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公众、个人、企业乃至政治生活已经进入了气候变化的时代,而这个时代漫长得几乎看不到尽头.出现在澳大利亚墨尔本市的气候变化,存在两种主要的挑战.首先,城市必须为气候变化带来的影响做好充分准备,采取必要的措施以适应这种变化.其次,墨尔本必须降低依赖于矿物燃料的经济所产生的温室气体排放量.本文对应对气候变化的几个关键问题进行了研究,碍出结论,以期为墨尔本未来解决这些问题带来启示.  相似文献   

气候变化正在快速成为21世纪发展的突出挑战。 今天,没有人能够真正地预见到沿着这条路走下去10年、20年或30年后,一个城镇或城市将面临的困境。在这个大多数人口生活在城镇和城市的新城市时代中,我们必须记住,由气候变化引起的灾难,其最大的影响始于城市,也终于城市。城市是气候变化最大的影响源。  相似文献   

《环境与城市化》2013/10 本期《环境与城市化》杂志以应对气候变化为议题探讨如何构建弹性城市。弹性城市通常被定义为城市系统消化和吸收外界干扰并保持原有主要特征结构与关键功能的能力。该期主编对于气候变化与弹性城市的关系有如下基本观点:首先,城市的人口和经济必须对气候变化带来的直接和间接的影响具备弹性机制;其次,世界范围内很大一部分人口现今仍不具备能力构建应对气候变化的这种弹性,这与他们在现阶段仍没有发展这种弹性的相关体制、技术能力及财力有关。  相似文献   

4月7日是世界卫生日,去年的主题是“应对气候变化,保护人类健康”。气候变化为健康带来的危害是多种多样的和全球性的。卫生健康的危害只是环境问题的很小一个方面。人类所遭受的环境问题已经对人类社会本身构成了严重的影响。人类必须反思和自然环境的关系,从传统的生态伦理观念中汲取有价值的东西,努力重新建构新的生态伦理观,心存自然,善待自然,达到真正的人与自然环境的和谐发展。  相似文献   

知识经济时代可持续发展的住宅设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
21 世纪是知识经济时代。知识经济时代是继农业时代、工业时代之后人类社会的一个新阶段,它将给人类的生活、工作和思维方式带来一场革命。文章阐述了知识经济时代背景,当前我国住宅设计存在的问题,提出了面临这场革命,住宅建设必须开拓可持续发展的设计思路。  相似文献   

徐昉 《风景园林》2020,27(12):63-68
气候变化导致生态系统、城市生产生活发生巨大变化,给人类的生存和活动带来了负面影响,而合理的景观规划可以减缓气候变化,使人居环境更好地适应气候变化及其影响。通过文献梳理,剖析气候变化对景观规划提出的新要求,梳理德国景观规划针对气候变化的因应策略。德国景观规划在面对气候变化的不确定性、直接与间接影响时坚持生态优先,通过情景假设、监测更新等机制灵活应对气候变化,及时调整规划内容,综合考虑气候变化的各方面影响,确定应对措施。德国景观规划编制、调整、实施等方面经验对气候变化背景下中国景观规划的良性发展具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

全球范围内的低碳经济转型已经开始,企业需要做好一切准备迎接这一变化,做好低碳经济规划在未来二十或者三十年里将关乎企业的输赢甚至生死存亡。当气候变化和环境成为政府和消费者最关心的问题之一时,对于行业的高管来说,无论他们是否相信气候科学,都必须面对气候变化带来的挑战,从中寻找与自己企业相适应的机遇,这就是生存之道。  相似文献   

气候问题愈来愈成为一个不可忽视的全球性问题,人类社会必须采取紧急行动,应对气候变化带来的影响  相似文献   

董丽  邢小艺 《风景园林》2021,28(11):61-67
城市植被的生长发育受到气候变化的显著影响,从而限制了其生态系统服务的稳定供给。深入了解气候变化对城市植被的影响对于提高城市植被应对气候变化的生态适应性、维持生态系统稳定性及保障景观可持续性十分重要。对国内外学术论文进行全面梳理和系统归纳后,对气候变化影响城市植被的相关研究进展进行了综合阐述,旨在增进风景园林及相关行业人士对此方向的了解与关注。当前研究表明:全球气候变化对城市植被的生长状况、树种构成、物候特征、植物景观及生态功能等多方面产生了显著的直接或间接影响。既包括延长植物生长期等积极影响,也包括以下负面影响:气候变暖加速植物衰老;极端气候现象对植物生长构成胁迫;城市气候适宜生境(climatically-suitable habitats)减少导致树种多样性下降和生物入侵风险增大;气候变化带来的物候变化导致群落种间关系及植物季相景观改变;物候期的年际波动增加了游赏活动时间安排及物候相关疾病发生期预测的不确定性等。整体上负面影响更为突出,表明气候变化为城市植被带来的挑战远大于机遇。而目前,此领域在中国开展的研究尚显不足,未来值得更多关注。  相似文献   

