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Harmonic imaging (HI) has emerged as a very promising tool for medical imaging, although there has been little published work using this technique in ultrasonic nondestructive testing (NDT). The core of the technique, which uses nonlinear propagation effects arising in the medium due to the microstructure or the existence of defects, is the ability to design transducers capable of emitting at one frequency and receiving at twice this frequency. The transducers that have been used so far are usually double crystal configurations with coaxial geometry, and commonly using a disc surrounded by a ring. Such a geometry permits the design of broadband transducers if each transducer element is adapted to the medium with its corresponding matching layers. Nevertheless, the different geometry of the emission and reception apertures creates difficulties when resolving the images. In this work, a new transducer design with different emission and reception apertures is resented. It makes use of the traditional construction procedures used to make piezocomposite transducers and the well-known theory of the mode coupling in piezoelectric resonators when the lateral dimensions are comparable with the thickness of the piezoceramic. In this work the design, construction, and characterization of a prototype to be used in NDT of metallic materials is presented. The acoustic field is calculated using water as a propagation medium, and these theoretical predictions then are compared with the experimental measurements. The predicted acoustic performances for the case of propagation in stainless steel are shown.  相似文献   

The main obstacle to constructing a wide bandwidth and high frequency composite transducer comes from its internal vibration field fluctuation, which is aggravated as frequency increases. We found an optimized structure of 2-2 composite in which the vibration field in both phases remains nearly uniform over a wide frequency range and the piezoelectric coupling coefficient reaches its maximum value simultaneously. This article also proposes a modified representation to calculate more precisely the effective piezoelectric coupling coefficient when the vibration fluctuation has been taken into account.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic nondiffracting transducer for medical imaging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The nondiffracting J(0) Bessel beam is evaluated, and its application to medical imaging is suggested. Computer simulations and experimental results for a ten-ring annular Bessel shaded transducer are described. Both continuous-wave (CW) and pulse-wave (PW) excitations are shown and compared to conventional Gaussian beams. The nondiffracting beam has about 1.27-nm radius main lobe with a 20-cm depth of field compared to the Gaussian transducer of the same size with a 1.27-mm radius main lobe at a focus of 12 cm and 2x4-cm depth of field. The side lobes of the nondiffracting beam are the same as the J(0) Bessel function. The effects of heterogeneity due to tissue on the nondiffracting beam and on the focused Gaussian beam are also reported.  相似文献   

A miniature focused needle transducer (<1?mm) was fabricated using the press-focusing technique. The measured pulse-echo waveform showed the transducer had center frequency of 57.5 MHz with 54% bandwidth and 14?dB insertion loss. To evaluate the performance of this type of transducer, invitro ultrasonic biomicroscopy imaging on the rabbit eye was obtained. Moreover, a single beam acoustic trapping experiment was performed using this transducer. Trapping of targeted particle size smaller than the ultrasonic wavelength was observed. Potential applications of these devices include minimally invasive measurements of retinal blood flow and single beam acoustic trapping of microparticles.  相似文献   

Some of the problems of developing a two-dimensional (2-D) transducer array for medical imaging are examined. The fabrication of a 2-D array material consisting of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) elements separated by epoxy is discussed. Ultrasound pulses and transmitted radiation patterns from individual elements in the arrays are measured. A diffraction theory for the continuous wave pressure field of a 2-D array element is generalized to include both electrical and acoustical cross-coupling between elements. This theory can be fit to model the measured radiation patterns of 2-D array elements, giving an indication of the level of cross-coupling in the array, and the velocity of the acoustic cross-coupling wave. Improvements in bandwidth and cross-coupling resulting from the inclusion of a front acoustic matching layer are demonstrated, and the effects of including a lossy backing material on the array are discussed. A broadband electrical matching network is described, and pulse-echo waveforms and insertion loss from a 2-D array element are measured.  相似文献   

