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In this paper, we propose an online motion capture marker labeling approach for multiple interacting articulated targets. Given hundreds of unlabeled motion capture markers from multiple articulated targets that are interacting each other, our approach automatically labels these markers frame by frame, by fitting rigid bodies and exploiting trained structure and motion models. Advantages of our approach include: 1) our method is an online algorithm, which requires no user interaction once the algorithm starts. 2) Our method is more robust than traditional the closest point-based approaches by automatically imposing the structure and motion models. 3) Due to the use of the structure model which encodes the rigidity of each articulated body of captured targets, our method can recover missing markers robustly. Our approach is efficient and particularly suited for online computer animation and video game applications.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a novel approach for the reconstruction of animated meshes from a series of time‐deforming point clouds. Given a set of unordered point clouds that have been captured by a fast 3‐D scanner, our algorithm is able to compute coherent meshes which approximate the input data at arbitrary time instances. Our method is based on the computation of an implicit function in ?4 that approximates the time‐space surface of the time‐varying point cloud. We then use the four‐dimensional implicit function to reconstruct a polygonal model for the first time‐step. By sliding this template mesh along the time‐space surface in an as‐rigid‐as‐possible manner, we obtain reconstructions for further time‐steps which have the same connectivity as the previously extracted mesh while recovering rigid motion exactly. The resulting animated meshes allow accurate motion tracking of arbitrary points and are well suited for animation compression. We demonstrate the qualities of the proposed method by applying it to several data sets acquired by real‐time 3‐D scanners.  相似文献   

Cinemagraphs are a popular new type of visual media that lie in‐between photos and video; some parts of the frame are animated and loop seamlessly, while other parts of the frame remain completely still. Cinemagraphs are especially effective for portraits because they capture the nuances of our dynamic facial expressions. We present a completely automatic algorithm for generating portrait cinemagraphs from a short video captured with a hand‐held camera. Our algorithm uses a combination of face tracking and point tracking to segment face motions into two classes: gross, large‐scale motions that should be removed from the video, and dynamic facial expressions that should be preserved. This segmentation informs a spatially‐varying warp that removes the large‐scale motion, and a graph‐cut segmentation of the frame into dynamic and still regions that preserves the finer‐scale facial expression motions. We demonstrate the success of our method with a variety of results and a comparison to previous work.  相似文献   

Motion based Painterly Rendering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous painterly rendering techniques normally use image gradients for deciding stroke orientations. Image gradients are good for expressing object shapes, but difficult to express the flow or movements of objects. In real painting, the use of brush strokes corresponding to the actual movement of objects allows viewers to recognize objects' motion better and thus to have an impression of the dynamic. In this paper, we propose a novel painterly rendering algorithm to express dynamic objects based on their motion information. We first extract motion information (magnitude, direction, standard deviation) of a scene from a set of consecutive image sequences from the same view. Then the motion directions are used for determining stroke orientations in the regions with significant motions, and image gradients determine stroke orientations where little motion is observed. Our algorithm is useful for realistically and dynamically representing moving objects. We have applied our algorithm for rendering landscapes. We could segment a scene into dynamic and static regions, and express the actual movement of dynamic objects using motion based strokes.  相似文献   

Synthesizing the movements of a responsive virtual character in the event of unexpected perturbations has proven a difficult challenge. To solve this problem, we devise a fully automatic method that learns a nonlinear probabilistic model of dynamic responses from very few perturbed walking sequences. This model is able to synthesize responses and recovery motions under new perturbations different from those in the training examples. When perturbations occur, we propose a physics‐based method that initiates motion transitions to the most probable response example based on the dynamic states of the character. Our algorithm can be applied to any motion sequences without the need for preprocessing such as segmentation or alignment. The results show that three perturbed motion clips can sufficiently generate a variety of realistic responses, and 14 clips can create a responsive virtual character that reacts realistically to external forces in different directions applied on different body parts at different moments in time.  相似文献   

We present an unsupervised method for registering range scans of deforming, articulated shapes. The key idea is to model the motion of the underlying object using a reduced deformable model. We use a linear skinning model for its simplicity and represent the weight functions on a regular grid localized to the surface geometry. This decouples the deformation model from the surface representation and allows us to deal with the severe occlusion and missing data that is inherent in range scan data. We formulate the registration problem using an objective function that enforces close alignment of the 3D data and includes an intuitive notion of joints. This leads to an optimization problem that we solve using an efficient EM-type algorithm. With our algorithm we obtain smooth deformations that accurately register pairs of range scans with significant motion and occlusion. The main advantages of our approach are that it does not require user specified markers, a template, nor manual segmentation of the surface geometry into rigid parts.  相似文献   

