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In an attempt to examine differential effects of personality on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) without regard to disease type, we used the HRQoL-20, a general questionnaire (Japanese original scale) we developed (comprising 20 questions related to physiological, psychological or social HRQoL) and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), which measures personality traits of extraversion (E), neuroticism (N) and psychoticism (P). The subjects (399 males and 429 females), stomach cancer patients, non-cancer patients (who had received acupuncture or moxibustion treatment) and healthy controls, were classified into three personality types. The results indicated that the HRQoL score of the tolerable/tolerant type (high E, low N and high P scorers) was greater than the intolerable/intolerant type (low E, high N and low P scorers) and also the unclassified type (neither of above scorers). The HRQoL correlated positively with the E and P scales and negatively with the N scale, in the case of all subjects, with the exception of N in male cancer patients and E in male non-cancer patients. The results supported the hypothesis that the HRQoL varies with personality variables, in that each patient, in different treatment settings, strives for the situation that is congruent with his/her personality to attain a better HRQoL.  相似文献   

Assessment of biochemical responses to therapy is routine in the management of patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD). Assessment of health-related quality of life (HRQOL), however, is less common. Previous research indicates that HRQOL is a meaningful indicator that should be integrated into clinical practice. HRQOL is longitudinally evaluated in in-centre hemodialysis patients using the RAND 36-item Health Survey 1.0. Caregivers incorporate scores from this instrument into their assessment of patient functioning and well-being. HRQOL scores can be utilized to evaluate responses to changes in therapy, and to direct clinical decision-making, adding an important dimension to holistic, quality care for ESRD patients.  相似文献   

Early mortality and reduced quality of life in the years prior to death are the most important health outcomes associated with cardiovascular disease. Other measures of cardiovascular status, including blood pressure, ejection fraction, and electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities, are only of interest because of their known association with poor health outcomes. Quality of life measures have gained increasing attention as outcome variables in studies of cardiovascular disease. This article reviews several current approaches to the assessment of health outcomes. A general health policy model is offered as a method for comparing program options in cardiovascular disease that may have very different objectives. Examples taken from the evaluation of hypertension screening and treatment, of heart transplantation programs, and of primary prevention of heart disease are offered. Methods for measuring the cost/utility of alternative procedures are also discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Interest in measuring Quality of life (QOL) in modern medicine has increased considerably in recent years. However, there is no generally agreed definition of QOL, but the term encompasses several constructs, including physical, functional, emotional, social and cognitive domains. A psychometric approach is typically applied, but major problems conceptual confront this tradition. It is argued that QOL research follows a naturalistic tradition in medicine, and that the theoretical status of the QOL concept remains ambiguous. Hence, the more neutral term multidimensional evaluation is suggested as more appropriate than QOL. Hermeneutic thinking with its focus on meaning, understanding and interpretation of the individual placed in a historical and social context is briefly introduced and its role for QOL discussed. A radical hermeneutic position focusing solely on the subjectivity of the individual is rejected, and a balanced view is suggested. Such a view should not ignore that man is a biological organism which can be subjected to naturalistic studies, but it should also take into account those features which constitutes man as a person, e.g. understanding and interpretation. Future QOL research may benefit from an integration of philosophical reflection on health and disease issues and a psychometric tradition.  相似文献   

