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安徽、四川、陕西、山西、河南、湖北、江西、宁夏、新疆、云南省经贸委、建委(墙材革新办公室): 为贯彻落实《国务院办公厅关于转发建设部等部门关于推进住宅产业现代化提高住宅质量若干意见的通知》(国办发[1999]72号)精神,加快推广应用新型墙体材料和淘汰实心黏土砖的力度,实现新型墙体材料发展的“十五”目标,促进墙体材料行业结构调整,节约土地资源和能源,保护环境,经研究,决定在原来确定的160个大中城市的基础上,增加10个省会城市,列入2003年6月30日前限时禁止使用实心黏土砖城市名单中。 这10个…  相似文献   

This brief article discusses the task facing the designer-critic in evaluating designed landscapes. After considering the approaches which may be available to the critic from standard texts, it proposes that the landscape in question may be evaluated on the basis of four working principles. Although these require further development, they serve to enable a constructively critical appraisal of a complex site on the basis of user needs, environmental factors, composition and integration, and user response.  相似文献   

This brief article discusses the task facing the designer‐critic in evaluating designed landscapes. After considering the approaches which may be available to the critic from standard texts, it proposes that the landscape in question may be evaluated on the basis of four working principles. Although these require further development, they serve to enable a constructively critical appraisal of a complex site on the basis of user needs, environmental factors, composition and integration, and user response.  相似文献   

正2015年12月,山东省济南市被中国地震局认定为国家防震减灾示范城市,成为我国首个国家级防震减灾示范省会城市。济南市注重把防震减灾工作与经济社会发展全方位融合,基本形成了"党委领导、政府负责、部门协助、社会参与、法制保障"的防震减灾工作格局,有效提升了城市整体防震减灾能力,在全国具有示范推广意义。济南市位于鲁西隆起带的西北边缘,处于郯庐、聊考两大活动断裂带之间,多条断裂从济南市辖区及周边穿过,地质构造复杂,部分县区为地震Ⅶ烈度区,存在  相似文献   

The city of Tirana was transformed into a capital city between 1923 and 1943. This transformation took place during a period when there was close collaboration between Italy and Albania and can be divided both by political history and architectural styles into two stages: first, under the monarchy of the Albanian King Zog and then the actual annexation of Albania by Italy at the time of the Second World War. The first stage, from 1920 to 1939, began with the proclamation of Tirana as the capital of Albania. It was marked by Zogu's presence on the political scene and his close ties with Italy. In 1939, with the fall of the Albanian monarchy, the country was put under Italian Fascist rule from 1939 to 1943. The paper is divided into two parts, corresponding to the two historical periods. Each one examines plans and projects for the city's transformation and the strategies put into effect to represent political power, as well as ties and legacies inherited from the past. Town planning actions are, therefore, described from three points of view: the organization of urban structures and housing policies; the relationship with the pre-existing situation; modes of urban growth and the underlying social vision. The analysis is based on a study of the urban fabric before and after the various changes, divided into the principal time frames of 1916, 1937, 1943 and 1953. The study is based mainly on original documents from the Technical Archives for Construction of Tirana.1 Archive research was carried out in connection with studies for a Nato-CNR Senior Fellowships Programme grant in 2005. Documents collected and located in the Technical Archives for Construction of Tirana, though neatly arranged in files, were yet to be classified in the archives in 2005.   相似文献   


This paper has two objectives. One is to explore the new terrain of homelessness from a gendered perspective in order to suggest ways in which the material experience of homelessness may have changed over the last fifteen years. The second objective is to look at the question through a different critical lens and explore what new theoretical paradigms have to offer to understanding homelessness, particularly the homelessness of women.  相似文献   

This paper has two objectives. One is to explore the new terrain of homelessness from a gendered perspective in order to suggest ways in which the material experience of homelessness may have changed over the last fifteen years. The second objective is to look at the question through a different critical lens and explore what new theoretical paradigms have to offer to understanding homelessness, particularly the homelessness of women.  相似文献   