Depth and visual hulls are useful for quick reconstruction and rendering of a 3D object based on a number of reference views. However, for many scenes, especially multi‐object, these hulls may contain significant artifacts known as phantom geometry. In depth hulls the phantom geometry appears behind the scene objects in regions occluded from all the reference views. In visual hulls the phantom geometry may also appear in front of the objects because there is not enough information to unambiguously imply the object positions. In this work we identify which parts of the depth and visual hull might constitute phantom geometry. We define the notion of reduced depth hull and reduced visual hull as the parts of the corresponding hull that are phantom‐free. We analyze the role of the depth information in identification of the phantom geometry. Based on this, we provide an algorithm for rendering the reduced depth hull at interactive frame‐rates and suggest an approach for rendering the reduced visual hull. The rendering algorithms take advantage of modern GPU programming techniques. Our techniques bypass explicit reconstruction of the hulls, rendering the reduced depth or visual hull directly from the reference views.  相似文献   

We present an unsupervised algorithm for aligning a pair of shapes in the presence of significant articulated motion and missing data, while assuming no knowledge of a template, user‐placed markers, segmentation, or the skeletal structure of the shape. We explicitly sample the motion, which gives a priori the set of possible rigid transformations between parts of the shapes. This transforms the problem into a discrete labeling problem, where the goal is to find an optimal assignment of transformations for aligning the shapes. We then apply graph cuts to optimize a novel cost function, which encodes a preference for a consistent motion assignment from both source to target and target to source. We demonstrate the robustness of our method by aligning several synthetic and real‐world datasets.  相似文献   

Controlling rigid body dynamic simulations can pose a difficult challenge when constraints exist on the bodies' goal states and the sequence of intermediate states in the resulting animation. Manually adjusting individual rigid body control actions (forces and torques) can become a very labour‐intensive and non‐trivial task, especially if the domain includes a large number of bodies or if it requires complicated chains of inter‐body collisions to achieve the desired goal state. Furthermore, there are some interactive applications that rely on rigid body models where no control guidance by a human animator can be offered at runtime, such as video games. In this work, we present techniques to automatically generate intelligent control actions for rigid body simulations. We introduce sampling‐based motion planning methods that allow us to model goal‐driven behaviour through the use of non‐deterministic Tactics that consist of intelligent, sampling‐based control‐blocks, called Skills. We introduce and compare two variations of a Tactics‐driven planning algorithm, namely behavioural Kinodynamic Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (BK‐RRT) and Behavioural Kinodynamic Balanced Growth Trees (BK‐BGT). We show how our planner can be applied to automatically compute the control sequences for challenging physics‐based domains and that is scalable to solve control problems involving several hundred interacting bodies, each carrying unique goal constraints.  相似文献   

We present a registration algorithm for pairs of deforming and partial range scans that addresses the challenges of non‐rigid registration within a single non‐linear optimization. Our algorithm simultaneously solves for correspondences between points on source and target scans, confidence weights that measure the reliability of each correspondence and identify non‐overlapping areas, and a warping field that brings the source scan into alignment with the target geometry. The optimization maximizes the region of overlap and the spatial coherence of the deformation while minimizing registration error. All optimization parameters are chosen automatically; hand‐tuning is not necessary. Our method is not restricted to part‐in‐whole matching, but addresses the general problem of partial matching, and requires no explicit prior correspondences or feature points. We evaluate the performance and robustness of our method using scan data acquired by a structured light scanner and compare our method with existing non‐rigid registration algorithms.  相似文献   

Proximity queries such as closest point computation and collision detection have many applications in computer graphics, including computer animation, physics‐based modelling, augmented and virtual reality. We present efficient algorithms for proximity queries between a closed rigid object and an arbitrary, possibly deformable, polygonal mesh. Using graphics hardware to densely sample the distance field of the rigid object over the arbitrary mesh, we compute minimal proximity and collision response information on the graphics processing unit (GPU) using blending and depth buffering, as well as parallel reduction techniques, thus minimizing the readback bottleneck. Although limited to image‐space resolution, our algorithm provides high and steady performance when compared with other similar algorithms. Proximity queries between arbitrary meshes with hundreds of thousands of triangles and detailed distance fields of rigid objects are computed in a few milliseconds at high‐sampling resolution, even in situations with large overlap.  相似文献   

Real-Time Rendering and Editing of Vector-based Terrains   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

In this paper, we describe a new algorithm for detecting structural redundancy in geometric data sets. Our algorithm computes rigid symmetries, i.e., subsets of a surface model that reoccur several times within the model differing only by translation, rotation or mirroring. Our algorithm is based on matching locally coherent constellations of feature lines on the object surfaces. In comparison to previous work, the new algorithm is able to detect a large number of symmetric parts without restrictions to regular patterns or nested hierarchies. In addition, working on relevant features only leads to a strong reduction in memory and processing costs such that very large data sets can be handled. We apply the algorithm to a number of real world 3D scanner data sets, demonstrating high recognition rates for general patterns of symmetry.  相似文献   

