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Implicit representations of geometry have found applications in shape modeling, simulation, and other graphics pipelines. These representations, however, do not provide information about the paths of individual points as shapes move and undergo deformation. For this reason, we reconsider the problem of tracking points on level set surfaces, with the goal of designing an algorithm that — unlike previous work — can recover rotational motion and nearly isometric deformation. We track points on level sets of a time‐varying function using approximate Killing vector fields (AKVFs), the velocity fields of near‐isometric motions. To this end, we provide suitable theoretical and discrete constructions for computing AKVFs in a narrow band surrounding an animated level set surface. Furthermore, we propose time integrators well‐suited to integrating AKVFs in time to track points. We demonstrate the theoretical and practical advantages of our proposed algorithms on synthetic and practical tasks.  相似文献   

The discovery of meaningful parts of a shape is required for many geometry processing applications, such as parameterization, shape correspondence, and animation. It is natural to consider primitives such as spheres, cylinders and cones as the building blocks of shapes, and thus to discover parts by fitting such primitives to a given surface. This approach, however, will break down if primitive parts have undergone almost‐isometric deformations, as is the case, for example, for articulated human models. We suggest that parts can be discovered instead by finding intrinsic primitives, which we define as parts that posses an approximate intrinsic symmetry. We employ the recently‐developed method of computing discrete approximate Killing vector fields (AKVFs) to discover intrinsic primitives by investigating the relationship between the AKVFs of a composite object and the AKVFs of its parts. We show how to leverage this relationship with a standard clustering method to extract k intrinsic primitives and remaining asymmetric parts of a shape for a given k. We demonstrate the value of this approach for identifying the prominent symmetry generators of the parts of a given shape. Additionally, we show how our method can be modified slightly to segment an entire surface without marking asymmetric connecting regions and compare this approach to state‐of‐the‐art methods using the Princeton Segmentation Benchmark.  相似文献   

We present a robust and efficient algorithm for the pairwise non‐rigid registration of partially overlapping 3D surfaces. Our approach treats non‐rigid registration as an optimization problem and solves it by alternating between correspondence and deformation optimization. Assuming approximately isometric deformations, robust correspondences are generated using a pruning mechanism based on geodesic consistency. We iteratively learn an appropriate deformation discretization from the current set of correspondences and use it to update the correspondences in the next iteration. Our algorithm is able to register partially similar point clouds that undergo large deformations, in just a few seconds. We demonstrate the potential of our algorithm in various applications such as example based articulated segmentation, and shape interpolation.  相似文献   

Discrete conformal mappings of planar triangle meshes, also known as the As‐Similar‐As‐Possible (ASAP) mapping, involve the minimization of a quadratic energy function, thus are very easy to generate and are popular in image warping scenarios. We generalize this classical mapping to the case of quad meshes, taking into account the mapping of the interior of the quad, and analyze in detail the most common case ‐ the unit grid mesh. We show that the generalization, when combined with barycentric coordinate mappings between the source and target polygons, spawns an entire family of new mappings governed by quadratic energy functions, which allow to control quite precisely various effects of the mapping. This approach is quite general and applies also to arbitrary planar polygon meshes. As an application of generalized ASAP mappings of the unit grid mesh, we demonstrate how they can be used to warp digital photographs to achieve a variety of effects. One such effect is modifying the perspective of the camera that took a given photograph (without moving the camera). A related, but more challenging, effect is re‐photography ‐ warping a contemporary photograph in order to reproduce the camera view present in a vintage photograph of the same scene ‐ taken many years before with a different camera from a different viewpoint. We apply the generalized ASAP mapping to these images, discretized to a unit grid. Using a quad mesh (as opposed to a triangle mesh) permits biasing towards affine maps of the unit squares. This allows the introduction of an As‐Affine‐As‐Possible (AAAP) mapping for a good approximation of the homographies present in these warps, achieving quite accurate results. We demonstrate the advantages of the AAAP mapping on a variety of synthetic and real‐world examples.  相似文献   

