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针对对数螺旋锥齿轮在传动时存在振动噪声的问题,分析确定啮入冲击力是引起噪声的主要原因,并定量计算了啮入冲击力,确定了影响冲击力的主要因素。首先,分析了齿轮的齿面方程,采用逼近法确定了啮入点位置;进而基于位置参数,利用ABAQUS与啮合理论确定了啮合刚度与冲击速度的方程;然后,根据啮合冲击理论,并结合啮合刚度和冲击速度,进一步推导了啮入冲击力的表达式;最后,利用该表达式,对一对典型对数螺旋锥齿轮进行了计算分析。分析表明:齿轮转速、宽度对啮入冲击力影响较大,且近似成线性关系;齿轮传动比为1时,啮入冲击力最大。并通过ABAQUS仿真验证了解析计算的正确性。  相似文献   

建立对数螺旋锥齿轮的精确三维模型,应用ANSYS软件对对数螺旋锥齿轮啮合进行仿真分析.通过对不同啮合位置的对数螺旋锥齿轮进行非线性静态接触分析,得到啮合接触区域的应力变化规律,求解最大接触应力,并与理论分析结果进行比较.对对数螺旋锥齿轮的动态工作情况进行分析,得到对数螺旋锥齿轮在不同转速下不同啮合时刻的动态接触情况,比...  相似文献   

根据齿轮啮合原理,通过一种求解齿面瞬时接触区域的数值算法,推导出对数螺旋锥齿轮的齿面接触区域方程,再结合对数螺旋锥齿轮的三维模型,利用MATLAB软件对其进行仿真分析,得到了对数螺旋锥齿轮啮合接触区的变化规律,实现了接触区域的可视化仿真。最后,以一对对数螺旋锥齿轮样轮的齿面接触试验为例,将试验结果与仿真分析结果进行对比,验证了接触区域仿真结果的正确性,为后续对数螺旋锥齿轮齿面进行TCA分析奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

分析了对数螺旋锥齿轮的裂纹扩展情况.首先,利用HyperMesh软件对齿轮进行网格划分,进而将划分网格的模型导入有限元软件,以确定危险位置,即所受应力最大位置;然后,利用扩展有限元法,模拟裂纹扩展过程,得到裂纹扩展中的应力强度因子;最后,通过调整相关参数,研究裂纹形状、裂纹大小以及齿顶载荷对应力强度因子的影响规律.结果...  相似文献   

双圆弧弧齿锥齿轮三维参数化模型的构建分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于弧齿锥齿轮单面切削法加工原理、渐开线展开原理及等角圆锥螺旋线形成原理,采用分阶式双圆弧齿廓,建立了双圆弧弧齿锥齿轮的模型.该模型为双圆弧弧齿锥齿轮的三维数字化设计、制造,啮合分析、运动学和动力学分析等进一步研究,提供了基础条件.  相似文献   

以球面渐开线形成原理为基础,对其进行再次坐标变换,实现在锥面上任意点都可作出球面渐开线。并通过直角坐标系与极坐标系之间的转化,形成直齿、斜齿以及具有特殊形状的对数螺旋线锥齿轮。依据MATLAB的强大矩阵变换运算功能和Pro/E对曲线曲面较为突出的绘图显示功能,将球面渐开线对数螺旋锥齿轮精确理论齿面通过MTALAB语言进行编程计算,求出其齿面坐标点,并将其导入Pro/E中形成完整齿面。形成球面渐开线对数螺旋线圆锥齿轮三维实体建模的新方法。此种方法建立的离散点齿面有很好的共轭特性,形状更为精确,更易于齿面分析计算。  相似文献   

研究了一般性平面共轭齿廓的啮合条件,提出了节点存在条件这一啮合必要后悔后果显而易见的接触条件,相对条件和Gamus条件相比,节点存在条件在物理要求上极易被忽略。因而啮合条件是残缺不全的。长期以来,由于缺少节点存在条件,所以也就一直未能得到一般性的平面共轭齿廓曲线。这里建立了完整的啮合条件的数学描述,由此志出了一般性的平面共轭齿廓曲线。  相似文献   

