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异构CAD系统的信息交换研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
分析了CAD系统可能存在的接口类型,并对IGES和STEP的标准进行了详细的讨论,最后提出了接口集成、基于产品数据模型的集成和基于PDM系统的集成3种产品数据集成方案。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于中性语义特征转换的异构CAD系统间数据交换方法,该方法采用“中性语义特征转换器”将不同系统间的造型信息转换为统一的数据信息格式,并通过中性语义转换库实现了不同系统间操作命令的4种映射关系。此外,还实现了异构CAD系统间零件的同步协同传输。最后,将该文提到的思想初步应用在理工大学自主开发的HUSTCAIDS与UG间的异构协同设计中,证明该理论的可行性。  相似文献   

基于信息语义的异构信息集成方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董明哲  张同军 《计算机工程》2005,31(2):202-203,221
在系统集成的过程中,异构信息资源给人们信息共享、处理造成了困难,而异构信息中的语义表示方法一直是一个难点。该文采用基于信息语义的定义方法,提出一个以语义为核心的信息模型,给出异构信息系统集成的一种解决方法。  相似文献   

陶然 《软件世界》2007,(23):78-78
财税库银横向联网是建立税务、国库之间的联网系统,实现税款征缴、入库、退库、更正、对账等全流程的网络化、电子化,是财政、税务、国库、商业银行和纳税人多方共赢的一件好事。从2004年下半年起,财政部、税务总局、人民银行共同研究联网方案,立争在2007年底前,取得横向联网电子缴税工作的实质性进展。  相似文献   

考虑类型信息的异构数据源信息交换方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王博  郭波 《计算机科学》2008,35(1):117-120
异构信息源模式集成中,除解决模式结构冲突外,还需要考虑模式结构对应的数据类型差异,以保证模式集成和信息交换过程的准确性.本文在考虑不同模型语言类型约束和复合对象类型的基础上形式化描述了类型体系,在公共类型体系内容定义的基础上给出了考虑约束和复合对象类型的中间模型类型体系的构建方法,建立了异构数据模式类型体系与中间模型类型体系的类型映射关系.相比其他类型匹配方法,具有搜索空间小、处理范围广的特点.  相似文献   

用户自定义特征(UDF)能很好地反映用户特有的设计意图,减少重复性的设计活动,是主流CAD系统都提供的功能,因此实现UDF在线交换是异构CAD系统在线集成中不可或缺的一部分.为此,提出一种基于中性命令的UDF在线交换方法.在综合主流CAD系统UDF表示的基础上,给出了一种UDF的中性命令表示;然后给出系统UDF与中性UDF命令之间的相互转换算法,并重点介绍了其中的差异性解决方法.采用文中方法在Pro/E,SolidWorks和UG之间进行UDF实时交换的实例结果表明,文中提出的UDF在线交换方法能够有效地支持UDF在异构CAD系统间的实时创建、修改和删除操作.  相似文献   

针对异构CAD系统间上层操作指令和底层数据结构存在的差异性,在细胞元语义特征造型技术的基础上,提出了一种全新的支持异构CAD系统间同步协同设计的体系结构,并通过一种优先调度机制有效地解决了异构CAD系统间的“写冲突”问题,提高了实时响应性。该思想初步应用在HUSTCAIDS与AutoCAD间的异构协同设计中,证明了其可行性。  相似文献   

基于XML的异构信息交换研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
以福建省政务信息共享平台设计为背景,针对平台资源异构问题,提出了基于XML的信息交换方案,并给出实现的关键技术。  相似文献   

基于WebServices的异构系统信息交换的实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于信息孤岛的存在,封闭在独立系统中的信息无法交换与共享,限制了信息系统作用的发挥,产生了重复劳动并降低TT作效率.提出了DEM(数据交换模型),不需要重组业务流程、重新开发完整的业务系统,通过使用XML和Web Services技术,在现有系统基础上进行异构数据库集成和数据交换,完成分布式异构系统之问的信息交换.在DEM模型的研究与设计过程中,通过对具体实例进行需求分析,提出解决方案,完成总体设计和详细设计工作,设计实现可以在异构系统间进行信息交换的通用接口.  相似文献   

一种新的Web异构语义信息搜索方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
相关排序是Web搜索的关键技术之一.为提高相关排序的准确性,保证搜索结果的语义相关性,语义搜索研究引入了由不同语义模型所表示的各种语义信息,如词典、语义标记、社会标注等.为了结合各类语义信息进行搜索,提出了一种新的Web异构语义信息搜索方法,给出了语义相关概率的定义,提出了一种基于统计的语义相关度计算方法,同时利用现有的关键词和语义搜索引擎,实现了结合关键词和异构语义信息的Web搜索.初步实验证明该方法可以融合关键词信息和用多种模型表示的语义信息,有效实现Web异构语义搜索.  相似文献   

