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Plover is an automated property-verifier for Haskell programs that has been under development for the past three years as a component of the Programatica project. In Programatica, predicate definitions and property assertions written in P-logic, a programming logic for Haskell, can be embedded in the text of a Haskell program module. Properties refine the type system of Haskell but cannot be verified by type-checking alone; a more powerful logical verifier is needed.Plover codes the proof rules of P-logic, and additionally, embeds strategies and decision procedures for their application and discharge. It integrates a reduction system that implements a rewriting semantics for Haskell terms with a congruence-closure algorithm that supports reasoning with equality. It employs strategies such as structure splitting and case analysis to explore alternative valuations of expressions of type Bool or other finite data types, but these strategies can lead to exponential growth of terms and must be employed cautiously.Plover itself is written in Stratego, which has proven to be a powerful language tool for implementating a verifier. We discuss the design and implementation of some strategies that enable Plover to comprehend Haskell and verify many valid property assertions.  相似文献   

Program transformation is the mechanical manipulation of a program in order to improve it relative to some cost function and is understood broadly as the domain of computation where programs are the data. The natural basic building blocks of the domain of program transformation are transformation rules expressing a ‘one-step’ transformation on a fragment of a program. The ultimate perspective of research in this area is a high-level, language parametric, rule-based program transformation system, which supports a wide range of transformations, admitting efficient implementations that scale to large programs. This situation has not yet been reached, as trade-offs between different goals need to be made. This survey gives an overview of issues in rule-based program transformation systems, focusing on the expressivity of rule-based program transformation systems and in particular on transformation strategies available in various approaches. The survey covers term rewriting, extensions of basic term rewriting, tree parsing strategies, systems with programmable strategies, traversal strategies, and context-sensitive rules.  相似文献   

Data-flow optimizations are usually implemented on low-level intermediate representations. This is not appropriate for source-to-source optimizations, which reconstruct a source level program after transformation. In this paper we show how constant propagation, a well known data-flow optimization problem, can be implemented on abstract syntax trees in Stratego, a rewriting system extended with programmable rewriting strategies for the control over the application of rules and dynamic rewrite rules for the propagation of information.  相似文献   

An NSF Proposal     
The objectives of this research are to improve software productivity, reliability, and performance of complex systems. The approach combines program transformations, sometimes in reflective ways, to turn very high level perspicuous specifications into efficient implementations. These transformations will be implemented in a meta-transformational system, which itself will be transformed from an executable specification into efficient code. Experiments will be conducted to assess the research objectives in scaled up applications targetted to systems that perform complex program analysis and translation.The transformations to be used include dominated convergence (for implementing fixed points efficiently), finite differencing (for replacing costly repeated calculations by less expensive incremental counterparts), data structure selection (for simulating associative access on a RAM in real time), and partial evaluation (for eliminating interpretive overhead and simplification). Correctness of these transformations, of user-defined transformations, and of the transformational system itself will be addressed in part. Both the partial evaluator and components of the transformational system that perform inference and conditional rewriting will be derived by transformation from high level specifications. Other transformations will be specified in terms of Datalog-like inference and conditional rewriting rules that should be amenable to various forms of rule induction.Previously, Cai and Paige in [12] used an ideal model of productivity free from all human factors in order to demonstrate experimentally how a transformation from a low level specification language into C could be used to obtain a five-fold increase in the productivity of efficient algorithm implementation in C in comparison to hand-coded C. However, only small-scale examples were considered. The proposed research includes a plan to expand this model of productivity to involve other specification languages (and their transformation to C), and to conduct experiments to demonstrate how to obtain a similar five-fold improvement in productivity for large-scale examples of C programs that might exceed 100,000 lines.The proposal lays out extensive evidence to support the approach, which will be evaluated together with its theoretical underpinnings through substantial experiments. If successful, the results are expected to have important scientific and economic impact. They are also expected to make interesting, new pedagogical connections between the areas of programming languages, software engineering, databases, artificial intelligence, and algorithms.  相似文献   

A methodology for proving the termination of well-moded logic programs is developed by reducing the termination problem of logic programs to that of term rewriting systems. A transformation procedure is presented to derive a term rewriting system from a given well-moded logic program such that the termination of the derived rewrite system implies the termination of the logic program for all well-moded queries under a class of selection rules. This facilitates applicability of a vast source of termination orderings proposed in the literature on term rewriting, for proving termination of logic programs. The termination of various benchmark programs has been established with this approach. Unlike other mechanizable approaches, the proposed approach does not require any preprocessing and works well, even in the presence of mutual recursion. The transformation has also been implemented as a front end to Rewrite Rule Laboratory (RRL) and has been used in establishing termination of nontrivial Prolog programs such as a prototype compiler for ProCoS, PL0 language.  相似文献   

