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In this article, a broadband optically transparent metamaterial absorber in wireless communication band is proposed. Indium tin oxide (ITO) film, a kind of resistive transparent thin film, is utilized to construct the absorber unit to realize optical transparency, and increase ohmic loss to broaden the absorption bandwidth. The proposed absorber is fabricated and measured. The measurement results are in good agreement with the simulations. It is demonstrated that the absorption rate of the proposed absorber is higher than 90% from 1.67 to 3.8 GHz. The full width at half maximum bandwidth is 5.11 GHz from 0.89 to 6 GHz. In addition, the absorption response of the absorber remains stable regardless of polarization and incidence angle of the electromagnetic waves.  相似文献   

An ultrathin dual‐layer flexible metamaterial absorber with triple‐band for RF energy harvesting applications has been reported in this article. The sub‐wavelength unit cell of the proposed absorber is composed of six distinct concentric annular having outer circumference of ring and octagonal inner circumference. The metallic resonators are constructed from copper foil self‐adhesive tape which are affixed on flexible neoprene rubber sheet terminated by metal ground plate. The proposed absorber prototype is ultrathin and compact with the thickness less than 0.037λ0 and cell size less than 0.2λ0 at the lower absorption frequency of 1.75 GHz. Flexible dual‐layer absorber exhibits triple absorption peaks of 96.91%, 96.41% and 90.12% at 1.75 GHz, 2.17 GHz and 2.6 GHz with full width at half maximum (FWHM) bandwidth of about ~6.5%. The RF performance of proposed absorber is numerically computed for different polarization and incidence angle variations. The absorption value is above 76% for the oblique incidence angle up to 45° in TE mode operation, whereas the absorption value is 94% for oblique incidence angle up to 60° in TM mode operation. The measured outcomes are in agreement with the numerically calculated results. The energy harvesting potential of the proposed absorber structure is numerically confirmed by the resulting improved RF absorption value in dependence to different resistive loading of the polarization insensitive unit cells.  相似文献   

A compact, ultrathin conformal metamaterial dual‐band absorber for curved surfaces has been presented in this article. The absorber unit cell composed of circular and split ring resonators which are connected with plus‐shaped structure. The proposed absorber unit cell is compact in size (0.22λo × 0.22λo) and as well as ultrathin thickness (0.006λo), where λo is the wavelength at 5.8 GHz. The designed absorber gives two absorption tips at 5.8 and 7.7 GHz with more than 90% absorptivity. The full width at half maximum bandwidths are 220 MHz (5.67‐5.89 GHz) and 250 MHz (7.58‐7.83 GHz). The proposed conformal absorber is sensitive to the polarization angle and has a stable absorptivity over a wide range of incident electromagnetic wave. The parametric analysis and equivalent transmission line model have been investigated. The surface current and electric field distribution also discussed for understanding the absorption mechanism. To analyze the performance of proposed absorber on the curved surfaces, it is wrapped on the different radius of cylindrical surface and measured the absorptivity. Simulated and measured results have good agreement between them.  相似文献   

In this article, a novel wide band polarization and incident angle independent metamaterial absorber (MA) and energy harvesting applications which operates at C (4GHz‐8 GHz) and X (8GHz‐12 GHz) is proposed. The unit‐cell of the proposed structure based on fractal circle loop. Four lumped resistors are mounted the structure to obtain a broad band absorption characteristics. Resistors increase the absorption characteristic of proposed MA significantly at mentioned frequency ranges. In addition, under favor of the resistors proposed MA can convert absorbed energy from incident wave to appearing power.  相似文献   

In this article, a triple‐band metamaterial low‐profile absorber with polarization independence is proposed. The proposed metamaterial unit cell is composed of two modified rings with square patch at corners. In addition, the proposed absorber is consists of 10 × 10 periodic unit cells with size of 100 mm × 100 mm. To explain the mechanism, the electric field, the surface current distribution, and equivalent circuit model are present. The structure exhibiting three absorption peaks of 99.01%, 97.18%, and 99.53% under normal incidence at 8.92‐9.11 GHz, 13.78‐14.05 GHz and 14.92‐15.21 GHz which cover X and Ku‐band, respectively. In addition, the proposed structure is insensitive for the transverse magnetic/transverse electric field polarization of incident waves and also the angle of incidence. Furthermore, the three operating bands of the absorber can be adjusted independently and offers low profile which makes the design suitable for different curved surface applications. The proposed structure is fabricated and experiments are carried out to validate the design principle. Good agreements are observed between the measured and the corresponding simulated results.  相似文献   

