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从自然通风的基本原理入手,采用计算流体力学方法对典型户型的自然通风效果进行了研究,模拟发现不同户型对自然通风的效果影响很大,提出了改进自然通风效果的建议,对今后的建筑设计给出了很好的参考和改进依据。 相似文献
研究城市通风或建筑风环境的主要目的是探索建筑之间和建筑内外的气流运动及污染物扩散规律,主要手段有风洞实验和计算流体动力学(CFD)模拟,后者相对前者的优点是易操作且成本低,但由于流体运动的高度不确定性,其结果的准确性存疑。在城市中,建筑之间的互相遮挡是主要特征之一,提取其中最基本单元,把两个建筑之间的遮挡问题分为上游建筑有孔(如穿堂风)与无孔两种情况,运用CFD中的雷诺平均模型(RANS)模拟下游建筑表面的风压,并与风洞实验进行严格对比,以讨论CFD方法在这一基本单元问题中的可靠性。网格敏感性分析显示,建筑表面最小网格为建筑高度的2%时,可获得可靠的结果。5种常用RANS模型的结果与风洞实验严格对比表明:RANS模型对模拟上游有孔遮挡的可靠性明显高于模拟无孔遮挡;RANS模型对于建筑上部的风压模拟结果普遍好于建筑下部;其中,SST k-ω模型准确性最高,在上游有孔时,平均误差11%,上游无孔遮挡时,则为16%。 相似文献
Wind tunnel experiments and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are used to analyse the flow conditions in a venturi-shaped roof, with focus on the underpressure in the narrowest roof section (contraction). This underpressure can be used to partly or completely drive the natural ventilation of the building zones. The wind tunnel experiments are performed in an atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel at scale 1:100. The 3D CFD simulations are performed with steady RANS and the RNG k-? model. The purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to evaluate the accuracy of steady RANS and the RNG k-? model for this application and (2) to assess the magnitude of the underpressures generated with different design configurations of the venturi-shaped roof. The CFD simulations of mean wind speed and surface pressures inside the roof are generally in good agreement (10–20%) with the wind tunnel measurements. The study shows that for the configuration without guiding vanes, large negative pressure coefficients are obtained, down to −1.35, with reference to the free-stream wind speed at roof height. The comparison of design configurations with and without guiding vanes shows an – at least at first sight – counter-intuitive result: adding guiding vanes strongly decreases the absolute value of the underpressure. The reason is that the presence of the guiding vanes increases the flow resistance inside the roof and causes more wind to flow over and around the roof, and less wind through it (wind-blocking). As a result, the optimum configuration is the one without guiding vanes. 相似文献
Buildings and their related activities are responsible for a large portion of the energy consumed in China. It is therefore worthwhile to investigate methods for improving the energy efficiency of buildings. This paper describes a low energy building design in Hangzhou, south China. A hybrid ventilation system which employs both natural and mechanical ventilation was used for the building due to the severity of the climate. The passive ventilation system was tested using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and the results showed that, in the mid-seasons, natural ventilation for the building is viable. The likely thermal performance of the building design throughout the year was evaluated using dynamic thermal simulation (DTS) with local hourly standard weather data. It is evident from the modelling results that the hybrid ventilation system is a feasible, low energy approach for building design, even in sub-tropical climates such as south China. 相似文献
James O.P. CheungChun-Ho Liu 《Energy and Buildings》2011,43(5):1149-1158
Natural ventilation, which is in line with the concepts of sustainability and green energy, is widely acknowledged nowadays. Prevailing winds in urban areas are unavoidably modified by the increasing number of closely placed high-rise buildings that significantly modify the natural ventilation behaviour. This paper explores the effects of building interference on natural ventilation using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques. The cross-ventilation rate (temporal-average volumetric airflow rate) of hypothetical apartments in a building cluster under isothermal conditions was examined using the standard two-equation k − ? turbulence model. The sensitivity of ventilation rate to wind direction, building separation and building disposition (building shift) was studied. Placing buildings farther away from one another substantially promoted the ventilation rate, cancelling the unfavourable interference eventually when the building separation was about five times the building width (the optimum separation). The characteristic flow pattern leading to this behaviour was revealed. With the adoption of building disposition, the optimum separation could be reduced to three times the building width. In addition, the airflow rates could be doubled with suitable shifts. Building disposition is therefore one of the feasible solutions to improve the natural ventilation performance in our crowded environment. 相似文献
Ventilation systems for commercial airliner cabins are important in reducing contaminant transport and maintaining thermal comfort. To evaluate the performance of a personalized displacement ventilation system, a conventional displacement ventilation system, and a mixing ventilation system, this study first used the Wells‐Riley equation integrated with CFD to obtain the SARS quanta value based on a specific SARS outbreak on a flight. This investigation then compared the three ventilation systems in a seven‐row section of a fully occupied, economy‐class cabin in Boeing 737 and Boeing 767 airplanes. The SARS quanta generation rate obtained for the index patient could be used in future studies. For all the assumed source locations, the passengers’ infection risk by air in the two planes was the highest with the mixing ventilation system, while the conventional displacement ventilation system produced the lowest risk. The personalized ventilation system performed the best in maintaining cabin thermal comfort and can also reduce the infection risk. This system is recommended for airplane cabins. 相似文献
