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We present a parallel priority queue that supports the following operations in constant time:parallel insertionof a sequence of elements ordered according to key,parallel decrease keyfor a sequence of elements ordered according to key,deletion of the minimum key element, anddeletion of an arbitrary element. Our data structure is the first to support multi-insertion and multi-decrease key in constant time. The priority queue can be implemented on the EREW PRAM and can perform any sequence ofnoperations inO(n) time andO(mlogn) work,mbeing the total number of keyes inserted and/or updated. A main application is a parallel implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm for the single-source shortest path problem, which runs inO(n) time andO(mlogn) work on a CREW PRAM on graphs withnvertices andmedges. This is a logarithmic factor improvement in the running time compared with previous approaches.  相似文献   

Xin He 《Algorithmica》1990,5(1):545-559
We present an efficient algorithm for 4-coloring perfect planar graphs. The best previously known algorithm for this problem takesO(n 3/2) sequential time, orO(log4 n) parallel time withO(n3) processors. The sequential implementation of our algorithm takesO(n logn) time. The parallel implementation of our algorithm takesO(log3 n) time withO(n) processors on a PRAM.  相似文献   

Many of the fundamental problems in computer graphics involve the notion of visibility. In one approach to the hiddensurface problem, priorities are assigned to the faces of a scene. A realistic image is then rendered by displaying the faces with the resulting priority ordering. We introduce a tree-based formalism for describing priority orderings that simplifies an existing algorithm. As well, a decompositionbased algorithm is presented for classes of scenes that do not in general admit priority orderings. The algorithm requiresO(n logn) time ift=1 andO(tn logn+n logn logm) time ift>1, wheren andm are respectively the number of faces and polyhedra in the scene, andt is a minimum decomposition factor of the scene. Finally, the tree-based formalism is used in the development ofO(n) time insertion and deletion algorithms that solve the problem of dynamically maintaining a priority ordering.  相似文献   

沈一飞  陈国良  张强锋 《软件学报》2007,18(11):2683-2690
分别在两种重要并行计算模型中给出计算有向基因组排列的反转距离新的并行算法.基于Hannenhalli和Pevzner理论,分3个主要部分设计并行算法:构建断点图、计算断点图中圈数、计算断点图中障碍的数目.在CREW-PRAM模型上,算法使用O(n2)处理器,时间复杂度为O(log2n);在基于流水光总线的可重构线性阵列系统(linear array with a reconfigurable pipelined bus system, LARPBS)模型上,算法使用O(n3)处理器,计算时间复杂度为O(logn).  相似文献   

He  Xin 《Algorithmica》1990,5(1-4):545-559

We present an efficient algorithm for 4-coloring perfect planar graphs. The best previously known algorithm for this problem takesO(n 3/2) sequential time, orO(log4 n) parallel time withO(n3) processors. The sequential implementation of our algorithm takesO(n logn) time. The parallel implementation of our algorithm takesO(log3 n) time withO(n) processors on a PRAM.


Efficient data structures are given for the following two query problems: (i) preprocess a setP of simple polygons with a total ofn edges, so that all polygons ofP intersected by a query segment can be reported efficiently, and (ii) preprocess a setS ofn segments, so that the connected components of the arrangement ofS intersected by a query segment can be reported quickly. In these problems we do not want to return the polygons or connected components explicitly (i.e., we do not wish to report the segments defining the polygon, or the segments lying in the connected components). Instead, we assume that the polygons (or connected components) are labeled and we just want to report their labels. We present data structures of sizeO(n 1+) that can answer a query in timeO(n 1++k), wherek is the output size. If the edges ofP (or the segments inS) are orthogonal, the query time can be improved toO(logn+k) usingO(n logn) space. We also present data structures that can maintain the connected components as we insert new segments. For arbitrary segments the amortized update and query time areO(n 1/2+) andO(n 1/2++k), respectively, and the space used by the data structure isO(n 1+. If we allowO(n 4/3+ space, the amortized update and query time can be improved toO(n 1/3+ andO(n 1/3++k, respectively. For orthogonal segments the amortized update and query time areO(log2 n) andO(log2 n+klogn), and the space used by the data structure isO (n logn). Some other related results are also mentioned.Part of this work was done while the second author was visiting the first author on a grant by the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (N.W.O.). The research of the second author was also supported by the ESPRIT Basic Research Action No. 3075 (project ALCOM). The research of the first author was supported by National Science Foundation Grant CCR-91-06514.  相似文献   