We introduce image-space radiosity and a hierarchical variant as a method for interactively approximating diffuse indirect illumination in fully dynamic scenes. As oft observed, diffuse indirect illumination contains mainly low-frequency details that do not require independent computations at every pixel. Prior work leverages this to reduce computation costs by clustering and caching samples in world or object space. This often involves scene preprocessing, complex data structures for caching, or wasted computations outside the view frustum. We instead propose clustering computations in image space, allowing the use of cheap hardware mipmapping and implicit quadtrees to allow coarser illumination computations. We build on a recently introduced multiresolution splatting technique combined with an image-space lightcut algorithm to intelligently choose virtual point lights for an interactive, one-bounce instant radiosity solution. Intelligently selecting point lights from our reflective shadow map enables temporally coherent illumination similar to results using more than 4096 regularly-sampled VPLs.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach to parameterize a mesh with disk topology to the plane in a shape‐preserving manner. Our key contribution is a local/global algorithm, which combines a local mapping of each 3D triangle to the plane, using transformations taken from a restricted set, with a global “stitch” operation of all triangles, involving a sparse linear system. The local transformations can be taken from a variety of families, e.g. similarities or rotations, generating different types of parameterizations. In the first case, the parameterization tries to force each 2D triangle to be an as‐similar‐as‐possible version of its 3D counterpart. This is shown to yield results identical to those of the LSCM algorithm. In the second case, the parameterization tries to force each 2D triangle to be an as‐rigid‐as‐possible version of its 3D counterpart. This approach preserves shape as much as possible. It is simple, effective, and fast, due to pre‐factoring of the linear system involved in the global phase. Experimental results show that our approach provides almost isometric parameterizations and obtains more shape‐preserving results than other state‐of‐the‐art approaches. We present also a more general “hybrid” parameterization model which provides a continuous spectrum of possibilities, controlled by a single parameter. The two cases described above lie at the two ends of the spectrum. We generalize our local/global algorithm to compute these parameterizations. The local phase may also be accelerated by parallelizing the independent computations per triangle.  相似文献   

We present an approach to improve the search efficiency for near‐optimal motion synthesis using motion graphs. An optimal or near‐optimal path through a motion graph often leads to the most intuitive result. However, finding such a path can be computationally expensive. Our main contribution is a bidirectional search algorithm. We dynamically divide the search space evenly and merge two search trees to obtain the final solution. This cuts the maximum search depth almost in half and leads to significant speedup. To illustrate the benefits of our approach, we present an interactive sketching interface that allows users to specify complex motions quickly and intuitively.  相似文献   

Inappropriate lighting is often responsible for poor quality video. In most offices and homes, lighting is not designed for video conferencing. This can result in unevenly lit faces, distracting shadows, and unnatural colors. We present a method for relighting faces that reduces the effects of uneven lighting and color. Our setup consists of a compact lighting rig and a camera that is both inexpensive and inconspicuous to the user. We use unperceivable infrared (IR) lights to obtain an illumination bases of the scene. Our algorithm computes an optimally weighted combination of IR bases to minimize lighting inconsistencies in foreground areas and reduce the effects of colored monitor light. However, IR relighting alone results in images with an unnatural ghostly appearance, thus a retargeting technique is presented which removes the unnatural IR effects and produces videos that have substantially more balanced intensity and color than the original video.  相似文献   

Capturing exposure sequences to compute high dynamic range (HDR) images causes motion blur in cases of camera movement. This also applies to light‐field cameras: frames rendered from multiple blurred HDR light‐field perspectives are also blurred. While the recording times of exposure sequences cannot be reduced for a single‐sensor camera, we demonstrate how this can be achieved for a camera array. Thus, we decrease capturing time and reduce motion blur for HDR light‐field video recording. Applying a spatio‐temporal exposure pattern while capturing frames with a camera array reduces the overall recording time and enables the estimation of camera movement within one light‐field video frame. By estimating depth maps and local point spread functions (PSFs) from multiple perspectives with the same exposure, regional motion deblurring can be supported. Missing exposures at various perspectives are then interpolated.  相似文献   

Realistic animation and rendering of the ocean is an important aspect for simulators, movies and video games. By nature, the ocean is a difficult problem for Computer Graphics: it is a dynamic system, it combines wave trains at all scales, ranging from kilometric to millimetric. Worse, the ocean is usually viewed at several distances, from very close to the viewpoint to the horizon, increasing the multi‐scale issue, and resulting in aliasing problems. The illumination comes from natural light sources (the Sun and the sky dome), is also dynamic, and often underlines the aliasing issues. In this paper, we present a new algorithm for modelling, animation, illumination and rendering of the ocean, in real‐time, at all scales and for all viewing distances. Our algorithm is based on a hierarchical representation, combining geometry, normals and BRDF. For each viewing distance, we compute a simplified version of the geometry, and encode the missing details into the normal and the BRDF, depending on the level of detail required. We then use this hierarchical representation for illumination and rendering. Our algorithm runs in real‐time, and produces highly realistic pictures and animations.  相似文献   

We present a novel multi‐view, projective texture mapping technique. While previous multi‐view texturing approaches lead to blurring and ghosting artefacts if 3D geometry and/or camera calibration are imprecise, we propose a texturing algorithm that warps (“floats”) projected textures during run‐time to preserve crisp, detailed texture appearance. Our GPU implementation achieves interactive to real‐time frame rates. The method is very generally applicable and can be used in combination with many image‐based rendering methods or projective texturing applications. By using Floating Textures in conjunction with, e.g., visual hull rendering, light field rendering, or free‐viewpoint video, improved rendering results are obtained from fewer input images, less accurately calibrated cameras, and coarser 3D geometry proxies.  相似文献   

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