Thin‐film transistors (TFTs) based on amorphous indium‐gallium‐zinc oxide channels with or without fluorination were fabricated. The sensitivity of their electrical characteristics to hydrogen exposure was compared. It is shown that TFTs built with fluorinated channels exhibit significantly improved intrinsic resistance against hydrogen‐induced degradation; hence, they are potentially better suited for integration with hydrogen‐containing devices such as photo‐diodes based on amorphous hydrogenated silicon and TFTs based on low‐temperature polycrystalline silicon. The observed improvement correlates well with a reduced population of oxygen‐related defects and reduced hydrogen incorporation in the fluorinated channels.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a design method to reduce the flicker of liquid crystal display panels based on indium‐gallium‐zinc‐oxide (IGZO) thin‐film transistors (TFTs). The proposed design method employs a human factor model to convert the flicker measured at low frame frequency (F FRAME) to a modification value of the measured flicker (MVMF ) having a frequency sensitivity of flicker, which can distinguish between no blinking and weak blinking. To investigate the causes and characteristics of flicker, the frequency component and increase factor of flicker are analyzed using the checkerboard and solid images. The increase factor in flicker is examined using IGZO TFTs with different antenna ratios (AR s) that cause the variation in threshold voltage of IGZO TFT. To verify the proposed design method, two test panels are implemented with asymmetric and symmetric AR s. The MVMF s of the 15 Hz component at a low F FRAME of 30 Hz show that the solid image with a symmetric AR has an MVMF of ?62.9 dB, which is improved by 24.3 dB compared to that with an asymmetric AR . Therefore, the proposed method is applicable for a flicker‐free liquid crystal display panels at a low F FRAME.  相似文献   

In this work, a step impedance resonator (SIR)‐based structure is proposed to develop a compact tunable metamaterial (MTM)‐based perfect absorber for solar cell applications. This MTM absorber is able to improve the absorption over a wide range of visible frequency range from 550 to 650 THz. The absorption is high around the frequency 600 THz. The proposed model is designed based on SIR technique to achieve miniaturization. The parametric study of overall size of the proposed MTM absorber analyzed over the frequency range 430‐750 THz. The thickness of dielectric spacer, and top most layer (MTM Structure) illustrates the tunable characteristics of the proposed model. A complete comparative analysis of proposed model with different dielectric spacers like AlGaAs, InAs, GaAs, and AlAs are presented with the help of absorption (S11) and transmission (S12). The proposed model is suitable for high efficiency solar cell energy harvesting applications.  相似文献   

Abstract— Active‐matrix organic light‐emitting diode (AMOLED) displays have gained wide attention and are expected to dominate the flat‐panel‐display industry in the near future. However, organic light‐emitting devices have stringent demands on the driving transistors due to their current‐driving characteristics. In recent years, the oxide‐semiconductor‐based thin‐film transistors (oxide TFTs) have also been widely investigated due to their various benefits. In this paper, the development and performance of oxide TFTs will be discussed. Specifically, effects of back‐channel interface conditions on these devices will be investigated. The performance and bias stress stability of the oxide TFTs were improved by inserting a SiOx protection layer and an N2O plasma treatment on the back‐channel interface. On the other hand, considering the n‐type nature of oxide TFTs, 2.4‐in. AMOLED displays with oxide TFTs and both normal and inverted OLEDs were developed and their reliability was studied. Results of the checkerboard stimuli tests show that the inverted OLEDs indeed have some advantages due to their suitable driving schemes. In addition, a novel 2.4‐in. transparent AMOLED display with a high transparency of 45% and high resolution of 166 ppi was also demonstrated using all the transparent or semi‐transparent materials, based on oxide‐TFT technologies.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a dual‐band linear‐to‐circular transparent converter by bi‐layered chiral metamaterial (CMM) with an inverted “G” array in microwave region. The proposed metasurface consists of three layers which are the upper layer of the metasurface with a periodic regular metallic inverted “G” and wire array, the dielectric layer, and the bottom layer operating as chiral symmetric structure of the upper. The simulation results show that the transmitted right‐circular polarized wave with the axial ratio of 3 dB or less is in the range of 8.6‐10.9 GHz and the left‐circular polarized wave is within 18.1‐22.5 GHz when y‐polarized forward wave is normally incident. Specifically, the polarization conversion transmission can be maintained at over 85% at angle of incidence up to 40°. Therefore, the proposed CMM device is useful for the development of the integrated polarization manipulation devices.  相似文献   

