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In this paper, we propose an efficient data‐guided method based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) to synthesize a full‐body motion. Guided by a reference motion, our method repeatedly plans the full‐body motion to produce an optimal control policy for predictive control while sliding the fixed‐span window along the time axis. Based on this policy, the method computes the joint torques of a character at every time step. Together with contact forces and external perturbations if there are any, the joint torques are used to update the state of the character. Without including the contact forces in the control vector, our formulation of the trajectory optimization problem enables automatic adjustment of contact timings and positions for balancing in response to environmental changes and external perturbations. For efficiency, we adopt derivative‐based trajectory optimization on top of state‐of‐the‐art smoothed contact dynamics. Use of derivatives enables our method to run much faster than the existing sampling‐based methods. In order to further accelerate the performance of MPC, we propose efficient numerical differentiation of the system dynamics of a full‐body character based on two schemes: data reuse and data interpolation. The former scheme exploits data dependency to reuse physical quantities of the system dynamics at near‐by time points. The latter scheme allows the use of derivatives at sparse sample points to interpolate those at other time points in the window. We further accelerate evaluation of the system dynamics by exploiting the sparsity of physical quantities such as Jacobian matrix resulting from the tree‐like structure of the articulated body. Through experiments, we show that the proposed method efficiently can synthesize realistic motions such as locomotion, dancing, gymnastic motions, and martial arts at interactive rates using moderate computing resources.  相似文献   

We present a novel L4RW (Laziness‐based Realistic Real‐time Responsive Rebalance in Walking) technique to synthesize 4RW animations under unexpected external perturbations with minimal locomotion effort. We first devise a lazy dynamic rebalance model, which specifies the dynamic balance conditions, defines the rebalance effort, and selects the suitable rebalance strategy automatically using the laziness law after an unexpected perturbation. Based on the model, L4RW searches over a motion capture (mocap) database for an appropriate motion segment to follow, and the transition‐to motions is generated by interpolating the active response dynamic motion. A support vector machine (SVM) based training, classification, and predication algorithm is applied to reduce the search space, and it is trained offline only once. Our algorithm classifies the mocap database into many rebalance strategy‐specified subsets and then online predicts responsive motions in the subset according to the selected strategy. The rebalance effort, the ‘extrapolated center of mass’ (XCoM) and environment constraints are selected as feature attributes for the SVM feature vector. Furthermore, the subset's segments are sorted through the rebalance effort, then our algorithm searches for an acceptable segment starting from the least‐effort segment. Compared with previous methods, our search increases speed by over two orders of magnitude, and our algorithm creates more realistic and smooth 4RW animation.  相似文献   

Motion synthesis with decoupled parameterization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In real-time animation systems, motion interpolation techniques are widely used for their controllability and efficiency. The techniques sample the parameter space using example motions, and interpolate them to compute the blend weights corresponding to the given parameters. A main problem of the techniques is that, as the dimension n of the parameter space increases, the number of required example motions increases exponentially, i.e. O(c n ). To resolve the problem, this paper proposes to use two decoupled parameter spaces for controlling the upper body and the lower body separately. At each frame time, a parameterized motion space produces a source frame, and the target frame is synthesized by splicing the upper body of one source frame with the lower body of the other. In order to have the two source frames correlated with each other, a time-warping scheme has been developed. Furthermore, in order to handle the dynamic properties of the parameter samples of the upper body, we have developed an approximation technique for quickly determining the sample positions in its parameter space. This decoupled parameterization method alleviates the complexity problem, e.g. from O(c 6) to O(c 3), while providing the users with the capability of convenient control over the character.  相似文献   

Generating a visually appealing human motion sequence using low‐dimensional control signals is a major line of study in the motion research area in computer graphics. We propose a novel approach that allows us to reconstruct full body human locomotion using a single inertial sensing device, a smartphone. Smartphones are among the most widely used devices and incorporate inertial sensors such as an accelerometer and a gyroscope. To find a mapping between a full body pose and smartphone sensor data, we perform low dimensional embedding of full body motion capture data, based on a Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model. Our system ensures temporal coherence between the reconstructed poses by using a state decomposition model for automatic phase segmentation. Finally, application of the proposed nonlinear regression algorithm finds a proper mapping between the latent space and the sensor data. Our framework effectively reconstructs plausible 3D locomotion sequences. We compare the generated animation to ground truth data obtained using a commercial motion capture system.  相似文献   

