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In this paper, the consistency of kilovoltage (tube potentials between 40 and 300 kV) x-ray beam dosimetry using the "in-air" method and the in-phantom measurement has been studied. The procedures for the measurement of the central-axis depth-dose curve, which serve as a link between the dose at the reference depth to the dose elsewhere in a phantom, were examined. The uncertainties on the measured dose distributions were analyzed with the emphasis on the surface dose measurement. The Monte Carlo method was used to calculate the perturbation correction factors for a photon diode and a NACP plane-parallel ionization chamber at different depths in a water phantom irradiated by 100-300 kV (2.43 mm Al-3.67 mm Cu half-value layer) x-ray beams. The depth-dose curves measured with these two detectors, after correcting for the perturbation effect (up to 15% corrections), agreed with each other to within 1.5%. Comparisons of the doses at the phantom surface and at 2 cm depth in water for photon beams of 100-300 kV tube potential obtained using the "backscatter" method and those using the "in-phantom" measurement have shown that the "in-air" method can be equally applied to this energy range if the depth-dose curve can be measured accurately. To this end, measured depth ionization curves require depth-dependent correction factors.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of the waterproofing sleeve on the calibration of kilovoltage photon beams (50-300 kV). The sleeve effect correction factor, ps has been calculated using the Monte Carlo method as the ratios of the air kerma in an air cavity of a cylindrical chamber without the waterproofing sleeve to that with a sleeve. Three sleeve materials have been studied, PMMA, nylon and polystyrene. The calculations were carried out using the EGS4 (Electron Gamma Shower version 4) code system with the application of a correlated-sampling variance-reduction technique. The results show that the sleeve correction factor for 1-mm thick nylon and polystyrene sleeves, ps varies from 0.992 to 1.000 and from 0.981 to 1.000, respectively, for the same beam quality range. The ps factor varies with sleeve thickness, beam quality and phantom depth. No significant dependence of the ps factor on field size and source-surface distance has been found. Measurements for PMMA, nylon and polystyrene sleeves of various thicknesses have also been carried out and show excellent agreement with Monte Carlo calculations.  相似文献   

Exposure measurements with ionization chambers are dependent on the correction factors related to the beam energy (ke), temperature and pressure (ktp), ionization recombination (Pion), and polarity (kpol) effects. In this work, six different chambers commonly used in diagnostic radiology were investigated for the Pion and kpol at various exposure rates by changing the tube voltage, beam current, exposure time, and distance. A special triaxial connector was used to connect chambers to an electrometer capable of measuring positive and negative polarity and 150 V and 300 V electrode potentials to measure the kpol and Pion, respectively. A mammography unit (24-35 kVp) and a diagnostic x-ray unit (60-125 kVp) were used. Results indicate that the magnitude of the Pion is linearly dependent on kVp for large volume (> 150 cm3) chambers and independent for small volume (< or = 150 cm3) chambers. In general, Pion is higher at higher exposures (increasing kVp, mAs, and decreasing distance); however, kpol is independent of exposure rate and kVp, but strongly depends on the sensitive volume of an ion chamber. Pion and kpol vary between 1-48% and 1-16%, respectively, among various chambers and exposure conditions. Chambers with larger volumes have higher values of Pion and kpol. The desired accuracy of +/- 5% in exposure measurements might not be feasible unless both the polarity and recombination effects are known and accounted accurately.  相似文献   

Recently, Siemens has introduced its Virtual Wedge (VW). On a Mevatron accelerator, this option generates a wedge-like dose profile by moving a collimator jaw at constant speed while varying the dose rate. In this paper the formalism is given that is used to deliver a wedge profile and from that the expressions for possible combinations of wedge angle, field size and delivered MUs are derived. Also the time needed to deliver a VW field is calculated. An effective attenuation coefficient mu is used in the implementation. For three beam energies, values of mu are determined in order to get VW angles that are as close as possible to the hard wedge angles, over a wide range of field sizes and wedge angles. Linearity with number of MUs and gantry angle dependence of the generated dose profiles were checked. These factors did not have a significant influence on the VW dose profiles. Wedge factors should be close to unity in the VW implementation. We have measured a number of wedge factors and found that they start to deviate from 1 with more than 1% for large wedge angles and field sizes, up to 3.5% for a 19 x 19 cm2, 60 degrees VW field. The Virtual Wedge turned out to be a reliable tool that can be used clinically, provided that it can be handled by the treatment planning system. It provides extra flexibility and usually results in shorter beam on times.  相似文献   