In the light of David Harvey's thesis, this paper reviews some Australian time series data on movements of capital of significance to the built environment. The data suggests that the mechanism of capital switching between ‘circuits of capital’ may be rather more complex than a simple reading of Harvey's thesis suggests. However Harvey's concept of long waves of investment in the built environment is broadly corroborated, with implications for urban policy.  相似文献   

This report summarizes the results of a three-day colloquium, held in Minnesota in July 1995, to address issues related to underground space utilization. The colloquium was convened by the Underground Space Center, with major support from the National Science Foundation, Directorate for Engineering, and the Federal Highway Administration.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the factors influencing earnings gaps between migrants belonging to old immigrant groups (defined as those with long established migration linkages with the receiving country) and those belonging to new immigrant groups. Earnings are conceptualized as a function of human capital, decomposed into the portion acquired in the home country and the portion acquired in the receiving country. It is hypothesized that poor transferability of human capital acquired at home dampens wages more for new than for old immigrant groups. Further, it is hypothesized that upon arrival in the destination, new immigrant groups accumulate human capital faster than old immigrant groups. The empirical analysis focuses on Albanians in the United States as a representative of a new immigrant group and Italians as a representative of an old immigrant group. The analysis is based on pooled data from the 2000 US Census 5 % sample, and the 2001–2007 American Community Survey (ACS) 3 % sample. Findings suggest that (1) Albanian immigrants earn substantially less than Italian immigrants; (2) human capital acquired at home has a positive impact on wages, but the level of human capital transferability is low for Albanians; (3) upon arrival, both Italian and Albanian immigrants accumulate human capital, but the speed of human capital accumulation is faster for Albanians than for Italians.  相似文献   

We first construct a theoretical model of a regional economy with two sectors. One sector uses physical and creative capital—in the sense of Florida (The rise of creative class. Basic Books, New York, NY, 2002)—to produce a knowledge good that is traded. The other sector uses physical and social capital to produce a good that is not traded. Second, we provide the first formal analysis of the creative capital accumulation decision faced by individuals in this regional economy and we compute the optimal length of time during which creative capital is accumulated. Next, we determine the relative return to creative capital and we use this return to conduct comparative statics exercises with our model’s four parameters. Finally, we show that for a given interest rate, the relative price of the nontraded good is higher in regional economies where more creative capital is accumulated.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the importance of human capital for firm productivity and makes a clear distinction between the role of human capital inside and outside of the firm. A multilevel model is used for the business service sector in Sweden controlling for heterogeneity across the industry and municipal level. Human capital in firms in terms of education, experience, and cognitive skills and the firm's overall access to human capital has a positive impact on firm productivity. In addition, firm attributes explain the largest proportion of firm productivity variance.  相似文献   

网络小说《太子妃升职记》用男穿女的穿越形式讲述了宫斗故事,描绘了青春职场的感受和体悟。在儒家文化等级制的设计中,个体价值是不被重视的,只有找到合适的位置,其作用和价值才凸显出来。张芃芃宫斗中的生存策略是当前职场中青年白领生存智慧的缩影。选择以嘲弄的方式消解权威和权力有利于都市白领青春职场焦虑和生活疼痛的释放。男穿女的穿越方式更有助于读者思考性别背后的权力关系。  相似文献   

Despite the vast interest and enthusiasm on the benefits of construction partnering, no apparent trend exists to show that it has become the dominant choice of procurement method across construction industries internationally. Rather, the implementation of construction partnering has been patchy, with varying degrees of success and, in many instances, its adoption is more an exception than the norm. This study argues and sets out to test the proposition that despite the huge advocacy for the use of partnering, its slow uptake and, more importantly, the inconsistent results it yields are due to the lack of systematic investigation into the institutional determinants of partnering. Based on data collected from 526 firms covering various industry disciplines, results show that firms' use of partnering is selective and that this selectiveness is significantly determined by the industry's level of institutional norms and not by the conventional notion that partnering increases a firm's profitability or efficiency. Findings further indicate that firms that perceive there are strong industry norms for partnering are twice as likely to use partnering as firms that do not have such perception. By empirically examining the institutional conditions under which partnering is more likely to occur, this study sheds some light on why the implementation of partnering remains at a conservative rate and suggests avenues for future research.  相似文献   

