CO2, pH decreased linearly as a function of increasing temperature but was independent of pressure. In general, the pH of milk with added CO2 decreased with increasing CO2 concentration and pressure. For milk with added CO2, at a fixed CO2 concentration, the effect of pressure on pH decrease was greater at a higher temperature. At a fixed temperature, the effect of pressure on pH decrease was greater for milk with a higher CO2 concentration. Thermal death of bacteria during pasteurization of milk without added CO2 is probably due not only to temperature but also to the decrease in pH that occurs during the process. Increasing milk CO2 concentration and pressure decreases the milk pH even further during heating and may further enhance the microbial killing power of pasteurization.  相似文献   

Influence of calcium, moisture, and pH on structure and functionality of direct-acid, nonfat Mozzarella cheese was studied. Acetic acid and citric acid were used to acidify milk to pH 5.8 and 5.3 with the aim of producing cheeses with 70 and 66% moisture, and 0.6 and 0.3% calcium levels. Cheeses containing 0.3% calcium were softer and more adhesive than cheeses containing 0.6% calcium, and flowed further when heated. Cheeses with the same calcium content (0.6%), the same moisture content, but set at different pH values (pH 5.3 and 5.8), exhibited no significant differences in melting or firmness. Increasing cheese moisture content from 66 to 70% produced a softer cheese but did not increase meltability. Such differences in functionality corresponded with differences in structure and arrangement of proteins in the cheese protein matrix. Microstructure of cheese with 0.6% calcium had an increase in protein folds and serum pockets compared with the 0.3% calcium cheeses that had a more homogeneous structure. Protein matrix in the low-calcium cheese appeared less dense indicating the proteins were more hydrated. In the 0.6% calcium cheeses, the proteins appeared more aggregated and had larger spaces between protein aggregates. Thus, between pH 5.3 and 5.8, calcium controls cheese functionality, and pH has only an indirect affect related to its influence on the calcium in cheese.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the effect of pH and calcium on the structural properties of gels created by high-pressure processing (HPP, 600 MPa, 5°C, 3 min) of milk protein concentrate (MPC, 12.5% protein). The pH level of the MPC was varied between 6.6 and 5.1 by adding glucono-δ-lactone (GDL), and the calcium content was varied from 24 to 36 mg of Ca/g of protein by adding calcium chloride. The rheological properties and microstructure of the pressure-treated MPC were assessed. The pressurization treatments and analytical testing were conducted in triplicate. Data were analyzed statistically using one-way ANOVA with Tukey's honestly significant difference post hoc tests. A pressurization time of 3 min was sufficient to induce gel formation in MPC at pH 6.6, so it was used throughout the study. Adjusting either pH or calcium affected the structure of the HPP-created milk protein gels, likely by influencing electrostatic interactions and shifting the calcium–phosphate balance. Gels were formed after pressurization of MPC at pH above 5.3, and increasing the pH from 5.3 to 6.6 resulted in stronger gels with higher values of elastic moduli (G′). At neutral pH (6.6), adding calcium to MPC further increased G′. Scanning electron microscopy showed that reducing pH or adding calcium resulted in more porous, aggregated microstructures. These findings demonstrate the potential of HPP to create a variety of structures using MPC, facilitating a new pathway from dairy protein ingredients to novel, gel-based, high-protein foods, such as puddings or on-the-go protein bars.  相似文献   

