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ABSTRACT: The more decentralized is authority in a city, the greater is the opportunity for unofficial institutions, especially civic associations, labor and business organizations, and newspapers to exert influence ….[N]ewspapers play a particularly important part in the electoral processes of nonpartisan cities, especially those so large that candidates cannot become known to the electorate through direct personal contacts (Banfield & Wilson, 1963, p.324).  相似文献   

In this research we study the effect of recently enacted campaign contribution limits in Illinois via an examination of the 2011 Chicago mayoral election. Because contribution limits for state and local campaigns were implemented in the middle of the race for mayor we are uniquely positioned to test the efficacy of the new law. In theory we expect contribution limits to cause candidates to rely on more contributors making smaller donations. Our results indicate that the reform measure did not prompt candidates to broaden their fundraising base, and only when Rahm Emanuel's campaign is considered alongside his opponents’ did the fundraising law reduce average contributions. In a concluding section we address the issue of whether the contribution limits established under the law are too high to produce meaningful reform.  相似文献   

The late 1970s and early 1980s represent a difficult period for affirmative action programs in American cities. Given a new, conservative political environment symbolized by the re-election of Ronald Reagan and the advent of serious fiscal constraints facing many cities, is it reasonable to expect continuing progress toward representative workforces in municipal governments? This article investigates this question using data gathered from repeated surveys of over 250 municipal police departments in major U.S. cities over the period 1981 to 1984. Findings observed suggest that although minorities made sufficient gains in these years to constitute a firm foothold for future progress, women are likely to have a long and difficult road ahead with respect to their full incorporation into municipal law enforcement.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article seeks to describe and explain variation in voter turnout in American big city municipal elections using data from 332 mayoral elections in 38 large U.S. cities over 25 years. In my cross‐sectional time‐series analysis of turnout in mayoral elections, I find that city‐level demographic factors are only weakly correlated with turnout. By contrast, institutional and campaign factors explain much of the variation. The effect of Progressive era reforms on depressing turnout is greatest in the most competitive elections. I conclude by discussing the implication of the overall downward trend in turnout and changes cities can make to increase participation.  相似文献   

In The Homevoter Hypothesis, William Fischel argues that concern for property values influences the attitudes and behavior of homeowners toward municipal politics. Local government has the greatest impact on the value of property of any order of government, and is the primary political avenue through which homeowners act to protect their investment. We examine the applicability of Fischel's theory to Canada, a country in which little research has been conducted on municipal voters. Using data from government and academic sources, three testable implications of the homevoter hypothesis are examined. Results reveal that the theory is congruent with the behavior and attitudes of Canadian municipal voters. Homeownership leads to increased turnout in municipal elections, the attitudes of homeowners differ from those of renters with respect to policies that are perceived to have a relationship with property values, and homeowners are particularly opposed to municipal amalgamations.  相似文献   

李新建  朱光亚 《建筑技术》2012,43(9):824-827
我国历史文化街区缺乏专门的市政工程技术规范,保护规划实践往往因套用现行一般市政工程技术规范而导致偏差.通过分析我国现行市政工程技术规范和标准以“指令性”的具体技术手段和参数为主、适应性和灵活性不足的缺陷,指出历史文化街区应制定适应其物质空间特性和遗产保护要求的专门的“性能化”市政工程技术规范,与一般城市建设标准保持“适度差异”,并提出实现这一目标的法规和管理对策.  相似文献   

<正>项目名称:代尔夫特市政办公厅和火车站(一期)业主:荷兰代尔夫特的代尔夫特火车站区域发展有限公司建设地点:荷兰代尔夫特设计单位:Mecanoo建筑师事务所建筑面积:28 320 m2建筑层数:3建筑高度:20 m建筑结构:钢结构建筑材料:钢材,混凝土,玻璃项目负责人:Francine Houben  相似文献   

从绿色市政的内涵及意义出发,通过分析总结《北川羌族自治县新县城市政专项规划》绿色市政的规划实施路径,提出通过系统优化、资源整合,资源循环,采用市政新技术等环节构建创新型、环保型的现代化绿色市政设施体系,实现市政设施低碳化布局,建立市政基础设施的绿色规划。  相似文献   