Purpose: Assess extent to which generic Quality of Life (QOL) and Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) scales include function in assessment of health, and identify health assessment items that are free of functional content. Methods: An expert panel on measurement of health and disability reached consensus on definitions of health, disability, and function. They assessed all items of all generic (non-condition-specific) scales in the 2006 ProQolid database for being important to measuring health as distinct from function. Ratings were summarized as content validity ratios. Retained items were written into standard format and reviewed again by the expert panel and a validity panel with expertise in specific disabilities. Results: Of 85 scales, 21 were retained as containing items important for assessing health. Scales ranged from 100% (BRFSS HRQOL, WHO-5) to only 4% of items rated as important. In further review of “important” items, functional content was identified in many of the items, particularly with regard to mental functioning. Conclusions: Popular generic scales of QOL and HRQOL vary greatly in the degree to which they include content on function. A pool of items can be identified that are relatively free of function. Distinguishing measurement of function and health is particularly important for people with long-standing functional limitations and for assessing the relationship of health with function. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Court-ordered evaluations regarding issues such as competency to stand trial and legal insanity are assigned a specialized staff at the Center for Forensic Psychiatry.  相似文献   

This paper extends what it known about the aspiration efficiencies of blunt aerosol samplers at large angles and under 'orientation-averaged' conditions to the important case of personal samplers worn by workers. Attention is focused on three sampling devices which have particular relevance to industrial hygiene sampling in Britain, the United States and elsewhere. A semi-empirical model for aspiration efficiency is described, based on physical considerations of the nature of air and particle motion near an asymmetric sampling system, like that relevant to personal sampling. The resultant model contains a number of coefficients which are fitted by non-linear regression to experimental data sets which were available from previously published experiments for the three samplers in question. Agreement for all three data sets is good, with an overall Rcorr2 of 68%. Such semi-empirical models can be useful for predicting and interpreting sampler performance until practical versions of more rigorous mathematical and numerical models become available.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this investigation was to evaluate and compare the mechanical behaviors of distractors used for osteogenesis under various conditions by means of common engineering standards. STUDY DESIGN: Five groups of 5 synthetic mandibles were used in this study (N = 25). The first portion of the investigation compared mandibles without intervention (group A [controls]; n = 5), mandibles that had uniform osteotomies stabilized with an external distractor (group B; n = 5), and mandibles that had simulated sagittal osteotomies rigidly fixated with 3 positional screws (group C; n = 5). The second portion of the investigation compared uniform osteotomies (group B; n = 5) and uniform corticotomies (group D; n = 5) that were stabilized with the same external distractor. The last portion of the investigation compared osteotomies stabilized with an external distractor (group B; n = 5) and osteotomies stabilized with an internal distractor (group E; n = 5). Each construct was subjected to vertical loads on a mechanical testing unit. Common engineering standards, including yield load, yield displacement, maximum load, displacement at maximum load, and stiffness, were measured, recorded, and compared by means of a 1-way analysis of variance and a Scheffé multiple comparison test or independent-samples t test. The means between groups were considered significant for P < .05. A polynomial best-fit curve was calculated for the load/displacement data for each group. RESULTS: During the first portion of the investigation, no significant differences were noted between the control, rigidly fixated sagittal osteotomy, and external distractor with osteotomy groups for displacement at maximum load (P = .19). Significant differences were noted between groups for yield displacement (P = .009), yield load (P < .001), maximum load (P < .001), and stiffness (P < .007). Failures occurred in the control and rigidly fixated groups with fractures of the synthetic mandibles. Failures occurred in the external distractor group with permanent deformation or torsion of the pins. During the second portion of the experiment, no statistically significant differences were noted between the corticotomy and osteotomy groups in stiffness (P = .363), maximum load (P = .207), or yield displacement (P = .940). Statistically significant differences were noted between groups for yield load (P = .036) and displacement at maximum load (P = .010). Failures occurred in both groups with permanent deformation or torsion of the pins. During the last portion of the investigation, statistically significant differences were noted between the external distractor and internal distractor groups in yield load (P < .001), yield displacement (P < .001), maximum load (P = .001), and displacement at maximum load (P = .01); no significant differences were noted in stiffness (P = .71). Failures occurred in the external distractor group with permanent deformation or torsion of the pins. Failures occurred in the internal distractor group with fracture of the model or displacement beyond 30.0 mm. CONCLUSIONS: Different patterns of mechanical behavior were found between the control and rigidly fixated sagittal osteotomy groups and the external distractor group, between the corticotomy and osteotomy groups, and between the internal and external distractor groups.  相似文献   