Although the adverse health consequences associated with smoking among middle-aged adults are well known, the significance of smoking among the elderly is less clear. We used data from three national surveys with representative samples of the noninstitutionalized Canadian population 15 years of age and older to investigate the prevalence and consequences of smoking among the elderly. The results showed a lower prevalence of smoking among older age groups, a higher prevalence and higher consumption rates among elderly men than among elderly women, a greater likelihood among elderly nonsmokers for men to be former smokers and for women never to have smoked, and lower consumption rates among elderly men and women than among younger individuals. Results from multivariate logistic regression models suggested an increased risk among elderly male and female smokers for poorer health ratings, respiratory problems, and selected medication use. These models also showed an increased risk for impairment in mobility and high life stress among elderly male smokers and for low happiness and dissatisfaction with social relationships among elderly female smokers, compared with persons who had never smoked. These preliminary findings suggest that smoking among elderly persons may be associated with several negative quality-of-life outcomes, but the direction of this relationship is not clear. Nonetheless, these results provide support for the initiation of smoking cessation programs for elderly individuals.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the status of geriatric group psychotherapy and the experience with such programs at the Miami Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged. Specific ways are suggested for enhancing the administration of group psycho-therapy programs in the geriatric institutional setting. Group therapy techniques adapted to the specialized needs of the aged are of definite therapeutic benefit.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the responsiveness of the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) to clinical changes in three surgical groups and to study how health-related quality of life (HRQL) changes with time among patients who undergo total hip arthroplasty, thoracic surgery for treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer, or abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study with serial evaluations of HRQL preoperatively and at 1, 6, and 12 months after surgery. SETTING: University tertiary care hospital. PATIENTS: Of 528 patients, more than 50 years of age, who were admitted for these elective procedures, 454 (86%) provided preoperative health status data and are members of the study cohort. At 12 months after surgery, 439 (93%) of the cohort was successfully contacted and 390 (90%) provided follow-up interviews. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The Medical Outcomes Study SF-36, the Specific Activity Scale, five validated health transition questions, and a 0 to 100 scale measure of global health were used to assess changes in health status at 1, 6, and 12 months after surgery. Change in health status as measured by the SF-36 demonstrated that physical function and role limitations due to physical health problems were worse 1 month after these three surgeries. However, by 6 months after surgery, most patients experienced significant gains in the majority of the dimensions of health, and these gains were sustained at 12 months after surgery. Longitudinal changes in the SF-36 were positively associated with responses to the five health transition questions, to changes on the Specific Activity Scale and global health rating question, and to clinical parameters for persons who had AAA repair. These findings indicate that the SF-36 has evidence of validity and is responsive to expected changes in HRQL after elective surgery for these procedures. CONCLUSIONS: For the total hip arthroplasty patients, responsiveness was greatest for the SF-36 scales that measure physical constructs. However, for the two other procedures and at various points of recovery, significant changes were observed for all eight subscales, suggesting that responsiveness was dependent on the type of surgery and the timing of follow-up, and that multidimensional measures are needed to fully capture changes in HRQL after surgery.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in relation to seizure outcome as part of a multicenter follow-up of epilepsy surgery in Sweden. METHODS: A battery including the SF-36 Health Survey and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HAD) was distributed to all patients older than 16 years. Mean follow-up time was 4 years (range, 2-13 years) and response rate, 91% (103 of 113 patients). HRQOL data were related to seizure frequency and severity (Chalfont Seizure Severity Scale). RESULTS: Seventy-six percent considered their global health to be better than it was before surgery. Degree of improvement in seizure control correlated with improved satisfaction with health (Spearman's r = 0.44). Higher SF-36 scores (higher HRQOL ratings) correlated with percentage reduction of seizure frequency for all scales and was strongest for perception of general health (Spearman's r = 0.46). When the patients were divided into four categories [A, completely seizure free (n = 29); B, seizure free with aura (n = 18); C, > or =75% reduction in seizure frequency (n = 24); and D, <75% reduction in seizure frequency (n = 32)], a strong positive association was found between higher SF-36 scores (with the exception of physical functioning) and better seizure control. Health-related limitations in role performance differentiated best between the outcome categories. For patients with > or =75% reduction in seizure frequency, low seizure severity correlated with higher HRQOL ratings for scales measuring social function, vitality, and mental health. Depression levels (HAD scale scores) were on average low. Anxiety (HAD) increased significantly from A to D. CONCLUSIONS: HRQOL seems to be scored as a continuum in relation to seizure frequency. Seizure severity measures give complementary information.  相似文献   