Adaptive Space Deformations Based on Rigid Cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We propose a new adaptive space deformation method for interactive shape modeling. A novel energy formulation based on elastically coupled volumetric cells yields intuitive detail preservation even under large deformations. By enforcing rigidity of the cells, we obtain an extremely robust numerical solver for the resulting nonlinear optimization problem. Scalability is achieved using an adaptive spatial discretization that is decoupled from the resolution of the embedded object. Our approach is versatile and easy to implement, supports thin-shell and solid deformations of 2D and 3D objects, and is applicable to arbitrary sample-based representations, such as meshes, triangle soups, or point clouds.  相似文献   

Animations of characters with flexible bodies such as jellyfish, snails, and, hearts are difficult to design using traditional skeleton‐based approaches. A standard approach is keyframing, but adjusting the shape of the flexible body for each key frame is tedious. In addition, the character cannot dynamically adjust its motion to respond to the environment or user input. This paper introduces a new procedural deformation framework (ProcDef) for designing and driving animations of such flexible objects. Our approach is to synthesize global motions procedurally by integrating local deformations. ProcDef provides an efficient design scheme for local deformation patterns; the user can control the orientation and magnitude of local deformations as well as the propagation of deformation signals by specifying line charts and volumetric fields. We also present a fast and robust deformation algorithm based on shape‐matching dynamics and show some example animations to illustrate the feasibility of our framework.  相似文献   

A tangent vector field on a surface is the generator of a smooth family of maps from the surface to itself, known as the flow. Given a scalar function on the surface, it can be transported, or advected, by composing it with a vector field's flow. Such transport is exhibited by many physical phenomena, e.g., in fluid dynamics. In this paper, we are interested in the inverse problem: given source and target functions, compute a vector field whose flow advects the source to the target. We propose a method for addressing this problem, by minimizing an energy given by the advection constraint together with a regularizing term for the vector field. Our approach is inspired by a similar method in computational anatomy, known as LDDMM, yet leverages the recent framework of functional vector fields for discretizing the advection and the flow as operators on scalar functions. The latter allows us to efficiently generalize LDDMM to curved surfaces, without explicitly computing the flow lines of the vector field we are optimizing for. We show two approaches for the solution: using linear advection with multiple vector fields, and using non‐linear advection with a single vector field. We additionally derive an approximated gradient of the corresponding energy, which is based on a novel vector field transport operator. Finally, we demonstrate applications of our machinery to intrinsic symmetry analysis, function interpolation and map improvement.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new free-form shape deformation approach is proposed. We combine a skeleton-based mesh deformation technique with discrete differential coordinates in order to create natural-looking global shape deformations. Given a triangle mesh, we first extract a skeletal mesh, a two-sided Voronoibased approximation of the medial axis. Next the skeletal mesh is modified by free-form deformations. Then a desired global shape deformation is obtained by reconstructing the shape corresponding to the deformed skeletal mesh. The reconstruction is based on using discrete differential coordinates. Our method preserves fine geometric details and original shape thickness because of using discrete differential coordinates and skeleton-based deformations. We also develop a new mesh evolution technique which allow us to eliminate possible global and local self-intersections of the deformed mesh while preserving fine geometric details. Finally, we present a multi-resolution version of our approach in order to simplify and accelerate the deformation process. In addition, interesting links between the proposed free-form shape deformation technique and classical and modern results in the differential geometry of sphere congruences are established and discussed.  相似文献   

While animation using barycentric coordinates or other automatic weight assignment methods has become a popular method for shape deformation, the global nature of the weights limits their use for real‐time applications. We present a method that reduces the number of control points influencing a vertex to a user‐specified number such that the deformations created by the reduced weight set resemble that of the original deformation. To do so we show how to set up a Poisson minimization problem to solve for a reduced weight set and illustrate its advantages over other weight reduction methods. Not only does weight reduction lower the amount of storage space necessary to deform these models but also allows GPU acceleration of the resulting deformations. Our experiments show that we can achieve a factor of 100 increase in speed over CPU deformations using the full weight set, which makes real‐time deformations of large models possible.  相似文献   

