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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of starch source and amylose content on the expansion ratio, density, and texture of expanded extrudates, as well as to investigate the structural and molecular changes that occur in starch granules as a function of extrusion. The starches employed were rice starches (8%, 20%, and 32% amylose), carioca bean starch (35% amylose), and Hylon V® corn starch (55% amylose). The extrudates from rice starches containing 20% and 32% amylose exhibited the highest expansion ratio, while, extrudates from Hylon V® corn starch containing 55% amylose exhibited the lowest expansion ratio. The hardness values of the extrudates with 55% amylose were twice those of the extrudates with 20%, 32%, and 35% amylose. An additional finding was that although the amylopectin promoted the expansion of the gelatinized starch matrix, it failed to strengthen and sustain the walls of the extrudate bubbles during expansion.  相似文献   

High amylose corn starch (HACS) and potato starch were hydrolyzed by pancreatic α‐amylase in vitro. Residues after hydrolysis were collected and characterized for their physicochemical properties and molecular structure. Compared with raw starches, residues had lower apparent amylose contents and higher resistant starch contents. The gelatinization enthalpy of residues from HACS increased while enthalpy of residues from potato starch decreased from 15.4 to 11.3 J/g. Peak viscosity and breakdown values of the residues from potato starch were markedly decreased but final viscosity values did not show much change. Chain length distribution of debranched amylopectin from the residues indicated that the relative portion of short chain in the residue decreased for both starches. More molecules with intermediate chain length (DP 16—31) were found in residue after 48‐h hydrolysis of potato starch.  相似文献   

制备挤压荞麦面条,研究不同添加量(10%、20%、25%、30%)的高直链玉米淀粉(m/m,基于全粉)对挤压荞麦面条结构、蒸煮品质及消化特性的影响。结果表明,随着高直链玉米淀粉添加量的增加,挤压面条直径减小,糊化度降低。X射线衍射结果表明添加高直链玉米淀粉后,面条除了V型结晶峰外还存在未完全糊化的直链淀粉的典型B型峰。热力学性质结果也表明直链淀粉发生部分糊化。添加高直链玉米淀粉后,面条色泽变浅变亮,最佳蒸煮时间缩短,蒸煮损失率由9.90%增加到12.43%。当高直链玉米淀粉添加量为25%时,面条开始出现断条。面条硬度由2 105.709 g显著增加至3 680.401 g,弹性由0.961降低至0.866。扫描电镜结果表明,随着高直链玉米淀粉添加量的增加,致密的面条结构逐渐出现裂纹,且面条截面有较多未完全糊化的淀粉颗粒。淀粉体外消化实验表明,随着高直链玉米淀粉添加量的增加,淀粉水解率逐渐下降,预计血糖指数减小,抗性淀粉含量增加。当高直链玉米淀粉添加量为30%时,挤压荞麦面条的预计血糖指数从74.28降至66.31,抗性淀粉含量从34.43%增加至47.86%。  相似文献   

Resistant starch content of high‐amylose corn starch (HAS) was doubled by heat‐moisture treatment. Resistant starch content of HAS and heat‐moisture treated high‐amylose corn starch (HMT‐HAS) were 31.8 and 67.3%, respectively, as determined by enzymatic‐gravimetric method. Effects of the two types of high‐amylose corn starches, HAS and HMT‐HAS, on starch fermentation, microflora, pH, short chain fatty acid (SCFA) content and β‐glucuronidase activity in the cecal content have been investigated. Rats were given ordinary corn starch (OCS; control), HAS or HMT‐HAS at 10% level for 10 13 days. The cecal and colorectal content s weights were larger in HAS and HMT‐HAS groups than in the OCS group. The cecal content s weight did not differ between HAS and HMT‐HAS groups, while the colorectal content s weight was higher in the HMT‐HAS group than in the HAS group. The upper and lower small intestinal and cecal starch contents were significantly higher in the HAS and HMT‐HAS groups than in the OCS group, whereas there were no differences between colorectal starch content in group OCS and HAS. Starch excretion in feces was significantly higher in groups HAS and HMT‐HAS than in group OCS, the increase in the HMT‐HAS group was especially remarkable. The composition of the cecal microflora was not effected by the diet. β‐Glucuronidase activities in rats fed HAS or HMT‐HAS decreased. SCFA concentration was higher in groups HAS and HMT‐HAS than in group OCS, and the cecal pH was lower in groups HAS and HMT‐HAS than in group OCS.  相似文献   

