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Little is known about carotenoids, a diverse group of plant compounds with antioxidant activity, and their association with diabetes, a condition characterized by oxidative stress. Data from phase I of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1988-1991) were used to examine concentrations of alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin, lutein/zeaxanthin, and lycopene in 40- to 74-year-old persons with a normal glucose tolerance (n = 1,010), impaired glucose tolerance (n = 277), newly diagnosed diabetes (n = 148), and previously diagnosed diabetes (n = 230) based on World Health Organization criteria. After adjustment for age, sex, race, education, serum cotinine, serum cholesterol, body mass index, physical activity, alcohol consumption, vitamin use, and carotene and energy intake, geometric means of beta-carotene were 0.363, 0.316, and 0.290 micromol/liter for persons with a normal glucose tolerance, impaired glucose tolerance, and newly diagnosed diabetes, respectively (p = 0.004 for linear trend), and geometric means for serum lycopene were 0.277, 0.259, and 0.231 micromol/liter, respectively (p = 0.044 for linear trend). All serum carotenoids were inversely related to fasting serum insulin after adjustment for confounders (p < 0.05 for each carotenoid). If confirmed, these data suggest new opportunities for research that include exploring a possible role for carotenoids in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and diabetes.  相似文献   

Patients with alcohol-induced liver disease are at increased risk for pigment gallstones, which are known to be particularly associated with biliary stasis. Although the effects of ethanol on the sphincter of Oddi are thought to contribute to alcoholic pancreatitis, the precise effects of ethanol on the biliary component of the sphincter of Oddi are unclear. In the prairie dog the common bile and pancreatic ducts enter the duodenum separately, facilitating pressure measurement in the sphincter choledochus in isolation. We therefore used this model to test the hypothesis that ethanol administration alters sphincter of Oddi motility. Twenty-six male prairie dogs fed a nonlithogenic diet were studied. With the animals under alpha-chloralose anesthesia, a side-hole pressure-monitored perfusion catheter was positioned in the sphincter of Oddi and femoral arterial and venous catheters were placed. Sphincter of Oddi phasic wave frequency (F), amplitude (A), and motility index (MI = F x A) and arterial blood pressure were monitored at 10-minute intervals before (baseline), during 20-minute intravenous infusions of 15 mg/kg (n = 9), 150 mg/kg (n = 10), and 1.5 g/kg (n = 7) ethanol and for 20 minutes after ethanol infusion. The 15 mg/kg dose of ethanol had no effect, the 150 mg/kg dose tended to reduce sphincter of Oddi motility, and significant reductions in sphincter of Oddi amplitude and motility index were seen at the 1.5 g/kg dose. These data demonstrate that ethanol infusion inhibits both sphincter of Oddi amplitude and motility index and that this effect persists for at least 20 minutes following ethanol infusion. Ethanol may contribute to gallstone formation by altering biliary sphincter motility.  相似文献   

The effect of GH administration was evaluated over 2 yr in 50 short, prepubertal, non-GH deficient children born small for gestational age, who had been randomly allocated to a group receiving no treatment or daily sc GH treatment at a dose of 0.2 or 0.3 IU/kg. At the start of the study, mean age was 5.2 yr, bone age was 4.0 yr, height SDS was -3.5, height velocity SDS was -0.8, weight SDS was -2.7, and body mass index SDS was -1.9. Catch-up growth was observed in none of the untreated and all of the treated children. The response to GH treatment included a near doubling of growth velocity and of weight gain and a mean height increment of more than 2 SDS. GH treatment was associated with a distinct acceleration of bone maturation. The differences between the growth responses evoked by the two GH doses were minor. The prepubertal GH-induced catch-up growth was associated with elevated serum concentrations of insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I, insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3, and osteocalcin, whereas insulin-like growth factor-II levels remained unaltered. GH treatment was well tolerated. In conclusion, high-dose GH administration over 2 yr is emerging as a potential therapy to increase the short stature that results from insufficient catch-up growth in young children born small for gestational age. The long-term impact of this approach remains to be delineated.  相似文献   

