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In highly competitive global markets, organizations have to distinguish themselves with creative and innovative solutions to satisfy discerning customers. Creativity, an important precursor for innovation, provides organizations with a competitive advantage in a reinforcing loop of improved customer service, increased staff morale, increased retention of quality staff and further improvements in service ( Glisson & Durick, 1988 ; Anderson & College, 1992 ). Creative output comes from the performance of individuals with particular cognitive and personality traits ( Masten & Caldwell‐Colbert, 1987 ; Kirton, 1989 ) who are supported within a facilitative work environment ( Scott & Bruce, 1994 ; Amabile et al., 1996 ; Rice, 2006 ). Confidence in one's own ability or one's self‐efficacy is an important cognitive and social trait determining and sustaining work performance. Appropriate behaviours and performance standards are defined within the work environment and the ability and support received in meeting performance expectations enhance the individual's self‐efficacy ( Gist & Mitchell, 1992 ; Bandura, 1997 ). Both creativity and self‐efficacy have been associated with particular individual traits and environmental conditions in the workplace. While much has been written on these two concepts separately, less has been done to explore them as a single construct. This paper addresses the gap in the literature by linking creativity at work and occupational self‐efficacy. It reviews the literature on antecedent concepts and current research into creative self‐efficacy. In doing this, it provides the basis for further empirical exploration of possible linkages between creative self‐efficacy and individual and work environment variables. The contribution this paper makes is in the identification of specific variables that are significantly related to creative self‐efficacy. A model is proposed showing significant linkages between the identified variables.  相似文献   

Based on the technology acceptance model (TAM), this study uses the framework of the extended TAM to examine the antecedents and consequences for employees' acceptance of the e‐learning system within financial services organizations. The total of 328 useable responses collected from eight international or domestic financial services companies in Taiwan were tested against the model using structural equation modelling (SEM). The main research results are summarized as follows in terms of the antecedents of e‐learning acceptance and its impact on employees' perceived performance. Four types of determinants are demonstrated: individual factors, system factors, social factors and network externality factor. Finally, this study proposes relevant suggestions for practitioners and future researchers.  相似文献   

The creative industries represent an important and growing sector of the UK economy. This paper explores organizational creativity in firms within the creative industries. A questionnaire based on both Amabile's ‘Organizational Creativity’ model and Ekvall's ‘Creative Climate’ model was completed in ten firms in different sectors of the creative industries. Follow‐up interviews with five firms were also conducted, to compare the outputs from each model as well as the variation in responses from firms in different sectors. The results indicate that both models of organizational creativity are complementary, although not necessarily fully applicable in the creative industries. Specific differences between firms in the graphic design/branding sector and firms in product design were also observed.  相似文献   

We present a new method suitable for general purpose graphics processing units to render self‐shadows on dynamic height fields under dynamic light environments in real‐time. Visibility for each point in the height field is determined as the exact horizon for a set of azimuthal directions in time linear in height field size and the number of directions. The surface is shaded using the horizon information and a high‐resolution light environment extracted on‐line from a high dynamic range cube map, allowing for detailed extended shadows. The desired accuracy for any geometric content and lighting complexity can be matched by choosing a suitable number of azimuthal directions. Our method is able to represent arbitrary features of both high‐ and low‐frequency, unifying hard and soft shadowing. We achieve 23 fps on 1024×1024 height fields with 64 azimuthal directions under a 256×64 environment lighting on an Nvidia GTX 280 GPU.  相似文献   

Using Cognitive Dissonance and Balance Theory, this study investigates factors that predict how and why MMO players inaccurately report their game playing time. It was hypothesized that players belonging to categories other than the stereotypical game player (e.g. younger, less educated, male) would be likely to underreport playing time. It was also hypothesized that those players who held less positive attitudes toward the game would be more likely to underreport their playing time. Comparing people's self‐reported weekly usage of an MMO, EverQuest II, with their actual average weekly usage of the game, data showed that age, education, lack of enjoyment playing the game, and lack of an online sense of community predicted greater levels of underreporting.  相似文献   

