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〔本刊讯〕为推动我国太阳热水器产业发展,尤其是加快太阳热水器与建筑一体化工作的步伐,开创太阳热水器进入千家万户的新局面,由国家经贸委、建设部会同联合国基金会组织实施的“中国太阳热水器行业发展”国际合作项目于4月18日在北京正式启动。“中国太阳热水器行业发展”国际合作项目的长期目标是:扩大可再生能源在建筑业和民用住宅的应用,减少煤炭消耗量,减少相应的温室气体排放量。项目的近期目标是:1提高太阳热水器的质量,促进太阳热水器产品的升级换代,扩大太阳热水器在民用住宅中的市场份额。2通过3~5个太阳热水器…  相似文献   

[本刊讯]由国家经贸委主办的“太阳能热水器行业发展研讨会暨国际合作项目启动会”2002年4月18日在北京召开。建设部、太阳能研究机构、太阳能热水器企业、建筑设计研究机构、标准和规范的研究和编制单位、房地产开发商以及联合国经济与社会发展事务部、联合国开发计划署、荷兰能源与环境发展总署的代表共70多人出席。会议总结我国太阳能热水器产业发展的成就,分析产业发展面临的主要问题,研究推动我国太阳能热水器产业发展的主要措施;交流介绍国内外太阳能热水器与建筑结合技术的先进经验;正式启动国家经贸委与联合国基金会共…  相似文献   

我国太阳热水器产业发展现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国太阳热水器在生产能力和应用规模上都处于世界首位。到2001年底我国太阳热水器生产量已达820万m2,实现年产值百亿、销售收入94亿元人民币,是世界上名副其实的太阳热水器最大生产、供应国。尽管如此,我国太阳热水器产业仍是一个新兴产业,与其它产业比较,尚处在发展初期,有许多发展中的问题有待逐步解决。为大力发展我国太阳热水器产业,在国家制订的《新能源和可再生能源产业发展“十五”规划》中,明确提出太阳能光热利用是发展的重点产业之一,计划到2005年,全国太阳热水器年生产能力达到1100万m2,总保有量6400万m2,形成5~10家具有国际竞…  相似文献   

编者按:太阳能热水器能效强制性国家标准的制定工作即将正式启动.太阳能热水器的能效系数及太阳热水器热性能等对于标准制定和产业发展影响重大.殷志强教授特撰文两篇在本刊发表,供制定标准参考.  相似文献   

经过近20年的研究和科技成果转化,太阳热水器技术已趋成熟。随着改革开放,人民生活质量不断提高,生活热水正在成为现代文明生活中不可缺少的需求。太阳热水器市场不断扩大,太阳热水器产业迅速发展。据不完统计,全国已有 1000多家企业,从事研制、生产、销售和安装服务业务。太阳热水器已成为太阳能热利用产业的主流。1太阳热水器产业发展现状 我国市场上销售的太阳热水器基本上可分为三大类型产品,即闷晒热水器、平板热水器和真空管(包括热管)热水器。其中间晒热水器的生产主要以中小型企业为主。 平板热水器的核心部分是平…  相似文献   

徐伟  谢建  涂娅 《太阳能》2004,(3):7-9
毫无疑问,资本需要寻找盈利的机会,新兴的具有重大发展机遇的太阳热水器产业、光伏产业将是资本的主要选择目标之一;同时太阳热水器产业、光伏产业也需要资本市场,没有资本的支持太阳热水器产业,光伏产业难以真正做大做强。  相似文献   

我国太阳热水器产业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国太阳热水器产业初步形成于80年代后期,随着人民生活水平的提高,对生活热水需求增长,促使太阳热水器产业迅速发展。1997年全国太阳热水器的年产量将近350万m2,总产值约35亿元,其中平板热水器约占45%,真空管热水器约占30%,闷晒式约占25%。市场上出售的太阳热水器全部为国产品,而且没有政府补贴,销售量连续呈上升趋势,市场前景看好。我国太阳热水器产业的发展是科技成果转化为生产力的一个成功范例,它与广大太阳能热利用科技工作者的努力,有关行业的技术支持和政府部门的政策、财政支持是分不开的。目前…  相似文献   

太阳热水器生产和开发是近几年迅速发展起来的新产业.应用太阳热水器可以为用户提供生活用热水,解决居民洗澡用水问题,太阳热水器逐渐成为人们生活中的必备设备.但是,太阳热水器的安装没有纳入城市建设规划中,管道设计不规范,在使用中经常出现问题,给居民带来不便,影响太阳热水器的使用和发展.根据多年的实践经验,针对太阳热水器管道设计安装与使用管理问题,笔者提出如下看法.  相似文献   

为促进我国太阳热水器产业的健康发展,加速中国太阳热水器行业商业化能力建设,尽快让我国的太阳能热水器检测标准与国际标准接轨,建设国家级太阳热水器质量检验中心已势在必行。因此国家经贸委拟在联合国开发计划署/全球环境基金UNDP/GEF“加速中国可再生能源商业化能力建  相似文献   