This article provides estimates of dental caries experience and selected restorative and tooth conditions among U.S. adults, obtained from Phase 1 (1988-1991) of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Between 1988 and 1991, 94 percent of adults in the United States showed evidence of past or present coronal caries. Based on the data collected, the authors estimate that about 40.5 percent, or 61.6 million, dentate adults had at least one tooth or tooth space that could potentially benefit from professional treatment. Minimally, it is estimated that 135.6 million tooth or tooth spaces among U.S. adults may benefit from professional treatment. These estimates supplement information available from the DMF index to provide a broader profile of the impact of dental caries on permanent tooth of U.S. adults.  相似文献   

Execution of the cell-death programme requires the activation of a family of cysteine proteases known as caspases. Specific cellular proteins are cleaved by caspases during apoptosis, including the retinoblastoma tumour-suppressor protein (RB1). A caspase-resistant RB1 can attenuate the death response to tumour necrosis factor alpha. The cleavage of RB1 during cell death, together with the increased cell death during embryonic development of Rb-knockout mice, suggests that RB1 degradation contributes to the activation of the cell-death pathway.  相似文献   

Two graphs are presented showing means and 1 and 2 SD for growth in weight, length, and head circumference: (1) a fetal-infant graph with lines of growth from 26 weeks of gestational age until one year of age after "term' has been reached: and (2) a similarly constructed graph for children ages one through ten years. The standards of growth were obtained from published data in which the subjects received optimal health care. The graphs allow comparisons of infants of varying gestational age with standards for that age. Normal and abnormal deviations in growth are easily identified. Some examples of common variations in physical growth are described.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of early postnatal dexamethasone (days 1-3) on the incidence and severity of chronic lung disease in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome. METHODS: A multicentre, randomised, placebo controlled, blinded study was carried out in 18 neonatal intensive care units in Israel. The primary outcome measure was survival to discharge without requirement for supplemental oxygen therapy beyond 28 days of life. The secondary outcome measures were requirement for mechanical ventilation at 3 and 7 days, duration of ventilation or oxygen therapy, need for subsequent steroids for established chronic lung disease and incidence of major morbidities. RESULTS: The study consisted of 248 infants (dexamethasone n = 132; placebo n = 116). No differences were found in the outcome variables except for a reduction in requirement for mechanical ventilation at age 3 days in treated infants (dexamethasone 44%, placebo 67%; P = 0.001). Gastrointestinal haemorrhage, hypertension, and hyperglycaemia were more common in treated infants, but no life threatening complications, such as gastrointestinal perforation, were encountered. CONCLUSIONS: These data do no support the routine use of early postnatal steroids, but may justify further study in a selected, high risk group of infants.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify the presence and degree of apparent underreporting of dietary intake in 11,663 Ss in the Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 11). Self-reported dietary intake was compared with estimated basal metabolic rate. Results indicated that up to 31% of adults in this sample may have underreported dietary intake. Those individuals at greatest risk of underreporting were less well educated and heavier. The Sex × Race interaction indicated that for both ethnic categories, women were more likely to underreport than men, but the difference between men and women was greater among Caucasian participants. It is concluded that such factors as reduced energy needs, deliberate falsification, and measurement error inherent in dietary assessment contribute to apparent underreporting, and this occurs in a large percentage of dietary data. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effect of diet on pancreatic exocrine function, measured by faecal chymotrypsin activity (FCA), was studied longitudinally in three groups of small for gestational age (SGA) infants in the first six months of life. The three groups comprised breastfed infants (group B), those randomly allocated to receive a standard infant formula (group S), or the same formula supplemented with nucleotides (group N). The three groups did not differ in their birthweight or gestational age. Nucleotide supplementation of infant formula improves catchup growth in SGA infants but whether this is due to effects on the gastrointestinal mucosa or the exocrine pancreas is not known. There were no differences in FCA at study entry but by one month group B had significantly lower values than the other groups, and this was maintained at 2, 4, and 6 months. Groups N and S did not differ significantly at any time point. Nucleotide supplementation of infant formula does not influence pancreatic exocrine function and its effect on growth is unlikely, therefore, to be mediated through the pancreas. This study shows that breast feeding is associated with lower FCA which may be related to the lower protein content of human milk. Reliable interpretation of FCA in young infants requires information about their diet.  相似文献   