Underactuated vehicles are those in which the number of control inputs is less than the degrees of freedom to be controlled. Using actuated wheels, velocity control of the two‐wheeled self‐balancing vehicle drives the vehicle at a desired speed and balances the body of the vehicle. First, we investigate the effects of friction on the wheel and derive the hybrid model of rolling and slipping. Second, we propose a nonlinear sliding mode velocity control scheme for the pure rolling model of the two‐wheeled vehicle. We present the design of the corresponding sliding surfaces and internal dynamics of the two‐wheeled vehicle. Our stability analysis reveals that the proposed sliding mode method can guarantee the asymptotic stability of the error dynamics for velocity control of the underactuated vehicle. Compared to linear optimal control, our numerical simulations demonstrate that the proposed sliding mode schemes can effectively control the velocity under the circumstances of parametric variations, emergency braking, and rapid acceleration in slippery road conditions. The proposed velocity control and the simulation improve our understanding on designing velocity control of the two‐wheeled self‐balancing vehicle.  相似文献   

This article presents a simple and efficient method for the design of a self‐diplexed antenna based on loading asymmetric grounding‐vias. The structure consists of two antenna elements loaded with two asymmetric grounding‐vias, specifying the uplink and downlink operation frequencies. By choosing the appropriate positions of the two grounding‐vias, high isolation between the two antennas can be achieved. To validate the feasibility of the proposed structure, two self‐diplexed antennas with different operational frequencies have been fabricated and tested. Experimental results verify the multi‐functionalities of the proposed compact structure in terms of high isolation and low cross‐polarization discrimination.  相似文献   

A multi‐tracking problem of multi‐agent networks is investigated in this paper where multi‐tracking refers to that the states of multiple agents in each subnetwork asymptotically converge to the same desired trajectory in the presence of information exchanges among subnetworks. The multi‐tracking of first order multi‐agent networks with directed topologies was studied. Self‐triggered protocols were proposed along with triggering functions to solve the stationary multi‐tracking and bounded dynamic multi‐tracking. The self‐triggered scheduling is obtained, and the system does not exhibit Zeno behavior. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the obtained criteria.  相似文献   

Generating plausible hair image given limited guidance, such as sparse sketches or low‐resolution image, has been made possible with the rise of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Traditional image‐to‐image translation networks can generate recognizable results, but finer textures are usually lost and blur artifacts commonly exist. In this paper, we propose a two‐phase generative model for high‐quality hair image synthesis. The two‐phase pipeline first generates a coarse image by an existing image translation model, then applies a re‐generating network with self‐enhancing capability to the coarse image. The self‐enhancing capability is achieved by a proposed differentiable layer, which extracts the structural texture and orientation maps from a hair image. Extensive experiments on two tasks, Sketch2Hair and Hair Super‐Resolution, demonstrate that our approach is able to synthesize plausible hair image with finer details, and reaches the state‐of‐the‐art.  相似文献   

Decades of research have culminated in a robust geometry processing pipeline for surfaces. Most steps in this pipeline, like deformation, smoothing, subdivision and decimation, may create self‐intersections. Volumetric processing of solid shapes then becomes difficult, because obtaining a correct volumetric discretization is impossible: existing tet‐meshing methods require watertight input. We propose an algorithm that produces a tetrahedral mesh that overlaps itself consistently with the self‐intersections in the input surface. This enables volumetric processing on self‐intersecting models. We leverage conformalized mean‐curvature flow, which removes self‐intersections, and define an intrinsically similar reverse flow, which prevents them. We tetrahedralize the resulting surface and map the mesh inside the original surface. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method with applications to automatic skinning weight computation, physically based simulation and geodesic distance computation.  相似文献   