The occurrence of calcium lactate crystals (CLC) in hard cheeses is a continual expense to the cheese industry, as consumers fail to purchase cheeses with this quality defect. This research investigates the effects of the protein concentration of cheese milk and the pH of cheese on the occurrence of CLC. Atomic absorption spectroscopy was used to determine total and soluble calcium concentrations in skim milk (SM1, 8.7% total solids), and skim milk supplemented with nonfat dry milk (CSM1, 13.5% total solids). Calcium, phosphorus, lactic acid, and citrate were determined in cheeses made with skim milk (SM2, 3.14% protein), skim milk supplemented with ultrafiltered milk (CSM2, 6.80% protein), and nonfat dry milk (CSM3, 6.80% protein). Supplementation with nonfat dry milk increased the initial total calcium in CSM1 (210 mg/100 g of milk) by 52% compared with the total calcium in SM1 (138 mg/100 g of milk). At pH 5.4, soluble calcium concentrations in CSM1 were 68% greater than soluble calcium in SM1. In cheeses made from CSM2 and CSM3, total calcium was 26% greater than in cheeses made from SM2. As the pH of cheeses made from SM2 decreased from 5.4 to 5.1, the concentration of soluble calcium increased by 61.6%. In cheeses made from CSM2 and CSM3, the concentrations of soluble calcium increased by 41.4 and 45.5%, respectively. Calcium lactate crystals were observed in cheeses made from SM2 at and below pH 5.1, whereas CLC were observed in cheeses from CSM2 and CSM3 at and below pH 5.3. The increased presence of soluble calcium can potentially cause CLC to occur in cheese manufactured with increased concentrations of milk solids, particularly at and below pH 5.1.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the heat stability of dispersions from reconstituted reduced-calcium milk protein concentrate (RCMPC) with 80% protein or more. The tested RCMPC powders were produced from skim milk subjected to CO2 treatment before and during the process of ultrafiltration. The CO2 injection was controlled to obtain 0 (control, no CO2 injection), 20, 30, and 40% reduction in calcium levels in the RCMPC powders. The RCMPC powders were reconstituted to 10% (wt/wt) protein in deionized water. These dispersions were tested for heat stability in a rocking oil bath at 140°C at unadjusted, 6.5, 6.7, 6.9, and 7.1 pH. Calcium ion activity (CIA) and ionic strength measurements were carried out using a Ca ion-selective electrode and conductivity meter. Unadjusted pH of the dispersions varied from 6.8 in control to 5.96 in 40% RCMPC dispersions. The CIA of unadjusted dispersions ranged from 1.31 mM in control to 2.83 mM in 40% RCMPC. Heat stability, expressed as heat coagulation time (HCT) of unadjusted dispersions decreased as the level of Ca removal in powders increased (from 13.81 min in control to 0.46 min in 40% RCMPC) and was negatively correlated with the CIA of the dispersions. For control RCMPC dispersions, the minimum and maximum heat stability were observed at dispersion pH of 6.5 and 6.9, respectively, followed by a decrease at pH 7.1 (CIA was the lowest). Dispersions from 40% RCMPC and pH 7.1 had the maximum HCT of 30.94 min among all RCMPC dispersions at all pH values. From this study, it can be concluded that improved heat stability in high protein formulation beverages subjected to UHT processing could be achieved through calcium reduction in milk protein concentrates using CO2 injection.  相似文献   

The pH of cheese is an important attribute that influences its quality. Substantial changes in cheese pH are often observed during ripening. A combined effect of calcium, phosphorus, residual lactose, and salt-to-moisture ratio (S/M) of the cheese on the changes in cheese pH during ripening was investigated. Eight cheeses with 2 levels of Ca and P (0.67 and 0.47% vs. 0.53 and 0.39%, respectively), lactose at pressing (2.4 vs. 0.78%), and S/M (6.4 vs. 4.8%) were manufactured. All the cheeses were salted at a pH of 5.4, pressed for 5 h, and then ripened at 6 to 8°C. The pH of the salted curds before pressing and the cheeses during 48 wk of ripening was measured. Also, cheeses were analyzed for water-soluble Ca and P, organic P, and bound inorganic P during ripening. Changes in organic acids’ concentration and shifts in the distribution of Ca and P between different forms were studied in relation to changes in pH. Cheeses with low S/M exhibited a larger increase in acid production during ripening compared with high S/M cheeses. Cheeses with the highest concentration of bound inorganic P exhibited the highest pH, whereas cheeses with the lowest concentration of bound inorganic P exhibited the lowest pH among the 8 treatments. Although conversion of lactose to short-chain, water-soluble organic acids decreased cheese pH, bound inorganic phosphate buffered the changes in cheese pH. Production of acid in excess of the buffering capacity (which was the case in low Ca and P and low S/M treatments) led to a low pH, whereas solubilization of bound inorganic P in excess to acid production (which was the case in high Ca and P and high S/M treatments) led to an increase in pH. However, for cheeses with high Ca and P and low S/M, changes in cheese pH were influenced by the level of residual lactose. Hence, pH changes in Cheddar cheese can be modulated by a concomitant control on the amount and state of Ca and P, level of residual lactose, and S/M of the cheese.  相似文献   

