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This paper proposes a linear parameter varying (LPV) interval observer for state estimation and unknown inputs decoupling in uncertain continuous-time LPV systems. Two different problems are considered and solved: (1) the evaluation of the set of admissible values for the state at each instant of time; and (2) the unknown input observation, i.e. the design of the observer in such a way that some information about the nature of the unknown inputs affecting the system can be obtained. In both cases, analysis and design conditions, which rely on solving linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), are provided. The effectiveness and appeal of the proposed method is demonstrated using an illustrative application to a two-joint planar robotic manipulator.  相似文献   

刘伟  郑征  蔡开元 《控制理论与应用》2012,29(11):1403-1412
针对无人机实时路径规划问题,提出了一种基于双层决策的平滑路径规划方法,以弥补现有方法在复杂飞行环境中对路径平滑性优化的不足,增强路径的易跟踪性.本文首先给出路径平滑性度量,然后建模上、下层决策目标、威胁规避与无人机性能约束并引入变长规划时间,进而设计基于双层决策的路径规划模型.规划过程中通过嵌入启发式优化策略来进一步改善路径的全局与局部平滑度,并提高路径搜索效率.大量复杂场景中的仿真及与现有经典方法的对比结果表明:该方法能够实时避开复杂危险区域,规划适合飞行的、较短的平滑路径.  相似文献   

本文在Hi/H1优化框架下, 研究基于动态事件触发的无人机非线性系统故障检测问题. 高空、长航时无人 机需要通过通信网络与地面站进行数据交互, 以实现故障检测等复杂功能. 为了充分利用有限的通信资源, 采用动 态事件触发机制决定是否将测量输入输出数据传送给故障检测模块, 若传输数据不满足触发条件则被丢弃, 因此, 故障检测性能不仅受到干扰和故障影响, 还受到非事件触发时刻数据与实际系统数据误差影响, 即事件触发传输误 差影响. 为此, 针对无人机非线性系统, 提出一种新的动态事件触发Hi/H1故障检测方法. 该方法可以在动态事件触 发条件下, 实现故障检测滤波器残差与事件传输误差完全解耦, 能够避免连续通信和Zeno现象. 在Hi/H1优化框架 下, 通过Riccati方程递归计算, 得到动态事件触发故障检测滤波器的最优解. 最后, 以无人机非线性姿态控制系统为 例, 验证所提方法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

针对多旋翼无人机的非线性模型,提出了一种基于同步理论的自适应参数辨识方法.其主要思想是通过设计一种"从系统",在实现状态与原有非线性系统同步的同时,设计自适应更新律,使得对参数的估计收敛到真值.所提方法能够适用于以非线性形式存在的参数,其渐近稳定性由李雅普诺夫方法和拉塞尔不变性原理予以证明.仿真实例可以验证,合理选择自适应增益,即便真值发生突变,所提方法也能保证估计值快速收敛到最新的真值.  相似文献   

In this paper, sensor fault diagnosis of a singular delayed linear parameter varying (LPV) system is considered. In the considered system, the model matrices are dependent on some parameters which are real-time measurable. The case of inexact parameter measurements is considered which is close to real situations. Fault diagnosis in this system is achieved via fault estimation. For this purpose, an augmented system is created by including sensor faults as additional system states. Then, an unknown input observer (UIO) is designed which estimates both the system states and the faults in the presence of measurement noise, disturbances and uncertainty induced by inexact measured parameters. Error dynamics and the original system constitute an uncertain system due to inconsistencies between real and measured values of the parameters. Then, the robust estimation of the system states and the faults are achieved with H performance and formulated with a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The designed UIO is also applicable for fault diagnosis of singular delayed LPV systems with unmeasurable scheduling variables. The efficiency of the proposed approach is illustrated with an example.  相似文献   

针对大展弦比飞翼布局无人机的刚体运动与弹性运动耦合动力学模型,研究了输入有约束时的无人机姿态控制问题,提出了一种采用扩张状态观测器的反步滑模控制方法.首先,采用扩张状态观测器实时估计气动弹性模态和外界未知干扰的影响,并引入跟踪微分器避免了控制律中项数膨胀问题.然后,针对飞翼布局无人机多操纵面的配置和输入约束,给出了基于LMI的在线舵面分配算法.最后,针对指令滤波和输入约束情况下控制指令的滞后问题,设计了辅助补偿器对控制指令进行补偿.根据Lyapunov稳定性理论证明了该控制方法能够保证姿态跟踪误差收敛至有界,仿真表明存在复合干扰和输入约束时该方法具有良好的姿态跟踪性能.  相似文献   

In this paper, the unknown input observer (UIO) design for singular delayed linear parameter varying (LPV) systems is considered regarding its application to actuator fault detection and isolation. The design procedure assumes that the LPV system is represented in the polytopic framework. Existence and convergence conditions for the UIO are established. The design procedure is formulated by means of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Actuator fault detection and isolation is based on using the UIO approach for designing a residual generator that is completely decoupled from unknown inputs and exclusively sensitive to faults. Fault isolation is addressed considering two different strategies: dedicated and generalised bank of observers’ schemes. The applicability of these two schemes for the fault isolation is discussed. An open flow canal system is considered as a case study to illustrate the performance and usefulness of the proposed fault detection and isolation method in different fault scenarios.  相似文献   

