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We propose a crosstalk‐free dual‐view integral imaging display. It is composed of a display panel, a barrier array, and a micro‐lens array. The central barrier is located at the vertical central axes of the display panel and the micro‐lens array to split the element image array and the viewing zone. Moreover, other barriers are located at the margins of the elemental images and corresponding micro‐lenses to eliminate the crosstalk. The lights emitting from the left and right half of the element image array are modulated by the left and right half of the micro‐lens array to reconstruct the right and left viewing zones, respectively. A prototype of the proposed dual‐view integral imaging display is developed, and good experimental results agree well with the theory.  相似文献   

Abstract— A 42‐in. 2‐D/3‐D switchable display operating in a parallax‐barrier‐type system consisting of liquid‐crystal displays (LCDs) has been developed. The system displays 2‐D images in full resolution, without any degradation to the original 2‐D images, and 3‐D autostereoscopic images with resolutions higher than SVGA with wide viewing zones electrically controlled by the parallax‐barrier system. The system is intended for use in public‐information displays (PIDs), a booming field, and as displays for gaming, medical, and simulation applications.  相似文献   

Abstract— Although there are numerous types of floating‐image display systems which can project three‐dimensional (3‐D) images into real space through a convex lens or a concave mirror, most of them provide only one image plane in space to the observer; therefore, they lack an in‐depth feeling. In order to enhance a real 3‐D feeling of floating images, a multi‐plane floating display is required. In this paper, a novel two‐plane electro‐floating display system using 3‐D integral images is proposed. One plane for the object image is provided by an electro‐floating display system, and the other plane for the background image is provided with the 3‐D integral imaging system. Consequently, the proposed two‐plane electro‐floating display system, having a 3‐D background, can provide floated images in front of background integral images resulting in a different perspective to the observer. To show the usefulness of the proposed system, experiments were carried out and their results are presented. In addition, the prototype was practically implemented and successfully tested.  相似文献   

We have developed a two‐way multi‐view 2‐D/3‐D display combining a liquid crystal lens and horizontally and vertically x times‐density pixels (HVxDP) arrangement. The two‐way multi‐view display features the same display resolution in 2‐D and 3‐D modes and a quite small color moiré for landscape and portrait, respectively, when using the HVxDP arrangement. In this paper, we realized suitable 3‐D properties for achieving a good balance between 3‐D moiré and 3‐D crosstalk for landscape and portrait by a two‐way liquid crystal lens with two kinds of focal lengths for the edge part and the center part of the lens.  相似文献   

Abstract— Depth‐enhanced integral three‐dimensional (3D) imaging using different optical path lengths by using a polarization selective mirror pair or mirror barrier array is proposed. In the proposed approach, the enhancement of image depth is achieved by repositioning two types of elemental image planes, thus effectively two central depth planes are obtained. One of the two implementation methods makes use of the two‐arm structure that has different optical path lengths and polarization‐selective mirrors. The other utilizes the mirror barrier array. The primary advantage of the method with polarization devices is that we can observe 3D images that maintain some level of viewing resolution with a large depth difference without any mechanical moving part. The mirror barrier array has the advantage of the compact thickness. We demonstrated and verified our proposals experimentally.  相似文献   

Abstract— The viewing freedom of the reduced‐view super multi‐view (SMV) display was analyzed. It was found that there are separate multiple viewing ranges in the depth direction; thus, a technique that selects an appropriate viewing range to increase the longitudinal viewing freedom has been developed. Pixels of a flat‐panel display viewed by the viewer's eyes through a lenticular lens were determined from three‐dimensional (3‐D) positions of the viewer's eyes, which were obtained using an eye‐tracking system that employed a stereo camera. Parallax images corresponding to the 3‐D positions of the viewer's eyes were generated, which were displayed by the determined pixels. The experimental results show that the proposed technique successfully increased the longitudinal viewing freedom. It is also shown that a video camera was able to focus on the produced SMV images.  相似文献   

Abstract— A flat‐panel display with a slanted subpixel arrangement has been developed for a multi‐view three‐dimensional (3‐D) display. A set of 3M × N subpixels (M × N subpixels for each R, G, and B color) corresponds to one of the cylindrical lenses, which constitutes a lenticular lens, to construct each 3‐D pixel of a multi‐view display that offers M × N views. Subpixels of the same color in each 3‐D pixel have different horizontal positions, and the R, G, and B subpixels are repeated in the horizontal direction. In addition, the ray‐emitting areas of the subpixels within a 3‐D pixel are continuous in the horizontal direction for each color. One of the vertical edges of each subpixel has the same horizontal position as the opposite vertical edge of another subpixel of the same color. Cross‐talk among viewing zones is theoretically zero. This structure is suitable for providing a large number of views. A liquid‐crystal panel having this slanted subpixel arrangement was fabricated to construct a mobile 3‐D display with 16 views and a 3‐D resolution of 256 × 192. A 3‐D pixel is comprised of 12 × 4 subpixels (M = 4 and N = 4). The screen size was 2.57 in.  相似文献   