Internet is a common information space populated with many entities (e.g., Internet of Things) with different information system types. Each of them has its own context of how to build and process documents (e.g., form documents). This leads to heterogeneous documents in terms of syntax and semantics, which are difficult to make information fusion from one context to another. To resolve this problem, this paper uses semantic interoperability technique which consists of two automatic stages including consistent data understanding and reasonable data usage. To implement semantic interoperability, this paper proposes a novel automatic tabular document exchange (DocEx) framework comprised of a new tabular document model (TabDoc) and a semantic inference scheme to fit the two stages above respectively. In this TabDoc model, a new Tabular Document Language (DocLang) as a communication medium between users and devices is provided, which is not only an information representation language but also a rule language for semantic inference as well. Abstract sub-tree-based semantic relations constructing the logical structure of a tabular document are separated from their presentational structures, clarifying the relationship between semantic groups (e.g., a cell or a block) with the help of a common dictionary CONEX. Besides, this paper proposes a semantic inference algorithm (SIA) executing the inference procedure on received tabular documents created by a Table Designer system which integrates with SIA. Finally, the proposed framework is applied to the processing of flight ticket booking in a realistic e-business scenario. The results show that the proposed method in this paper improves the performance of information fusion among different information systems on the Internet.  相似文献   

This paper discusses issues related to the integration of distributed heterogeneous environmental information systems. Starting with a brief discussion of the integration problems, a general concept for integrating heterogeneous systems within a meta-information-based network is described. Meta data requirements for this type of integration are developed and a number of application examples are shown, growing in scope towards generic architectures. Future directions of meta information systems are also discussed. In summary, the paper gives an overview of eight years' work of the author, together with colleagues from various institutions, from early integration concepts to matured system integration tools.  相似文献   

We present an architecture to coordinate the construction of the context within which meaningful information between heterogeneous information systems can be exchanged. We call this coordinator SCOPES (Semantic Coordinator Over Parallel Exploration Spaces). A classification of semantic conflicts we proposed elsewhere is used to build and refine the context, by discovering the semantic mapping rules (inter-schema correspondence assertions) between corresponding elements of the communicating systems. A truth maintenance system is used to manage the multiple intermediate contexts. It provides a mechanism to infer or retract assertions on the basis of the knowledge acquired during the reconciliation process. This nonmonotonic technique is used in conjunction with the Dempster-Shafer theory of belief functions to model the likelihood of alternative contexts. Finally, we propose an algorithm which illustrates how the various components of the architecture interact with one another in order to build context.  相似文献   

Overlapping control systems with optimal information exchange   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals with the stabilizability of interconnected systems via linear time-invariant (LTI) decentralized controllers. Given a controllable and observable system with some distinct decentralized fixed modes (DFMs), it is desired to find a suitable control structure (in terms of information flow) for it. Since a decentralized controller consists of a number of non-interacting local controllers, the objective here is to establish certain interactions between the local controllers in order to eliminate the undesirable DFMs. This objective is achieved by translating the knowledge of the system into some bipartite graphs. Then, the notions of minimal sets and maximal subgraphs are introduced, which lead to a simple combinatorial algorithm for solving the underlying problem. The efficacy of the results obtained is demonstrated by an illustrative example.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a non-domain-specific metadata ontology as a core component in a semantic model-based document management system (DMS), a potential contender towards the enterprise information systems of the next generation. What we developed is the core semantic component of an ontology-driven DMS, providing a robust semantic base for describing documents’ metadata. We also enabled semantic services such as automated semantic translation of metadata from one domain to another. The core semantic base consists of three semantic layers, each one serving a different view of documents’ metadata. The core semantic component’s base layer represents a non-domain-specific metadata ontology founded on ebRIM specification. The main purpose of this ontology is to serve as a meta-metadata ontology for other domain-specific metadata ontologies. The base semantic layer provides a generic metadata view. For the sake of enabling domain-specific views of documents’ metadata, we implemented two domain-specific metadata ontologies, semantically layered on top of ebRIM, serving domain-specific views of the metadata. In order to enable semantic translation of metadata from one domain to another, we established model-to-model mappings between these semantic layers by introducing SWRL rules. Having the semantic translation of metadata automated not only allows for effortless switching between different metadata views, but also opens the door for automating the process of documents long-term archiving. For the case study, we chose judicial domain as a promising ground for improving the efficiency of the judiciary by introducing the semantics in this field.  相似文献   

The modeling of knowledge and its implementation in software systems is not sufficiently supported by proper guidelines and well-established principles. An interdisciplinary approach seems to be necessary because the development of guidelines for sound knowledge modeling—in particular in medicine—requires expertise from areas such as linguistics, informatics, medicine, cognitive science and philosophy. In the present paper, we discuss relevant aspects of such an approach and outline some results of the work of the research group Onto-Med. In particular, we expound a methodology, which supports the semantic foundation of medical information systems by using top-level ontologies.  相似文献   

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