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Abstract— A flat‐panel display with a slanted subpixel arrangement has been developed for a multi‐view three‐dimensional (3‐D) display. A set of 3M × N subpixels (M × N subpixels for each R, G, and B color) corresponds to one of the cylindrical lenses, which constitutes a lenticular lens, to construct each 3‐D pixel of a multi‐view display that offers M × N views. Subpixels of the same color in each 3‐D pixel have different horizontal positions, and the R, G, and B subpixels are repeated in the horizontal direction. In addition, the ray‐emitting areas of the subpixels within a 3‐D pixel are continuous in the horizontal direction for each color. One of the vertical edges of each subpixel has the same horizontal position as the opposite vertical edge of another subpixel of the same color. Cross‐talk among viewing zones is theoretically zero. This structure is suitable for providing a large number of views. A liquid‐crystal panel having this slanted subpixel arrangement was fabricated to construct a mobile 3‐D display with 16 views and a 3‐D resolution of 256 × 192. A 3‐D pixel is comprised of 12 × 4 subpixels (M = 4 and N = 4). The screen size was 2.57 in.  相似文献   

Abstract— The increasing demand for multimedia over networks and the heterogeneous nature of today's networks and playback devices impose the stringent need for scalable video coding. In this context, in‐band wavelet‐based video‐coding architectures offer full scalability in terms of quality, resolution, and frame‐rate and provide compression performance competitive with that of state‐of‐the‐art non‐scalable technology. Despite these advances, video streaming over wireless networks to handheld terminals is lagging in popularity due to the high power consumption of the existing portable devices. As a possible approach to alleviate this problem, the integration of wavelet‐based passive‐matrix‐display driving into the inverse discrete wavelet transform (IDWT) block of the in‐band video decoding architecture was investigated. In a nutshell, the IDWT no longer needs to be performed by the decoder, being synthesized instead by the display itself. This integration reduces the number of calculations required to generate the driving waveforms for passive‐matrix displays and inherently leads to reduced power consumption on portable terminals. Moreover, the wavelet transform and the considered video‐codec architecture are both resolution‐scalable. Hence, the resolution‐scalability feature of the video codec, enabling resolution‐scalable display driving, is another means to control the power consumption of the portable device.  相似文献   

Based on the recent development of Pancharatnam–Berry deflectors and lenses, we propose a compact and lightweight near‐eye display system with depth adaption. The compact design results from the polarization selectivity of Pancharatnam–Berry deflector waveguide coupler, and the fast‐switching Pancharatnam–Berry lenses can be exploited for generating correct light fields.  相似文献   

Abstract— A thin and flexible LSI driver with a thickness of less than 35 μm for a passive‐matrix‐driven Quick‐Response Liquid‐Powder Display (QR‐LPD?) was successfully mounted onto the flexible printed circuit (FPC) and the back substrates of a flexible QR‐LPD?. Amounted LSI driver on a plastic substrate shows no significant degradation in the driving performances and maintains physical flexibility without any connection failures. This technology can realize a fully flexible electronic paper in combination with a plastic‐substrate QR‐LPD? fabricated by a roll‐to‐roll process.  相似文献   

High pixel per inch and high‐resolution micro‐LED displays are attracting more and more attentions. The increasing pixel number requires a large amount of bonding pads and brings huge difficulties to micro‐LED system design and lowers power efficiency as well. It is urgent to integrate row and column driving circuits onto the micro‐LED panel. Here, we report a fully integrated active matrix programmable micro‐LED system on panel (SoP) with ultraviolet and blue emission wavelengths. The micro‐LED SoP has a resolution of 60 × 60 and pixel pitch of 70 μm. The micro‐LED SoP was achieved by integrating micro‐LED arrays with silicon‐based p‐channel metal‐oxide semiconductor driving panel using fine‐toned flip‐chip bonding technology. With fully integrated scan and data circuits, the number of bonding pads was greatly reduced from 136 to 28, and large amount of metal interconnection lines were saved. The micro‐LED SoP panel was mounted on a periphery driving board, and representative characters were displayed successfully.  相似文献   

Abstract— A high‐resolution autostereoscopic 3‐D projection display with a polarization‐control space dividing the iris‐plane liquid‐crystal shutter is proposed. The polarization‐control iris‐plane shutter can control the direction of stereo images without reducing the image quality of the microdis‐play. This autostereoscopic 3‐D projection display is 2‐D/3‐D switchable and has a high resolution and high luminance. In addition, it has no cross‐talk between the left and right viewing zones, a simple structure, and the capability to show multi‐view images.  相似文献   