A four‐band metamaterial harvester for harvesting 0.9 GHz, 1.8 GHz, 2.6 GHz, and 5.8 GHz signals is proposed by a dual‐layer structure. 0.9 GHz and 1.8 GHz bands are harvested by the resistors in front layer, whereas harvesting of 2.6 GHz is achieved by the resistors in second layer. All resistors in front and back layer contribute to harvesting at 5.8 GHz. Numerical calculations are verified by two different full‐wave electromagnetic solvers based on finite‐integration and finite‐element techniques. Power dissipation ratios at 0.9 GHz, 1.8 GHz, 2.6 GHz and 5.8 GHz frequencies concentrated at the resistors are found as 82.3%, 82.8%, 74.6%, and 83.6%, respectively, by the finite‐integration‐based solver. Besides, the finite‐element method‐based solver results in harvesting efficiencies of 79.6%, 93.4%, 73.7%, and 93.8%. The efficiency of the harvester is investigated for different oblique incidences. The proposed metamaterial harvester can be a good candidate for multi‐band absorption and harvesting applications.  相似文献   

We investigated the electrical performance of Ti–IZO active‐channel layer thin‐film transistors (TFTs) using a radio frequency (RF) magnetron co‐sputtering system to co‐sputter IZO and Ti targets. The samples were fabricated by changing the RF gun power of the IZO. The other parameters such as the RF gun power of the Ti target, oxygen partial pressure [O2/(Ar + O2)], and initial and process pressure of the chamber were unchanged. Unlike the sample sputtered only with IZO, the thin films of the Ti–IZO samples could control the oxygen vacancy because Ti reacts with the oxygen in the IZO. Therefore, Ti–IZO thin films can suppress the carrier concentration and thus have an effect on the electrical performance of TFTs.  相似文献   

This article presents the design of a planar high gain and wideband antenna using a negative refractive index multilayer superstrate in the X‐band. This meta‐antenna is composed of a four‐layer superstrate placed on a conventional patch antenna. The structure resonates at a frequency of 9.4 GHz. Each layer of the metamaterial superstrate consists of a 7 × 7 array of electric‐field‐coupled resonators, with a negative refractive index of 8.66 to 11.83 GHz. The number of layers and the separation of superstrate layers are simulated and optimized. This metamaterial lens has significantly increased the gain of the patch antenna to 17.1 dBi. Measurements and simulation results proved about 10 dB improvement of the gain.  相似文献   

In this article, a metamaterial‐based broadband low‐profile antenna is presented. The proposed antenna employed an array of uniplanar quasi‐composite right/left‐hand (CRLH) metamaterial cells. This structure contributes to exciting the operating modes in lower frequencies. The antenna has an overall electrical size of 0.75 × 0.60 × 0.07 λ030 is the center operating wavelength in free space) and provides a 25% measured bandwidth with the center frequency of 5.1 GHz and maximum gain of 6.6 dB. The proposed antenna is an appropriate candidate for WLAN, WiMAX, and other wireless communication applications.  相似文献   

Cloaking objects by transmission line and metamaterial is presented. Simulation results reveal that the bandwidth of this method is increased by embedding the transmission networks in a medium whose refractive index is smaller than unity. The low refractive index medium is realized by embedding thin wires in a host medium. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 22: 663–668, 2012.  相似文献   

Present article embodies the design and analysis of slotted circular shape metamaterial loaded multiband antenna for wireless applications with declination of SAR. The electrical dimension is 0.260 λ × 0.253 λ × 0.0059 λ (35 × 34 × 0.8 mm3) of proposed design, at lower frequency of 2.23 GHz. The antenna consists of circular shape rectangular slot as the radiation element loaded with metamaterial split ring resonator (SRR) and two parallel rectangular stubs, etched rectangular single complementary split‐ring resonator (CSRR) and reclined T‐shaped slot as ground plane. Antenna achieves hepta bands for wireless standards WLAN (2.4/5.0/5.8 GHz), WiMAX (3.5 GHz), radio frequency identification (RFID) services (3.0 GHz), Upper X band (11.8 GHz—for space communication) and Lower KU band (13.1 GHz—for satellite communication systems operating band). Stable radiation patterns are observed for the operating bands with low cross polarization. The SRR is responsible for creating an additional resonating mode for wireless application as well as provide the declination in SAR about 13.3%. Experimental characteristic of antenna shows close agreement with those obtained by simulation of the proposed antenna.  相似文献   