Early psychomotor development (PD), as measured by the Gesell Developmental Schedules, of 29 infants that were small for gestational age (SGA) was more dependent on postnatal growth than the PD of 51 infants whose birth weight was appropriate for gestational age. The significant association of postnatal growth with PD in SGA Ss at 4, 8, and 12 mo of age was not explained by birth weight or SES. Findings support the hypothesis that the factors that determine postnatal growth in SGA infants also affect neurointegrative development. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Carbon sources that can be converted to acetate were added to the growth medium of Escherichia coli wild-type cells. Cells responded with an increased cell division rate. The addition of acetate also caused a decreased synthesis of flagella. Mutants in phosphotransacetylase, which are incapable of synthesizing acetyl phosphate, and mutants in the osmoregulator OmpR divided at a lower rate than did wild-type cells. The mutants did not increase their cell division rate upon the addition of serine, as observed for wild-type cells. These data are consistent with the idea that the previously described effect of serine upon the cell division rate is mediated by acetyl phosphate and phosphorylation of OmpR.  相似文献   

A concordance analysis between the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS) for current major depression was conducted using data from Cuban Americans and Puerto Rican respondents to the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HHANES). Overall agreement between the two depression measures was relatively high, which suggested that the CES-D might be appropriate as a first-stage screening instrument for community-based surveys of clinical depression. Female gender and indicators of social class (education, income, poverty index, and employment) were related to low specificity and low agreement. The estimated cutoff points of the CES-D that best predicted DIS current major depression were different between the two ethnic groups; 17 for Cuban Americans, and 20 for Puerto Ricans. A receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve analysis revealed that the traditional method of defining CES-D cases by summing the scores for each item was superior to counting only the persistent symptoms, that is, those present nearly everyday.  相似文献   