Commercially available gluten‐free (GF) cereal‐based foods are generally characterised by a lower nutritional quality than their gluten‐containing counterparts, relatively lower resistant starch (RS) content, along with higher glycaemic index (GI) often being reported. To overcome this nutritional imbalance, extensive research has been conducted to investigate the preparation of a new generation of staple GF products. This review reported the main strategies currently adopted in GF cereal‐based food recipes to formulate products with overall slowly digestible starch properties. They are mainly obtained by the utilisation of alternative ingredients to be incorporated into standard food formulation (including native starch and GF flours) or by technological treatments that may contribute to impact starch digestibility. Considering data from in vitro digestion trials, indications suggested that, aiming to obtain a RS content of about 5% (dry weight) and lowering the in vitro GI values, the minimum high amylose starch (amylose >60%) replacement level in GF bread and cookie formulations should be in the order of 20% by weight of total flours. Overall, with respect to un‐substituted GF foods, two‐ to three‐times higher RS contents, along with a parallel in vitro GI decrease (up to ?50%), were obtained for GF pasta and ready‐to‐eat snacks enriched with legume flours at inclusion levels from 40% to 100% by weight of total flours. The use of flours from pseudocereals (e.g., quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat) with and without sourdough did not always guarantee favourably slowly digestible starch GF foods.  相似文献   

Lupin is an undervalued legume despite its high protein and dietary fiber content and potential health benefits. This review focuses on the nutritional value, health benefits, and technological effects of incorporating lupin flour into wheat-based bread. Results of clinical studies suggest that consuming lupin compared to wheat bread and other baked products reduce chronic disease risk markers; possibly due to increased protein and dietary fiber and bioactive compounds. However, lupin protein allergy has also been recorded. Bread quality has been improved when 10% lupin flour is substituted for refined wheat flour; possibly due to lupin-wheat protein cross-linking assisting bread volume and the high water-binding capacity (WBC) of lupin fiber delaying staling. Above 10% substitution appears to reduce bread quality due to lupin proteins low elasticity and the high WBC of its dietary fiber interrupting gluten network development. Gaps in understanding of the role of lupin flour in bread quality include the optimal formulation and processing conditions to maximize lupin incorporation, role of protein cross-linking, antistaling functionality, and bioactivity of its γ-conglutin protein.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the dose response effect of whole grain high‐amylose maize (HAM) flour as a source of resistant starch (RS) on blood glucose, appetite and short‐term food intake. In a repeated‐measures crossover trial, healthy men (n = 30, 22.9 ± 0.6 y, BMI of 22.6 ± 0.3 kg/m2) were randomly assigned to consume 1 of 3 cookies once a week for 3 wk. Cookies were control (100% wheat flour), low‐dose (63% wheat flour,37% HAM flour), and high‐dose (33% wheat flour, 67% HAM flour) providing 53.5, 43.5, and 36.3 g of available carbohydrate, respectively. Ad libitum food intake was measured 120 min at a pizza meal, blood glucose and subjective appetite were measured after consumption of the cookie (0 to 120 min) and after the pizza meal (140 to 200 min). Blood glucose concentrations were lower at 30 and 45 min after high‐dose treatment, and at 120 min after both high‐ and low‐dose treatments compared to control (P < 0.05). Blood glucose AUC before the pizza meal (0 to 120 min) was 44% and 14% lower, and higher by 43% and 41% after the pizza meal (140 to 200 min) compared with control. Yet despite the higher response following the meal, cumulative AUC (0 to 200 min) was still 22% lower after the high‐dose treatment (P < 0.05). All treatments equally suppressed subjective appetite and there was no effect on food intake. In conclusion, HAM flour as a source of RS and incorporated into a cookie was associated with better glycemic control in young men.  相似文献   