The pH buffering capacity of cheese is an important determinant of cheese pH. However, the effects of different constituents of cheese on its pH buffering capacity have not been fully clarified. The objective of this study was to characterize the chemical species and chemical equilibria that are responsible for the pH buffering properties of cheese. Eight cheeses with 2 levels of Ca and P (0.67 and 0.47% vs. 0.53 and 0.39%, respectively), residual lactose (2.4 vs. 0.78%), and salt-to-moisture ratio (6.4 vs. 4.8%) were manufactured. The pH-titration curves for these cheeses were obtained by titrating cheese:water (1:39 wt/wt) dispersions with 1 N HCl, and backtitrating with 1 N NaOH. To understand the role of different chemical equilibria and the respective chemical species in controlling the pH of cheese, pH buffering was modeled mathematically. The 36 chemical species that were found to be relevant for modeling can be classified as cations (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+), anions (phosphate, citrate, lactate), protein-bound amino acids with a side-chain pKa in the range of 3 to 9 (glutamate, histidine, serine phosphate, aspartate), metal ion complexes (phosphate, citrate, and lactate complexes of Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+), and calcium phosphate precipitates. A set of 36 corresponding equations was solved to give the concentrations of all chemical species as a function of pH, allowing the prediction of buffering curves. Changes in the calculated species concentrations allowed the identification of the chemical species and chemical equilibria that dominate the pH buffering properties of cheese in different pH ranges. The model indicates that pH buffering in the pH range from 4.5 to 5.5 is predominantly due to a precipitate of Ca and phosphate, and the protonation equilibrium involving the side chains of protein-bound glutamate. In the literature, the precipitate is often referred to as amorphous colloidal calcium phosphate. A comparison of experimental data and model predictions shows that the buffering properties of the precipitate can be explained, assuming that it consists of hydroxyapatite [Ca5(OH)(PO4)3] or Ca3(PO4)2. The pH buffering in the region from pH 3.5 to 4.5 is due to protonation of side-chain carboxylates of protein-bound glutamate, aspartate, and lactate, in order of decreasing significance. In addition, pH buffering between pH 5 to 8 in the backtitration results from the reprecipitation of calcium and phosphate either as CaHPO4 or Ca4H(PO4)3.  相似文献   

Considerable variations were found for ionic calcium and pH in milk from individual cows. Milk with lower pH tended to have a higher Ca2+ concentration, although the relationship was weak. Milk samples with a higher Ca2+ concentration and lower pH produced less sediment during in‐container sterilisation, which was contrary to expectations. Rennet coagulation time was lower for milk with a higher Ca2+ concentration, but curd firmness was not related to Ca2+ concentration. There was a poor correlation between the pH reduction caused by acid addition and that resulting from increasing temperature. Sediment formation was related to pH change at high temperature.  相似文献   

以笃斯越橘为原料,主要测定其花色苷精制物在121℃加热6、8、10min及不同pH下花色苷含量、抗氧化活性的变化。结果表明:处理液中单体花色苷、辅色花色苷、聚合花色苷和总花色苷含量随着加热时间增加及pH升高大体都呈下降趋势,辅色花色苷在pH4.05.0时有微量的存在。花色苷残留率随加热时间增加、pH升高而降低。DPPH·法结果表明,同一pH条件下,处理液对DPPH·清除能力为加热6min>8min>10min;3个时间下的处理液清除能力均在pH1.0时达到最佳,且其IC50值分别为1.50、2.94、3.40μg/mL。ABTS+·法结果表明,pH1.0、121℃加热6、8、10min下,处理液的IC50值分别为0.27、0.29、0.32μg/mL;处理液的清除能力整体随加热时间增加、pH升高而降低。   相似文献   

对大鼠进行正常饲料及低钙饲料中添加2%低聚木糖的喂养,喂养周期21d。测定大鼠钙摄入,粪钙、尿钙含量以及钙的吸收率。得出:低聚木糖能够有效提高大鼠对钙的吸收率,降低粪钙含量,并且,低聚木糖对低钙饲料组的影响比普通饲料组的影响大。在喂养1周之后低钙饲料+2%低聚木糖组的粪钙含量8.09mg,较相应对照组降低59.6%;普通饲料+2%低聚木糖组粪钙含量21.71mg,较相应对照组降低58.5%;低钙饲料+2%低聚木糖组的钙吸收率为94.84%;普通饲料+2%低聚木糖组的钙的表观吸收率为92.33%。另外,低聚木糖对尿钙影响不大。  相似文献   

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