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Using biotinylated dextran-amines as tracer, we observed prominent ascending spinal projections to three unreported areas in the gold fish brain viz. the optic tectum (OT), facial (FL) and vagal (VL) lobes. From the lateral spinal lemniscus (LSL), some fiber tracts separated off and extended mediodorsally, fanned out and innervated the FL. The VL was clearly laminated and showed three layers-the inner primary motor neuron and fiber layer (PMNF), outer secondary neuron layer (SN) and middle primary and secondary fiber layer (PSF). The PMNF received maximal innervation. Besides several fibers extending directly into the SN from the LSL, a few fibers extended dorsolaterally from the PMNF and innervated the SN. Several ascending fibers extended into the torus semicircularis, thalamic and pretectal areas and innervated the OT. The possible functional significance of the spinal innervation of these brain areas has been discussed.  相似文献   

In this study the extracellular distribution of cytochemically generated calcium reaction product in the denervated optic tectum of a cichild fish (Oreochromis mossambicus) was investigated. The left optic nerve had been transected and the fish (5 per experimental condition) maintained for 2, 10 and 21 days. The amount of the calcium-containing precipitates was estimated using energy-filtering transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM) and image analysis. A special degeneration type of the optic terminals (neurofibrillar hypertrophy) was found which seems to be rare in other teleosts and was therefore chosen for quantification of the calcium deposits. These terminals are surrounded by astroglial processes and the calcium reaction product in the extracellular spaces between these glial processes and the terminals was measured and compared to normal optic terminals in nonoperated controls. A distinct and significant increase in the amount of calcium deposits was found 2 and 10 days after surgery which decreased to control levels after 21 days. This rise of deposits around the degenerating terminals was very local as arbitrarily selected extracellular spaces near these terminals showed values which were at the level of the nonoperated controls. Therefore, a transient and local increase in extracellular calcium precipitates was found after optic nerve transection which affected only the degenerating synapses.  相似文献   

The growth of regenerating retinal axons into the central portion of the optic tectum of adult goldfish was examined with the light and electron microscopes. Optic tracts were cut and, two days to five months later, the animals were perfused and the tecta prepared for microscopy. Regenerating axons first reached central regions of the tectum seven to ten days postoperatively. Regenerating axons appear in very large numbers and travel in fascicles in the stratum opticum (SO) and in the adjacent neuropil, the stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale (SFGS). In the SO, the fascicles are bordered by glial cells and degenerating debris. Within the SFGS, however, the fascicles do not seem to be similarly associated with glial cells and degenerating debris. The youngest regenerating axons are very slender processes, containing microtubules but few or no neurofilaments or dense granular material. By 10 to 14 days postoperatively, neurofilaments can be seen and, in addition, large numbers of vesicles with dense cores appear. The vesicles with dense cores increase in numbers until about 28 days postoperatively and then become quite rare. That vesicles with dense cores were seen in regenerating axons in both SO and SFGS during the period of growth into the tectum but were not seen in axon terminals at any time, suggests that they may be concerned with axon elongation. During the period one month to five months postoperatively, the regenerating axons gradually increase in diameter but do not reach preoperative sizes, suggesting that the regenerative changes may still be occurring. Remyelination is delayed and proceeds slowly. Many axons remain unmyelinated for as long as five months postoperatively.  相似文献   

Cadherins form a large family of homophilic cell adhesion molecules that are involved in numerous aspects of neural development. The best-studied neural cadherin, N-cadherin, is concentrated at synapses made by retinal axons in the chick optic tectum and is required for the arborization of retinal axons in their target (retinorecipient) laminae. By analogy, other cadherins might mediate arborization or synaptogenesis in other tectal laminae. Here we consider which cadherins are expressed in tectum, which cells express them, and how their expression is regulated. First, using N-cadherin as a model, we show that synaptic input regulates both cadherin gene expression and the subcellular distribution of cadherin protein. Second, we demonstrate that N-, R-, and T-cadherin are each expressed in distinct laminar patterns during retinotectal synaptogenesis and that N- and R- are enriched in nonoverlapping synaptic subsets. Third, we show that over 20 cadherin superfamily genes are expressed in the tectum during the time that synapses are forming and that many of them are expressed in restricted groups of cells. Finally, we report that both beta-catenin and gamma-catenin (plakoglobin), cytoplasmic proteins required for cadherin signaling, are enriched at synapses and associated with N-cadherin. However, beta- and gamma-catenins are differentially distributed and regulated, and form mutually exclusive complexes. This result suggests that cadherin-based specificity involves multiple cadherin-dependent signaling pathways as well as multiple cadherins.  相似文献   