Abstract— This work is related to static volumetric crystals which scintillate light when two laser beams are intersected within the crystal. The geometry in this crystal is optimized for linear slices. Most volumetric displays are based on rotational surfaces, which generate the images, while the projected images are sliced in a rotational sweep mode. To date, the majority of 3‐D graphic engines based on static‐volume displays have not been fully developed. To use an advanced 3‐D graphic engine designed for a swept‐volume display (SVD) with a static‐volume display, the display must emulate the operation of a SVD based on a rotational‐slicing approach. The CSpace® 3‐D display has the capability to render 3‐D images using the rotational‐slicing approach. This paper presents the development of a rotational‐slicing approach designed to emulate the operation of a SVD within the image volume of a static‐volume display. The display software has been modified to divide the 3‐D image into 46 slices, each passing through the image center and rotated at a fixed angle from the previous slice. Reconstructed 3‐D images were demonstrated using a rotational‐slicing approach. Suggestions are provided for future implementations that could aid in the elimination of elongations and distortions, which occur within specified slices.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new fabrication of micro‐lens array (MLA) with pinhole array—pinhole/micro‐lens array (P/MLA) for integral imaging 3‐D display (II), which combine lithography and ink‐jet printing. A black circular groove array (BCGA) is used as pinhole array, and laser 3‐D microscope and a homemade setup have been used for the characterization of P/MLA. The results show that high‐precision P/MLA can be obtained using BCGA as templates. By controlling the driving voltage at different steps, the distance between nozzle and substrate, as well as the number of liquid droplets, P/MLA with smooth morphology, different sizes, good repeatability of geometry parameters, great uniformity of focusing, and good converging performance can be achieved. For demonstration, P/MLA with curvature, focal length, numerical aperture, and F‐number of 815.8 μm, 1.60 mm, 0.1311, and 3.8 are applied for the reconstruction in II, exhibiting good reconstruction performance with high resolution, and BCGA reduces the influence of stray light on II and improves the quality of the reconstructed image.  相似文献   

Abstract— A multi‐view depth‐fused 3‐D (DFD) display that provides smooth motion parallax for wide viewing angles is proposed. A conventional DFD display consists of a stack of two transparent emitting screens. It can produce motion parallax for small changes in observation angle, but its viewing zone is rather narrow due to the split images it provides in inclined views. On the other hand, even though multi‐view 3‐D displays have a wide viewing angle, motion parallax in them is discrete, depending on the number of views they show. By applying a stacked structure to multi‐view 3‐D displays, a wide‐viewing‐angle 3‐D display with smooth motion parallax was fabricated. Experimental results confirmed the viewing‐zone connection of DFD displays while the calculated results show the feasibility of stacked multi‐view displays.  相似文献   

Abstract— In this paper, the optical and system characteristics of large‐area displays based upon ITrans tiling technology is described. The characteristics of these displays are compared to those of other large area display technologies.  相似文献   

Abstract— An integral floating display (IFD) with a long depth range without floating lens distortion is proposed. Two lenses were used to reduce barrel distortion of the floating lens and three‐dimensional (3‐D) image deformation from object‐dependent longitudinal and lateral magnifications in the floating‐display system, combined with an integral imaging display. The distance between the floating lenses is the sum of their focal lengths. In the proposed configuration, lateral and longitudinal magnifications are constant regardless of the distance of the integrated 3‐D images, so the distortions from the distant‐dependent magnifications of the floating lens do not occur with the proposed method. In addition, the proposed floating system expands the depth range of the integral imaging display. As a result, the display can show a correct 3‐D floating image with a large depth range. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method successfully displays a 3‐D image without floating lens distortions across a large depth range.  相似文献   

Abstract— Moiré‐reduction methods for integral videography displays are proposed. Integral videography is based on the principles of integral photography and extended real‐time video processing. There are two moiré‐reduction methods that can be used for integral videography displays that have a lens array and a liquid‐crystal display. The first is color moiré, and the second is intensity moiré. To reduce color moiré, an optimized color‐filter layout in the liquid‐crystal display was used. To reduce intensity moiré, a defocusing method was used. Adesign of a viewing area for the integral videography display is also presented. To control the viewing area, the lens pitch and the shape of the integral videography elemental image was changed. A 5‐in. integral videography display was implemented by using the proposed methods, and an integral videography display was evaluated.  相似文献   