用B矩阵法建立谐波齿轮啮合基本方程   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
利用文献[1]提出的建立啮合方程的B矩阵法,建立了谐波齿轮传动的理论啮合方程,求出了任意变形形状时谐波齿轮传动B矩阵的一般形式。设计者只须给出齿形方程及其法线方程,而无须在改变齿形时重新计算啮合点的相对速度(对应包络法中的各个偏导数)。计算了具有余弦凸轮波发生器的谐波齿轮传动中,与渐开线柔轮齿廓共轭的刚轮齿廓及形成共轭的发生器转角区间。得出在这种变形形状下,在柔轮齿的啮入侧或啮出侧分别有两个共轭区间,在发生器转角为±39°附近的第二条共轭曲线是由柔轮的内齿廓包络形成  相似文献   

基于以往的螺旋锥齿轮的模型设计的研究成果,充分利用球面渐开线理论的特点与优势,提出了具有球面渐开线齿形的螺旋锥齿轮的模型设计方案。首先,根据球面渐开线形成原理,建立球面坐标系,求解了构成大小端面齿廓曲线的各个部分曲线方程。然后,以齿形曲线为引导线推导了其基本的方程表达式,由大小端面齿廓曲线沿引导线扫略完成齿面的精确模型设计。最后,从两个方面提出了基于该模型设计的改进方案,以保证足够的齿面精度精度,为螺旋锥齿轮的快速精确模型设计提供新途径。  相似文献   

介绍了对数螺旋锥齿轮轮齿接触检测的方法。在Y9550型锥齿轮滚动检查机上进行了对数螺旋锥齿轮样件齿面接触区的检测实验,通过实验获得了对数螺旋锥齿轮接触区的位置、形态和大小等结果,并将实验结果与格里森螺旋锥齿轮接触区进行了对比,得出了对数螺旋锥齿轮齿面接触区的相关特性。  相似文献   

This paper describes a new algorithm to handle problems in dynamic finite element analysis and run-time simulation, where mesh re-generation or dynamic adjustment is required. Based on a concept called coded box cell (CBC) substitution, this algorithm can be applied to both initial mesh generation and dynamic mesh adjustment along the border zones of multiple primitives that form an entire model. During the initial mesh generation, appropriate labels are assigned to the nodes and the faces of each finite element. These labels are used to facilitate decision-making in dynamic mesh adjustment. A mapping technique is adopted to transform curved surfaces to plain surfaces for the ease of automatic mesh adjustment while still using the same algorithm. The results of a case study show that a finite element mesh can be adjusted dynamically and locally around its border zone; and the algorithm can be utilized effectively to simulate the thermal behavior of a device under real operating conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, loxodromic-type normal circular-arc spiral bevel gear is proposed as a novel application of the circular-arc tooth profile at the gear transmission with intersecting axes. Based on the principle of molding-surface conjugation, the study develops a mathematical model for the tooth alignment curve and the computational flow at the design stage to enable the generation of the tooth surface. Machining of the tooth surface is then carried out to determine the interference-free tool path of the numerical control (NC). Moreover, a pair of loxodromic-type normal circular-arc spiral bevel gears is manufactured on computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools. The proposed theory and method are experimentally investigated, and the obtained results primarily reflect the superior performance of the proposed novel gear.  相似文献   

对数母线圆柱滚子凸度量的有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以42724QT型铁路客车圆柱滚子轴承为分析对象,对其滚子进行对数母线凸度的分析,借助有限元软件ANSYS完成了在不同凸度量下的接触应力分析及比较,得到了一定载荷下的较优凸度量区间,同时进行了相同凸度不同载荷下的接触应力比较。结果显示,为避免"边缘效应",一定的载荷对应一个较优的凸度区间,并且理论凸度近似值与分析后得到的最优凸度有一定的误差,即使是对数母线的滚子,当载荷超出正常加载范围时,仍会出现"边缘效应"。  相似文献   