Communicative behaviors are a very important aspect of human behavior and deserve special attention when simulating groups and crowds of virtual pedestrians. Previous approaches have tended to focus on generating believable gestures for individual characters and talker‐listener behaviors for static groups. In this paper, we consider the problem of creating rich and varied conversational behaviors for data‐driven animation of walking and jogging characters. We captured ground truth data of participants conversing in pairs while walking and jogging. Our stylized splicing method takes as input a motion captured standing gesture performance and a set of looped full body locomotion clips. Guided by the ground truth metrics, we perform stylized splicing and synchronization of gesture with locomotion to produce natural conversations of characters in motion. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Creating long motion sequences is a time‐consuming task even when motion capture equipment or motion editing tools are used. In this paper, we propose a system for creating a long motion sequence by combining elementary motion clips. The user is asked to first input motions on a timeline. The system then automatically generates a continuous and natural motion. Our system employs four motion synthesis methods: motion transition, motion connection, motion adaptation, and motion composition. Based on the constraints between the feet of the animated character and the ground, and the timing of the input motions, the appropriate method is determined for each pair of overlapped or sequential motions. As the user changes the arrangement of the motion clips, the system interactively changes the output motion. Alternatively, the user can make the system execute an input motion as soon as possible so that it follows the previous motion smoothly. Using our system, users can make use of existing motion clips. Because the entire process is automatic, even novices can easily use our system. A prototype system demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach.  相似文献   

Sensing gloves are often used as an input device for virtual 3D games. We propose a new method to control characters such as humans or animals in real‐time by using sensing gloves. Based on existing motion data of the body, a new method to map the hand motion of the user to the locomotion of 3D characters in real‐time is proposed. The method was applied to control locomotion of characters such as humans or dogs. Various motions such as trotting, running, hopping, and turning could be produced. As the computational cost needed for our method is low, the response of the system is short enough to satisfy the real‐time requirements that are essential to be used for games. Using our method, users can directly control their characters intuitively and precisely than previous controlling devices such as mouse, keyboards or joysticks. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Representing motions as linear sums of principal components has become a widely accepted animation technique. While powerful, the simplest version of this approach is not particularly well suited to modeling the specific style of an individual whose motion had not yet been recorded when building the database: it would take an expert to adjust the PCA weights to obtain a motion style that is indistinguishable from his. Consequently, when realism is required, the current practice is to perform a full motion capture session each time a new person must be considered. In this paper, we extend the PCA approach so that this requirement can be drastically reduced: for whole classes of cyclic and noncyclic motions such as walking, running or jumping, it is enough to observe the newcomer moving only once at a particular speed or jumping a particular distance using either an optical motion capture system or a simple pair of synchronized video cameras. This one observation is used to compute a set of principal component weights that best approximates the motion and to extrapolate in real‐time realistic animations of the same person walking or running at different speeds, and jumping a different distance.  相似文献   

Temporally consistent motion segmentation from RGB‐D videos is challenging because of the limitations of current RGB‐D sensors. We formulate segmentation as a motion assignment problem, where a motion is a sequence of rigid transformations through all frames of the input. We capture the quality of each potential assignment by defining an appropriate energy function that accounts for occlusions and a sensor‐specific noise model. To make energy minimization tractable, we work with a discrete set instead of the continuous, high dimensional space of motions, where the discrete motion set provides an upper bound for the original energy. We repeatedly minimize our energy, and in each step extend and refine the motion set to further lower the bound. A quantitative comparison to the current state of the art demonstrates the benefits of our approach in difficult scenarios.  相似文献   