金口垃圾填埋场内大型建筑物地基基础及安全性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金口垃圾填埋场内拟建一大型垃圾中转站,该垃圾填埋场还没有达到稳定性化,必然对建筑物地基基础结构及安全性有很大影响。通过垃圾土的室内土工试验、现场平板载荷试验以及边坡反分析,对垃圾土的压缩特性、承载特性以及抗剪强度进行了研究,得出了场内垃圾土是一种含有可降解有机质和大量纤维成分的疏松的无粘性的特殊软土,具有高压缩性、不均匀沉降特性、抗剪强度较高和承载能力较高等工程力学特性。对建筑物的基础进行选型分析,提出主体工程宜采用大直径钻孔灌注桩基础,配套工程宜采用能承受较大变形和不均匀沉降影响的筏板基础,而上部结构宜采用框架结构。根据经验公式,计算垃圾土的负摩阻力后,提出基桩设计时应考虑负摩阻力对基桩承载力的影响。通过化学测试及调研,得出垃圾土具有中腐蚀性,渗滤液具有强腐蚀性,提出桩基础必须采取三级防护措施。垃圾渗滤液中含有污染物质种类多且浓度高,分析了在基桩施工过程中渗滤液对地下水的污染途径,提出包括全护简支护、膨润土泥浆护壁以及减少钻孔成孔至灌注混凝土的间隔时间等控制污染的主要措施,经理论计算分析,这些措施能有效降低渗滤液对地下水的污染程度。对填埋场气体进行分析,填埋场内已含有大量有害气体,且仍处于产气高峰期,提出施工前必须强行排气,进行了特殊的覆盖层设计,以保证工作人员及建筑物的安全。  相似文献   

这是坐落于上海浦东陆家嘴IFC国金中心的品牌餐厅花厨,她让爱与美好再一次在魔都展现。城市中快节奏的生活方式,让身处其中的人们愈发迫切地想要寻找一片可以慢下来享受生活的净土,以安抚自身躁动的灵魂;而花厨作为一家花店结合餐饮形式的多元化生活空间,希望能在这喧嚣的城市中打造一处隐于市的世外桃源。设计师的思考方式来自建筑和物体,认为空间的存在一定是由物体和物质同时创造的。物体可以是功能的一种需求,也可以是空间环绕的一个动线载体。  相似文献   

按现行《市政道路工程质量检验评定标准》CJJ1— 90 ,市政道路土方路基仅需做压实度试验 ,而不必进行弯沉值测定。本文结合工程实验 ,认为在市政道路工程土方路基上进行弯沉值测定是很必要的。提出应把弯沉值作为土方路基和非半刚性基层、底基层施工质量检验和评定的重要指标 ,补充于CJJ1— 90标准中去 ,并应附录有弯沉值检验评定方法。另谈了在弯沉值测定时应注意的几点  相似文献   

In this paper, the tritium levels in the leachates and methane gas condensates which have occurred at 13 sanitary landfills of municipal solid wastes (MSW) are investigated and reported. During the 6 months investigation period, the mean tritium concentrations of the raw leachates were distributed from 17 to 1,196 TU. They corresponded to several scores or hundreds higher tritium levels than that of the normal environmental level except for two cases. High tritium levels were also detected in the effluents of the leachate treatment facilities. Generally, the tritium existed in the dissolving fraction of the leachate but for some cases about 10% of the total tritium content was present as colloidal particles of over 0.45 μm in size. In general, the relationship between the tritium and other contaminants in the raw leachate was low, but it was relatively high between the tritium and TOC. Thus, it is predicted that the dissolving state of the tritium in the leachates would be affected by the tritium sources of the tipped wastes in a MSW.  相似文献   

