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计算水平地面月平均日总太阳辐射量的日照类模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾友见 《新能源》1997,19(12):24-27
本文评述了基于日照对数,用于计算水平地面月平均总太阳辐射量的三类日照类模型,并对其进行了比较。  相似文献   

以Microsoft Visual Basic6.0为编译工具,查阅并检索了国内外钢铁企业现场使用的连铸保护渣相关资料,建立了连铸保护渣数据库查询系统.该查询系统可以将连铸保护渣相关数据归类存储,并通过单项和多项组合检索对其相关内容进行查询,为连铸保护渣的选择应用和设计开发提供充分的理论依据.依据此检索结果,设计开发了...  相似文献   

太阳能制冷,首先是将太阳能转换戚热能(或机械能),再利用热能(或机械能)使系统达到并维持所需的低温。在建筑中应用的太阳能空调属于太阳能制冷的一种实例。太阳能空调就是不断地从建筑物内的空间取出热量,并转移到自然环境中,使建筑物内的温度低于周围环境的温度并维持这个低温。  相似文献   

美国太阳能利用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付黎 《太阳能》1991,(2):29-30
一、光电电力和光电工业的计划工作者们,越来越一致地相信,光电动力系统现在就是经济的,而且充满希望。它的应用包括配电系统、通讯、照明、家用以及偏远孤立系统(不与电网联接或距馈线数千英尺以上者)。在90年代中期,光电系统用于增大系统容量,升高电压(在长或过载配线的末端)是有经济效益的。它可用来代替现有的增容方法(如用燃气轮机),甚至可以考虑用来提高配电站或线的容量。工业状况1988年世界光电总安装容量不到200兆峰瓦。美国有数万光电系统在运行,世界其他地方也有数千。系统容量一般为数十瓦到数十千瓦。大约有6套联网  相似文献   

黄永基 《太阳能》1999,(3):25-25
1概述随着城市人口的增加,城市面积的不断扩大,在许多平面交通路口增加人行道交通信号灯成为必要。人行道信号灯必须受车道信号灯的控制,并与之保持同步。按一般的办法,加装人行道信号灯必须开挖公路路面,敷设管道,用电缆把控制信号及电源引到人行道信号灯所在的位置,才可安装施工。这样,不但要花费昂贵的道路施工费用,而且还会妨碍路面交通,造成巨大的间接经济损失。以广州市为例,一个双向四车道的平面十字路口,要加装八个人行道信号灯,工程的道路开挖修复费、材料费、人工费等直接费用便超过35万元,加上因此而造成的路面…  相似文献   

当今世界,人类生存发展与全球的环境问题愈演愈烈。人口激增、资源锐减、生态失衡、环境破坏,几乎已经到了一触即发的程度。在严峻的现实面前,人们不得不重新审视和评判我们现时正奉为信条的社会发展观和价值系统。环境的压力使人们逐渐认识到,人类本身是自然系统的一部分,它与其支撑的环境休戚相关。在建筑发展和建设过程中,我们也必须优先考虑生态环境问题,并将其置于经济建设和社会发展同等重要的地位上。不仅考虑满足当代人的需求、更要为子孙后代考虑对环境资源和利用的需求。本文介绍一种太阳能冷、热、电并供的建筑物绿色供能…  相似文献   

浙江省地处北纬27~31°之间,平均日照为2000小时左右,年辐射总量为418~485KJ/cm~2,太阳能资源属四类地区。但由于本省能源资源十分紧缺,太阳能作为补充能源仍有其开发利用的价值。 浙江的太阳能开发利用,自1958年研制出第一台太阳灶开始,到1979年全国第二次太阳能利用经验交流会上,先后研制出多种型号的太阳能热水器。嘉善县试制的扁管形太阳能热水器和玻璃管形太阳能热水器,以其热效率高和升温速度快曾在全国第二次太阳能利用经验交流会上分别名列全国第一、第二名。 1979~1982年是我省深入研究到示范推广阶段。省经委、科委和省沼办联合召开了“全省太阳能技术座谈会”,会议期间制定了发展太阳能事业的若干优惠政策,如:推广使用户用简易式太阳能热水器,每套补贴25元;平板型热水器,每平方米补助30%;税务部门对制造、销售、安装等方面实行免税等。在上述政策的推动下,开发利用太阳能事业有了明显的进展。主要成绩综述如下。  相似文献   

简要介绍了上海的太阳能资源条件,分析了太阳能转换利用的主要技术途径,对上海太阳能技术发展现状和应用前景做了总结。  相似文献   

王强 《新能源》2000,22(7):19-20
平板型太阳能集热器在恶劣气候环境下会造成冻裂。本文提出了解决防冻问题的若干想法。  相似文献   

A low cost portable farm solar dryer was evaluated for drying goose berry candy in the conditions of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state. Temperature profile at top, middle and bottom in its seven trays loaded with candy was studied with respect to ambient temperature during the course of drying and maximum solar radiation of 1120 W/m2 was observed at 11.30 to 12 h. The solar radiation was varied from 720–500 W/m2 at 9.00 h to 16.00 h. The minimum temperature of 27°C was observed at bottom tray of the dryer and maximum of 44°C in top tray at 9.00 h. The maximum temperature of 70°C was attained at 11.30 h. The conventional drying method took 8 days to dry the product. The moisture content was reduced from 36.38 to 8.33 per cent (wb) in three days in solar drying method. The product recovery was 71.55 per cent as compare to 35 per cent in conventional drying method. The drying period was reduced by 62 per cent and product recovery was doubled using portable farm solar dryer. The goose berry candy was also dried with and without shade drying methods. The temperature variation of dryer without shade was found, in the range of 23–36°C, 31–48°C and 38–55°C in bottom, middle and top trays respectively of dryer. The weight loss of 810, 870 and 820 g were observed in three days at bottom, middle and top trays of the dryer respectively. The thermal efficiency of the dryer onepy first day drying was found 15.55 and 15.23 per cent in shade and without shade drying methods respectively. Appearance, taste and flavour of goose berry candy dried in farm solar dryer with shade were superior to conventional drying. The cost of final product was Rs 114/kg. The profit from a single unit of farm solar dryer per year was Rs 57588/-.  相似文献   