针对无人机宽带数据链的组网特点和固定TDMA协议无法满足网络拓扑动态变化的缺点,引入按需分配机制,提出了一种能够支持QoS的DA-TDMA多址接入协议.利用Little定理和排队论等相关知识对协议性能进行了理论推导,重点研究了网络吞吐量和时延变化.最后利用OPNET对协议进行了仿真分析,结果表明,DA-TDMA协议能够很好地满足不同优先级业务共存条件下的时延和吞吐量要求.  相似文献   

复杂环境下多无人机协作式地面移动目标跟踪   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对多无人机(UAV)协同地面移动目标跟踪问题展开研究.提出一种基于主动感知的问题求解框架,建立多UAV协同目标跟踪问题模型;在此基础上,采用分布式无色信息滤波实现目标状态融合估计与预测;然后,基于预测目标状态,结合滚动时域控制与遗传算法设计一种多UAV在线协同航迹规划算法.仿真结果表明:结合预测目标状态在线优化UAV...  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the problem of state estimation and both actuator and sensor fault detection for Linear Polytopic Parameter-Varying (LPV) system. The contribution of this work consists on the design of a novel robust adaptive observer based on polyquadratic formulations with a new set of relaxation. An optimisation problem is given in term of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) in order to guarantee the stability of the system and the asymptotic convergence of faults error. A comparative study is made to prove the efficiency of the proposed polyquadratic algorithms against the quadratic ones. The performances and effectiveness of the proposed methods are illustrated in a simulation example where constant and variable actuator and sensor faults were detected.  相似文献   

This article presents an in-depth review of path following control strategies that are applicable to a wide range class of marine, ground, and aerial autonomous robotic vehicles. From a control system standpoint, path following can be formulated as the problem of stabilizing a path following error system that describes the dynamics of position and possibly orientation errors of a vehicle with respect to a path, with the errors defined in an appropriate reference frame. In spite of the large variety of path following methods described in the literature we show that, in principle, most of them can be categorized in two groups: stabilization of the path following error system expressed either in the vehicle's body frame or in a frame attached to a “reference point” moving along the path, such as a Frenet-Serret (F-S) frame or a Parallel Transport (P-T) frame. With this observation, we provide a unified formulation that is simple but general enough to cover many methods available in the literature. We then discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method, comparing them from the design and implementation standpoint. We further show experimental results of the path following methods obtained from field trials testing with under-actuated and over-actuated autonomous marine vehicles. In addition, we introduce open-source Matlab and Gazebo/ROS simulation toolboxes that are helpful in testing path following methods before their integration in the combined guidance, navigation, and control systems of autonomous vehicles.  相似文献   

基于改进快速扩展随机树方法的隐身无人机突防航迹规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对隐身无人机在日趋严密的雷达防御系统下的生存问题,提出了基于改进快速扩展随机树的隐身突防航迹规划方法.本文首先对隐身突防航迹规划中无人机的动态雷达散射截面积和雷达的发现准则这两个关键问题进行了分析和建模,然后针对现有算法在解决隐身飞机航迹规划问题时的不足,设计了改进快速扩展随机树算法,将无人机的雷达散射截面积随姿态变化的情况考虑到新节点生成中,并且结合滚动时域策略计算时域范围内所有节点的瞬时发现概率均值,以判断新节点可行性.仿真结果和对比研究表明,算法的改进策略能够处理隐身突防航迹规划的两个特性,并且可在复杂环境下快速生成更优的突防路径.  相似文献   

In order to counteract actuator faults in formation flight of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), this paper presents a fault‐tolerant formation control (FTFC) design methodology, in which the reference generator and the finite‐time convergence of FTFC gains are explicitly considered. Feasible references in response to actuator faults can be generated by considering the health and mission conditions of an overall team of UAVs. Moreover, by applying an auxiliary integrated regressor matrix and vector method, FTFC gains can converge within a finite amount of time to facilitate the fault accommodation process. Thus, the negative effects resulting from failed actuators can be compensated by the healthy/redundant actuators in UAVs. Simulation studies of UAV formation flight are carried out to exemplify the effectiveness of this design approach. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对多无人机协同搜索追踪区域内多运动目标问题,考虑无人机的传感器与避撞等约束和目标随机运动等特征,提出了以垂线搜索为基础的多无人机协同搜索追踪策略.策略包含任务分配和航迹规划两部分.在任务分配部分,设计了航道均分垂线搜索算法,将搜索资源在区域内均匀分配,提高协同搜索效能.在航迹规划部分,设计了改进的人工势场算法,避免发...  相似文献   