Controlling a crowd using multi‐touch devices appeals to the computer games and animation industries, as such devices provide a high‐dimensional control signal that can effectively define the crowd formation and movement. However, existing works relying on pre‐defined control schemes require the users to learn a scheme that may not be intuitive. We propose a data‐driven gesture‐based crowd control system, in which the control scheme is learned from example gestures provided by different users. In particular, we build a database with pairwise samples of gestures and crowd motions. To effectively generalize the gesture style of different users, such as the use of different numbers of fingers, we propose a set of gesture features for representing a set of hand gesture trajectories. Similarly, to represent crowd motion trajectories of different numbers of characters over time, we propose a set of crowd motion features that are extracted from a Gaussian mixture model. Given a run‐time gesture, our system extracts the K nearest gestures from the database and interpolates the corresponding crowd motions in order to generate the run‐time control. Our system is accurate and efficient, making it suitable for real‐time applications such as real‐time strategy games and interactive animation controls.  相似文献   

In the paper, we present an online real‐time method for automatically transforming a basic locomotive motion to a desired motion of the same type, based on biomechanical results. Given an online request for a motion of a certain type with desired moving speed and turning angle, our method first extracts a basic motion of the same type from a motion graph, and then transforms it to achieve the desired moving speed and turning angle by exploiting the following biomechanical observations: contact‐driven center‐of‐mass control, anticipatory reorientation of upper body segments, moving speed adjustment, and whole‐body leaning. Exploiting these observations, we propose a simple but effective method to add physical and behavioral naturalness to the resulting locomotive motions without preprocessing. Through experiments, we show that our method enables a character to respond agilely to online user commands while efficiently generating walking, jogging, and running motions with a compact motion library. Our method can also deal with certain dynamical motions such as forward roll. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel motion controller for the online generation of natural character locomotion that adapts to new situations such as changing user control or applying external forces. This controller continuously estimates the next footstep while walking and running, and automatically switches the stepping strategy based on situational changes. To develop the controller, we devise a new physical model called an inverted‐pendulum‐based abstract model (IPAM). The proposed abstract model represents high‐dimensional character motions, inheriting the naturalness of captured motions by estimating the appropriate footstep location, speed and switching time at every frame. The estimation is achieved by a deep learning based regressor that extracts important features in captured motions. To validate the proposed controller, we train the model using captured motions of a human stopping, walking, and running in a limited space. Then, the motion controller generates human‐like locomotion with continuously varying speeds, transitions between walking and running, and collision response strategies in a cluttered space in real time.  相似文献   

Crowded motions refer to multiple objects moving around and interacting such as crowds, pedestrians and etc. We capture crowded scenes using a depth scanner at video frame rates. Thus, our input is a set of depth frames which sample the scene over time. Processing such data is challenging as it is highly unorganized, with large spatio‐temporal holes due to many occlusions. As no correspondence is given, locally tracking 3D points across frames is hard due to noise and missing regions. Furthermore global segmentation and motion completion in presence of large occlusions is ambiguous and hard to predict. Our algorithm utilizes Gestalt principles of common fate and good continuity to compute motion tracking and completion respectively. Our technique does not assume any pre‐given markers or motion template priors. Our key‐idea is to reduce the motion completion problem to a 1D curve fitting and matching problem which can be solved efficiently using a global optimization scheme. We demonstrate our segmentation and completion method on a variety of synthetic and real world crowded scanned scenes.  相似文献   

We have synthesized new human body motions from existing motion data, by dividing the body of an animated character into several parts, such as upper and lower body, and partitioning the motion of the character into corresponding partial motions. By combining different partial motions, we can generate new motion sequences. We select the most natural-looking combinations by analyzing the similarity of partial motions, using techniques such as motion segmentation, dimensionality reduction, and clustering. These new combinations can dramatically increase the size of a motion database, allowing more score in selecting motions to meet constraints, such as collision avoidance. We verify the naturalness and physical plausibility of the new motions using an SVM learning model and by analysis of static and dynamic balance.  相似文献   