Parallel integer sorting using small operations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider the problem of sortingn integers in the range [0,n c -1], wherec is a constant. It has been shown by Rajasekaran and Sen [14] that this problem can be solved optimally inO(logn) steps on an EREW PRAM withO(n) n -bit operations, for any constant >O. Though the number of operations is optimal, each operation is very large. In this paper, we show thatn integers in the range [0,n c -1] can be sorted inO(logn) time withO(nlogn)O(1)-bit operations andO(n) O(logn)-bit operations. The model used is a non-standard variant of an EREW PRAMtthat permits processors to have word-sizes ofO(1)-bits and (logn)-bits. Clearly, the speed of the proposed algorithm is optimal. Considering that the input to the problem consists ofO (n logn) bits, the proposed algorithm performs an optimal amount of work, measured at the bit level.This work was partially supported by The Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (NPAC) at Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244 and The Rome Air Development Center, under contract F30602-88-D-0027.  相似文献   

Gauss periods yield (self-dual) normal bases in finite fields, and these normal bases can be used to implement arithmetic efficiently. It is shown that for a small prime power q and infinitely many integersn , multiplication in a normal basis of Fqn over Fq can be computed with O(n logn loglog n), division with O(n log2n loglog n) operations in Fq, and exponentiation of an arbitrary element in Fqn withO (n2loglog n) operations in Fq. We also prove that using a polynomial basis exponentiation in F 2 n can be done with the same number of operations in F 2 for all n. The previous best estimates were O(n2) for multiplication in a normal basis, andO (n2log n loglog n) for exponentiation in a polynomial basis.  相似文献   

Summary Using modular arithmetic we obtain the following improved bounds on the time and space complexities for n × n Boolean matrix multiplication: O(n log 2 7 lognlogloglognloglogloglogn) bit operations and O(n 2loglog n) bits of storage on a logarithmic cost RAM having no multiply or divide instruction; O(n log 2 7(logn)2–1/2log 2 7(loglog n)1/2log 2 7–1) bit operations and O(n 2log n) bits of storage on a RAM which can use indirect addressing for table lookups. The first algorithm can be realized as a Boolean circuit with O(n log 2 7lognlogloglognloglogloglogn) gates. Whenever n×n arithmetic matrix multiplication can be performed in less than O(n log 2 7) arithmetic operations, our results have corresponding improvements.This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under contract N00014-67-0204-0063, by the National Research Council of Canada under grant A4307, and by the National Science Foundation under grants MCS76-17321 and GJ-43332  相似文献   

Given ann-vertex simple polygon we address the following problems: (i) find the shortest path between two pointss andd insideP, and (ii) compute the shortestpath tree between a single points and each vertex ofP (which implicitly represents all the shortest paths). We show how to solve the first problem inO(logn) time usingO(n) processors, and the more general second problem inO(log2 n) time usingO(n) processors, and the more general second problem inO(log2 n) time usingO(n) processors for any simple polygonP. We assume the CREW RAM shared memory model of computation in which concurrent reads are allowed, but no two processors should attempt to simultaneously write in the same memory location. The algorithms are based on the divide-and-conquer paradigm and are quite different from the known sequential algorithmsResearch supported by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (McGill University) grant 276-07  相似文献   