African-American women have the highest AIDS rate of any racial/ethnic group of women in both Los Angeles County (LAC), California and in the United States. Limited population-based epidemiologic studies of African-American women with HIV and AIDS describe this group and examine the factors associated with the excessive rates. Interview data collected from 1990 to 1997 on a population-based sample of AIDS cases and a group of HIV-infected women in LAC were analyzed to highlight the sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics of African-American women. This group of African-American women with HIV or AIDS in LAC were unemployed (88%), single mothers (64%), living on public assistance (86%) with annual household incomes <$10,000 U.S. (76%). A history of crack use predominated (50%). Compared with women of other races with HIV and AIDS, African-American women reported more sexual partners; reported more infections with sexually transmitted diseases; sought treatment for their HIV infection later; were more likely to trade sex; and were almost five times more likely to have ever used crack cocaine. HIV prevention for African-American women in LAC should focus on improving self-esteem and negotiation skills within the context of the crack cocaine culture and the disadvantaged social and economic situation described.  相似文献   

The extent to which retinal signals are modulated at central sites is unknown. We sought to determine the effects of serotonin, a neurotransmitter present in the retinorecipient layers of the frog tectum, on retinotectal transmission. Acute electrical stimulation delivered to the retinorecipient layer of optic tectum brain slices was used to model the activation of tectal neurons by visual inputs. This stimulation evoked either a monosynaptic or a polysynaptic current response in patch-clamped tectal neurons. External application of serotonin blocked both of these induced currents as did 5-carbotryptamine (5-CT), a nonselective agonist of 5-HT1 receptors. Alpha-methylserotonin, a nonselective agonist of 5-HT2 receptors, also blocked polysynaptic responses but was less effective than either serotonin or 5-CT in blocking monosynaptic ones. Lateral synaptic interactions between tectal cells, modeled by acute electrical stimulation in the main cellular layer of the tectum, were also blocked by serotonin, 5-CT or alpha-methylserotonin. The presented data suggest that endogenous serotonin may strongly affect visual signal processing by modulating synaptic transmission between both the retina and the tectum as well as between tectal neurons. This modulation is likely to be due, at least in part, to a demonstrated outward current induced by serotonin in a subpopulation of tectal cells.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that widespread programmed cell death exists in proliferative regions of chicken optic tectum during early development using a sensitive fluorescent ISEL method (FISEL+) and antibody staining for an antigen in dying cells. Several developmental stages from embryonic day (E) 3 to E18 were examined. FISEL+-positive cells were rare before E7 and between E9 to E12. However, massive labeling was observed in the ventricular zone (VZ) between stages E7.5 and E8. At this time extensive cell migration is underway and many labeled cells were found not only in the VZ (premigratory cells) but also in the intermediate zone and tectal plate (migratory cells). Many labeled cells were also found in upper tectal laminae at late developmental stages (E15 and E18).  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal correlations in the pattern of spontaneous and evoked retinal ganglion cell (RGC) activity are believed to influence the topographic organization of connections throughout the developing visual system. We have tested this hypothesis by examining the effects of interfering with these potential activity cues during development on the functional organization of binocular maps in the Xenopus frog optic tectum. Paired recordings combined with cross-correlation analyses demonstrated that exposing normal frogs to a continuous 1 Hz of stroboscopic illumination synchronized the firing of all three classes of RGC projecting to the tectum and induced similar patterns of temporally correlated activity across both lobes of the nucleus. Embryonic and eye-rotated larval animals were reared until early adulthood under equivalent stroboscopic conditions. The maps formed by each RGC class in the contralateral tectum showed normal topography and stratification after strobe rearing, but with consistently enlarged multiunit receptive fields. Maps of the ipsilateral eye, formed by crossed isthmotectal axons, showed significant disorder and misalignment with direct visual input from the retina, and in the eye-rotated animals complete compensatory reorientation of these maps usually induced by this procedure failed to occur. These findings suggest that refinement of retinal arbors in the tectum and the ability of crossed isthmotectal arbors to establish binocular convergence with these retinal afferents are disrupted when they all fire together. Our data thus provide direct experimental evidence that spatiotemporal activity patterns within and between the two eyes regulate the precision of their developing connections.  相似文献   

Evidence exists that the 4-10 or 4-9 fragments of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) produce some behavioral effects in animals and in humans. The present study was designed to investigate whether ACTH 4-9 interferes with the effects of antidepressants: fluoxetine (FLU), fluvoxamine (FOX), selegiline (SEL) or dopamine agonists: piribedil (PRB) or quinpirol (QPR) in forced swimming test and in open field in rats. ACTH 4-9 was given in a single dose (25, 50 or 100 micrograms/kg) or for 7 days (50 micrograms/kg/day), alone or together with antidepressants or dopamine agonists. It was shown that ACTH 4-9 alone did not influence the behavior of rats. However, when given in a single dose, ACTH 4-9 potentiated the antiimmobility effect of all antidepressants and dopamine agonists. ACTH 4-9 given for 7 days, facilitated only the effect of selegiline. The results suggest a functional interaction of ACTH 4-9 with serotonergic and dopaminergic brain mechanisms of drugs action.  相似文献   