7月11日,国务院总理温家宝主持召开国务院常务会议,研究部署当前节能减排和应对气候变化工作.讨论并原则通过《中华人民共和国科学技术进步法(修订草案)》。 会议指出.今年以来,各地区、各部门认真贯彻中央关于节能减排和应对气候变化的工作部署.采取了一系列措施,做了大量工作.取得了一定成效。但总的看,当前面临的形势依然相当严峻,实现“十一五”规划提出的目标困难很大.不断发生的污染事件给人民群众生活带来严重的影响,决不可掉以轻心。会议强调,各级政府必须充分认识实现节能减排目标的艰巨性和紧迫性,以对国家、对人民、对子孙后代高度负责的精神.把节能减排和应对气候变化工作摆在更加突出、更加重要的位置.调动一切力量.加大工作力度,务求取得实实在在的进展。 会议对下半年节能减排和应对气候变化重点工作做了部署。[编者按]  相似文献   

Integrated water resources management (IWRM) was reviewed in the city of Melbourne. Melbourne performs well and shows a good level of commitment to sustainable solutions. The city scores highly in areas such as water efficiency, wastewater efficiency, i.e., energy recovery, and climate change commitments related to heat and water scarcity. Nearly 30% of houses in Melbourne have installed rainwater tanks and plans to increase the use of stormwater have recently been published. Energy efficiency of buildings, nutrient recovery (especially phosphate) from wastewater, as well as sewage sludge recycling are topics for improvement. A transparent governance structure has been set up in a reaction to the ‘Millennium Drought’ and success has come from many organizations working together to a common goal. This is the secret of Melbourne’s success and can be used as an example for other cities in the world.  相似文献   

本文概述了墨尔本城市规划政策中的环境因素,重点研究了其中的可持续水管理政策。对于严重缺水的圣尔本市而言,可持续的水管理政策是一个非常重要的问题。圣尔本的水量储备在过去10年里已经枯竭,同时气候变化的预测也表明其面临的缺水压力将日益严峻。这导致了激进的管理战略,例如限制本州某些地区的非必要用水。不单单是圣尔本,在澳大利亚乃至全世界其他很多地区都面临着缺水这样的问题。专门用于水管理的较长期的规划政策有助于解决这些问题并降低其进一步的影响。2006年10月引入维多利亚规划条例(VPPs)的“一体化水资源管理”(integrated water management)规定在新的细分条例中可能有助于使其转向更加可持续的供水和污水处理系统。本文介绍了“一体化水资源管理”政策,并对其进行了批判性分析,批判的中心主题是自由裁量与规制的发展控制之间的利弊。文献表明,这一政策的任意性将降低目标达成的可能性。因此,本文认为这一政策要想获得更大的成功,就应该更具规制性和创新性。最后本文探讨了在世界其他地区这类规定的适用性和有效性。  相似文献   

“Integrated Urban Water Management plans” consider all water services simultaneously to determine optimal infrastructure solutions. They create many benefits, including unlocking opportunities for water reuse. This paper conducts preliminary assessment of nine IUWM plan case studies from Melbourne. It finds inconsistencies between plans in relation to environmental and liveability objectives, and option identification methods, and also that many IUWM options perform worse than conventional water supplies in regards to energy. The most consequential finding is that the plans do not include scenario planning and therefore fail to consider infrastructure performance regarding resilience to future uncertainties around population and climate change.  相似文献   

This review examines two new socio-ecological imperatives that have the potential to reshape planning practice and policy: urban climate governance and governance for resilience. The roots of the new imperatives lie in international city collaborative networks funded by philanthropy organisations that operate at city scale. City networks operating at the metropolitan scale raise issues for Australian cities with distributed governance. This practice review considers the early manifestation of both imperatives in what might be termed ‘policy experiments’ in Australia’s two largest cities: the new climate governance framework emerging through the City of Sydney’s collaboration with the C40 network and the resilience regime being shaped by the City of Melbourne’s partnership with Rockefeller Foundation’s Resilient 100 program. Whilst our early analysis has accentuated the positive to some degree, pointing to different, if preliminary, forms of success in both Sydney and Melbourne, the limits and frustrations that present in both contexts cannot be discounted. Urban planners in many world cities and regions will need to consider and possibly absorb these new agendas of urban climate governance and governing for resilience driven by international city collaborative networks.  相似文献   

