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It is postulated that expanded markets and a more stable price structure for rendered animal fats can be attained through research to develop new products and new uses for these commodities. An industry-supported research program to accomplish this must be designed to develop high volume, low cost products with a reasonable chance to fulfill a market need. Thus the technical research must be accompanied by, and integrated with, market research and careful estimates of production costs. The Fats and Proteins Research Foundation has used these guidelines in the research that it has supported for the past eight years. The following new uses and new products from inedible animal fats have been developed: (1) an air-entraining agent for concrete; (2) a water repellent coating for concrete; (3) a fat-containing admixture for concrete; and (4) a fat-coated urea for ruminant feeds. The estimated market potential for tallow and other animal fats for these new products is 200–400 million pounds annually in the United States by 1980.  相似文献   

Vegetable oils that are important to the chemical industry include both edible and industrial oils, which contribute 24% and 13.5%, respectively, compared to 55% for tallow, to the preparation of surfactants, coatings, plasticizers, and other products based on fats and oils. Not only the oils themselves but also the fatty acids recovered from soapstock represent a several billion pound resource. Coconut oil is imported to the extent of 700-1,000 million pounds per year. Its uses are divided about equally between edible and industrial applications. Safflower oil has a relatively small production, but 15–25% of the oil goes into industrial products. Soybean oil, the major edible oil of the world, is produced in the United States at the rate of 11,000 million pounds per year with more than 500 million pounds going into industrial uses, representing 5% of the total production. Castor oil is imported to the extent of about 100 million pounds per year. Linseed oil production has declined drastically over the last 25 years but still amounts to about 100 million pounds per year. Oiticica and tung oils are imported in lesser amounts than castor and linseed oils. New crops that have industrial potential, as well as the traditional vegetable oil crops, include seed oils from crambe,Limnanthes, Lesquerella, Dimorphotheca, Vernonia, andCuphea plants. Crambe oil contains up to 65% erucic acid. Oil fromLimnanthes contains more than 95% of fatty acids above C18.Lesquerella oil contains hydroxy unsaturated acids resembling ricinoleic acid from castor oil.Dimorphotheca oil contains a conjugated dienol system.Vernonia oils contain as much as 80% epoxy acids. TheCuphea oils contain a number of short chain fatty acids. Of these, crambe,Limnanthes, andVernonia are probably the most developed agronomically. Competition between vegetable oils and petrochemicals for the traditional fats and oil markets has been marked over the past 25 years, but prices for petrochemicals have accelerated at a greater rate than those for vegetable oils; and, it is now appropriate to reexamine the old as well as the new markets for fatty acids.  相似文献   

Fatty acids, accounting for more than half of oleochemicals discussed, grew at an annual rate of ca. 3% during the 1970s, with no growth since 1979. As competition intensified, the number of companies in the industry declined or owenrship changed. Challenges are covered under five major headings—markets, raw materials, competition, research and profitability. Oleochemical markets are extremely diverse but usually involve surface modification. Fatty acid disposition and real consumer personal income correlate closely. Growth of consumer income in the 1980s will be the most important factor in determining growth of fatty chemicals. Fatty chemicals compete with petroleum-derived products; and, therefore, price relationship of natural fats versus petroleum will affect market share. Tallow and other natural fats and oils are approximately the same price as 15 years ago, whereas ethylene has about doubled. Interchangeability of natural fats tends to moderate price fluctuations. Competition remains intense with market shares divided among many companies. Neither imports nor exports have played a significant role in the US fatty chemical industry. There are large exports of fatty acid derivatives, particularly to South America. Research will concentrate on energy reduction as oleochemical production is highly energy-intensive. Enzymatic splitting is a potential commercial process for this purpose. Improved hydrogenation catalysts and development of new specialty oilseeds are additional research objectives. Success of researchers will probably play the biggest role of all in future marketing and economics of fatty chemical companies. The belief is that the fatty chemical industry has had difficulty in consistently maintaining acceptable levels of profitability. To avoid extinction and achieve reasonable rates of return, business strategies must (a) identify, create and exploit growth segments; (b) emphasize product quality and innovative product improvement; and (c) systematically improve production and distribution efficiencies.  相似文献   