We present an approach to improve the search efficiency for near‐optimal motion synthesis using motion graphs. An optimal or near‐optimal path through a motion graph often leads to the most intuitive result. However, finding such a path can be computationally expensive. Our main contribution is a bidirectional search algorithm. We dynamically divide the search space evenly and merge two search trees to obtain the final solution. This cuts the maximum search depth almost in half and leads to significant speedup. To illustrate the benefits of our approach, we present an interactive sketching interface that allows users to specify complex motions quickly and intuitively.  相似文献   

Pose Controlled Physically Based Motion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper we describe a new method for generating and controlling physically‐based motion of complex articulated characters. Our goal is to create motion from scratch, where the animator provides a small amount of input and gets in return a highly detailed and physically plausible motion. Our method relieves the animator from the burden of enforcing physical plausibility, but at the same time provides full control over the internal DOFs of the articulated character via a familiar interface. Control over the global DOFs is also provided by supporting kinematic constraints. Unconstrained portions of the motion are generated in real time, since the character is driven by joint torques generated by simple feedback controllers. Although kinematic constraints are satisfied using an iterative search (shooting), this process is typically inexpensive, since it only adjusts a few DOFs at a few time instances. The low expense of the optimization, combined with the ability to generate unconstrained motions in real time yields an efficient and practical tool, which is particularly attractive for high inertia motions with a relatively small number of kinematic constraints.  相似文献   

The design of autonomous characters capable of planning their own motions continues to be a challenge for computer animation. We present a novel kinematic motion‐planning algorithm for character animation which addresses some of the outstanding problems. The problem domain for our algorithm is as follows: given a constrained environment with designated handholds and footholds, plan a motion through this space towards some desired goal. Our algorithm is based on a stochastic search procedure which is guided by a combination of geometric constraints, posture heuristics, and distance‐to‐goal metrics. The method provides a single framework for the use of multiple modes of locomotion in planning motions through these constrained, unstructured environments. We illustrate our results with demonstrations of a human character using walking, swinging, climbing, and crawling in order to navigate through various obstacle courses. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Noh is a genre of Japanese traditional theater, a kind of musical drama. Similar to other dance forms, Noh dance (shimai) can also be divided into small, discrete units of motion (shosa). Therefore, if we have a set of motion clips of motion units (shosa), we can synthesize Noh dance animation by composing them in a sequence based on the Noh dance notation (katatsuke). However, it is difficult for researchers and learners of Noh dance to utilize existing animation systems to create such animations. The purpose of this research is to develop an easy-to-use authoring system for Noh dance animation. In this paper, we introduce the design, implementation, and evaluation of our system. To solve the problems of existing animation systems, we employ our smart motion synthesis technique to compose motion units automatically. We improved the motion synthesis method by enhancing the algorithms for detecting body orientation and constraints between the foot and ground to handle Noh dance motions correctly. We classify motion units as either pattern units, which are specific forms of motion, represented as shot motion clips, or locomotion units, generated on the fly to denote movement towards a specific position or direction. To handle locomotion-type motion units, we implemented a module to generate walking motion based on a given path. We created several Noh dance animations using this system, which was evaluated through a series of experiments. We also conducted a user test to determine the usefulness of our system for learners of Noh dance.  相似文献   

Creating realistic human movement is a time consuming and labour intensive task. The major difficulty is that the user has to edit individual joints while maintaining an overall realistic and collision free posture. Previous research suggests the use of data‐driven inverse kinematics, such that one can focus on the control of a few joints, while the system automatically composes a natural posture. However, as a common problem of kinematics synthesis, penetration of body parts is difficult to avoid in complex movements. In this paper, we propose a new data‐driven inverse kinematics framework that conserves the topology of the synthesizing postures. Our system monitors and regulates the topology changes using the Gauss Linking Integral (GUI), such that penetration can be efficiently prevented. As a result, complex motions with tight body movements, as well as those involving interaction with external objects, can be simulated with minimal manual intervention. Experimental results show that using our system, the user can create high quality human motion in real‐time by controlling a few joints using a mouse or a multi‐touch screen. The movement generated is both realistic and penetration free. Our system is best applied for interactive motion design in computer animations and games.  相似文献   

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