Creating and animating subject‐specific anatomical models is traditionally a difficult process involving medical image segmentation, geometric corrections and the manual definition of kinematic parameters. In this paper, we introduce a novel template morphing algorithm that facilitates three‐dimensional modelling and parameterization of skeletons. Target data can be either medical images or surfaces of the whole skeleton. We incorporate prior knowledge about bone shape, the feasible skeleton pose and the morphological variability in the population. This allows for noise reduction, bone separation and the transfer, from the template, of anatomical and kinematical information not present in the input data. Our approach treats both local and global deformations in successive regularization steps: smooth elastic deformations are represented by an as‐rigid‐as‐possible displacement field between the reference and current configuration of the template, whereas global and discontinuous displacements are estimated through a projection onto a statistical shape model and a new joint pose optimization scheme with joint limits.  相似文献   

Traditionally, vector field visualization is concerned with 2D and 3D flows. Yet, many concepts can be extended to general dynamical systems, including the higher‐dimensional problem of modeling the motion of finite‐sized objects in fluids. In the steady case, the trajectories of these so‐called inertial particles appear as tangent curves of a 4D or 6D vector field. These higher‐dimensional flows are difficult to map to lower‐dimensional spaces, which makes their visualization a challenging problem. We focus on vector field topology, which allows scientists to study asymptotic particle behavior. As recent work on the 2D case has shown, both extraction and classification of isolated critical points depend on the underlying particle model. In this paper, we aim for a model‐independent classification technique, which we apply to two different particle models in not only 2D, but also 3D cases. We show that the classification can be done by performing an eigenanalysis of the spatial derivatives' velocity subspace of the higher‐dimensional 4D or 6D flow. We construct glyphs that depict not only the types of critical points, but also encode the directional information given by the eigenvectors. We show that the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the inertial phase space have sufficient symmetries and structure so that they can be depicted in 2D or 3D, instead of 4D or 6D.  相似文献   

Geometric meshes that model animated characters must be designed while taking into account the deformations that the shape will undergo during animation. We analyze an input sequence of meshes with point‐to‐point correspondence, and we automatically produce a quadrangular mesh that fits well the input animation. We first analyze the local deformation that the surface undergoes at each point, and we initialize a cross field that remains as aligned as possible to the principal directions of deformation throughout the sequence. We then smooth this cross field based on an energy that uses a weighted combination of the initial field and the local amount of stretch. Finally, we compute a field‐aligned quadrangulation with an off‐the‐shelf method. Our technique is fast and very simple to implement, and it significantly improves the quality of the output quad mesh and its suitability for character animation, compared to creating the quad mesh based on a single pose. We present experimental results and comparisons with a state‐of‐the‐art quadrangulation method, on both sequences from 3D scanning and synthetic sequences obtained by a rough animation of a triangulated model.  相似文献   

We present a novel image resizing method which attempts to ensure that important local regions undergo a geometric similarity transformation, and at the same time, to preserve image edge structure. To accomplish this, we define handles to describe both local regions and image edges, and assign a weight for each handle based on an importance map for the source image. Inspired by conformal energy, which is widely used in geometry processing, we construct a novel quadratic distortion energy to measure the shape distortion for each handle. The resizing result is obtained by minimizing the weighted sum of the quadratic distortion energies of all handles. Compared to previous methods, our method allows distortion to be diffused better in all directions, and important image edges are well‐preserved. The method is efficient, and offers a closed form solution.  相似文献   