A model for a solar-hydrogen energy system for Libya has been developed by obtaining relationships for and between the main energy and energy related parameters. The magnitude and trends of the parameters, with and without hydrogen introduction, have been investigated over a period of time. The results indicate that the fossil fuel resources in Libya could be exhausted within three to four decades. They also indicate that adopting the solar-hydrogen energy system would extend the availability of fossil fuel resources, reduce pollution, and establish a permanent energy system for Libya. They show that Libya could become an exporter of hydrogen in lieu of oil and natural gas.  相似文献   

M. Benghanem   《Applied Energy》2009,86(12):2651-2660
Estimation of solar energy potential of a region requires detailed solar radiation climatology, and it is necessary to collect extensive radiation data of high accuracy covering all climatic zones of the region. In this regard, a wireless data acquisition system (WDAS) would help to estimate solar energy potential considering the remote region’s energy requirement. This article explains the design and implementation of WDAS for assessment of solar energy. The proposed system consists of a set of sensors for measuring meteorological parameters. The collected data are first conditioned using precision electronic circuits and then interfaced to a PC using RS232 connection via wireless unit. The LabVIEW program is used to further process, display and store the collected data in the PC disk. The proposed architecture permits the rapid system development and has the advantage of flexibility and it can be easily extended for controlling the renewable energy systems like photovoltaic system. The WDAS with executive information systems and reporting tools helps to tap vast data resources and deliver information.  相似文献   

太阳能辐射采暖系统及其设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地板辐射采暖方式已在我国广泛地应用。由于这种采暖方式要求水温不高,利用太阳能集热系统作为采暖热源是比较理想的。介绍了太阳能集热与热泵技术结合的采暖及其设计步骤、计算方法等。  相似文献   

王一平 《太阳能》2006,(1):24-25
我国建筑能耗在27%以上,降低建筑对传统能源的消耗日益紧迫;以保温技术为主的节能技术经过三步阶段后,投入产出比增加;引入以太阳能为主的可再生能源的新型清洁供能体系势在必行;太阳能利用技术体系应作为新型建筑材料,完美实现与建筑的一体化设计。国内外进展太阳墙  相似文献   

太阳能光伏制氢储能——燃料电池发电系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆虎瑜 《太阳能》2001,(2):22-23
20年来,我国太阳能光伏发电技术的开发利用取得了巨大成绩。特别是通过“七五”、“八五”科技攻关项目的实施,太阳能光伏发电的技术水平与实用化程度有了显著提高,其应用范围和规模不断扩大。光伏发电在解决边远地区人民生活用电和某些生产用电方面起到了重要作用,取得了良好的经济效益和显著的社会效益。随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,边远地区居民对电视机、洗衣机、电冰箱等家用电器的购买欲望日益强烈,同时对供电质量,供电的保证率也提出了新的要求。我国现有的太阳能光伏发电系统基本上是独立方式运行,系统供电受季…  相似文献   

A serious obstacle to the large-scale terrestrial application of solar energy in today's “energy crisis” lies in the scarcity of reliable data on the amount of solar energy at candidate converter sites. This paper describes a system designed to monitor and record, automatically, the values of the direct and total (sun and sky) solar radiation which would be seen by either tracking or fixed-type solar converters. A further pressing need addressed by the system is the means for efficiency testing and evaluation of solar cells, solar collectors and solar concentrator systems, under outdoor exposure to natural sunlight and weather conditions for extended periods. The design was accomplished in support of the Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA, where design concepts and materials for large-scale terrestrial solar energy converters are currently being evaluated.The design and study results on which this paper is based have led to the conclusion that such a system is entirely practical using existing components, with the exception of material test modules of special design. Moreover, the described system satisfies the urgent need for solar energy data and provides the “available energy” and “usable energy” answers needed to bring the large scale terrestrial application of solar energy to fruition in this country.  相似文献   

为规范使用太阳能科技领域的名词、术语,国际标准化组织以标准形式(使用英文/法文)编制了《太阳能词汇》(SolarEnergyVocabulary)ISO9488:1999(E/F)。《太阳能词汇》中译文由桂裕宗、石红恩、耿蕾等10人翻译,殷志强等2人审校。王炳忠先生参加了有益的讨论。本刊分四期予以刊登。  相似文献   

9太阳加热系统的类型typesofsolarheatingsystems9.1太阳加热系统solarheatingsystem太阳集热器及其它部件组成的输送热能的系统9.2只有太阳能系统solar-onlysystem没有任何辅助热源的太阳加热系统9.3太阳能加辅助能源系统solar-plus-supplementarysystem太阳能和辅助能源集成的太阳加热系统,无论太阳能的供给多少,均可提供所需的热能9.4太阳能预热系统solarpreheatsystem在进入任何其他类型的水或空气加热器之前对水或空气进行预热的太阳加热系统9.5直流式系统series-connectedsystem流体直接从供给点通过集热器加热后进入贮热装置或带辅助…  相似文献   

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