The diurnal rhythm of plasma aldosterone concentration (PA), plasma renin activity (PRA), plasma cortisol (PC) and serum growth hormone (GH) were examined in 5 cases of normotensive acromegaly and the results were compared with the observations in normal subjects. Moreover, the response of PA to angiotensin-II infusion was studied in 6 cases of normotensive acromegaly. A normal diurnal rhythm with the lowest values in the evening or midnight and the highest values in the morning was observed in 3 of 5 cases in PA and 3 of 4 cases in PC. On the other hand, no apparent rhythm of GH was observed in any cases and that of PRA in 4 of 5 cases. Although there was a significant positive correlation between PA and PC, no significant correlation was demonstrated between PA and PRA. The response of PA to angiotensin-II fusion was significantly suppressed in normotensive acromegaly as compared to the normal subjects in spite of normal levels of PRA except for 1 case. The above observations were interpreted to suggest that the aldosterone regulation system is slightly altered in a certain number of patients with normotensive acromegaly in contrast to the normal subjects in which PRA is the main contributing factor. The low PA and suppressed response of PA toangiotensin-II infusion may suggest the defective action of angiotensin-II infusion on the adrenal gland.  相似文献   

The use of a multileaf collimator in the dynamic mode to perform intensity modulated radiotherapy became a reality at our institution in 1995. Unlike treatment with static fields using a multileaf collimator, there are significant dosimetric issues which must be assessed before dynamic therapy can be implemented. We have performed a series of calculations and measurements to quantify head scatter for small fields, collimator transmission, and the transmission through rounded leaf ends. If not accounted for, these factors affect the delivered dose to the prostate by 5%-20% for a typical plan. Data obtained with ion chambers and radiographic film are presented for both 6 and 15 MV x-ray beams. The impact on the delivered dose of the mechanical accuracy of the multileaf collimator, achieved during leaf position calibration and maintained during dose delivery, is also discussed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: An applicator is described for endocavitary treatment of rectal cancers using a high dose rate (HDR) remote afterloading system with a single high-intensity 192Ir source as an alternative to the 50 kVp x-ray therapy contact unit most frequently used in this application. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The applicator consists of a tungsten-alloy collimator with a 45 degree beveled end, placed in a protoscope with an elliptical cross-section. The resultant 3 cm diameter circular treatment aperture, located in the beveled face of the proctoscope, is irradiated by circular array of dwell positions located about 6.5 mm from the applicator surface. This beveled end allows patients with posterior wall tumors to be treated in the dorsal lithotomy position. The dose-rate distributions about the applicator were determined using a combination of thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD-100 detectors) and radiochromic film dose measurement techniques along with Monte Carlo dosimetry calculations. TLD-100 (3 x 3 x 0.9 mm3 chips) measurements were used to measure the distribution of dose over the proctoscope surface as well as the central axis dose-rate distribution. Relative radiochromic film measurements were used to measure off-axis ratios (flatness and penumbra width) within the treatment aperture. These data were combined with Monte Carlo simulation results to obtain the final dose distribution. RESULTS: The tungsten collimator successfully limits the dose to the tissue in contact with the proctoscope walls to less than 12% of the prescribed dose. These results indicate that the HDR applicator system has slightly more penetrating depth-dose characteristics than the most widely used contact therapy x-ray machine. Flatness characteristics of the two treatment delivery systems are comparable, although the HDR endocavitary applicator has a significantly wider penumbra. Finally, the HDR applicator has a lower surface dose rate (1.5-4 Gy/min of dwell time) compared to 9-10 Gy/min for the x-ray unit. CONCLUSIONS: An applicator system has been developed for endocavitary treatment of early stage rectal carcinoma that uses a single-stepping source HDR remote afterloading system as a radiation source. The advantages of the HDR-based system over x-ray therapy contact units currently used in this clinical application are (a) enhanced flexibility in applicator design and (b) widespread availability of single-stepping source HDR remote afterloading systems.  相似文献   