Abstract— Field‐sequential‐color technology eliminates the need for color filters in liquid‐crystal displays (LCDs) and results in significant power savings and higher resolution. But the LCD suffers from color breakup, which degrades image quality and limits practical applications. By controlling the backlight temporally and spatially, a so‐called local‐primary‐desaturation (LPD) backlight scheme was developed and implemented in a 180‐Hz optically compensated bend (OCB) mode LCD equipped with a backlight consisting of a matrix of light‐emitting diodes (LEDs). It restores image quality by suppressing color breakup and saves power because it has no color filter and uses local dimming. A perceptual experiment was implemented for verification, and the results showed that a field‐sequential‐color display with a local‐primary‐desaturation backlight reduced the color breakup from very annoying to not annoying and even invisible.  相似文献   

Abstract— An integral floating display (IFD) with a long depth range without floating lens distortion is proposed. Two lenses were used to reduce barrel distortion of the floating lens and three‐dimensional (3‐D) image deformation from object‐dependent longitudinal and lateral magnifications in the floating‐display system, combined with an integral imaging display. The distance between the floating lenses is the sum of their focal lengths. In the proposed configuration, lateral and longitudinal magnifications are constant regardless of the distance of the integrated 3‐D images, so the distortions from the distant‐dependent magnifications of the floating lens do not occur with the proposed method. In addition, the proposed floating system expands the depth range of the integral imaging display. As a result, the display can show a correct 3‐D floating image with a large depth range. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method successfully displays a 3‐D image without floating lens distortions across a large depth range.  相似文献   

This article presents the design aspects and development processes to transform a general‐purpose mobile robotic platform into a semi‐autonomous agricultural robot sprayer focusing on user interfaces for teleoperation. The hardware and the software modules that must be installed onto the system are described, with particular emphasis on human–robot interaction. Details of the technology are given focusing on the user interface aspects. Two laboratory experiments and two studies in the field to evaluate the usability of the user interface provide evidence for the increased usability of a prototype robotic system. Specifically, the study aimed to empirically evaluate the type of target selection input device mouse and digital pen outperformed Wiimote in terms of usability. A field experiment evaluated the effect of three design factors: (a) type of screen output, (b) number of views, (c) type of robot control input device. Results showed that participants were significantly more effective but less efficient when they had multiple views, than when they had a single view. PC keyboard was also found to significantly outperform PS3 gamepad in terms of interaction efficiency and perceived usability. Heuristic evaluations of different user interfaces were also performed using research‐based HRI heuristics. Finally, a study on participants’ overall user experience found that the system was evaluated positively on the User Experience Questionnaire scales.  相似文献   

Abstract— A flexible 4.7‐in. QVGA active‐matrix display was demonstrated, containing 76,800 solution‐processed organic transistors. The combination of our plastic active‐matrix backplane with electrophoretic‐ink display material developed by E‐Ink resulted in a reflective low‐power display with paper‐like appearance. By using high‐performance organic transistors, it was possible to generate 2‐bit images on the display. The display can be bent to a radius below 2 cm.  相似文献   

Abstract— A new conceptual ultra‐compact LCD panel, which features a simple interface and lower‐power consumption by using low‐temperature polysilicon thin‐film transistor (LTPS‐TFT) technology has been developed. This panel is capable of switching operation modes based on an input command, and all the data are directly communicated with the circuit inside the panel through a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) protocol. The integration of the serial‐data‐receiver function on glass substrate has enabled the achievement of a significant reduction in the number of interface pins. Moreover, a low power consumption of 15 μW for a 2.26‐in. reflective LCD panel in combination with the technique of integrating a memory circuit in each pixel has been achieved.  相似文献   

Abstract— A transflective polymer‐stabilized blue‐phase liquid‐crystal display (BP‐LCD) with a corrugated electrode structure is proposed. To balance the optical phase retardation between the transmissive (T) and reflective (R) regions, two device structures are proposed. The first device structure has the same inclination angles but different cell gaps in the T and R regions. And the second device structure has the same cell gap but different inclination angles in the T and R regions. Both of the device structures can obtain well‐matched VT and VR curves. This display exhibits low operating voltage, high optical efficiency, and a wide viewing angle.  相似文献   

Abstract— The flexoelectro‐optic effect provides a fast‐switching mechanism (0.01–0.1 msec), suitable for use in field‐sequential‐color full‐motion‐video displays. An in‐plane electric field is applied to a short‐pitch chiral nematic liquid crystal aligned in the uniform standing helix (or Grandjean) texture. The switching mechanism is experimentally demonstrated in a single‐pixel test cell, and the display performance is investigated as a function of device parameters. A contrast ratio of 2000:1 is predicted.  相似文献   