Abstract— Two types of dual‐gate a‐Si:H TFTs were made with transparent indium‐tin‐oxide (ITO) top‐gate electrodes of different lengths to investigate the static characteristics of these devices. By changing the length of the ITO top gate, we found that the variations in the on‐currents of these dual‐gate TFTs with dual‐gate driving are due to the high resistance of the parasitic intrinsic a‐Si:H regions between the back electron channel and the source/drain contact. In the off‐state of the dual‐gate‐driven TFTs, the Poole‐Frenkel effect is also enhanced due to back‐channel hole accumulation in the vicinity of the source/drain contact. Furthermore, we observed for the first time that under illumination the dual‐gate‐driven a‐Si:H TFTs exhibit extremely low photo‐leakage currents, much lower than that of single‐gate‐driven TFTs in a certain range (reverse subthreshold region) of negative gate voltages. The high on/off current ratio under backside illumination makes dual‐gate TFTs suitable devices for use as switching elements in liquid‐crystal displays (LCDs) or for other applications.  相似文献   

This article presents design and analysis of three wide band zeroth‐order resonance antennas (antennas I, II, and III) using composite right and left‐handed transmission line (CRLH‐TL) approach. Coplanar waveguide technology, single layer via‐less structures are used to have the design flexibility. The bandwidth characteristics are analyzed by using lumped parameters of CRLH‐TL. By introducing a simple slot in the ground plane of antenna I both bandwidth enhancement and circularly polarization characteristics are achieved in antenna II. Another quarter wave L‐shaped slot has been introduced in the ground plane of antenna II to introduce a notch band in the frequency response of antenna III. Achieved measured 10 dB return loss bandwidth of antenna I and antenna II are 960 (3.3‐4.26 GHz) and 2890 MHz (2.77‐5.66 GHz), respectively. Antenna III offers measured 10 dB return loss bandwidth of 3220 MHz (2.32‐5.54 GHz) with a band notch from 2.39 to 2.99 GHz that isolates the 2.4 GHz WLAN and 3.5 GHz WiMAX band. Antenna II and antenna III have circular polarization property with measured axial ratio bandwidth of 440 MHz. The measured peak realized gain of antennas II and III is around 1.53‐2.9 dBi.  相似文献   

Abstract— Amorphous‐oxide‐semiconductor thin‐film transistors (TFTs) have gained wide attention in recent years due to their many merits. In this paper, a series of top‐gate transparent thin‐film transistors (TFTs) based on amorphous‐indium—gallium—zinc—oxide (a‐IGZO) semiconductors have been fabricated and investigated. Specifically, low‐temperature SiNx and SiOx were used as the gate insulator and different Ar/O2 gas‐flow ratios were used for a‐IGZO channel deposition to study the influences of gate insulators and channel‐deposition conditions. In addition to the investigation of device performance, the stability of these TFTs was also examined by applying constant‐current stressing. It was found that a high mobility of 30‐45 cm2/V‐sec and small threshold‐voltage shift in constant‐current stressing can be achieved using SiNx with suitable hydrogen‐content stoichiometry as the gate insulator and the carefully adjusted Ar/O2 flow ratio for channel deposition. These results may be associated with hydrogen incorporation into the channel, the lower defect trap density, and the better water/oxygen barrier properties (impermeability) of the low‐temperature SiNx.  相似文献   

Abstract— Direct deposition of indium tin oxide (ITO) thin film on color filters is of practical use in the fabrication of state‐of‐the‐art flat‐panel displays. Room‐temperature dc magnetron sputtering of thin‐film ITO and issues related to the integration of ITO‐on‐glass panels containing micro‐fabricated color filters and other functional materials have been investigated. The resulting polycrystalline ITO exhibited good adhesion to the underlying color filters, as well as good optical transparency and high electrical conductivity. Application of this ITO deposition technology to color liquid‐crystal and organic light‐emitting diode displays will also presented.  相似文献   

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