李琦  曾凡坤  华蓉  王继飞 《食品工业科技》2020,41(17):352-357,367
麦麸来源丰富、价格低廉,是膳食纤维的良好来源之一,目前我国对麦麸膳食纤维的研究和加工还有待挖掘。本文通过对国内外麦麸膳食纤维的特性、提取和应用等方面的相关研究进行比较分析,总结了麦麸膳食纤维的主要理化特性,分析了几种主要制备方法及其特点,重点探讨了麦麸膳食纤维在食品工业上的应用,并指出了目前行业发展存在的问题,对其发展前景进行了预测,旨在为膳食纤维的进一步研究以及麦麸膳食纤维食品的开发提供参考。  相似文献   

The “all‐natural” label is used extensively in the United States. At many point‐of‐purchase locations, employed servers provide food samples and call out specific label information to influence consumers’ purchase decisions. Despite these ubiquitous practices, it is unclear what information is conveyed to consumers by the all‐natural label or how it impacts judgments of perceived food quality, nutritional content, and acceptance. We used a novel approach incorporating immersive technology to simulate a virtual in‐store sampling scenario where consumers were asked by a server to evaluate identical products with only one being labeled all‐natural. Another condition evaluated the impact of the in‐store server additionally emphasizing the all‐natural status of one sample. Results indicated the all‐natural label significantly improved consumer's perception of product quality and nutritional content, but not liking or willingness to pay, when compared to the regular sample. With the simple emphasis of the all‐natural claim by the in‐store server, these differences in quality and nutritional content became even more pronounced, and willingness to pay increased significantly by an average of 8%. These results indicate that in a virtual setting consistent with making food purchases, an all‐natural front‐of‐pack label improves consumer perceptions of product quality and nutritional content. In addition, information conveyed to consumers by employed servers has a further, substantial impact on these variables suggesting that consumers are highly susceptible to social influence at the point of purchase.  相似文献   

A rare sugar, D‐allulose (also called D‐psicose), has recently been applied as a food supplement in view of controlling diabetes and obesity in Japan. D‐allulose has been proven to have unique effects against hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in a number of studies using several species of rats and mice. However, the antiobesity effects of D‐allulose have not yet been assessed in Lepob/Lepob (ob/ob) mice. Therefore, this study explored the dietary supplemental effects of this sugar in leptin‐deficient ob/ob mice. Consequently, the subchronic ingestion of D‐allulose in ob/ob mice for 15 wk significantly decreased the body and liver weights, and the loss of body weight was involved in the reduction of the total fat mass, including abdominal visceral fat, and not fat‐free body mass, including muscle. Furthermore, D‐allulose improved hepatic steatosis, as evaluated using hepatic histological studies and MRI. In the normal mice, none of these parameters were influenced by the single or long‐term ingestion of D‐allulose. These results indicate that dietary supplementation of D‐allulose especially influences postprandial hyperglycemia and obesity‐related hepatic steatosis, without exercise therapy or dietary restriction. Therefore, D‐allulose may be useful as a supplement for preventing and improving obesity and obesity‐related disorders.  相似文献   

The phase behavior of temperature‐responsive hydrophobically modified starches and the interaction between oxidized potato amylose and hydrophobically modified potato amylopectin have been investigated by rheology, turbidity measurements and differential scanning calorimetry. When oxidized amylose was mixed with hydrophobically modified amylopectin, a viscosity peak was observed, indicative of a guest‐host interaction between the oxidized amylose and the hydrophobically modified amylopectin. A series of oxidized and hydrophobically modified potato starches were investigated in the presence of an anionic and cationic surfactant. A coil‐helix transition of the investigated starches was observed in the presence of surfactant, with the exception of a cationic surfactant combined with a hydrophobically modified zwitterionic starch of high positive net charge. The destabilizing mechanism (the phase separation) of the hydrophobically modified starches was studied as well as the difference in stabilizing capacity between the investigated cationic and anionic surfactants.  相似文献   

