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介绍了分子筛除湿装置在BM干燥系统中的应用。利用分子筛除湿系统大幅工降低露点,配以合适的工艺参数,使干燥效果满足工艺要求,并且投资少,能耗低,见效快。  相似文献   

吴小麟 《合成纤维》1998,27(4):41-46
本文介绍了低压、大风量、低露点去湿装置在BM切片干燥系统中的应用.通过选用合适的分子筛填充量,可使本去湿装置的露点温度比同类装置更低,并且具有投资少、耗能低、风量充足、露点稳定等特点.  相似文献   

叙述了将BM切片干燥系统的结晶部分由连续式工作改为间歇式工作的技改方法,通过电器控制改造及工艺参数的调整,既保证了正常生产,又达到节电的目的,而且生产品种的终结虎小,节约电能越多。  相似文献   

介绍用低压大风量分子筛改造 FDY生产线上的 BM干燥系统除湿机 ,该系统干燥能力为 6 0 0 kg/ h。改造后的切片含水从原有的 5 5~ 75 ppm降至 30 ppm以下。同时 ,由于采用热风循环使用方式 ,节能效果显著 ,为同类型除湿机的改造提供了一条可以借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

介绍了引起氯气干燥系统设备管道漏裂、堵塞、腐蚀的原因及其危害性,提出了包括设定合理的工艺参数,严格执行操作规程及改造更新设备管路等解决措施。  相似文献   

介绍了分子筛去湿装置在KF干燥系统中的应用。利用分子筛的去湿原理,配以合理的工艺参数,使干燥效果满足工艺要求,且投资少、露点稳定、能耗低、见效快。  相似文献   

介绍了氯气干燥装置整合方案。给出整合过程中使用的一些新材料和设备。  相似文献   

介绍了提高聚酯切片干燥效果的几点措施。通过对BM干燥除湿系统的改进,由原来氯化锂转轮除湿,改为分子筛除湿,并对分子筛的再生温度及再生时间、预结晶的加热温度、主干燥的加热温度等工艺参数进行探讨,确定了聚酯切片干燥的最佳工艺参数。  相似文献   

梁劲晖 《中氮肥》1991,(1):60-63
文章介绍了可编程序控制器在该厂老系统分子筛干燥的再生一切挟顺序控制中的应用,以系统的构成、功能及程控原理作了说明。  相似文献   

介绍中盐湖南株洲化工集团有限公司对PVC干燥系统采取的改造措施。这些措施包括重新设计风管、增设气流导向板、优化工艺控制。改造后,提高了装置产能和PVC树脂的优级品率,解决了干燥塔底虾米弯处积料问题。  相似文献   

对聚酯切片干燥除湿系统及其典型设备如冷冻式除湿机 ,转轮式除湿机和分子筛除湿机进行了介绍和分析。指出冷冻式除湿与分子筛吸附相结合是切片干燥除湿系统的优选配置。  相似文献   

徐冰  王洪明 《玻璃》2005,32(2):47-47,8
介绍了氨分解制氢工艺设备的改进.改造氨汽化器,用蒸汽加热液氨替换电加热液氨;用电加热器直接加热氮气,使分子筛加热再生,改造净化系统.  相似文献   

程哲元 《大氮肥》2000,23(2):87-89
介绍两套国产分子筛干燥装置的工艺流程和自检系统,并提出改进措施。  相似文献   

介绍了鹰山石油化工厂环己酮装置技术改造的原则 ,通过对现有装置的分析 ,应用串并混合型氧化反应、微液滴聚结技术等新技术对该装置的氧化系统、三效烷蒸馏系统、热回收及尾气吸收系统等进行了改造。改造后装置生产能力由原来的 13 2 .5 t/d扩产到 190 t/d,达到了扩产 40 %的目标  相似文献   

李晖 《化工时刊》2004,18(4):57-58
介绍影响氢气露点合格率的几个主要因素,通过优化操作和技术改造,提高装置的露点合格率。避免装置因露点不合格带水冻线的事故发生。  相似文献   

通过对3340kVA整流机组的技术改造,使其直流电流最大输出达到60hA,并且送电曲线后期功率可在较高的功率下运行。产品品级率由原来的40%提高到90%以上,降低了能耗.  相似文献   

F. Luna  J. Martinez 《Drying Technology》2013,31(9-10):1807-1825

A stability analysis of the ordinary differential equations describing the process of convective gas-phase-controlled evaporation during drying of ternary mixtures was performed. The case considered was that of a gas flowing parallel to the surface of a flat solid, wetted with a liquid mixture, during drying at constant gas conditions. If evaporation is isothermal, the solutions of a system of ODEs are the trajectories in the phase plane represented by a triangular diagram of compositions. Analysis of the ternary mixture showed that the predicted ternary dynamic azeotropes were unstable nodes and composition trajectories moved away from them. On the other hand, some of the binary azeotropes could be stable nodes. Nodes represented by pure components could be either stable or unstable. Loading the gas with one of the components might give rise to additional critical points and might reverse or change the stability of the previous ones. The present stability analysis permits the prediction of the trajectories and final state in a gas-phase-controlled drying process. It is of great importance due to the critical influence of the composition of the remaining moisture on the quality and properties of the final product.  相似文献   

A stability analysis of the ordinary differential equations describing the process of convective gas-phase-controlled evaporation during drying of ternary mixtures was performed. The case considered was that of a gas flowing parallel to the surface of a flat solid, wetted with a liquid mixture, during drying at constant gas conditions. If evaporation is isothermal, the solutions of a system of ODEs are the trajectories in the phase plane represented by a triangular diagram of compositions. Analysis of the ternary mixture showed that the predicted ternary dynamic azeotropes were unstable nodes and composition trajectories moved away from them. On the other hand, some of the binary azeotropes could be stable nodes. Nodes represented by pure components could be either stable or unstable. Loading the gas with one of the components might give rise to additional critical points and might reverse or change the stability of the previous ones. The present stability analysis permits the prediction of the trajectories and final state in a gas-phase-controlled drying process. It is of great importance due to the critical influence of the composition of the remaining moisture on the quality and properties of the final product.  相似文献   

介绍注塑企业生产中的辅助设备一中央供料、干燥系统及其组成,如中央控制器、除湿干燥机、真空泵、上料机和色母计量机等。指出将中央供料、干燥系统应用于塑料加工业,可改善塑料制品质量,提高生产效率,节省人力和占地面积。对注塑企业的厂房规划和中央供料、干燥系统的设计提出一些建议。  相似文献   


Convective-microwave drying has been recognized as a convenient option for drying of valuable materials. However, the advantages of the method must be carefully evaluated in order to establish the limits for full scale operating conditions because, as demonstrated in this work, the reduction in the absolute drying time as a function of the applied microwave power is devalued by an increase in the unabsorbed microwave energy, decreasing the overall energy efficiency of the drying process.

Experimental study of the energy efficiency of combined microwave-convective drying of agar gel and Gelidium seaweeds was carried out in a laboratory scale microwave-convective dryer by continuously following the absorption of microwave energy by the sample as well as the change of the sample mass during the drying process, under different operating conditions. Several drying strategies based on the on-off application of the microwave power were proposed and evaluated from the point of view of both drying kinetics and energy efficiency in order to program and rationalize the use of microwave energy in the combined microwave-convective drying process.  相似文献   

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