Describes a unit of health status, the "Well-Year," which expresses the output of health programs in terms of the number of years and the health-related quality of life produced by a treatment or program. Dividing the cost of the program by the number of Well-Years that it produces gives the cost–utility of the program. This cost–utility ratio can be used in a general health policy model to compare the efficiency of different programs or to assess the relative contribution of different programs and providers in the health-care system. Different components of the model are useful (1) for the effectiveness of medical interventions, (2) to assess the quality of care, (3) to improve clinical decision making, (4) to assess needs of different populations, and (5) to understand causes of variations in health. A comprehensive standardized measure of health status has many advantages for health planning, decision analysis, and program evaluation. An example demonstrates how the relative production of Well-Years by psychologists might be compared to the contribution of other health-care services. (66 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Visual function and quality of life among patients with glaucoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study determines the relation between visual field impairment, visual functioning, and global quality of life in patients with glaucoma. Binocular visual field impairment was calculated from simultaneous Esterman visual field testing using the Humphrey automated perimeter. Visual acuity impairment, defined with the American Medical Association's Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment; visual functioning, measured with the VF-14 and the field test version of the National Eye Institute-Visual Functioning Questionnaire; and global quality of life, assessed with the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey, were determined in 147 consecutive patients with glaucoma. None of the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey domains demonstrated more than a weak correlation with visual field impairment. The VF-14 scores were moderately correlated (r = -0.58). Of the National Eye Institute-Visual Functioning Questionnaire scales, peripheral vision (r = -0.60), distance activities (r = -0.56), and vision-specific dependency (r = -0.56) were moderately correlated with visual field impairment; vision-specific social functioning, near activities, vision-specific role difficulties, general vision, vision-specific mental health, color vision, and driving were modestly correlated with visual field impairment (r value between -0.32 and -0.55); visual pain was weakly correlated with visual field impairment; and general health and vision-specific expectations were not notably correlated with visual field impairment. Statistically adjusting for visual acuity weakened the correlations. The Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey indicated that our patients with glaucoma were comparable with previously studied patients without severe systemic medical problems. However, the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey scores did not correlate with visual field impairment in our study. Based on the moderate correlation between binocular visual field impairment with the VF-14 and the National Eye Institute-Visual Functioning Questionnaire, these questionnaires may be useful among patients with glaucoma.  相似文献   

This study investigated the contribution of psychosocial work characteristics (decision latitude, job demand, social support at work, and effort-reward imbalance) to health-related quality of life. Data were derived from 2 aircraft manufacturing plants (N = 1,855) at the start of a longitudinal study. Regression analysis showed that work characteristics (1st model) explained 19% of the variance in the mental summary score of the Short Form-12 Health Survey. R2 change for work characteristics decreased to 13%, accounting for demographics, socioeconomic status, body mass index, and medical condition (5th model). Including health behavior and personality factors (full model), R2 change for work characteristics remained significant. Psychosocial work characteristics account for relevant proportions in the subjective perception of mental health beyond a wide array of medical variables and personality factors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Peripheral tolerance mechanisms normally prevent delivery of T cell help to anergic self-reactive B cells that accumulate in the T zones of spleen and lymph nodes. Chronic exposure to self-antigens desensitizes B cell antigen receptor (BCR) signaling on anergic B cells so that they are not stimulated into clonal expansion by CD4(+) T cells but instead are eliminated by Fas (CD95)-induced apoptosis. Because a range of BCR-induced signals and responses are repressed in anergic B cells, it is not known which of these are critical to regulate for Fas-mediated peripheral tolerance. Display of the costimulatory molecule, B7.2 (CD86), represents a potentially important early response to acute BCR engagement that is poorly induced by antigen on anergic B cells. We show here that restoring B7.2 expression on tolerant B cells using a constitutively expressed B7.2 transgene is sufficient to prevent Fas-mediated deletion and to trigger extensive T cell-dependent clonal expansion and autoantibody secretion in the presence of specific T cells. Dysregulated expression of B7.2 on tolerant B cells caused a more extreme reversal of peripheral tolerance than that caused by defects in Fas or Fas ligand, and resulted in T cell-dependent clonal expansion and antibody secretion comparable in magnitude to that made by foreign antigen-specific B cells. These findings demonstrate that repression of B7.2 is critical to eliminate autoreactive B cells by Fas in B cell-T cell interactions. The possible role of B7.2 dysregulation in systemic autoimmune diseases is discussed.  相似文献   