Emergency ventilation plays an important role in protecting occupants when a hazardous contaminant is released indoors. A number of studies have been conducted to better understand how to protect indoor occupants with effective ventilation strategies. However, little attention has been paid to the impact of the non-uniform and time-dependent distribution of occupants during evacuation. A new concept, Efficiency Factor of Contaminant Source (EFCS), has recently been proposed to evaluate the performance of emergency ventilation by comprehensively considering the spatial and temporal distributions of both the contaminant and occupants. This paper aims to: (1) propose and demonstrate a procedure for determining an optimal ventilation strategy by using EFCS; (2) examine the effects of source locations, ventilation modes, and evacuation modes on the performance of emergency ventilation. One hundred cases with ten ventilation modes, two evacuation modes, and five source locations were investigated numerically. The results show that the EFCS concept can provide a reasonable way to evaluate the performance of emergency ventilation. The threats of different source locations may vary over a large range, and certain measures should be taken to monitor and prevent the releases at high threat locations. A system equipped with multiple ventilation modes is necessary since no universal ventilation mode can successfully mitigate all hazardous situations. The effects of an evacuation mode may be more significant than that of a ventilation mode under certain situations. 相似文献
射流风机升压影响的计算机辅助试验仿真分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
结合公路隧道纵向通风系统设计方案,运用了CFD(计算流体动力学)方法对射流风机的升压效率影响因素进行三维数值分析,确定了影响射流风机升压效率的主要因素并提出提高射流风机升压效率的措施以供工程设计参考. 相似文献
High-resolution 3D steady RANS CFD simulations of forced convective heat transfer at the facades of a low-rise cubic (10 × 10 × 10 m3) building are performed to determine convective heat transfer coefficients (CHTC). The focus is on the windward facade. CFD validation is performed based on wind tunnel measurements of velocity and heat transfer for reduced-scale cubic models. The CFD simulations employ a high-resolution grid with, for the 10 m cubic building, cell centres at a minimum distance of 160 μm from the building surface to resolve the entire boundary layer, including the viscous sublayer and the buffer layer, which dominate the convective surface resistance. The results show that: (1) the wind flow around the building results in highly varying CHTC values across the windward facade; (2) standard and non-equilibrium wall functions are not suitable for CHTC calculation, necessitating either low-Reynolds number modelling or specially-adapted wall functions; (3) at every facade position, the CHTC is a power-law function of the mean wind speed; (4) the CHTC distribution at the windward facade is relatively insensitive to wind direction variations in the 0–67.5° angle range; (5) the CHTC shows a stronger spatial correlation with the turbulent kinetic energy than with the mean wind speed across the facade; and (6) the CHTC distribution across the windward facade is quite similar to the distribution of wind-driven rain (WDR), with both parameters reaching high levels near the top edge of the facade. This suggests that also the convective moisture transfer coefficient will be higher at this location and that the facade parts that receive most WDR might also experience a higher drying rate. 相似文献
Optimising the ventilation configuration of naturally ventilated livestock buildings for improved indoor environmental homogeneity 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Due to the geometrical structure and ventilation configuration of naturally ventilated livestock buildings the animal occupied zone can experience large heterogeneities in ventilation efficiency. Ensuring a homogeneous indoor environment is important when designing naturally livestock buildings as producers should be confident that all animals are receiving the same environmental conditions, at least for the prevailing climate. Moreover, by including climate homogeneity in the building design process, the occurrence of high airspeeds in specific regions of a building can be reduced during windy outdoor conditions, thereby reducing the cold-stressing of animals in these regions. Therefore, it is desirable to know how to alter the geometrical features of a building in order to promote homogeneity in the indoor environment. In the present study, response surface methodology and computational fluid dynamics were used to develop predictive models that described the homogeneity of the indoor environment of a naturally ventilated livestock building as a function of its geometry and ventilation configuration. Three different eave opening conditions were chosen in order to improve the applicability of the developed response surfaces to practical situations encountered in Ireland. Results showed that for high to medium porosity eave opening conditions the environmental homogeneity was most sensitive to the building's roof pitch. However, when low porosity eave opening conditions were used the homogeneity was found to be highly sensitive to the sidewall height. Overall, this study found that modifying the building geometry has the greatest effect on environmental heterogeneity when the most restrictive eave opening condition was employed. It is also hoped that with the developed equations, a designer can subsequently select the best combination of design variables in order to achieve good uniformity in a naturally ventilated calf building. 相似文献