We present a registration algorithm for pairs of deforming and partial range scans that addresses the challenges of non‐rigid registration within a single non‐linear optimization. Our algorithm simultaneously solves for correspondences between points on source and target scans, confidence weights that measure the reliability of each correspondence and identify non‐overlapping areas, and a warping field that brings the source scan into alignment with the target geometry. The optimization maximizes the region of overlap and the spatial coherence of the deformation while minimizing registration error. All optimization parameters are chosen automatically; hand‐tuning is not necessary. Our method is not restricted to part‐in‐whole matching, but addresses the general problem of partial matching, and requires no explicit prior correspondences or feature points. We evaluate the performance and robustness of our method using scan data acquired by a structured light scanner and compare our method with existing non‐rigid registration algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method for deformable 3D shape registration is proposed. The algorithm computes shape transitions based on local similarity transforms which allows to model not only as‐rigid‐as‐possible deformations but also local and global scale. We formulate an ordinary differential equation (ODE) which describes the transition of a source shape towards a target shape. We assume that both shapes are roughly pre‐aligned (e.g., frames of a motion sequence). The ODE consists of two terms. The first one causes the deformation by pulling the source shape points towards corresponding points on the target shape. Initial correspondences are estimated by closest‐point search and then refined by an efficient smoothing scheme. The second term regularizes the deformation by drawing the points towards locally defined rest positions. These are given by the optimal similarity transform which matches the initial (undeformed) neighborhood of a source point to its current (deformed) neighborhood. The proposed ODE allows for a very efficient explicit numerical integration. This avoids the repeated solution of large linear systems usually done when solving the registration problem within general‐purpose non‐linear optimization frameworks. We experimentally validate the proposed method on a variety of real data and perform a comparison with several state‐of‐the‐art approaches.  相似文献   

We present a sparse optimization framework for extracting sparse shape priors from a collection of 3D models. Shape priors are defined as point‐set neighborhoods sampled from shape surfaces which convey important information encompassing normals and local shape characterization. A 3D shape model can be considered to be formed with a set of 3D local shape priors, while most of them are likely to have similar geometry. Our key observation is that the local priors extracted from a family of 3D shapes lie in a very low‐dimensional manifold. Consequently, a compact and informative subset of priors can be learned to efficiently encode all shapes of the same family. A comprehensive library of local shape priors is first built with the given collection of 3D models of the same family. We then formulate a global, sparse optimization problem which enforces selecting representative priors while minimizing the reconstruction error. To solve the optimization problem, we design an efficient solver based on the Augmented Lagrangian Multipliers method (ALM). Extensive experiments exhibit the power of our data‐driven sparse priors in elegantly solving several high‐level shape analysis applications and geometry processing tasks, such as shape retrieval, style analysis and symmetry detection.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method that generates natural and intuitive deformations via direct manipulation and smooth interpolation for multi‐element 2D shapes. Observing that the structural relationships between different parts of a multi‐element 2D shape are important for capturing its feature semantics, we introduce a simple structure called a feature frame to represent such relationships. A constrained optimization is solved for shape manipulation to find optimal deformed shapes under user‐specified handle constraints. Based on the feature frame, local feature preservation and structural relationship maintenance are directly encoded into the objective function. Beyond deforming a given multi‐element 2D shape into a new one at each key frame, our method can automatically generate a sequence of natural intermediate deformations by interpolating the shapes between the key frames. The method is computationally efficient, allowing real‐time manipulation and interpolation, as well as generating natural and visually plausible results.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an extended critical point concept which allows us to apply vector field topology in the case of unsteady flow. We propose a measure for unsteadiness which describes the rate of change of the velocities in a fluid element over time. This measure allows us to select particles for which topological properties remain intact inside a finite spatio‐temporal neighborhood. One benefit of this approach is that the classification of critical points based on the eigenvalues of the Jacobian remains meaningful. In the steady case the proposed criterion reduces to the classical definition of critical points. As a first step we show that finding an optimal Galilean frame of reference can be obtained implicitly by analyzing the acceleration field. In a second step we show that this can be extended by switching to the Lagrangian frame of reference. This way the criterion can detect critical points moving along intricate trajectories. We analyze the behavior of the proposed criterion based on two analytical vector fields for which a correct solution is defined by their inherent symmetries and present results for numerical vector fields.  相似文献   

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