A product containing from 80 to 95% of the methyl esters of cottonseed, soybean, and corn oil is produced commercially in the United States directly from the respective acidulated soapstocks of these oils, using a process developed at the Southern Utilization Research and Development Division. The product is marketed as a high-energy additive for poultry and livestock feed, and its ready acceptance indicates that it has nutritional and handling advantages over other by-product fats for this purpose, which, in 1958, represented a ready and expanding market for almost 600 million pounds of animal and vegetable fats and oils. A flow sheet for the process is given, and hypothetical plants with capacities of 15,000 and 60,000 lbs. of acidulated foots per 24 hrs. are described for the continuous production of up to 21 million pounds of methylated foots product annually. The lowest manufacturing costs are realized for each plant when operating 24 hrs. a day, 250 days annually, averaging five days per week. For these optimum operations the estimated capital investment for the small plant is $223,000, and for the large plant $410,000. Manufacturing costs range from a high of 11.2¢ per pound of product at an annual production of 11/4 million pounds to 6.5¢ at an annual production of 15.3 million pounds. The cost of the raw materials, although only 3.4¢ per pound of product and chiefly the cost of foots, is the largest single item of unit cost in producing methyl esters; and, for the higher productions covered by this study, raw material costs account for more than one-half of total unit manufacturing cost. Surplus cottonseed foots can be economically converted into a low-cost feed additive with improved nutritional and handling properties. The process is already a commercial success. Presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the American Oil Chemists' Society, Dallas, Tex., April 4–6, 1960. Development Division, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

中国油脂化学工业的进展与预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙述了中国油脂化学工业近20年来的发展,肥皂工业经过1989年消费高峰,肥皂产量迅速下降,目前正处在产品结构调整阶段,开始有了较好的效果,油化学品一脂肪酸,脂肪醇和脂肪胺都有较大的发展,但都存在产品供大于求的困难。对此,作了分析和预测,考虑到中国植物油资源基本是以C18脂肪酸为主,对发展油脂化学工业带来了局限性,应充分利用国内外两种油脂资源。  相似文献   

Currently, fats and oils possess about 40% of the paint binder, 50% of the surfactant, and 15% of the plasticizer markets. Other markets considered here, with estimated fats and oils percent share of these markets in parentheses, are: adhesives (1%), Agrichemicals (10%), engineering thermoplastics (2%) and synthetic lubricants (20%). With the expected growth for these markets and with fats and oils retaining the same percent share, an additional 3000 million pounds of fats and oils would be needed in 1990. In the likely event that the fats and oils share is accelerated, an additional 7500 million pounds would be required. These requirements could be met by an additional 10 or 25 million acres of soybean production, respectively, which can be easily attained by U.S. agriculture or by diversion of other crops or animal fats from edible use or export.  相似文献   

Over six billion pounds of tallow and grease are produced yearly in the United States, and almost 90% of these animal fats are utilized in feeds and as raw materials for industrial chemicals—both domestically and abroad. The fatty acid profile of an animal fat is a function of the kind of animal from which the fat was derived, as well as the breed, age, and diet of the animal. Impurities in the fat determine its grade and depend primarily on this history of the fat as well as on external contaminants which may have been added inadvertently.  相似文献   

Basic oleochemicals are produced by splitting and further reactions of oils and fats: fatty acids, glycerine, fatty acid methyl esters, fatty alcohols and amines. The last two are included in the list of oleochemical raw materials, primarily because of their importance in the preparations of further derivatives. The wide range of derivatives of oleochemical raw materials such as fatty alcohol ethoxylates, fatty alcohol sulfates, fatty alcohol ether sulfates, quaternary ammonium compounds and soaps are summarized. Oleochemicals such as fatty alcohols and glycerine from oils and fats have equivalents on the basis of petrochemicals. Using the customary terminology, petrochemical products are referred to as “synthetics.” The are included in the present discussion because in the application of oleochemical raw materials the origin of the material is often less important than the structure. Oleochemistry can be regarded as a mature branch of chemistry, with many applications for its products, but with few completely new fields. The challenge and the opportunities for oleochemistry today lie in the changing economic and ecological conditions. Availability and price development of oils and fats are discussed with particular reference to European conditions, for these are the prerequisites if oleochemicals are to be competitive and are to improve their chances in the marketplace. The importance and development of the oleochemical raw material fatty acids, fatty acid methyl esters, glycerine, fatty alcohols and amines are considered on the basis of historical data. In considering future developments of oleochemicals, the capacity, demand and the possible influence of petrochemistry or crude oil is discussed. The highly developed oleochemical raw materials industry is a flexible supplier of medium-to long-chain fatty alkyl groups. These facts, together with the well organized supply lines for raw materials and the considerable potential of these renewable raw materials, could provide the necessary conditions for the oleochemical raw materials industry to fulfil its future tasks on a larger scale. This could arise, for example, due to the partial substitution of petrochemical surfactants, if this should become necessary as a result of developments in the price and availability of crude oil, or on grounds of ecological factors.  相似文献   