Second Harmonic Generation microscopy has emerged as a powerful new optical imaging modality. This Feature describes its chemical and physical principles and highlights current applications in disease diagnostics.  相似文献   

A dual frequency probe using a multilayer ceramic is proposed for simultaneously obtaining a high resolution B mode and a high sensitivity Doppler mode image. This ceramic consists of two layers in which the poling directions are opposite and the individual thicknesses are different. It is possible to control the values of relative electromechanical coupling factors in the fundamental and the second harmonic by changing the thickness ratio. A thickness ratio of 1:0.7 was decided from computer simulation based on the Mason's model. A sufficient resolution has been shown from the fact that the intima of the carotid artery could be distinguished by an actually fabricated probe with dual frequencies of 3.75 and 7.5 MHz. Also, the sensitivity of this probe in the Doppler mode at 5 cm depth from the surface has been improved as much as 5 dB over that of a conventional one  相似文献   

A new lithium niobate (LiNbO3) transducer of separated transmitter-receiver configuration is proposed for application to second harmonic imaging in a high-frequency range. In this transducer, a domain-inverted layer of half the plate thickness is formed selectively by Ti-diffusion and heat treatment in the central part of a LiNbO3 plate. The uniformly polarized surrounding region is used as the transmitter that will generate the fundamental wave component. A transducer with the transmission frequency of 50 MHz and the reception frequency of 100 MHz is fabricated using a 36 degrees rotated Y-cut LiNbO3 plate, and its performance is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Phantoms that exhibit complex dielectric properties similar to low water content biological tissues over the electromagnetic spectrum of 2–3 GHz have been synthesized from carbon black powder, graphite powder and polyvinyl-acetate-based adhesive. The materials overcome various problems that are inherent in conventional phantoms such as decomposition and deterioration due to the invasion of bacteria or mold. The absorption coefficients of the materials for various compositions of carbon black and graphite powder are studied. A combination of 50% polyvinyl-acetate-based adhesive, 20% carbon black powder and 30% graphite powder exhibits high absorption coefficient, which suggests another application of the material as good microwave absorber for interior lining of tomographic chamber in microwave imaging. Cavity perturbation technique is adopted to study the dielectric properties of the material.  相似文献   

A dual-curvature focused ultrasound phased-array transducer with a symmetric control has been developed for noninvasive ablative treatment of tumors. The 1.5-D array was constructed in-house and the electro-acoustic conversion efficiency was measured to be approximately 65%. In vitro experiments demonstrated that the array uses 256 independent elements to achieve 2-D wide-range high-intensity electronic focusing.  相似文献   

Structural topology and shape optimization for a frequency response problem   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A topology and shape optimization technique using the homogenization method was developed for stiffness of a linearly elastic structure by Bendsøe and Kikuchi (1988), Suzuki and Kikuchi (1990, 1991), and others. This method has also been extended to deal with an optimal reinforcement problem for a free vibration structure by Diaz and Kikuchi (1992). In this paper, we consider a frequency response optimization problem for both the optimal layout and the reinforcement of an elastic structure. First, the structural optimization problem is transformed to an Optimal Material Distribution problem (OMD) introducing microscale voids, and then the homogenization method is employed to determine and equivalent averaged structural analysis model. A new optimization algorithm, which is derived from a Sequential Approximate Optimization approach (SAO) with the dual method, is presented to solve the present optimization problem. This optimization algorithm is different from the CONLIN (Fleury 1986) and MMA (Svanderg 1987), and it is based on a simpler idea that employs a shifted Lagrangian function to make a convex approximation. The new algorithm is called Modified Optimality Criteria method (MOC) because it can be reduced to the traditional OC method by using a zero value for the shift parameter. Two sensitivity analysis methods, the Direct Frequency Response method (DFR) and the Modal Frequency Response method (MFR), are employed to calculate the sensitivities of the object functions. Finally, three examples are given to show the feasibility of the present approach.  相似文献   