High‐amylose corn starch (HAS) is widely known as a resistant starch foodstuff. We developed heat–moisture‐treated high‐amylose corn starch (HMT‐HAS) that was more resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis. Resistant starch contents of HAS and HMT‐HAS using the enzymatic–gravimetric method were found to be 30% and 65% respectively. Rats were given 10% ordinary corn starch (CS), HAS or HMT‐HAS by meal feeding for 10 days. The caecum contents increased and the caecal pH was lower after their diets were supplemented with HAS and HMT‐HAS. Starch contents increased in the upper and the lower small intestine with HAS and HMT‐HAS. Caecal starch with HAS and HMT‐HAS was more than that with CS. Particularly, caecal starch with HMT‐HAS was seven times more than that with HAS. There were no differences in starch content in the large bowel between CS and HAS, but the content increased with HMT‐HAS. These results suggested that HAS and HMT‐HAS were resistant to digestion and absorption in the small intestine, and any indigestible starches reached the caecum. In the caecum, HAS was hydrolysed almost completely by intestinal bacteria; however, some HMT‐HAS escaped bacterial hydrolysis. This escaped HMT‐HAS reached the large bowel and was excreted in the faeces. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cassava cultivars are classified following different criteria, such as cyanogenic glucoside content or starch content. Here, flours from the roots of 25 cassava varieties cultivated simultaneously in a single plantation, were characterized in terms of starch content (SC), amylose content (AC), α‐amylolysis index (AI) and gel formation ability. Resistant starch content (RS) was measured in 10 of the samples. RESULTS: Cassava flours exhibited high SC, low AC and low AI values, with differences among varieties. Cluster analysis based on these parameters divided the cultivars in four groups differing mainly in SC and AC. AI and AC were inversely correlated (r = ? 0.59, P < 0.05) in 18 of the cultivars, suggesting AC as an important factor governing the susceptibility to enzymatic hydrolysis of starch in raw cassava. Differences in susceptibility to amylolysis, assessed by RS, were also recorded in the sample subset analyzed. Most flours yielded pastes or gels upon heating and cooling. Gels differed in their subjective grade of firmness, but none exhibited syneresis, confirming the low retrogradation proclivity of cassava starch. CONCLUSION: Some differences were found among cassava samples, which may be ascribed to inter‐cultivar variation. This information may have application in further agronomic studies or for developing industrial uses for this crop. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Unfermented cassava starch (“polvilho doce”) was subject to annealing treatment at 50°C for 24, 48, 96, 120, 168 and 192 h, in 1:5 starch to water ratio. The annealing treatment changed the internal structure of “polvilho doce” at increasing treatment time. Peak viscosities decreased significantly, denoting that there was a decrease in leaching of amylose from the granules. The pasting temperatures were increased, setback and breakdown were reduced while hold and final viscosities increased, showing an improvement of the stability of the paste. Swelling power and solubility were reduced at all temperatures and the solubility at 55°C was zero after 120 h of treatment. The DSC data for To, Tp, Tc and ΔH increased and the gelatinization range was narrowed. The X‐ray diffractograms changed from CA to A pattern (samples annealed for 48, 96, 120, 168 and 192 h), denoting an increase in organization of double helices of amylopectin. Annealing imparts to the samples some waxy starches characteristics which can be very useful in the food industry.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to analyze the chemical interactions between guar and xanthan gums and starches. Gels were obtained from normal (NCS), waxy (WCS) and high‐amylose (HACS) corn starches containing gums. The gels were evaluated according to their pasting properties and infra‐red absorption. The guar (GG) and xanthan (XG) gums affected the properties of the NCS paste more significantly than those of the WCS paste. In the infra‐red absorption spectra, no covalent bonds between the starches and gums were observed under the conditions studied, so probably the only interactions occurring between them were hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

Bioactive peptides are small protein fragments derived from enzymatic hydrolysis of food proteins, fermentation with proteolytic starter cultures, and gastrointestinal digestion. These peptides have positive impacts on a number of physiological functions in living beings. Lunasin, a soy‐derived bioactive peptide, is one of the most promising among them. Lunasin encoded within 2S albumin (GM2S‐1) gene, identified as a novel peptide extracted from soybean seed. It is composed of 43 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 5.5 kDa. Extensive scientific studies have shown that lunasin possesses inherent antioxidative, anti‐inflammatory, anticancerous properties and could also play a vital role in regulating of cholesterol biosynthesis in the body. Its high bioavailability and heat stable nature allow its potential use as dietary supplement. The present review summarizes some of the potential health and therapeutic benefits of lunasin reported hitherto.  相似文献   

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