Numerical studies of wind-driven rain (WDR), reporting detailed analysis of rain exposure on building facades, focus mainly on simplified building facades. However, small-scale facade details have a large impact on the rain exposure of a building, redistributing WDR locally. The present study reports results of computational fluid dynamics simulations with Eulerian multiphase (EM) model for WDR on a stand-alone mid-rise residential building. The influence of facade details, namely roof overhangs, balconies and window sills, is analysed. It is shown that even a very small surface detail, such as a window sill with a size of 0.10?m, can decrease catch ratio by up to 37% and droplet impact speed by up to 40%. Numerical simulations also show the practicality of the EM model for detailed analysis of WDR intensity on a complex building and its ability to be used as a design tool. 相似文献
通风系统中带有回风时的污染物浓度计算 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
在常见的通风空调系统中,由于回风的存在使得送风口浓度未知。针对传统的计算流体力学(CFD)方法中必须已知送风口浓度的状况,本文对常见的通风空调系统根据送回风的连接形式归纳为二类类型。通过应用送风可及性和基准浓度的概念分别考虑送风口和污染源对房间各点污染物浓度的影响,本文建立了计算送风口浓度和房间各点浓度的直接方法,并模拟展示了该方法在二种空调通风系统中的应用。 相似文献
We introduce the ventilation potential (VP) as a statistical, climate-dependent measure to assess the removal of scalars, such as heat and pollutants, from courtyards or urban street canyons. The VP is obtained following a three-step approach. First, the magnitude of the flux through a horizontal surface situated at the top of the courtyard or canyon is determined by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations for various courtyard geometries and ambient wind directions. Then, this exchange flux is normalized with the free-stream wind speed and subsequently parameterized as a function of the courtyard’s length-to-width ratio and the incidence angle of the wind flow. Finally, the combination of the parameterization with site-specific wind data yields the VP. This study reveals that the normalized exchange flux is maximal when the angle between the prevailing flow direction and the main courtyard axis is about 15-30°, regardless of the courtyard length. The normalized exchange flux increases with increasing courtyard length, and approaches the optimum for courtyards with a length-to-height ratio of ten. Longer courtyards behave as urban street canyons. Unsteady (LES) simulations lead to a much higher VP and thus favor scalar removal when compared with steady (RANS) simulations. These observations can have a decisive impact on urban planning, human comfort and health. 相似文献
Currently, energy simulations (ES) utilize various outdoor variables such as outside surface, ground surface, sky, and air temperature, using coefficients or simplified equations. These variablesuse empirical correlations that are sometimes insufficient in certain location. Variables such as air temperature at the base of the layer are informed from weather data that may not accurately represent the physical microclimate of the site, and may therefore reduce the accuracy of simulation results. This research investigates utilizing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with Monte Carlo stochastic model to predict site specific temperature parameters for energy simulation. This will allow more realistic and robust energy simulation results for specific site conditions. 相似文献
Wind catcher as a natural ventilation system is increasingly used in modern buildings to minimize the consumption of non-renewable energy and reduce the harmful emissions. Height, cross section of the air passages and also place and the number of openings are the main factors which affect the ventilation performance of a wind catcher structure. In this study, experimental wind tunnel, smoke visualization testing and computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modeling were conducted to investigate ventilation performance of wind catchers with different number of openings to find how the number of opening affects hydrodynamic behavior of wind catchers. To achieve this particular aim, five cylindrical models with same cross section areas and same heights were employed. The cross sections of all these wind catchers were divided internally into various segments to get two-sided, three-sided, four-sided, six-sided and twelve-sided wind catchers. The experimental investigations were conducted in an open circuit subsonic wind tunnel. For all these five shapes, the ventilated air flow rate into the test room was measured at different air incident angles. Numerical solutions were used for all these five configurations to validate the proposed measuring techniques and the corresponding wind tunnel results. The results show that the number of openings is a main factor in performance of wind catcher systems. It also shows that the sensitivity of the performance of different wind catchers related to the wind angle decreases by increasing the number of openings. Moreover, comparing with a circular wind catcher a rectangular system provides a higher efficiency. 相似文献