Motion capture sequences may contain erroneous data, especially when the motion is complex or performers are interacting closely and occlusions are frequent. Common practice is to have specialists visually detect the abnormalities and fix them manually. In this paper, we present a method to automatically analyze and fix motion capture sequences by using self‐similarity analysis. The premise of this work is that human motion data has a high‐degree of self‐similarity. Therefore, given enough motion data, erroneous motions are distinct when compared to other motions. We utilize motion‐words that consist of short sequences of transformations of groups of joints around a given motion frame. We search for the K‐nearest neighbors (KNN) set of each word using dynamic time warping and use it to detect and fix erroneous motions automatically. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in various examples, and evaluate by comparing to alternative methods and to manual cleaning.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of self‐triggered state‐feedback control for linear plants under bounded disturbances. In a self‐triggered scenario, the controller is allowed to choose when the next sampling time should occur and does so based on the current sampled state and on a priori knowledge about the plant. Besides comparing some existing approaches to self‐triggered control available in the literature, we propose a new self‐triggered control strategy that allows for the consideration of model‐based controllers, a class of controllers that includes as a special case static controllers with a zero‐order hold of the last state measurement. We show that our proposed control strategy renders the solutions of the closed‐loop system globally uniformly ultimately bounded. We further show that there exists a minimum time interval between sampling times and provide a method for computing a lower bound for it. An illustrative example with numerical results is included in order to compare the existing strategies and the proposed one. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Achieving consistently high levels of productivity has been a challenge for Mars surface missions. While the rovers have made major discoveries and dramatically increased our understanding of Mars, they require a great deal of interaction from the operations teams, and achieving mission objectives can take longer than anticipated when productivity is paced by the ground teams' ability to react. We have conducted a project to explore technologies and techniques for creating self‐reliant rovers (SRR): rovers that are able to maintain high levels of productivity with reduced reliance on ground interactions. This paper describes the design of SRR and a prototype implementation that we deployed on a research rover. We evaluated the system by conducting a simulated campaign in which members of the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity rover) science team used our rover to explore a geographical region. The evaluation demonstrated the system's ability to maintain high levels of productivity with limited communication with operators.  相似文献   

Approach to achieve self‐calibration three‐dimensional (3D) light field display is investigated in this paper. The proposed 3D light field display is constructed up on spliced multi‐LCDs, lens and diaphragm arrays, and directional diffuser. The light field imaging principle, hardware configuration, diffuser characteristic, and image reconstruction simulation are described and analyzed, respectively. Besides the light field imaging, a self‐calibration method is proposed to improve the imaging performance. An image sensor is deployed to capture calibration patterns projected onto and then reflected by the polymer dispersed liquid crystal film, which is attached to and shaped the diffuser. These calibration components are assembled with the display unit and can be switched between display mode and calibration mode. In the calibration mode, the imperfect imaging relations of optical components are captured and calibrated automatically. We demonstrate our design by implementing the prototype of proposed 3D light field display by using modified off‐the‐shelf products. The proposed approach successfully meets the requirement of real application on scalable configuration, fast calibration, large viewing angular range, and smooth motion parallax.  相似文献   

Research has identified virtual communities as a valuable source of innovation. This study aims to provide an understanding of what makes some end‐user communities more successful in creating innovations than others. Specifically, we explore how the attractiveness of innovations is influenced by the quality of interaction between the community members. Additionally, we consider trust in benevolent behaviour and competition for reputation, as well as their interaction effect, as being possible antecedents of interaction quality. Drawing on data collected through a web‐based survey, this study explores the innovation activities of 127 virtual end‐user communities within the fields of sports, car and motorbike tuning and model building. The findings confirm that interaction quality is positively related to the innovativeness of virtual communities. As regards the antecedents of interaction quality, the analysis indicates that trust is a key prerequisite to co‐operative behaviour among the members of virtual communities. The level of competition, however, only affects interaction quality if a high level of trust is present among members. The results highlight the need to create an environment that facilitates interaction among the members of innovation communities. Furthermore, community managers should ensure that a minimum level of trust is established within the community before stimulating competition.  相似文献   

