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CSCW分布式多任务协作机制的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
文中对CSCW的多任务协作机制作了深入的研究,系统地描述了多任务协作机制的基本概念和研究内容。给出了一个由群体服务器,应用服务器和应用工具组成的三层结构和多任务协作模型,并重点介绍了基于此模型用Java语言在PJVM开发平台上实现的一个原型系统--“网络围棋俱乐部”,该系统可运行在由Unix(Solaris2.4)和Windows(95.NT)组成的异构型网络上。  相似文献   

MP3 播放器帝盟Rio PMP 500 (36.2%)Grundig  MPAXX MP100(18.5%)富士Axja  FMP-2000(16.9%)扫描仪爱克发SnapScan 1212U(20.7%)惠普 ScanJet 5200C(18.1%)爱普生Perfection 1200U(14.9%)数码相机奥林巴斯CamediaC3030变焦(17.4%)尼康 Coolpix 990(14.7%)佳能Euro-Foto Powershot S20(12.9%)台式机戴尔Dell Di-mension…  相似文献   

具有约束条件的单机JIT调度问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
具有约束条件的单机JIT调度问题齐向彤陈秋双涂生(南开大学计算机与系统科学系天津300071)关键词E/T调度,优化,分支定界法.1)国家“八六三”CIMS主题和国家自然科学基金资助课题.收稿日期1995-09-181引言近年来,随着Just-in...  相似文献   

神经元网络控制系统——局部操作网络(LON)控制系统NeuralNetworkControlSystem┐LocalOperatingNetwork(LON)ControlSystem●李江涛黄健民LiJiangtaoHuangJianmin当今自动...  相似文献   

在WindowsNT下安装JSP为了实验JSP技术,首先需要建立运行环境,这个过程相当简单:1、在http://javasun。com/jdk/处下载JDK(Java2SDK、Standard Edition。v12.2)。2、在http/javasun。com/products/jsp/处下载JSWDK(Java Server Web Development Kit 1.0.1)。安装JDK:JDK的安装是首先运行下载得到的jdk122-win.exe,然后修改系统环境参数.在PATH参数中加…  相似文献   

统计数据凑整问题的网络流算法金大勇,杨承恩(长沙铁道学院)NETWORKALGORITHMSFORTHEDATAROUNDINGPROBLEM¥JinDa-yong;YangCheng-en(ChangshaRailwayInstitute)Abst...  相似文献   

基于WWW的仿真软件JRTSS(Java-basedRealTimeSystemSimulator)以RTSS仿真软件为基础,保持其原有特色,并采用Java为编程语言,运行在Browser/Server环境下。JRTSS软件由三部分组成:仿真核心、建模程序与结果后处理程序。其中仿真核心运行在Server端,建模和结果后处理程序为JavaApplet,由用户的Browser下载并执行。JRTSS的系统模型是一个开放队列网络。通过在不同抽象层次对多个数据采集与处理系统、通信网络以及柔性制造系统的仿真与性能评价,证实JRTSS是一个用于系统开发的有力工具。  相似文献   

Feature_basedIntegratedCAD/CAPP/CAMSystemForConcurentEngineringWangHuichengZhangXinfangZhouJi(CADCenterofH.U.S.T)AbstractThis...  相似文献   

(接上期) 佳能BJC-7100是适合SO-HO使用的彩色喷墨打印机,价格约在1700元左右。它拥有七色打印的特性,大大提高了彩色打印效果,但这款机型也已停产,市面上仍可见到。 Canon BJC-3000是替代BJC-7100的产品,与BJC-7100不同的是它只有四色独立墨盒,在打印分辨率上提高了不少。值得一提的是Canon的 BJC 50和BJC80,这两款均系便携式设计,适合笔记本用户和一些具有特殊需要的用户。 Epson Stylus Color 460是市场上唯一低于千元的Epson公司的产…  相似文献   

BEA再推企业级新品 BEA系统有限公司日前推出了最新版的BEA WebLogic Enterprise 5.0。该产品是业内第一个支持Enterprise JavaBeaus(EJB)企业级应用服务器。 BEA WebLogic Enterprise 5.0融Java2平台、J2EE、CORBA和BEA Tuxe-do应用服务器及交易处理技术于一体,可为快速构筑和部署面向E代人的创新电子商务应用系统,提供通用的、可靠的环境CA与宏基携手进军ASP领域 宏基集团与组合国际电脑公司近日共同宣布合资成立企业…  相似文献   

Java平台及应用Java技术的安全问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐甜 《微计算机信息》2007,23(18):216-218
本文对Java安全体系结构做了比较详细的学习与探讨,并对Java安全体系中的Java安全体系结构的核心,Java加密体系结构(JCA),Java加密扩展(JCE),Java认证与授权服务(JAAS),Java安全套接扩展(JSSE)逐一进行分析。为基于Web的分布式应用程序提供了一个综合框架。  相似文献   

性能问题一直是Java无法回避的一个弱点。然而造成性能低下的原因除了Java本身的原因外,很多时候是由于应用没有优化地使用Java造成的。虚拟机是Java平台的核心,研究Java虚拟机(Java virtual machine,简称JVM)的关键技术及运行机制,并分析其性能优化措施,使Java在不同的平台上顺利运行,为编程实现JVM或向各种平台移植JVM提供参考。  相似文献   