For five consecutive years world-wide production of cottonseed has set new highs, and cottonseed is more valuable as a source of food, feed, and fiber than ever before. However this paper is primarily concerned with the utilization of cottonseed oil and meal in the United States. During the three-year period, 1963–65, U.S. farmers received about $300 million annually for 6.18 million tons of cottonseed. Annual U.S. crushings were 5.79 million tons, having produced 1.94 billion pounds of crude oil valued at $222 million, 2.72 million tons of meal valued at $174 million, and 1,609,700 running bales of linters valued at $41.2 million. Retail value of cottonseed products is estimated to have been $1.1 billion annually. Changes in the U.S. cottonseed industry include shifts westward, to fewer and larger extraction plants and to the use of new and improved extraction techniques which involve solvents and high-speed expellers. The cottonseed extraction industry has a payroll of $38.2 million and consists of 188 oil mills in about 14 states, employing 8,400 people. Cottonseed oil accounted for 11.5% of total 1965 U.S. factory consumption of 12.7 billion pounds of fats and oils. Some 62% was used in salad or cooking oil, 27% in baking or frying fats, and 8% in margarine. During the 1960–65 period, usage increased in salad or cooking oils, in baking or frying fats, and in inedible products but decreased in margarine, mellorine, and other edible products. Increases exceeded decreases, and total consumption of cottonseed oil in edible and inedible products increased from 1.28 billion lb. to 1.47 billion lb. Practically all of the 2.76 million tons of cottonseed meal produced in the three-year period beginning October 1963 was used for feed. Relatively insignificant amounts were used as fertilizer on farms of cotton growers. Cattle, sheep, horse, and mule rations consumed 1.88 million tons, poultry rations 440 thousand tons, and swine rations 350 thousand tons. Cottonseed meal in cattle rations has had a downward trend since the early 1950’s although usage in poultry and swine rations has increased. It is estimated that 1.52 million tons were used by feed manufacturers in the preparation of mixed feeds during the 1964–65 season, representing a steady increase over the past two decades and a 54% increase over 1962–63. Domestic use of cottonseed flour has not changed appreciably during the past few years.  相似文献   

Within the past twenty years, while much of the research and development appeal in the halogenation of fats and fatty derivatives has been associated with the evolution of new and useful derivatives such as arthritis cures and artificial rubber plasticizers, the principal utility of the halogenated fats still continues to be in the production of other materials through halogenated fats as reactive intermediates. Consider, too, the utility of halogenated fats reflected by the fact that considerable quantities of iodochloro fats are discarded down the sinks of our analytical laboratories after the Wijs or other iodine value (I. V.) determinations. Aside from the valuable utility of halogenation as an analytical tool, what-ever the use of halogenated fatty materials may be, i.e., for new and useful halogenated products per se, or for use as intermediates for the productions of other materials, halogenation is capturing an ever-increasing share of the effort being directed to the modification of the chemical and physical nature of fats. While the standard and well-known methods of utilizing fatty acid chlorides as reactive intermediates continue to fluorish, the newer aspects of fat halogenation, as demonstrated by the development of fluorinated derivatives, and in the utilization of chlorination followed by dehydrochlorination for the production of more highly-unsaturated fat molecules, illustrate a few directions in which progress is being made. Presented at the AOCS meeting in New Orleans La., 1962.  相似文献   

World landings of fish and shellfish are approaching 100 million metric tons (MMT) annually. Of this total, around 28% is processed into fish meal and oil. Economic pressures due to poor landings, low prices in traditional markets and high fuel costs have forced the industry to seek new markets and products that can take advantage of the unique properties of fish proteins and oils. Fish meal processing continues to evolve. Fresh raw materials and new, low-temperature processing techniques lead to products with excellent nutritional value. These new, special meals are finding uses in feeding farmed fish, early-weaned pigs, ruminants and pets. Fish oils, whether present as fat in the fish meal or as separated oil, are rich in ω3 fatty acids. When fed to food animals, these ω3 fatty acids deposit in the meat and depot fat. Concepts for poultry with an equivalent amount of ω3 fatty acids to lean fish are being developed. Eggs with a high ω3 fatty acid content and good functionality and flavor are under evaluation. Catfish with shelf-stable flavors and high ω3 fatty acids are also under study. ω3 Fatty acids may affect the immune function of livestock. Future research will evaluate the overall immune function of animals, including resistance to disease, survival under stress and hatchability.  相似文献   