Our purpose was to evaluate whether maternal and fetal nitric oxide synthesis in pregnancies with small for gestational age (SGA) infants are different from those in pregnancies with appropriate for gestational age (AGA) infants. Maternal and fetal circulating nitrate and nitrite concentrations were compared between 30 pregnancies with AGA and 10 pregnancies with SGA at birth. End-products of nitric oxide synthesis were measured in maternal and cord venous blood samples using a fluorometric assay. Umbilical artery blood pH and PO2 were also measured. Maternal circulating nitrite and nitrate concentrations (6.91 +/- 1.27 microM) in pregnancies with SGA were significantly lower than those (11.69 +/- 1.33 microM) in pregnancies with AGA (P = 0.015). Fetal circulating nitrite and nitrate concentrations (7.54 +/- 1.09 microM) in pregnancies with SGA were also significantly lower than those (11.24 +/- 1.08 microM) in pregnancies with AGA (P = 0.024). There were no significant differences in umbilical artery blood pH and PO2 between the two groups. These results suggest that maternal and fetal nitric oxide synthesis are decreased in pregnancies with SGA infants.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study risk factors for small for gestational age (SGA) infants by gestational age among nulliparous women and to estimate mortality rates among SGA and appropriate-for-gestational-age (AGA) infants by gestational age. DESIGN: A population-based study from the Swedish Medical Birth Register. Setting Sweden 1992 1993. POPULATION: Liveborn singleton infants to nulliparous women (n = 96,662). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Crude and adjusted odds ratios of risk factors for SGA by gestational age. Rates of neonatal and postneonatal mortality. RESULTS: Older maternal age (> or = 30 years) was foremost associated with increased risks of very and moderately preterm SGA (> or = 32 weeks and 33-36 weeks, respectively), but also with term SGA (> or = 37 weeks). Risks of SGA increased with decreasing maternal height at all gestational ages. Smoking increased the risks of moderately preterm and term SGA. Short maternal education increased the risk of preterm SGA and low pre-pregnancy body mass index slightly increased the risk of term SGA. Pre-eclampsia and essential hypertension foremost increased the risk of very preterm SGA (OR = 40.5 and 32.4, respectively) and moderately preterm SGA (OR = 17.4 and 10.6, respectively), but also increased the risk of term SGA. Neonatal and postneonatal mortality rates of SGA infants were substantially influenced by gestational age, and mortality rates were consistently higher among preterm SGA infants compared with AGA infants. Conclusions: Risk factors for SGA and mortality rates among SGA infants vary by gestational age. A subdivision of risk factors by gestational age adds knowledge, particularly about risks of preterm SGA, where the highest rates of mortality were observed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: There is no consensus in the literature regarding the role of lymphangiography in promoting hypothyroidism in individuals with Hodgkin's disease irradiated with a mantle field. We sought to analyze the onset and rate of developing clinical or chemical hypothyroidism as well as possible factors related to its development in patients who received irradiation to the thyroid gland during treatment of Hodgkin's disease. METHODS AND MATERIALS: One hundred and forty-two patients with Hodgkin's disease were treated at the Fox Chase Cancer Center between June 1967 and October 1993. All patients were treated with curative intent with radiation therapy using a mantle field. After exclusion of patients without available thyroid function tests, < 200 days of follow-up, or no radiation to the thyroid, 104 patients were eligible for analysis. Follow-up ranged from 7-170 months (median: 43 months). Sixty-seven patients had a lymphangiogram. Seventy-three patients were treated with radiation alone and 31 with radiation plus chemotherapy. RESULTS: The actuarial 2-, and 5-year rates of biochemical hypothyroidism for all 104 patients were 18 and 37%, respectively. Forty patients developed hypothyroidism: 9 (23%) at < or = 1 year, 18 (45%) at < or = 2 years, and 33 (83%) at < or = 5 years. The actuarial 2-, and 5-year rates of biochemical hypothyroidism for patients who underwent a lymphangiogram were 23 and 42%, respectively, compared to 9 and 28%, respectively, for patients who received mantle irradiation without a lymphangiogram (p = 0.05). The effects of lymphangiogram, total thyroid dose, stage, chemotherapy, dose per fraction, energy, and age were evaluated for all patients by Cox proportional hazards regression analysis. The use of a lymphangiogram (p = 0.05) was the only variable that significantly influenced hypothyroidism. CONCLUSIONS: This paper demonstrates in a multivariate analysis accounting for other potentially important variables the significant effect of lymphangiography and subsequent radiation therapy on the development of hypothyroidism. This information must be balanced with the fact that lymphangiograms remain a useful aid in assessing lymph node involvement, staging patients, and planning treatment fields.  相似文献   

Serum apolipoproteins (apo) B and AI were measured in a probability sample of the noninstitutionalized US civilian population, ages > or = 4 years, which included non-Hispanic whites, non-Hispanic blacks, and Mexican-Americans. Apo B concentrations were the same in males and females, lower in black males than in other males, low in childhood (approximately 0.80 g/L) and increasing to approximately 1.2 g/L in adults, and higher in younger women on hormones. Apo AI was higher in females than males, higher in blacks than in others, remained constant from childhood to adulthood (approximately 1.35 g/L) in males, but increased with age (approximately 1.30 g/L to approximately 1.55 g/L) in females, and was higher in women taking hormones. These are the first national probability estimates of apo B and apo AI in the US and are referable to the WHO-IFCC First International Reference Materials for apo AI and B.  相似文献   

Recurrence is a common sequela of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (CDD) and may increase morbidity, costs, and treatment-related antimicrobial resistance. Because recurrent CDD (RCDD) frequently occurs very soon after an initial episode, our goal was to determine the risk factors for early RCDD (occurring < or = 45 days after the initial episode). We conducted a case-control study, comparing 13 patients with early RCDD (case patients) with 46 patients who had only one CDD episode (control patients) at Centre Hospitalier Angrignon (Québec) during January 1993 through November 1994. Risk factors for early RCDD included a history of chronic renal insufficiency, a white blood cell count of > or = 15 x 10(3)/mm3, and community-acquired diarrhea with the first CDD episode. For seven of eight case patients, C. difficile strains from the first and second CDD episodes were identical, suggesting that relapse is more common than reinfection. These results suggest that treatments should be directed at preventing relapses in patients at high risk for early RCDD.  相似文献   

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