Java card is a new system for programming smart cards,which is based on the Java language and Virtual Machine,Java card programs(applets)run in Java Card Runtime Environment (JCRE)including the java Card Virtual Machine(JCVM),the framework,the assoicated native methods and the API(Application Programming Interface),JCVM is implemented as two separate pieces: off-card VM(Virtual Machine)and on-card VM.The stack model and heap memory structure used by on-car VM and exception handling are introduced.Because there are limited resources wihin smart card environment,and garbage collection is not supported in JCVM,the preferred way to exception handling does not directly involve the use of throw,although the throw keyowrd is supported.Security is the most important feature of smart card.The Java Card applet security feature is also discussed.  相似文献   

Java网络浏览器组件的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈奕敏  张继超  袁奕 《计算机应用》2005,25(8):1896-1898
Java标准组件JEditorPane支持HTML3.2标准,但不支持被广泛采用的HTML4.0标准,无法表达网页中嵌入的多媒体信息。为此提出了一个基于本地浏览器的JavaAWT浏览器组件设计方案,采用Socket在本地浏览器和Java虚拟机之间进行通信,利用Java的AWT本地接口将浏览器组件嵌入JavaAWT/Swing应用程序,实现了在Java应用程序中提供网络浏览器的功能。  相似文献   

This panel session focuses on utilization of Java for numeric-intensive applications, including the advantages and disadvantages of Java for future use with industrial independent software vendor (ISV)-based finite element methods (FEM) codes. Discussion will address both partial use of Java and/or complete code implementation; activities in this area are already in progress and have been reported by the Java Grande Forum (see http://www.javagrande.org). Some of the issues that will be discussed by the panelists and audience include: performance comparisons of Java, Fortran, C, and C++; primary deficiencies of Java with respect to future development of competitive commercial ISV-based FEM codes; Java standardization bottlenecks; strategies for transitioning to Java from existing large legacy commercial codes; current and future numeric-intensive benchmarks; actions to improve Java floating-point performance. This session is represented by biographical sketches of the panel participants, their individual reflections on the panel theme, and a list of related Internet references.  相似文献   

Early Java implementations relied on interpretation,leading to poor performance compared to compiled programs,Java just-in-time(JIT) compiler can compile Java programs at runtime,so it not only improves Java‘s performance prominently,but also preserves Java‘s portability.In this paper the design and implementing techniques of Java JIT complier based on Chinese open system are discussed in detail.To enhance the portability,a translating method which combines the static simulating method and macro expansion method is adopted.The optimization technique for JIT compiler is also discussed and a way to evaluate the hotspots in Java programs is presented.Experiments have been conducted to verify JIT compilation technique as an efficient way to accelerate Java.  相似文献   

将Java程序静态编译成可执行程序是使用Java虚拟机动态编译/解释执行Java程序的另一种运行Java程序的方式。针对Java异常机制的特点和静态编译的需求,在介绍Java异常处理逻辑的基础上,提出一种在静态编译器中实现Java异常机制的算法,结合Open64开源编译器,给出该算法的具体步骤以及实现方式,以SPECjvm98为测试集,验证该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

石学锋  陈智  李政道 《计算机工程》2007,33(17):273-274
为了增强MHP机顶盒的网络交互能力,必须构建Java运行环境。该文介绍了Java技术、MHP机顶盒软件结构模型、嵌入式Java虚拟机(JVM)概念以及开源Java虚拟机——Kaffe的软件层次结构,阐述了Kaffe在ALI公司数字电视机顶盒开发平台上移植的实现过程,提出了在嵌入式环境下,Java虚拟机执行引擎的性能优化策略。实际运行结果证明了JVM的移植性和性能优化策略的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper presents ibvdev a scalable and efficient low-level Java message-passing communication device over InfiniBand. The continuous increase in the number of cores per processor underscores the need for efficient communication support for parallel solutions. Moreover, current system deployments are aggregating a significant number of cores through advanced network technologies, such as InfiniBand, increasing the complexity of communication protocols, especially when dealing with hybrid shared/distributed memory architectures such as clusters. Here, Java represents an attractive choice for the development of communication middleware for these systems, as it provides built-in networking and multithreading support. As the gap between Java and compiled languages performance has been narrowing for the last years, Java is an emerging option for High Performance Computing (HPC). The developed communication middleware ibvdev increases Java applications performance on clusters of multicore processors interconnected via InfiniBand through: (1) providing Java with direct access to InfiniBand using InfiniBand Verbs API, somewhat restricted so far to MPI libraries; (2) implementing an efficient and scalable communication protocol which obtains start-up latencies and bandwidths similar to MPI performance results; and (3) allowing its integration in any Java parallel and distributed application. In fact, it has been successfully integrated in the Java messaging library MPJ Express. The experimental evaluation of this middleware on an InfiniBand cluster of multicore processors has shown significant point-to-point performance benefits, up to 85% start-up latency reduction and twice the bandwidth compared to previous Java middleware on InfiniBand. Additionally, the impact of ibvdev on message-passing collective operations is significant, achieving up to one order of magnitude performance increases compared to previous Java solutions, especially when combined with multithreading. Finally, the efficiency of this middleware, which is even competitive with MPI in terms of performance, increments the scalability of communications intensive Java HPC applications.  相似文献   

基于Java的视频监控系统中报警录像功能的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Java的平台无关性和完整的网络支持,开发出基于Java的视频监控系统.使用JMF(Java媒体框架)实现视音频捕获并每隔几秒截取监控区域的图像,利用Matlab进行图像对比并打包成Java程序,在监控区域出现异常情况时及时进行报警和录像.测试结果表明,系统的报警录像功能实用可靠,满足实时监控需求.  相似文献   

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