Many computer algorithms have embedded in them a subalgorithm called a priority queue which produces on demand an element of extreme priority among elements in the queue. Queues on unrestricted priority domains have a running time of (nlogn) for sequences ofn queue operations. We describe a simple priority queue over the priority domain {1,,N} in which initialization, insertion, and deletion takeO(loglogD) time, whereD is the difference between the next lowest and next highest priority elements in the queue. In the case of initialization,D=(N). Finding a least element, greatest element, and the neighbor in priority order of some specified element take constant time. We also consider dynamic space allocation for the data structures used. Space can be allocated in blocks of size (N 1/p ), for small integerp. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation under grants MCS 77-21092 and MCS 80-002684.  相似文献   

Fast algorithms are presented for performing computations in a probabilistic population model. This is a variant of the standard population protocol model, in which finite-state agents interact in pairs under the control of an adversary scheduler, where all pairs are equally likely to be chosen for each interaction. It is shown that when a unique leader agent is provided in the initial population, the population can simulate a virtual register machine with high probability in which standard arithmetic operations like comparison, addition, subtraction, and multiplication and division by constants can be simulated in O(n log5 n) interactions using a simple register representation or in O(n log2 n) interactions using a more sophisticated representation that requires an extra O(n log O(1) n)-interaction initialization step. The central method is the extensive use of epidemics to propagate information from and to the leader, combined with an epidemic-based phase clock used to detect when these epidemics are likely to be complete. Applications include a reduction of the cost of computing a semilinear predicate to O(n log5 n) interactions from the previously best-known bound of O(n 2 log n) interactions and simulation of a LOGSPACE Turing machine using O(n log2 n) interactions per step after an initial O(n log O(1) n)-interaction startup phase. These bounds on interactions translate into polylogarithmic time per step in a natural parallel model in which each agent participates in an expected Θ(1) interactions per time unit. Open problems are discussed, together with simulation results that suggest the possibility of removing the initial-leader assumption. An extended abstract of this paper previously appeared in DISC 2006 [6]. Some additional material previously appeared in DISC 2007 [7]. The second author was supported in part by NSF grants CNS-0305258 and CNS-0435201.  相似文献   

The main results of this paper are efficient parallel algorithms, MSP and LOCATE, for computing minimal spanning trees and locating minimal paths in directed graphs, respectively. Algorithm MSP has time complexityO(log3 n) usingO(n 3/logn) processors, while LOCATE has time complexityO(logn) usingO(n 2) processors. Algorithm MSP is derived from sequential algorithms, when the unbounded parallelism model is used.  相似文献   

An optimal parallel algorithm for volume ray casting   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Volume rendering by ray casting is computationally expensive. For interactive volume visualization, rendering must be done in real time (30 frames/s). Since the typical size of a 3D dataset is 2563, parallel processing is imperative. In this paper, we present anO(logn) EREW algorithm for volume rendering. We useO(n 3) processors that can be optimized toO(log3 n) time withO(n 3/log3 n) processors. We have implemented our algorithm on a MasPar MP-1. The implementation results show that a frame of size 2563 is generated in 11 s by 4096 processors. This time can be further reduced by the use of large number of processors.  相似文献   

Parallel algorithms for the problems of selection and searching on sorted matrices are formulated. The selection algorithm takesO(lognlog lognlog*n) time withO(n/lognlog*n) processors on an EREW PRAM. This algorithm can be generalized to solve the selection problem on a set of sorted matrices. The searching algorithm takesO(log logn) time withO(n/log logn) processors on a Common CRCW PRAM, which is optimal. We show that no algorithm using at mostnlogcnprocessors,c≥ 1, can solve the matrix search problem in time faster than Ω(log logn) and that Ω(logn) steps are needed to solve this problem on any model that does not allow concurrent writes.  相似文献   