基于SolidWorks的直齿锥齿轮参数化设计及有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍采用VB对SolidWorks进行二次开发的方法来实现直齿锥齿轮参数化设计的基本思想和实现流程;利用COSMOS软件,对直齿锥齿轮在一定载荷作用下的应力状态进行有限元分析.研究结果对齿轮模型库的开发和优化齿轮设计参数等有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   


A new internal meshing gear transmission with curve element is put forward in this paper. The mathematical principle of tooth profile generation is described based on conjugate curves theory. For a given spatial curve, the meshing equation and its conjugated spatial curve under the motion law were derived. Considering the equidistant kinematic method, general internal tooth profiles models were established by the conjugate-curve pair. Numerical example of the internal gear pair was developed according to gear parameters and gear solid models were established by MATLAB and UG software. Motion simulation result shows that the gear pair satisfies point contact condition and design requirements. Meshing analysis of tooth profiles using FEA method was carried out. Stress analysis results of tooth profiles with single point contact and two points contact were, respectively, obtained. The conclusions lay the foundation for multi-point contact generation and tooth profile design. Also, further studies on transmission characteristics and manufacturing technology of the new gear drive will be carried out.


摆线锥齿轮机床调整参数对啮合性能作用分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于克林根贝尔格(Klingelnberg)舞线锥齿轮的对滚模型,利用轮齿接触区预报公式,对几个重要的机床调整参数关于啮合性能的作用敏感性进行定量分析,并进行了实例仿真验证。  相似文献   

To obtain the change tendency of output angular velocity and tangential contact force of a gear when the pinion under the step input during meshing of a new type of spiral bevel gear, which is a logarithmic spiral bevel gear, the tooth flank equation of logarithmic spiral bevel gear is deduced based on the formation mechanism of the tooth flank formation. A three-dimensional model of a pair of logarithmic spiral bevel gears whose number of teeth was 37:9, with modules being 4.5 mm, normal pressure angle being 20 degrees and spiral angle being 35 degrees were built and assembled. Based on Hertz elastic contact theory, the calculation formulas and parameters sets of contact force for conventional spiral bevel gear meshing simulation and logarithmic spiral bevel gear meshing simulation were done. Consider the dynamic simulation about meshing angular velocity and tangential contact force for conventional spiral bevel gear meshing and logarithmic spiral bevel gear meshing, respectively. Finally, by analyzing and comparing the simulation data, the results show that under the same input conditions, the fluctuation of the gear angular velocity and tangential contact force of logarithmic spiral bevel gear meshing are smaller than the conventional spiral bevel gear. That is, the transmission stationary of logarithmic spiral bevel gear meshing is superior to conventional spiral bevel gear.  相似文献   

斜齿轮精确建模及有限元模态分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过三维造型软件UG实现渐开线斜齿轮的精确建模。采用有限元方法,研究斜齿轮的固有振动特性,分析斜齿 轮的主要振动类型,所得结论反映了斜齿轮的动力学性能,为振动响应求解做了必要的准备。  相似文献   

An analytical approach for stress analysis of gear drives with localized bearing contact based on the Hertz theory is proposed. The proposed approach provides a complete and effective solution of the contact problem but satisfaction of the hypotheses for application of the Hertz theory is its main drawback. On the other hand, a finite element model has been developed and validated in terms of the contact area, maximum contact pressure, pressure distribution, maximum Tresca stress, and Tresca stress distribution underneath the contacting surfaces. Validation of the finite element model is provided for those cases wherein the Hertz theory can be applied. The obtained results confirm the applicability of the proposed approach for gear drives with localized bearing contact wherein edge contact is avoided by surface modifications and whole crowning of tooth surfaces is provided.  相似文献   

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