A pathway having an affinity for glycine has been investigated in the pigeon optic lobe; it originates in the nucleus isthmi pars parvocellularis (Ipc) and terminates in the tectum, In an attempt to obtain evidence that glycine plays a role as a transmitter in this system, the effect of electrical stimulation on release of labeled substances previously injected in the tectum was tested. By perfusing the upper strata of the optic tectum with a push-pull cannula the release of radioactive glycine was shown to be markedly increased by electrical stimulation of Ipc, but not by stimulation of other sites. Ipc stimulation did not affect the efflux of exogenous leucine or urea, whereas a GABA release was observed. With K+ (40 mM) stimulation all amino acids tested were released. It is suggested that the Ipc neuron terminals in the tectum take up glycine and release it upon stimulation of the Ipc nucleus.  相似文献   

Changes on cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels in response to adenosine and glutamate and the subtype of glutamate receptors involved in this interaction were studied in slices of optic tectum from 3-day-old chicks. cAMP accumulation mediated by adenosine (100 microM) was abolished by 8-phenyltheophylline (15 microM). Glutamate and the glutamatergic agonists kainate or trans-D, L-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid (trans-ACPD) did not evoke cAMP accumulation. Glutamate blocked the adenosine response in a dose-dependent manner. At 100 microM, glutamate did not inhibit the effect of adenosine. The 1 mM and 10 mM doses of glutamate inhibited adenosine-induced cAMP accumulation by 55% and 100%, respectively. When glutamatergic antagonists were used, this inhibitory effect was not affected by 200 microM 6,7-dihydroxy-2,3,dinitroquinoxaline (DNQX), an ionotropic antagonist, and was partially antagonized by 1 mM (RS)-alpha-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine [(RS)M-CPG], a metabotropic antagonist, while 1 mM L-2-amino-3-phosphonopropionate (L-AP3) alone, another metabotropic antagonist, presented the same inhibitory effect of glutamate. Kainate (10 mM) and trans-ACPD (100 microM and 1 mM) partially blocked the adenosine response. This study indicates the involvement of metabotropic glutamate receptors in adenylate cyclase inhibition induced by glutamate and its agonists trans-ACPD and kainate.  相似文献   

1. The patterns of re-established visual projections on to the rostral half-tectum are studied following excision of the caudal tectum at various intervals after section of either the contralateral optic nerve or the ipsilateral optic tract in adult goldfish. 2. The pattern of a newly restored retinotectal projection depends on the duration of the post-operative period given to the halved tectum before it is re-innervated by regenrating optic fibres from the retina. 3. When the duration is such that regenerating optic fibres invade the denervated rostral half-tectum at about 40 days or longer after excision of the caudal tectum, the remaining half-tectum is able to accommodate incoming optic fibres not only from the appropriate temporal hemi-retina but also from the foreign nasal hemiretina in an orderly compressed topographic pattern. 4. If the surgical operations are timed so that the halved tectum receive regenerating optic fibres earlier than 33 days after excision of the caudal tectum, the halved tectum initially accommodates only those optic fibres originating from the temporal half of the retina at this early stage. 5. This normal (uncompressed) pattern of the newly regenerated visual projection, however, eventually changes into an orderly compressed pattern at a later period. Post-operative dark-deprivation of the operated fish has no significant effect on the temporal transition. 6. The temporal transition from an initially normal pattern into an orderly compressed pattern may reflect the time course of progressive and systematic changes involved in topographic regulation of the halved tectum into a whole.  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal patterns of excitatory synaptic activity in response to diffuse lightON and OFF stimuli were examined by means of current source density (CSD) analysis. The qualitative and quantitative analyses obtained from 24 depth profiles for each stimulus revealed obviously different distributions of synaptic activity in the laminar structure. Two or three dominant current sinks I, II, and III were evoked in response to diffuse light ON stimulation. Sink I was observed at the bottom of the retinorecipient layer. Both sinks II and III, showing an identical spatial pattern, were observed just above sink I. On the other hand, diffuse light OFF stimulation elicited up to six current sinks IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX. Sink IV was observed at the bottom of the retinorecipient layer. Sink V was observed in the most superficial layer. Both sinks VI and VIII were located between the two preceding sinks. Finally, sinks VII and IX occurred below the retinorecipient layer. Five electrically evoked current sinks A, B, C, D, and E, characterized in our previous study, were also recognized in the present quantitative analysis. A statistical analysis revealed that, in visually evoked responses, statistical differences in the spatial distribution were not present between sinks I and IV, and sinks II and VIII (P < 0.05). The analysis also showed that, in electrically evoked responses, only a pair of sinks C and E exhibit virtually identical spatial distribution (P < 0.05). Based on well-known properties of the retinal ganglion cells, possible neuronal mechanisms underlying each of current sinks in the ON and OFF channels and their functional meanings were considered. Sink I reflects the excitatory monosynaptic activity derived from R3 retinal ganglion cells. Sink IV reflects the excitatory monosynaptic activity derived from both R3 and R4 cells. Sinks V, VI, VII, and IX may be composed of successive polysynaptic excitatory potentials derived from convergence of inputs from both R3 and R4 cells. We concluded that the early four sinks play in particular an important role in eliciting avoidance behavior. On the other hand, sinks II, III, and VIII reflect excitatory synaptic activities derived from - retinal fibers of another type having slow conduction velocity. These late current sinks were suggested to mediate prey catching and its facilitation.  相似文献   