Historical foundations of quality of life (QL) assessment, including those in adult oncology, are reviewed in the context of the current need for a developmental measure for clinical pediatric research. QL measures that can be applied to the assessment of children with cancer and other chronic and life-threatening diseases are urgently needed. Use of valid QL scales would facilitate the evaluation of patient status over time as well as the comparison of results of patients with different diagnoses, treatment histories, and outcomes of therapy. The attributes of an effective QL measure, based on clinical experience in pediatric oncology settings, include simplicity and brevity as well as conventional psychometric properties. Psychologists, in collaboration with their pediatric oncologist colleagues, are encouraged to develop new QL assessment methods. Suggestions are given for studies necessary to accomplish this goal. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Associations between quality of life and attitudes toward, and experience of, sexual activities during adolescence were investigated in a sample of 240 Australian university students. Sexuality was explored using the Sexual Knowledge, Experience and Needs Scale (SexKen). Both objective and subjective quality of life were evaluated in seven domains using the Comprehensive Quality of Life Scale (ComQol). The findings demonstrated the importance of relationships and sexual experience to satisfaction with life. The results are discussed in terms of the significance of sexuality for general well-being during adolescence.  相似文献   

Advancing nursing care through the implementation of evidence-based practice is a legitimate professional ideal. In reality there are many complex issues that need be addressed before such a goal can be achieved. This paper takes an intermediate step towards the realization of this aim in one aspect of continuing care nursing through the presentation of a procedural model. The presented model is designed to stimulate debate as to what could be, and arguably should be the role of the nurse in relation to meeting the auditory rehabilitative needs of dependent elderly patients. The model is based upon a published management model which outlines the auditory rehabilitative process within a psychosocial framework. The original model has been modified as a result of knowledge synthesis from a range of specialist disciplines including nursing. The Audiological Care Model for Nursing is intended to offer an accessible guide to this often neglected aspect of care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated changes in health-related quality of life (HRQL) outcomes of once-daily omeprazole compared with ranitidine for the short-term treatment of patients with poorly responsive symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). METHODS: A double-blind, randomized clinical trial, compared omeprazole versus ranitidine for the treatment of poorly responsive GERD. Eligible patients had a history of predominant heartburn symptoms with symptomatic heartburn after 6 weeks of ranitidine treatment. Patients were randomized to omeprazole 20 mg once daily (n = 156) or ranitidine 150 mg twice daily (n = 161) and followed for 8 weeks. Assessments were completed at baseline and after 8 weeks with physician-rated symptoms: Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS); Psychological General Well-Being (PGWB) Index; Sleep Scale; Impact on Daily Activities Scale, and Overall Treatment Effect. Primary HRQL endpoints were the GSRS reflux scale and PGWB total score. RESULTS: No differences between the 2 treatment groups were observed in baseline demographic, clinical or HRQL measures. After 8 weeks, omeprazole-treated patients had greater improvement in GSRS reflux scale scores (p<0.0001) and PGWB total scores (p = 0. 019) compared with ranitidine-treated patients. Significant between group differences favoring omeprazole were also observed in GSRS total scores (p<0.0001), abdominal pain scale scores (p = 0.003), and indigestion scale scores (p = 0.003), Impact on Daily Activities (p = 0.001), PGWB positive well-being (p = 0.015), anxiety (p = 0. 030), and general health scale scores (p = 0.010). Patient ratings of overall treatment effect demonstrated the significantly (p<0. 0001) greater benefits of omeprazole (mean = 5.26) compared with ranitidine treatment (mean = 3.83). CONCLUSIONS: Omeprazole treatment significantly reduced persistent reflux-related symptoms and normalized psychological well-being compared with ranitidine in poorly responsive symptomatic patients with GERD.  相似文献   

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