While various types of capital have been identified and studied as drivers of economic development, recent arguments surrounding social capital in particular have led to calls for greater attention to its role in economic development within a country. Thus, we examine social capital relative to its impact on economic development at the country level. We employ a generalized social capital index (based on measures of trust, associational activities, and civic norms) to test hypotheses suggesting a positive relationship between social capital and economic development, while also considering the impact of social capital on entrepreneurship and on human capital as intermediary effects on economic development. In general, we examine the relationship between core constructs of social capital and economic development within and across 47 selected countries. Findings reveal strong support for the hypothesized relationships, with important implications for policy direction and future research.  相似文献   

Firm financing literature has been dominated by a relatively ‘undersocialized’ and ‘aspatial’ view. We approach this gap by applying a social capital and economic geography informed lens to financial transactions. We explore if and how the early growth performance of venture capital backed organizations varies with the structural and physical location of their investors in syndication networks. Drawing on longitudinal data of Belgian firms and their venture capital investors, it is demonstrated that inter‐firm relational ties and, especially cross‐border linkages expand organizational outcome. In that, we show that not only social relations shape financial activity, but that also spatial patterns of co‐investment networks deserve notice.  相似文献   

Robert Musil   《Cities》2009,26(5):255-265
This paper is devoted to foreign direct investments (FDIs), which have been allocated on a very low regional level. This makes it possible to first position Vienna within a global city system according to international capital flows and to analyze changes in this position. In addition to being a case study, this paper shall attempt to make a contribution to the conceptualisation of global cities as focal points of FDI-capital flows and the formation of a global city network by firm hierarchies. The dataset is used to analyze Vienna’s FDI-relations to other cities and makes it possible to examine spatial hierarchies based on uneven capital flows. As the data extend over a period of 17 years (from 1989 to 2005), the question can be posed whether geostrategic changes like the fall of the Iron Curtain and Austria becoming a member of the EU have led to new patterns of capital flows. It could be established that there is an ongoing degree of hierarchization within Vienna’s global city network and that the above mentioned changes in the “long decade of the 1990s” established Vienna as a gateway-bridge between the East and the West. On a global scale, however, Vienna’s city status was not raised in the process.  相似文献   

通过构建建筑设计课程教学网络资源共享平台,以省级精品资源共享课程建筑设计科研项目为例,结合高校建筑学教育的教学理念与模式,整合行业精品资源,探讨建筑学专业教育在信息化时代的发展方向,优化高校建筑设计教学体系,推动课程教学模式的改革。  相似文献   

Habitat suitability modelling has shown itself to be an important decision support tool for those concerned with the problem of where to target habitat and landscape restoration efforts. However, present approaches generally focus upon the biophysical characteristics of habitats and sites, and tend to ignore the social values associated with landscapes and habitat features. As a result current approaches only partially resolve the problems we face when dealing with a multifunctional landscape. In this paper, we examine how these limitations of current approaches may be overcome.The paper shows that present approaches to suitability modelling can be broadened by linking them to ideas about natural capital and landscape function. The approach is illustrated by means of a case study from the South Downs of England. It is suggested that by using the approach to model the spatial aspects of the natural capital associated with a given landscape, we may provide the user community with a framework that more fully addresses management issues that arise in the context of a sustainable, multifunctional landscape. In the case of the South Downs we show that restoration strategies that seek to take account of the multiple functions of downland differ from those which focus exclusively on enhancing or restoring the biodiversity of these areas.  相似文献   

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