Suncus murinus (suncus) is a new experimental animal model for research on the mechanisms underlying emesis. In the present study, we examined the ascending projections from the area postrema (AP) and the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) in suncus based on anterograde transport of phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin. The AP projected heavily to the dorsal vagal complex, especially in the commissural and medial subnuclei of the NTS, and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. Some ascending fibers from the AP projected bilaterally to the parabrachial nucleus (Pb), but no labeling was observed rostral to this area. In contrast, the NTS had extensive projections as far as the basal forebrain. The NTS projections were observed in the AP, ventrolateral reticular formation including the nucleus ambiguus, A5 noradrenergic area, locus coeruleus, Pb, and central gray matter of the midbrain. At the level of the diencephalon, the NTS projections were seen in the dorsomedial, lateral, paraventricular, periventricular, supraoptic, retrochiasmatic and arcuate nuclei of the hypothalamus, in addition to the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus. Terminal fields within the basal forebrain were also shown to include the medial preoptic area, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the substantia innominata and the ventral pallidum. The results indicated that the neurological relationship between the chemo- and/or barosensitive systems including the trigger of the emetic response and the general viscerosensory and/or -motor systems may exist also in the suncus.  相似文献   

We have investigated the visual responses of 184 single units located in the superficial layers of the optic tectum (OT) of the decerebrate, paralysed pigeon. Visual responses were similar to those reported in non-decerebrate preparations; most units responded best to moving visual stimuli, 18% were directionally selective (they had a clear preference for a particular direction of visual stimulus movement), 76% were plane-selective (they responded to movement in either direction in a particular plane). However, we also found that a high proportion of units showed some sensitivity to the orientation of visual stimuli. We examined the effects of extraocular muscle (EOM) afferent signals, induced by passive eye movement (PEM), on the directional visual responses of units. Visual responses were most modified by particular directions of eye movement, although there was no unique relationship between the direction of visual stimulus movement to which an individual unit responded best and the direction of eye movement that caused the greatest modification of that visual response. The results show that EOM afferent signals, carrying information concerning the direction of eye movement, reach the superficial layers of the OT in the pigeon and there modify the visual responses of units in a manner that suggests some role for these signals in the processing of visual information.  相似文献   

The optic tectum of the salmon is a primary visual center with direct input from the retina via the optic tract. The structure is homologous with the superior colliculus of the mammalian brain. We have studied the distribution of immunoreactivity against the GABAA/benzodiazepine receptor beta2/beta3 subunits with a monoclonal antibody (BD-17) in the optic tectum of the salmon brain. A weak immunoreactivity is found in the rostral stratum marginale (SM), strong labelling of the neuropil is shown in a thin band in stratum opticum (SO), two bands in stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale (SFGS) and two bands in stratum griseum centrale (SGC). Immunoreactive perikarya with neurites that extend radially through the stratum album centrale (SAC) are located in the stratum periventriculare. BD-17 immunoreactivity is to a great extent located in tectal layers that receive direct retinal input, i.e. the SO, SFGS and SGC. These layers are known to receive input also from other visual centers, such as the pretectum (SO, SFGS), the nucleus isthmi (SO, SFGS, SGC), as well as non-visual regions as the telencephalon (SGC). High levels of 2-[125I]-iodomelatonin binding sites have previously been demonstrated in all layers of the salmon optic tectum except the SM and SPV. Thus it appears likely that GABA and/or benzodiazepines and melatonin play a role in visual processing in the optic tectum of teleost fish.  相似文献   

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