Abstract— An autostereoscopic display based on dual‐directional light guides with a fast‐switching liquid‐crystal panel was designed and fabricated to provide better 3‐D perception with image qualities comparable to that of 2‐D displays. With two identical micro‐grooved light guides, each with a light‐controlled ability in one direction, two restricted viewing cones are formed to project pairs of parallax images to the viewer's respective eyes sequentially. Crosstalk of less than 10% located within ±8°–±30° and an LC response time of 7.1 msec for a 1.8‐in. LCD panel can yield acceptable 3‐D perceptions at viewing distance of 5.6–23 cm. Moreover, 2‐D/3‐D compatibility is provided in this module.  相似文献   

Abstract— This paper describes a single‐layered multi‐color electrowetting display (EWD) by using ink‐jet‐printing (IJP) technology and comparing different pattern electrodes with the use of the numerical investigations of ANSYS FLUENT®. This work consists of two parts: the first describes the design of implementing a single‐layered multi‐color EWD and the second demonstrates the application of ANSYS FLUENT® simulation in different pattern electrodes settings on the proposed EWD. The single‐layered multi‐color EW device was evaluated by using various colored oils without adopting a color filter. The single‐layered multi‐color EWD at a driving voltage of 25 V can achieve a maximum aperture ratio and reflectivity of 80% and 38.5%, respectively. The colored saturation of R, G, B oils can increase to 50% (NTSC: 13.3–27.8%). In addition, a radiate electrode at the required viewable area condition of 85% and force 5 * Fk, which results in ink stable contraction and a shorter response time of 50% (radiate vs. square), was proposed. The experimental results and simulation demonstrate that ink‐jet‐printing (IJP) technology along with the use of radiate electrodes can result in a single‐layered multi‐color EWD with a shorter response time.  相似文献   

Affective states have become a crucial part of human–computer interaction research. Many studies have analysed the impact of the technology on the users' affective states as a part of what is called user experience (UX). We consider the impact of antecedent affective states on interaction with a technological artefact. We induced positive and negative affective states using film clips. Then we analysed the impact of affects on the subsequent interaction with a tablet PC. Results show that positive and negative affective states have different emotional activation patterns. Positive affect was more sensitive for changes in tasks and experimental setting. In addition, these activation patterns affected behaviour for a short time only. These findings are discussed against the background of research into UX dynamics, dynamics of affect, and user-centred design research.  相似文献   

We have developed a new conceptual liquid crystal display (LCD) with a memory circuit and a photosensor in each pixel to realize excellent handwriting performance. Direct writing and erasing a character in the LCD are available because their direct processing only in the pixel are performed without calculating coordinates by using a light pen and integrated pixel circuits. In addition, this LCD enables to display still image data stored in the pixel memory circuit at a low liquid crystal (LC) driving frequency of 1.0 Hz. In the result, we have achieved faster handwriting response time of 0.5 ms and lower power consumption of 0.7 mW in 7.0‐in. QVGA reflective LCD panel.  相似文献   

Abstract— A 100‐μm thin QVGA display was made by combining a 25‐μm thin organic transistor active‐matrix backplane with an electrophoretic display film. High contrast and low crosstalk was achieved by the addition of a field shield to the backplane. The display can be bent repeatedly to a radius of 2 mm without any performance loss. Extended mechanical tests at a radius of curvature of 7.5 mm show that the display can be rolled at least 30,000 times without noticeable degradation.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have proposed a new approach to engineering and manufacturing an indoor indicator based on energy‐effective super‐bright LEDs. In our design, the light from a small number of such LEDs was uniformly redistributed using a special light guide. Recently, we developed a multi‐segment (40) LED indicator with improved ergonomics and a luminance of up to 4000 cd/m2. This indicator is also capable of displaying (apart from the digits) special symbols.  相似文献   

Abstract— A single‐cell‐gap transflective liquid‐crystal display with special electrodes was demonstrated. In the transmissive region, a strong longitudinal electric field was generated by decreasing the distance between the top and bottom transparent indium‐tin‐oxide electrodes; while in the reflective region, a weak longitudinal electric field is generated by increasing the distance between the top and bottom transparent indium‐tin‐oxide electrodes. And slit‐patterned electrodes were used to optimize the fringe field at the junction of the transmissive and reflective regions. As a result, both the transmissive and reflective display modes show well‐matched gray scales. The simulated single‐cell‐gap TR‐LCD has good performances.  相似文献   

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