太阳热水器是目前我国新能源和可再生能源产业发展最快,技术日趋成熟,是行业最具发展潜力的产品之一。到1999年,全国太阳热水器累计拥有量2000万平方米,近几年年增长率在25~30%,预计2000年的产量达500万平方米,拥有量和生产能力居世界第一位,年产值达45~50亿元,为城乡提供了5万多个就业机会。按照国家经贸委制定的产业规划,到2015年全国家庭住宅太阳热水器普及率达20~30%,市场需求量约2.32亿平方米,市场前景非常广阔。为使今后我国太阳热水器产业的发展再上一个新的台阶,提出几点建议,与读者探讨。一我国太阳热水器行业发…  相似文献   

Photovoltaic materials, past, present, future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper traces briefly the history of this photovoltaic materials and it tries to look at possible future scenarios. A large part of the paper is concerned with silicon although from solid-state physics we know that silicon is not the ideal material for photovoltaic conversion. From the first solar cell developed at Bell Laboratories in 1954 photovoltaics was dominated by silicon. The reasons for this dominating position are investigated. Crystalline silicon today has a market share of 86% which is almost equally distributed between single crystal and cast silicon. Amorphous silicon has another 13%. The main endeavor is to reduce cost. Present trends in the crystalline field are reviewed. The conventional technology still has significant potential for cost reduction but this comes only with increasing volume. A problem to be solved is the supply of solar-grade silicon material. Other future possibilities include thin film crystalline silicon on different substrates. Because of the low absorption coefficient of silicon light trapping is required. True thin film materials need only 1–2 μm of material. Amorphous silicon, copper indium diselenide (CIS) and CdTe are hopeful approaches for very cost-effective solar cells. Some other, more speculative materials and concepts are described at the end of this paper  相似文献   

The kinetics of hydrogen absorption by magnesium bulk is affected by two main activated processes: the dissociation of the H2 molecule and the diffusion of atomic H into the bulk. In order to have fast absorption kinetics both activated processed need to have a low barrier. Here we report a systematic ab initio density functional theory investigation of H2 dissociation and subsequent atomic H diffusion on TM (= Ti, V, Zr, Fe, Ru, Co, Rh, Ni, Pd, Cu, Ag)-doped Mg(0001) surfaces. The calculations show that doping the surface with TMs on the left of the periodic table eliminates the barrier for the dissociation of the molecule, but the H atoms bind very strongly to the TM, therefore hindering diffusion. Conversely, TMs on the right of the periodic table do not bind H, however, they do not reduce the barrier to dissociate H2 significantly. Our results show that Fe, Ni and Rh, and to some extent Co and Pd, are all exceptions, combining low activation barriers for both processes, with Ni being the best possible choice.  相似文献   

Flexible, long-lived, large-area, organic solar cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report herein large area (>10 cm2), interconnected organic solar cell modules both on glass substrates as well as on flexible ultra-high barrier foils, reaching 1.5% and 0.5% overall power conversion efficiency under AM1.5 conditions. Series connection is described, as these modules consist of up to three cells. Using our flexible barrier material, a shelf lifetime of polythiophene-based solar cells of 6000 h could be realized. Furthermore, we compare the photovoltaic performance of efficient conjugated polymer:fullerene solar cell modules with established technologies. Under typical indoor-office lighting, our modules are competitive with these systems.  相似文献   

The optical properties of metal coated glass substrates have been investigated. Thin films of various thicknessesof the noble metals: Cu, Ag, Au, the transition metals: Cr, Fe, Co, Ni and the free electron-like metal Al were thermally evaporated onto glass substrates. The front and backside reflectance and the transmittance between 0.35 and 15 μm were measured. The obtained data were used to calculate the integrated values of solar reflection and transmission as a function of metal film thickness. The application of metal films on domestic windows as sun-screens and heat-mirrors are discussed. It is concluded that Cu is the best coating in a window system if good heat insulating properties are desired. This is due to its ability to remain continuous at very thin film thicknesses. An infra-red reflectance of 86 per cent combined with a solar transmittance of 55 per cent was obtained for a 70film. For solar heat-protection Au-films are found to be superior owing to their transmittance peak in the middle of the visible wavelength region. The transition metals are less selective than the noble metals, but due to their flat response-curves in the visible range they cause a smaller change in colour of the transmitted and reflected light.  相似文献   

立足于灾后重建的建筑设计,必须注重低造价、低技术策略的运用,充分利用自然资源,适应可持续发展的要求.太阳能等绿色技术的融入,丰富了建筑设计的内涵,增加了可实施性.介绍了2009国际太阳能建筑设计竞赛获奖作品从基地调研、环境应对、建筑组合到技术融入的系列构思过程,从而在灾后重建过程中通过建筑传递给人们阳光与希望.  相似文献   

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