A review is given of the annual world production of fats and oils and their increasing availability for edible and nonedible purposes. Trends in some important industrial processes (polymerization, metathesis, oxidation, etc.) are discussed and the applicability of fatty oils as specific and characteristic base materials for the organic chemical industry is compared with developments in the field of petroleum synthetics. To improve the position of fat-intermediates and fat derivatives on the world market, future research should be particularly directed to an optimal use of their specific physical, chemical and biochemical properties, and to an increased coherence between our technological and biochemical knowhow.  相似文献   

Fatchemical and Petrochemical Raw Materials - Contrast or Complementation? Fatchemical products are used in all branches of industry and crafts for a variety of purposes. The areas of application are determined by the types of fatty acids which are available as raw materials. It is shown that the C18 chain length is dominant. The most commonly occurring fatty acids are oleic- and linoleic acids. Lauric acids, which is so important for the major areas of application, only represents a small fraction of the world supply of fats. The use of raw material alternatives instead of fats is explained by the relative uniformity of the fatty acid spectrum found amongst the natural fatty acids. In addition, the special place occupied by coconut oil is economically attractive. A survey of the various possibilities and processes for fatchemical products which are derived from fats and petrochemical derivatives is presented. It may be expected that further positive developments of agricultural oil. and fat-production will occur by better yields as well as by successful breeding, resulting in changes in the fat composition. In the long term it may be assumed that the range of natural fats will not only expand, but that it will also be widened by new fatty acid compositions. Petrochemical processes can also have good prospects for the future. Fatchemical and petrochemical raw materials can complement each other in a positive fashion thus enriching the spectrum of fatchemical products.  相似文献   

Coconut oil prices will exert much influence on synthetic fatty acid commercialization; if domestic oil prices maintain at 12–13¢/lb, demand for coco acids and derivatives could triple during the next three years; however, at an oil price of 22–24¢/lb, about 90% of domestic research and development on lauric acid products would be dropped. Synthetic fatty acids could hold the market if they can be commercialized near present prices. Proportionally higher food uses will be evident for coconut oil for the next several years. Increased demand for short chain (C5–C9) acids in high temperature synthetic lubricants, estimated to grow from the present 25 million lb/year to 50 million lb/year by 1973, will exert an increased demand. Conducted at the AOCS Meeting, San Francisco, April 1969.  相似文献   

The early development of the American fatty acid industry during 1900–1920 is usually associated with the use of stearic acid in candles for lighting purposes. Today, the use of stearic acid in candle manufacture continues; the volume consumed for this application is not small, but the use is for ornamental, decorative or festival purposes, only incidentally for emergency lighting purposes. When one consideres that most condles consist of 10–20% stearic acid, which improves among other things, the appearance, burning qualities and stiffness of the candle, the volume consumed is appreciable. More than that, the growth rate in this use is impressive. In 1965, it has been estimated that the volume of double-pressed stearic acid that found its wya into candles was 3.5 million pounds. Today (1979) it is conservatively estimated that from 10–12 million pounds are utilized for this purpose. Innovations, such as the development of driples candles, achieved by the incorporation of a somewhat larger proportion of stearic acid to the external wax coat, are now possible uses. Concrete and asphalt are examples of much-used large tonnage materials of construction which have disadvantages in use that can be at least partially or significantly improved through the incorporation of stearic acid or certain other fatty chemicals. An excellent example of the tailor-making of fatty acid derivatives to satisfy an almost desperate need is provided by the development of derivatives suited for the retardation of water evaporation from reservoirs in arid areas. In 1966 it was estimated that the evaporation from large lakes and reservoirs in 17 western states was equivalent to 14 million acre feet, an amount which could ordinarily supply 84 million people annually. The design of water insoluble long chain organic compounds with a hydrophilic group at one terminal position gives products capable of forming monomolecular films which are uniquely suited to solve this problem. Fatty alcohol ethoxylates are only one approach among several. Paper presented at Short Course by S. Eng, Glyco Chemicals, Inc., Painesville, Ohio Representatives of A. Gross Candle Co. (Linden, NJ), Faroy, Inc. (Houston, Texas) and Old Harbor, Inc. (Hyanis Port, MA) supplied part of the information used in this paper.  相似文献   