Programmable rewriting strategies provide a valuable tool for implementing traversal functionality in grammar-driven (or schema-driven) tools. The working Haskell programmer has access to programmable rewriting strategies via two similar options: (i) the Strafunski bundle for generic functional programming and language processing, and (ii) the “Scrap Your Boilerplate” approach to generic functional programming. Basic rewrite steps are encoded as monomorphic functions on datatypes. Rewriting strategies are polymorphic functions composed from appropriate basic strategy combinators.We will briefly review programmable rewriting strategies in Haskell. We will address the following questions:
• What are the merits of Haskellish strategies?
• What is the relation between strategic programming and generic programming?
• What are the challenges for future work on functional strategies?
Keywords: Rewrite startegies; programming languages; Haskell; functional programming  相似文献   

This paper has the purpose of reviewing some of the established relationships between logic and concurrency, and of exploring new ones.Concurrent and distributed systems are notoriously hard to get right. Therefore, following an approach that has proved highly beneficial for sequential programs, much effort has been invested in tracing the foundations of concurrency in logic. The starting points of such investigations have been various idealized languages of concurrent and distributed programming, in particular the well established state-transformation model inspired by Petri nets and multiset rewriting, and the prolific process-based models such as the π-calculus and other process algebras. In nearly all cases, the target of these investigations has been linear logic, a formal language that supports a view of formulas as consumable resources. In the first part of this paper, we review some of these interpretations of concurrent languages into linear logic and observe that, possibly modulo duality, they invariably target a small semantic fragment of linear logic that we call LVobs.In the second part of the paper, we propose a new approach to understanding concurrent and distributed programming as a manifestation of logic, which yields a language that merges those two main paradigms of concurrency. Specifically, we present a new semantics for multiset rewriting founded on an alternative view of linear logic and specifically LVobs. The resulting interpretation is extended with a majority of linear connectives into the language of ω-multisets. This interpretation drops the distinction between multiset elements and rewrite rules, and considerably enriches the expressive power of standard multiset rewriting with embedded rules, choice, replication, and more. Derivations are now primarily viewed as open objects, and are closed only to examine intermediate rewriting states. The resulting language can also be interpreted as a process algebra. For example, a simple translation maps process constructors of the asynchronous π-calculus to rewrite operators. The language of ω-multisets forms the basis for the security protocol specification language MSR 3. With relations to both multiset rewriting and process algebra, it supports specifications that are process-based, state-based, or of a mixed nature, with the potential of combining verification techniques from both worlds. Additionally, its logical underpinning makes it an ideal common ground for systematically comparing protocol specification languages.  相似文献   

In spite of advances in various transformation systems the transformation of a nonmonotonic-logic-based requirements specification into a procedural (imperative) language program has not been investigated. This paper presents a logic-based transformation system that can transform a nonmonotonic-logic-based specification, the Frame-and-Rule Oriented Requirement Specification Language (FRORL), into procedural language programs. We discuss how to handle nonmonotonic inheritance in FRORL and then establish a matrix-based data flow and dependency analysis mechanism to find all the possible data transformation paths in a logic-based specification. Using a newly developed algorithm, we can adjust the execution sequence of a logic-based specification so that the functions included in the logic-based specification can be represented by a sequential procedural language program  相似文献   

We explore the features of rewriting logic and, in particular, of the rewriting logic language Maude as a logical and semantic framework for representing and executing inference systems. In order to illustrate the general ideas we consider two substantial case studies. In the first one, we represent both the semantics of Milner’s CCS and a modal logic for describing local capabilities of CCS processes. Although a rewriting logic representation of the CCS semantics is already known, it cannot be directly executed in the default interpreter of Maude. Moreover, it cannot be used to answer questions such as which are the successors of a process after performing an action, which is used to define the semantics of Hennessy-Milner modal logic. Basically, the problems are the existence of new variables in the righthand side of the rewrite rules and the nondeterministic application of the semantic rules, inherent to CCS. We show how these problems can be solved in a general, not CCS dependent way by controlling the rewriting process by means of reflection. This executable specification plus the reflective control of rewriting can be used to analyze CCS processes. The same techniques are also used to implement a symbolic semantics for LOTOS in our second case study. The good properties of Maude as a metalanguage allow us to implement a whole formal tool where LOTOS specifications without restrictions in their data types (given as ACT ONE specifications) can be executed. In summary, we present Maude as an executable semantic framework by providing easy-tool-building techniques for a language given its operational semantics.Research supported by CICYT projects Desarrollo Formal de Sistemas Distribuidos (TIC97-0669-C03-01) and Desarrollo Formal de Sistemas Basados en Agentes Móviles (TIC2000-0701-C02-01).  相似文献   