Modern distributed systems are diverse and dynamic, and consequently difficult to manage using traditional approaches, which rely on an extensive initial knowledge of the system. On the performance front, these systems often offer multiple opportunities for dynamically degrading or improving service level based on workload intensity, to avoid overload and underload. In this context, we propose a novel approach for building distributed systems capable of autonomously deciding when and how to adapt service level. Our approach limits the knowledge that must be provided manually to a component‐based representation of the system. From this representation, we build and maintain a performance profile, which allows us to (1) identify the most promising adaptations based on workload type and (2) dynamically characterize the intrinsic efficiency of each adaptation based on past attempts. We have successfully implemented and evaluated a prototype of our approach in the context of multi‐tiered application servers. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal data pose serious challenges to analysts in geographic and other domains. Owing to the complexity of the geospatial and temporal components, this kind of data cannot be analyzed by fully automatic methods but require the involvement of the human analyst's expertise. For a comprehensive analysis, the data need to be considered from two complementary perspectives: (1) as spatial distributions (situations) changing over time and (2) as profiles of local temporal variation distributed over space. In order to support the visual analysis of spatiotemporal data, we suggest a framework based on the “Self‐Organizing Map” (SOM) method combined with a set of interactive visual tools supporting both analytic perspectives. SOM can be considered as a combination of clustering and dimensionality reduction. In the first perspective, SOM is applied to the spatial situations at different time moments or intervals. In the other perspective, SOM is applied to the local temporal evolution profiles. The integrated visual analytics environment includes interactive coordinated displays enabling various transformations of spatiotemporal data and post‐processing of SOM results. The SOM matrix display offers an overview of the groupings of data objects and their two‐dimensional arrangement by similarity. This view is linked to a cartographic map display, a time series graph, and a periodic pattern view. The linkage of these views supports the analysis of SOM results in both the spatial and temporal contexts. The variable SOM grid coloring serves as an instrument for linking the SOM with the corresponding items in the other displays. The framework has been validated on a large dataset with real city traffic data, where expected spatiotemporal patterns have been successfully uncovered. We also describe the use of the framework for discovery of previously unknown patterns in 41‐years time series of 7 crime rate attributes in the states of the USA.  相似文献   

In this paper, a generalized predictive control (GPC)‐based two degrees of freedom (2 DOF) proportional integral (PI) controller is proposed for the speed servo system of a permanent magnet synchronous linear motor (PMSLM). In this new approach, based on a dynamic model of a servo system, a simplified and high‐performance GPC supplies a 2 DOF PI controller with suitable control parameters, according to the varied operating conditions. In previous studies, GPC‐based proportional integral derivative (PID) controllers have been designed using a step‐type or ramp‐type reference input. In our work, however, the speed command for PMSLM usually is required to be a trapezium‐type signal because of the limited travel range. Hence, control performance of a speed servo system using a GPC‐based 2 DOF PI controller is enhanced for tracking a trapezium‐type command. The validity and usefulness of the proposed controller are verified through simulation and experiments.  相似文献   

Self‐disclosure is a key concept in computer‐mediated communication (CMC) theory and research, but disagreement exists about the impact of CMC, relative to face‐to‐face (FtF) communication, on self‐disclosure. We conducted a meta‐analysis of studies comparing self‐disclosure in CMC and FtF communication to summarize and clarify existing research. We also examined potential moderators of this difference—measure of self‐disclosure, study design (survey or experiment), interaction context (task or social), type of CMC (text‐based or video‐based), and interaction length. Overall, self‐disclosure was higher in FtF communication than in CMC. Measure of self‐disclosure, study design, and type of CMC moderated this difference. Findings suggest mixed support for predictions derived from key CMC theories and a need for CMC theory to more explicitly address self‐disclosure.  相似文献   

We present a new, real‐time method for rendering soft shadows from large light sources or lighting environments on dynamic height fields. The method first computes a horizon map for a set of azimuthal directions. To reduce sampling, we compute a multi‐resolution pyramid on the height field. Coarser pyramid levels are indexed as the distance from caster to receiver increases. For every receiver point and every azimuthal direction, a smooth function of blocking angle in terms of log distance is reconstructed from a height difference sample at each pyramid level. This function's maximum approximates the horizon angle. We then sum visibility at each receiver point over wedges determined by successive pairs of horizon angles. Each wedge represents a linear transition in blocking angle over its azimuthal extent. It is precomputed in the order‐4 spherical harmonic (SH) basis, for a canonical azimuthal origin and fixed extent, resulting in a 2D table. The SH triple product of 16D vectors representing lighting, total visibility, and diffuse reflectance then yields the soft‐shadowed result. Two types of light sources are considered; both are distant and low‐frequency. Environmental lights require visibility sampling around the complete 360 ° azimuth, while key lights sample visibility within a partial swath. Restricting the swath concentrates samples where the light comes from (e.g. 3 azimuthal directions vs. 16‐32 for a full swath) and obtains sharper shadows. Our GPU implementation handles height fields up to 1024 × 1024 in real‐time. The computation is simple, local, and parallel, with performance independent of geometric content.  相似文献   

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