Thedistance transform(DT) is an image computation tool which can be used to extract the information about the shape and the position of the foreground pixels relative to each other. It converts a binary image into a grey-level image, where each pixel has a value corresponding to the distance to the nearest foreground pixel. The time complexity for computing the distance transform is fully dependent on the different distance metrics. Especially, the more exact the distance transform is, the worse execution time reached will be. Nowadays, quite often thousands of images are processed in a limited time. It seems quite impossible for a sequential computer to do such a computation for the distance transform in real time. In order to provide efficient distance transform computation, it is considerably desirable to develop a parallel algorithm for this operation. In this paper, based on the diagonal propagation approach, we first provide anO(N2) time sequential algorithm to compute thechessboard distance transform(CDT) of anN×Nimage, which is a DT using the chessboard distance metrics. Based on the proposed sequential algorithm, the CDT of a 2D binary image array of sizeN×Ncan be computed inO(logN) time on the EREW PRAM model usingO(N2/logN) processors,O(log logN) time on the CRCW PRAM model usingO(N2/log logN) processors, andO(logN) time on the hypercube computer usingO(N2/logN) processors. Following the mapping as proposed by Lee and Horng, the algorithm for the medial axis transform is also efficiently derived. The medial axis transform of a 2D binary image array of sizeN×Ncan be computed inO(logN) time on the EREW PRAM model usingO(N2/logN) processors,O(log logN) time on the CRCW PRAM model usingO(N2/log logN) processors, andO(logN) time on the hypercube computer usingO(N2/logN) processors. The proposed parallel algorithms are composed of a set of prefix operations. In each prefix operation phase, only increase (add-one) operation and minimum operation are employed. So, the algorithms are especially efficient in practical applications.  相似文献   

We construct nonblocking networks that are efficient not only as regards their cost and delay, but also as regards the time and space required to control them. In this paper we present the first simultaneous weakly optimal solutions for the explicit construction of nonblocking networks, the design of algorithms and data-structures. Weakly optimal is in the sense that all measures of complexity (size and depth of the network, time for the algorithm, space for the data-structure, and number of processor-time product) are within one or more logarithmic factors of their smallest possible values. In fact, we construct a scheme in which networks withn inputs andn outputs have sizeO(n(logn)2) and depthO(logn), and we present deterministic and randomized on-line parallel algorithms to establish and abolish routes dynamically in these networks. In particular, the deterministic algorithm usesO((logn)5) steps to process any number of transactions in parallel (with one processor per transaction), maintaining a data structure that useO(n(logn)2) words.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of permutation packet routing on a n×n mesh-connected array of processors. Each node in the array is assumed to be independently faulty with a probability bounded above by a valuep. This paper gives a routing algorithm which, ifp 0.29, will with very high probability route every packet that can be routed inO(n logn) steps with queue lengths that areO(log2 n). Extensions to higher-dimensional meshes are given.  相似文献   

We prove that the greedy triangulation heuristic for minimum weight triangulation of convex polygons yields solutions within a constant factor from the optimum. For interesting classes of convex polygons, we derive small upper bounds on the constant approximation factor. Our results contrast with Kirkpatrick's (n) bound on the approximation factor of the Delaunay triangulation heuristic for minimum weight triangulation of convexn-vertex polygons. On the other hand, we present a straightforward implementation of the greedy triangulation heuristic for ann-vertex convex point set or a convex polygon takingO(n 2) time andO(n) space. To derive the latter result, we show that given a convex polygonP, one can find for all verticesv ofP a shortest diagonal ofP incident tov in linear time. Finally, we observe that the greedy triangulation for convex polygons having so-called semicircular property can be constructed in timeO(n logn).  相似文献   

Two planar figures aresimilar if a scaled version of one of them can be moved so that it coincides with the second figure. The problem of checking whether two planar figures are similar is relevant to both computational geometry and pattern recognition. An efficient algorithm is known for checking whether two polygonsP andQ are similar(1) The purpose of this note is to give an efficient algorithm for checking whether two planar figuresP andQ are similar when the figures are no longer constrained to be polygons. We give anO(n logn) time algorithm for solving this problem when each figure consists of a collection of (possibly intersecting) straight line segments, circles, and ellipses. Our algorithm can easily be modified for figures which include other geometric patterns as well. We also prove that our algorithm is optimal.This work was partially supported by the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-84-K-0502.  相似文献   

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