Compact city policies such as Melbourne 2030 have been established in Australia for a range of reasons including climate change. It is now clear that the Melbourne 2030 policy has not been effective—with new development mostly on the urban fringe. This policy failure has often been sheeted home to resident and local government resistance to densification. This article suggests this narrative is insufficient to explain this failure at a metropolitan-wide scale and is clearly mistaken in one suburb, where aspects of the planning system appear to thwart the aims of strategic policy by encouraging speculation and producing vacant sites. Brunswick is an inner-city suburb with good opportunities for intensification adjacent to transit lines and on former industrial sites. In spite of resident resistance, 80 per cent of new dwellings proposed between 2002 and 2007 were approved for construction, and would have increased housing stock by 13 per cent. However, by 2009 just under half of all approved dwellings had been completed or commenced on site, while construction of the taller and higher density projects tended to stall, the sites having been on-sold and permits extended. We suggest developers anticipate that the planning system will ultimately approve significant increases in height and density, using Melbourne 2030 to over-ride local policy via appeals to the Planning Tribunal. Such permits produce significant capital gains that can be cashed without construction. We argue that elements of the Victorian planning system encourage ambit claims, contestation, cynicism and speculation, thwarting negotiations between residents, councils and developers towards a more compact city. The focus on the idea that resident resistance is the problem obscures the role the planning system itself plays in frustrating the goals of compact city policy.  相似文献   

The drive to undertake building adaptation has increased in momentum, the primary reason being adaptation can be less expensive than new build and conventionally result in faster project delivery times. The issue of sustainable development is another clear driver for adaptation and collectively buildings contribute around half of all greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time governments seek effective and efficient ways of reducing the contribution of cities to climate change and building adaptation appears to offer a practical means of reducing building-related emissions. One example is the ‘1200 building program’ which aims to increase adaptation rates with a target of 1200 city centre office adaptations by 2020 as part of the strategy to achieve carbon neutrality. Through a longitudinal examination of building adaptations it is possible to identify the nature and extent of typical levels of adaptation, as well as determining the inter-relationship between different types of adaptation and building attributes. Melbourne city centre was used for a case study which analysed 5290 building adaptation events between 1998 and 2008. The findings promote the adaptive reuse of buildings in specific circumstances and are directly applicable for increasing sustainability in the built environment. The case study focused on existing buildings in a global city to ensure relevance to urban centres where existing commercial buildings can become part of the solution to mitigate climate change.  相似文献   


‘Desiccators’, large machines that used steam and beaters to reduce waste into powder that could be sold as fertilizer, were one solution put forward in response to late nineteenth century Melbourne’s sanitation problems. Despite some initial enthusiasm for them, challenges with finding locations for desiccators were soon dubbed the ‘Desiccator Difficulty’. The ‘Desiccator Difficulty’ is one, all but forgotten, story of the fragmented governance contributing to Melbourne’s delays in coordinating a metropolitan sewerage system. This paper examines desiccators as a story with parallels in and legacies for planning today. It focuses on the role of local property-based conflicts – arguing these constituted emergent forms of planning, underscoring an increasing urban separation and control later embodied in metropolitan planning and infrastructure. Fragmented standoffs and bylaws also rationalized spatial disparities – with suburban municipalities refusing to house desiccators, nightsoil was sent to outer shires for decades. The paper argues Melbourne’s socio-technical transition to metropolitan sewerage and governance occurred not because water-borne technology was necessarily superior, but because legal assumptions and property interests made alternatives difficult to maintain. Desiccators are examples of ‘muddling’ details that belie simple narratives of technological change, and which have implications for how wider urban environmental change occurs and is understood.  相似文献   


The paper considers economic effects of increased investment in public transport in Melbourne, based on investment plans of VicRail and the M.M.T.B. over a 5 year period, 1981–5. If the investment were to encourage a shift in patronage from private to public transport, this would change the magnitude of costs associated with passenger transport in Melbourne. Calculations are made of these possible cost savings, given particular levels of shift in patronage. The paper concludes by reviewing the feasibility of achieving given patronage changes.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a recognition in Australia and elsewhere of the many favourable aspects of denser urban development, and a corresponding move towards promoting it in urban plans such as Melbourne 2030. The many appealing aspects of denser cities are summarised. Some of the negative impacts of dense urban development on the climate and hydrology of a city are set out and examples of these are provided. Strategies to minimise these adverse effects are proposed, including the widespread use of rooftop gardens.  相似文献   

车生泉  谢长坤 《风景园林》2020,27(12):69-74
随着全球气候变化加剧,针对特大型沿海城市进行气候变化脆弱性评估及适应性对策研究,可保障城市健康安全发展。构建上海气候变化城市脆弱性评价体系,并对现状进行评估。发现上海为中度脆弱;气候变化背景下气候灾害发生风险增加,高度城市化的上海受损可能性增加;上海在自然空间保护、经济结构以及社会福利方面表现较好,对气候变化敏感性和适应性表现较好。分析上海面临的气候变化问题,提出应对策略,为上海预防气候性灾害、建设适应性城市提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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