The approximate quantity of 3 million tons estimated to be required at present for the production of oleochemicals is to be covered from a total production of more than 60 million tons of vegetable and animal fats. While the quantity of eleochemicals produced has nearly doubled in recent years, vegetable oil production alone has increased from 25 to 40 million tons in the same period. More than half the feedstocks required for oleochemicals are acid oils and other fats and oils which are unsuitable for human food. The demand for fats and oils for oleochemicals will certainly grow for price and technological reasons, but only the use of large quantities of oils and fats for diesel engines could shift this balance drastically and endanger the world supply of edible fats. A bottleneck may arise in the supply of fatty acids of medium chain length, although the use of coconut and palm kernel oil by the food industry in the highly developed countries has been on the decline. The green revolution goes on and the fat supply grows faster than the population. In addition, new approaches to plant breeding and agriculture, and biochemical processes as well, might help circumvent any conceivable shortage in the supply of oils and fats in general, and in the supply of special fatty acids in particular.  相似文献   

The pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries are large and still growing. New products, astute marketing and sophisticated advertising have been very effective in these industries. They are more and more exacting and highly complex in their requirements. They require specification products with specific performance characteristics. The cosmetic industry and drug or pharmaceutical industries are defined. Information is given about the unique composition of palm and lauric oils which make them suitable raw materials for use in these applications. These two base oils are used in the form of triglycerides, whole fatty acids, fractionated fatty acids or fatty chemical derivatives. Information is given about these various ingredients, their use in specific cosmetic and pharmaceutical products and reasons for their use. Particular use is made of palmitic, stearic, myristic and short-chain fatty acids. The derivatives would include glycerine esters, monostearates, other monoglycerides, propylene glycol esters, polyglycerol esters, sorbitans and sorbitan ethylene oxide products, isopropyl palmitic and myristate. Specific powdered stearins and cocoa butter substitutes are used in various formulations. The production and marketing of ingredients for this industry are natural growths of the developing fatty acid industry in Malaysia and nearby countries of southeast Asia.  相似文献   

在外部环境经济形势的变化以及国内日化市场竞争加剧背景下,分析了目前我国日化行业的市场态势以及我国日化企业所面临的压力。由于石油价格的震荡,导致主要以石油为原材料的洗涤用品和整个日化行业的原材料价格波动。由于原材料成本的上升,给利润空间原本薄弱的洗涤用品市场带来更加严峻的挑战。提出了我国日化行业面对国际金融危机所应采取的对策。指出,目前我国的日化洗涤行业生产的集中度在加大,产品结构步入调整期。最后,对未来我国日化行业的发展趋势进行了概述。  相似文献   

Methyl esters, derived from natural fats or oils, can be used as alternatives to fatty acids in the production of a number of derivatives. The derivatives that can be made from methyl esters include fatty alkanolamides, fatty alcohols, isopropyl esters, and sucrose polyesters. By using methyl esters as the raw materials, several benefits may be realized, such as, the ability to make higher purity finished products, the use of milder conditions during syntheses, and the need for less expensive materials of construction. In addition to the applications mentioned, methyl esters are being used increasingly in fractional distillations because they have lower boiling points and are less corrosive than fatty acids.  相似文献   

Fats as Raw Materials for Paint Industry Fats are even today important raw materials for the paint industry. Roughly one tenth of the world production of fatty matter is processed for paints. More than 50% of paints in the true sense are manufactured on fat basis; thereby linseed oil plays a dominating role. With reference to the total amount of paints produced in Germany, the proportion of fats employed decreased from ca. 36% to 27% in the last ten years inspite of an increase in the absolute amount of fats (64% increase). Simultaneously, a considerable increase took place in the proportion of oil-free synthetic resin paints. The possible causes of these displacements in proportions are discussed. Apart from their customary uses, special fat-products have found new fields of application in paints, i. e. reactive paints, and hence in the forthcoming decade one may expect fats to constitute 50% of raw materials for paints. The steadily increasing demand for edible fats leads to thoughts, regarding how the fats that are suitable for human nutrition should be secured for this particular sphere without impairing the supply of fats for technical purposes.  相似文献   

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