The tracer Hat records in a detailed trace the computation of a program written in the lazy functional language Haskell. The trace can then be viewed in various ways to support program comprehension and debugging. The trace was named the augmented redex trail. Its structure was inspired by standard graph rewriting implementations of functional languages. Here we describe a model of the trace that captures its essential properties and allows formal reasoning. The trace is a graph constructed by graph rewriting but goes beyond simple term graphs. Although the trace is a graph whose structure is independent of any rewriting strategy, we define the trace inductively, thus giving us a powerful method for proving its properties.  相似文献   

In this paper the theoretical basis is presented and the implementation of a term rewriting system based on algebraic specifications is described. The input to this system is represented by an algebraic specification language, which forms not only the set of axioms but also the sorts, variables, operators and terms of a specific simulated theory or application. Rewriting and matching mechanisms provide the formal methodology for evaluating terms and proving assertions in an algebraic theory. Specifications are evaluated by interpreting terms by means of rewrite rules. The rules are described by the axioms of the specifications where the finite termination and congruence properties are assumed. A term rewriting system to recognize handwritten Hindu numerals is introduced as a case study. Besides rewriting, a robust algorithm is proposed to segment the numeral's image into strokes based on feature points and to identify cavity features. A syntactic representation (term) of the input image is matched and rewritten against a set of rules. Experimental results proved that the proposed system is tolerant to recognize a variety of numeral shapes with 96% successful recognition rate.  相似文献   

Automated deduction methods should be specified not procedurally, but declaratively, as inference systems which are proved correct regardless of implementation details. Then, different algorithms to implement a given inference system should be specified as strategies to apply the inference rules. The inference rules themselves can be naturally specified as (possibly conditional) rewrite rules. Using a high-performance rewriting language implementation and a strategy language to guide rewriting computations, we can obtain in a modular way implementations of both the inference rules of automated deduction procedures and of algorithms controling their application. This paper presents the design of a strategy language for the Maude rewriting language that supports this modular decomposition: inference systems are specified in system modules, and strategies in strategy modules. We give a set-theoretic semantics for this strategy language, present its different combinators, illustrate its main ideas with several examples, and describe both a reflective prototype in Maude and an ongoing C++ implementation.  相似文献   

A uniform treatment of specifications, programs, and programming is presented. The treatment is based on adding a specification statement to a given procedural language and defining its semantics. The extended language is thus a specification language and programs are viewed as a subclass of specifications. A partial ordering on specifications/programs corresponding to ‘more defined’ is defined. In this partial ordering the program/specification hybrids that arise in the construction of a program by stepwise refinement form a monotonic sequence. We show how Dijkstra's calculus for the derivation of programs corresponds to constructing this monotonic sequence. Formalizing the calculus thus gives some insight into the intellectual activity it demands and allows us to hint at further developments.  相似文献   

Esterel is a design language for the specification of real time embedded systems. Based on the synchronous concurrency paradigm, its semantics describes execution as a succession of instants of computation. In this work, we consider the introduction of a new gotopause instruction in the language, which acts as a non-instantaneous jump instruction compatible with concurrency. It allows the programmer to activate state control points anywhere in the program, from where the execution is resumed in the next instant. In order to provide the formal semantics of the extended language, we first define a state semantics of Esterel, which we prove observationally equivalent to the original logical behavioral semantics. Including gotopause in the state semantics is then straightforward. We sketch two key applications of our new primitive: a direct encoding of automata and a quasi-linear rewriting of programs eliminating schizophrenic behaviors.  相似文献   

Prabhaker Mateti 《Software》1983,13(2):163-179
A two level specification of the functional behaviour of a class of indenting programs for Pascal is presented. The transformation that these programs perform on the input text is a composition of splitting input lines, altering the blank space between lexical tokens and computing the margin required in front of each of the split lines. The high level specification is given as a stylized Pascal grammar in Extended BNF. In contrast, the low level specifications, which are operationally closer to a program, and which define how syntactically invalid text is dealt with, require several mathematical functions that capture the essence of these basic transformations. The specifications of an indenting program for Pascal are then obtained as a further elaboration of these functions. Most indentation styles appearing in the literature can be specified with precision using methods developed in this paper. Our experience in this case study indicates that although specifications for real-life programs can be given using simple mathematics, the effort required is still considerable.  相似文献   

Refactoring consists in restructuring an object-oriented program without changing its behaviour. In this paper, we present refactorings as transformation rules for programs written in a refinement language inspired on Java that allows reasoning about object-oriented programs and specifications. A set of programming laws is available for the imperative constructs of this language as well as for its object-oriented features; soundness of the laws is proved against a weakest precondition semantics. The proof that the refactoring rules preserve behaviour (semantics) is accomplished by the application of these programming laws and data simulation. As illustration of our approach to refactoring, we use our rules to restructure a program to be in accordance with a design pattern.  相似文献   

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