A new method, named as the nested k‐means, for detecting a person captured in aerial images acquired by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), is presented. The nested k‐means method is used in a newly built system that supports search and rescue (SAR) activities through processing of aerial photographs taken in visible light spectra (red‐green‐blue channels, RGB). First, the k‐means classification is utilized to identify clusters of colors in a three‐dimensional space (RGB). Second, the k‐means method is used to verify if the automatically selected class of colors is concurrently spatially clustered in a two‐dimensional space (easting‐northing, EN), and has human‐size area. The UAV images were acquired during the field campaign carried out in the Izerskie Mountains (SW Poland). The experiment aimed to observe several persons using an RGB camera, in spring and winter, during various periods of day, in uncovered terrain and sparse forest. It was found that the nested k‐means method has a considerable potential for detecting a person lost in the wilderness and allows to reduce area to be searched to 4.4 and 7.3% in spring and winter, respectively. In winter, land cover influences the performance of the nested k‐means method, with better skills in sparse forest than in the uncovered terrain. In spring, such a relationship does not hold. The nested k‐means method may provide the SAR teams with a tool for near real‐time detection of a person and, as a consequence, to reduce search area to approximately 0.5–7.3% of total terrain to be visited, depending on season and land cover.  相似文献   

In this paper, a model reference fault tolerant control strategy based on a reconfiguration of the reference model, with the addition of a virtual actuator block, is presented for uncertain systems affected by disturbances and sensor noise. In particular, this paper (1) extends the reference model approach to the use of interval state observers, by considering an error feedback controller, which uses the estimated bounds for the error between the real state and the reference state, and (2) extends the virtual actuator approach to the use of interval observers, which means that the virtual actuator is added to the control loop to preserve the nonnegativity of the interval estimation errors and the boundedness of the involved signals, in spite of the fault occurrence. In both cases, the conditions to assure the desired operation of the control loop are provided in terms of linear matrix inequalities. An illustrative example is used to show the main characteristics of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper presents a system for weed mapping, using imagery provided by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Weed control in precision agriculture is based on the design of site-specific control treatments according to weed coverage. A key component is precise and timely weed maps, and one of the crucial steps is weed monitoring, by ground sampling or remote detection. Traditional remote platforms, such as piloted planes and satellites, are not suitable for early weed mapping, given their low spatial and temporal resolutions. Nonetheless, the ultra-high spatial resolution provided by UAVs can be an efficient alternative. The proposed method for weed mapping partitions the image and complements the spectral information with other sources of information. Apart from the well-known vegetation indexes, which are commonly used in precision agriculture, a method for crop row detection is proposed. Given that crops are always organised in rows, this kind of information simplifies the separation between weeds and crops. Finally, the system incorporates classification techniques for the characterisation of pixels as crop, soil and weed. Different machine learning paradigms are compared to identify the best performing strategies, including unsupervised, semi-supervised and supervised techniques. The experiments study the effect of the flight altitude and the sensor used. Our results show that an excellent performance is obtained using very few labelled data complemented with unlabelled data (semi-supervised approach), which motivates the use of weed maps to design site-specific weed control strategies just when farmers implement the early post-emergence weed control.  相似文献   

张聪  吴云洁  方迪 《控制理论与应用》2015,32(11):1487-1497
本文基于制导控制一体化方法的思想,将滑模变结构控制和自抗扰控制技术结合于动态面控制结构中,提出一种固定翼无人机自动着陆方法.在建立六自由度无人机模型、无人机和目标点间的相对视线角度模型的基础上,在动态面控制框架下加入滑模变结构控制来设计制导控制一体化方法.在此过程中加入自抗扰控制技术,提高了系统对未建模部分、参数的不确定性和外界干扰的鲁棒性,并抑制了滑模变结构控制的抖振.该方法使得无人机在平稳地飞向目标点的同时能够满足着陆视线角度的约束.文中详细论述设计思想和设计方法,最后通过仿真验证说明本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Robust control of parameter‐dependent input delay linear parameter‐varying (LPV) systems via gain‐scheduled dynamic output‐feedback control is considered in this paper. The controller is designed to provide disturbance rejection in the context of the induced ‐norm or the norm of the closed‐loop system in the presence of uncertainty and disturbances. A reciprocally convex approach is employed to bound the Lyapunov‐Krasovskii functional derivative and extract sufficient conditions for the controller characterization in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The approach does not require the rate of the delay to be bounded, hence encompasses a broader family of input‐delay LPV systems with fast‐varying delays. The method is then applied to the air‐fuel ratio (AFR) control in spark ignition (SI) engines where the delay and the plant parameters are functions of the engine speed and mass air flow. The objectives are to track the commanded AFR signal and to optimize the performance of the three‐way catalytic converter (TWC) through the precise AFR control and oxygen level regulation, resulting in improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions. The designed AFR controller seeks to provide canister purge disturbance rejection over the full operating envelope of the SI engine in the presence of uncertainties. Closed‐loop simulation results are presented to validate the controller performance and robustness while meeting AFR tracking and disturbance rejection requirements.  相似文献   

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