A control unit was designed to allow persons who have lost hand and arm function to control the speed, steering, reversal and on-off switching of an electric wheelchair by means of backward movement and rotation of the head. When possible, shoulder movement was used to control both reversal and on-off switching. Clinical evaluation in 10 patients with quadriplegia and 2 with severe neuromuscular disease showed that the unit neither interfered with nor restrained the patients' residual body movements, permitted use of natural head movements for smooth and fast control of the wheelchair, and was well accepted by and integrated into the life of the patients.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the characteristics of a commercial electronic portal imaging device (EPID), based on a two-dimensional matrix of liquid-filled ionization chambers, for transmission dose measurements during patient treatment. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Electronic portal imaging device measurements were performed in a cobalt-60 beam and two accelerator x-ray beams, and compared with measurements performed with a Farmer-type ionization chamber in air in a miniphantom and in an extended water phantom. RESULTS: The warming up time of the EPID is about 1 h. The long-term stability of the detector is better than 1% under reference conditions for a period of about 3 months. The signal of the ionization chambers follows approximately the square root of the dose rate, although the relation becomes more linear for larger (> 1 Gy/min) dose rates. The signal can be transformed to dose rate with an accuracy of 0.6% (1 SD). The short-term influence of integrated dose on the sensitivity of the ionization chambers is small. The sensitivity increases about 0.5% for all ionization chambers after an absorbed dose of 8 Gy and returns to its original value in less than 5 min after stopping the irradiation. This small increase in sensitivity can be ascribed to the electrode distance of the ionization chambers in commercial EPIDs, which is 0.8 +/- 0.1 mm. The sensitivity increase depends on the electrode distance and is 4% for a 1.4 mm electrode distance. The scattering properties of the EPID ionization chambers were between those of an ionization chamber in a miniphantom and in a water phantom. CONCLUSION: The matrix ionization chamber EPID has characteristics that make it very suitable for dose rate measurements. It is therefore a very promising device for in vivo dosimetry purposes.  相似文献   

针对烧结用的4种生石灰,分别采用盐酸滴定法和恒温量热法对其反应性能进行了研究和评价,并结合制粒与烧结杯试验对两种方法进行了比较。结果表明:生石灰的Ca O含量与其总消化放热量呈正相关关系,但对生石灰的消化速率影响不显著。因生石灰在烧结过程中无法完全消化,故消化速率比消化热对烧结过程的影响更重要。对于试验中选用的生石灰,用恒温量热法检测的结果与制粒和烧结杯试验结果的符合性相比盐酸滴定法要更好。  相似文献   

1Cr1Mo¼V low alloy forging and casing steels exhibited considerable secondary and tertiary stages in the creep tests conducted in the temperature range between 773 and 873 K. The primary stage, though present, was rather negligible at higher temperature ranges. Casting steel showed wedge type cavities which grew as cracks along the grain boundaries. In the case of forging steel, the voids were elliptical and flat which developed during the tertiary stage of creep deformation. Tertiary creep deformation and creep ductility of the two steels investigated have been analysed based on the type of voids developed during the tertiary stage.  相似文献   

A realistic photon beam model based on Monte Carlo simulation of clinical linear accelerators was implemented in a convolution/superposition dose calculation algorithm. A primary and an extra-focal sources were used in this beam model to represent the direct photons from the target and the scattered photons from other head structures, respectively. The effect of the finite size of the extra-focal source was modeled by a convolution of the source fluence distribution with the collimator aperture function. Relative photon output in air (Sc) and in phantom (Scp) were computed using the convolution method with this new photon beam model. Our results showed that in a 10 MV photon beam, the Sc, Sp (phantom scatter factor), and Scp factors increased by 11%, 10%, and 22%, respectively, as the field size changed from 3 x 3 cm2 to 40 x 40 cm2. The variation of the Sc factor was contributed mostly by an increase of the extra-focal radiation with field size. The radiation backscattered into the monitor chamber inside the accelerator head affected the Sc by about 2% in the same field range. The output factors in elongated fields, asymmetric fields, and blocked fields were also investigated in this study. Our results showed that if the effect of the backscattered radiation was taken into account, output factors in these treatment fields can be predicted accurately by our convolution algorithm using the dual source photon beam model.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test the ability of various medical criteria for classifying the patients in a physician-staffed mobile intensive care unit (MICU) by referring to intervention times. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, open study. PATIENTS AND METHODS: For all the on-scene interventions of the MICUs over a 10-month period, the following data were prospectively collected: pre-hospital diagnosis, initial severity score, medical care score, immediate outcome and three intervention times: on-scene time (OS), time spent with the patient by the MICU team (MT), total duration of intervention (TD). RESULTS: A total of 3,672 MICU interventions were included. Median times were 45 min (32-59) for OS, 66 min (41-91) for MT and 85 min (61-116) for TD. The amount of interventions in a city was correlated with the population (R = 0.95; P < 0.001). The medical care score was greater than one in more than half of the patients. It defined five groups of patients which were different for the three intervention times (P < or = 0.001). A third of the patients were directly transported by the MICU to an ICU. For the median test, immediate outcome groups were different for the three intervention times (P < 0.001). After exclusion of patients with initial cardiac arrest, initial severity score defined five groups of patients which were different for the three intervention times (P < 0.002). Initial severity score and medical care score were correlated (R = 0.37; P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: A classification of the patients based on immediate outcome would be a more accurate indicator of the variability in medical care and consumption of resources in a physician-staffed MICU. In addition, a medical intervention score should be developed to better characterise this medical activity.  相似文献   

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