Abstract— The use of an electric‐field‐driven liquid‐crystal (ELC) lens cell for switching between a 3‐D and 2‐D display is proposed. Due to the phase retardation of the non‐uniform LC directors, an ELC lens functions the same as a geometric lens. The parameters of an ELC for 3‐D applications are optimized through the simulation of the electrode configuration and voltage levels. A prototype was made where the ELC lens is placed in front of a liquid‐crystal display (LCD) 15 in. on the diagonal with a 99‐μm subpixel pitch. Under zero voltage, the ELC lens is a transparent medium and the users can see a clear 2‐D image. In 3‐D mode, the ELC lens array performs the same as a cylindrical lens array to the incident vertical polarization under suitable driving voltages. Placing a half‐wave plate between the LCD and ELC lens is proposed to change the polarization of the LCD to be parallel with the polarization lens direction of the ELC lens. The measurement of the horizontal luminance profile, performance of the ELC lens, and feasibility for 3‐D/2‐D switching was verified. The fabrication process for the ELC lens is compatible with the current LCD production process and enables the accurate control of the lens pitch of the ELC lens.  相似文献   

Abstract— Our research is aimed at developing a spatial‐imaging‐type integral three‐dimensional (3‐D) display based on an integral photography method using an extremely high‐resolution projector. One problem with the projection‐type integral 3‐D display is that geometrical distortion in projected elemental images causes spatial deformation of the displayed 3‐D image. In this study, a general relationship between the geometric distortion of elemental images and the spatial deformation of reconstructed 3‐D images were analyzed. A projection‐type integral 3‐D display with a distortion compensator which corrects the geometrical distortions of projected images in real‐time have been developed. The deformation of the displayed 3‐D images was significantly reduced by the distortion compensation, and the displayed 3‐D images had a resolution of 182 (H) × 140 (V) pixels and a viewing angle of 24.5°.  相似文献   

We propose a high optical efficiency three‐dimensional (3D)/two‐dimensional (2D) convertible integral imaging display by using a pinhole array on a reflective polarizer. The 3D mode is realized by adopting a pinhole array on a reflective polarizer to generate a point light source array. Three‐dimensional/2D convertible feature is realized by electrically controlling a polarization switcher. The reflective polarizer can reflect the light that has the orthogonal polarization direction with the reflective polarizer and transmit the light that has the same polarization direction with the reflective polarizer. The reflected light is recycled, so the optical efficiencies for both 3D and 2D modes are enhanced. In the practical experiments, the optical efficiencies of the proposed integral imaging display increase by 8.04 times and 1.65 times in 3D and 2D modes comparing with the conventional integral imaging display that has no light recycle, respectively.  相似文献   

Dual layered display or also called tensor display that consists of two panels in a stack can present full‐parallax 3D images with high resolution and continuous motion parallax by reconstructing corresponding light ray field within a viewing angle. The depth range where the 3D images can be displayed with reasonable resolution, however, is limited around the panel stack. In this paper, we propose a dual layered display that can present stereoscopic images to multiple viewers located at arbitrary positions in observer space with high resolution and large depth range. Combined with the viewer tracking system, the proposed method provides a practical way to realize high‐resolution large‐depth auto‐stereoscopic 3D display for multiple observers without restriction on the observer position and the head orientation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an orthographic view image generation method based on integral imaging called multiple elemental image mapping. The proposed method is based on matching regions in multiple elemental images, which are generated with different micro‐lens from the same area of a 3D object. By mapping all the matching regions to the corresponding orthographic view plane, we can enhance the resolution of the generated orthographic view image. Simulation experiments are carried out, and the results show the resolution of orthographic view image is improved obviously.  相似文献   

A 4.4‐inch 2D/3D switchable full high definition (FHD) six‐view 3D display with 3D resolution greater than 170 ppi has been accomplished. In addition to adopting low temperature polysilicon technology (LTPS), which is most suitable for high resolution displays, a new RGBW pixel arrangement using four‐square sub‐pixels has been devised. In 2D, a resolution greater than 500 ppi, accompanied with high luminance, has been achieved. A new liquid crystal lens (LCL) has been exploited for 2D/3D switching. By employing a special multielectrode structure and dedicated manufacturing process, an optical focal ratio less than 20%, which is essential for low 3D cross talk for a six‐view 3D display, has been attained by adopting the LCL. In the vertical direction of the display, there is no cross talk increase when the viewing position is changed because of the new pixel structure. The strong focal strength of the LCL combined with a revised high‐density multi‐view design give rise to a wide 3D viewing angle greater than 20 degrees in the horizontal direction and minimum cross talk less than 10%.  相似文献   

We propose an integral imaging (II) three‐dimensional (3D) display using a tilted barrier array and a stagger microlens array. The tilted barrier array consists of two orthogonally polarized sheets. In the stagger microlens array, the center of the microlens has p/2 shift with the elemental image along the horizontal direction, where p is the pitch of the microlens. The proposed II 3D display produces two different viewing zones and each of them is almost equal to that of the conventional II 3D display, and it has no crosstalk. We verify the feasibility of the proposed II 3D display in the simulation results.  相似文献   

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