金融地理学(GeographyofFinance)的一个重要研究领域是用一系列强有力的理论工具说明和解释区域金融中心的发展。“信息腹地论”是该学科中研究现代金融地理的一个重要范畴。该理论帮助学者们研究和了解国际资金流、金钱景观、银行和服务机构的位置,以及金融中心的区域形成和发展。它提出的“信息溢出”、“不对称信息”和“路径依赖”不单是信息腹地形成的主要动力,也决定着一个城市在区内金融地位的变迁。本文运用前后两次详尽的企业总部区位调查辅助分析和预测中国各大主要的经济中心,包括北京、上海、广州和深圳于可见将来在区域内金融地位的未来发展,并指出北京最有条件发展成为中国最大的金融中心。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Since the early 1980s, scholars have debated whether or not the converging forces of globalization have disembedded city‐regions from their national contexts. This study explored this question through a comparison of post‐1990 growth trends in the Detroit and Greater Toronto Area–Hamilton regions (GTAH), two urban areas within the same natural region and closely linked by industrial production flows, yet politically situated within two separate Federalist states. Guided by Nested City Theory, it reveals how their dissimilar contexts for race, local autonomy, and multilocal planning have helped foster divergent spatial patterns in the two regions. In particular, provincial controls governing municipal fragmentation, Ontario's Planning Act, and subregional/microregional planning have been key embedded structures helping to limit population decline and disinvestment in GTAH core cities. In the process, this article shows how urban trajectories have remained nested within multilevel spatial and institutional configurations. Its findings also call for greater consideration of nested state/provincial factors in cross‐national comparisons of cities within Federal states. Finally, its conclusion offers a starting point toward a more nuanced specific version of Nested Theory to be called the Contextualized Model of Urban–Regional Development.  相似文献   

 单桩静载试验和基础沉降实测资料表明:在设计工作荷载下超长单桩的桩顶沉降主要来自桩身压缩,且在最大加载条件下超长桩表现为端承摩擦桩性状。超长单桩侧摩阻力由上部土层到下部土层依次发挥,砂质粉土侧摩阻力充分发挥所需的桩土极限相对位移为14~18 mm,粉质黏土侧摩阻力充分发挥所需的桩土极限位移为17~19 mm,当桩土相对位移大于该极限位移后,桩侧土层会出现侧摩阻力软化现象。群桩基础的沉降随施工荷载水平的增加而增大。荷载较小(第5层以下)时,大楼沉降较小且沉降均匀;当荷载达到一定值(第30层以上)时,核心筒处沉降大于大楼周边沉降。大楼竣工时核心筒与周边沉降差较小,大楼整体变形协调。群桩效应沉降比随着荷载水平(施工层数)的增大先增大后减小。  相似文献   

The municipal bond market is the institutional mechanism for allocating capital to cities and other tax-exempt borrowers. A key function of this market is to provide investors and borrowers with information that allows them to gauge relative degrees of risk in bond sales, including the possibility of default. The present study examines the risk signals communicated by the municipal bond market to potential investors in five nuclear power plant proposed by the Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS) during 1973–1982. The behavior of WPPSS bonds is compared with other electric revenue bond issues floated during the same time period. Based on pooled regression analysis, it is concluded that the municipal bond market did not encourage least-cost capital or energy choices in the Pacific Northwest, and it cannot be expected to forecast the full risks of megapower projects such as WPPSS.  相似文献   

The remarkable progress made in the 19th and early 20th centuries in improving the qualify of municipal drinking water supplies is undoubtedly one of the most important factors contributing to the improved health and life expectancy of the developed world. Most of the conventional unit treatment processes currently used for mass-producing potable water had their origin during these years. This paper identifies key milestones in the understanding and development of water treatment technology during the 19th and early 20th centuries and considers their lasting importance.  相似文献   

本文重点介绍我国城市垃圾处理状况,并与国外城市垃圾处理方法作了对比.同时根据我国城市的具体情况,提出了城市垃圾收集、清运、处理和利用的几点建议.  相似文献   

The remarkable progress made in the early 20th century in improving the microbiological quality of municipal drinking water supplies is undoubtedly one of the most important factors contributing to the improved health and life expectancy of the developed world during that century. The paper highlights perceived milestones in the 19th and early 20th centuries in the scientific and technological developments in municipal water treatment practice, particularly in relation to the improvements in the chemical and biological quality of drinking water supplies. The paper concludes by summarizing key developments in the methods of measuring water quality and in the improvements in drinking water quality standards during that period.  相似文献   

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