In the first paper, the superiority of linear FM signals was shown in terms of signal-to-noise ratio and robustness to tissue attenuation. This second paper in the series of three papers on the application of coded excitation signals in medical ultrasound presents design methods of linear FM signals and mismatched filters, in order to meet the higher demands on resolution in ultrasound imaging. It is shown that for the small time-bandwidth (TB) products available in ultrasound, the rectangular spectrum approximation is not valid, which reduces the effectiveness of weighting. Additionally, the distant range sidelobes are associated with the ripples of the spectrum amplitude and, thus, cannot be removed by weighting. Ripple reduction is achieved through amplitude or phase predistortion of the transmitted signals. Mismatched filters are designed to efficiently use the available bandwidth and at the same time to be insensitive to the transducer's impulse response. With these techniques, temporal sidelobes are kept below 60 to 100 dB, image contrast is improved by reducing the energy within the sidelobe region, and axial resolution is preserved. The method is evaluated first for resolution performance and axial sidelobes through simulations with the program Field II. A coded excitation ultrasound imaging system based on a commercial scanner and a 4 MHz probe driven by coded sequences is presented and used for the clinical evaluation of the coded excitation/compression scheme. The clinical images show a significant improvement in penetration depth and contrast, while they preserve both axial and lateral resolution. At the maximum acquisition depth of 15 cm, there is an improvement of more than 10 dB in the signal-to-noise ratio of the images. The paper also presents acquired images, using complementary Golay codes, that show the deleterious effects of attenuation on binary codes when processed with a matched filter, also confirmed by presented simulated images.  相似文献   

Ultrasound imaging at frequencies above 20 MHz is capable of achieving improved resolution in clinical applications requiring limited penetration depth. High frequency arrays that allow real-time imaging are desired for these applications but are not yet currently available. In this work, a method for fabricating fine-scale 2-2 composites suitable for 30-MHz linear array transducers was successfully demonstrated. High thickness coupling, low mechanical loss, and moderate electrical loss were achieved. This piezo-composite was incorporated into a 30-MHz array that included acoustic matching, an elevation focusing lens, electrical matching, and an air-filled kerf between elements. Bandwidths near 60%, 15-dB insertion loss, and crosstalk less than -30 dB were measured. Images of both a phantom and an ex vivo human eye were acquired using a synthetic aperture reconstruction method, resulting in measured lateral and axial resolutions of approximately 100 μm  相似文献   

文章通过仔细分析相控延时及超声波束的空间特征,导出了相邻波束指向与延时之间的相互关系;找出了其中的规律性及可用特征。提出一种提高帧频的新方法:多波束同时合成法,从而能有效地改善彩色超声成像质量。  相似文献   

In this study, a 64-element, 1.15-mm diameter annular-ring capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) array was characterized and used for forward-looking intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging tests. The array was manufactured using low-temperature processes suitable for CMOS electronics integration on a single chip. The measured radiation pattern of a 43 X 140-microm2 array element depicts a 40 degrees view angle for forward-looking imaging around a 15-MHz center frequency in agreement with theoretical models. Pulse-echo measurements show a -10-dB fractional bandwidth of 104% around 17 MHz for wire targets 2.5 mm away from the array in vegetable oil. For imaging and SNR measurements, RF A-scan data sets from various targets were collected using an interconnect scheme forming a 32-element array configuration. An experimental point spread function was obtained and compared with simulated and theoretical array responses, showing good agreement. Therefore, this study demonstrates that annular-ring CMUT arrays fabricated with CMOS-compatible processes are capable of forward-looking IVUS imaging, and the developed modeling tools can be used to design improved IVUS imaging arrays.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of using harmonic cancellation for a therapeutic ultrasound transducer excited by a switched-mode power converter without an additional output filter. A switching waveform without the third harmonic was created by cascading two switched-mode power inverter modules at which their output waveforms were pi/3 phase shifted from each other. A PSPICE simulation model for the power converter output stage was developed. The simulated results were in good agreement with the measurement. The waveform and harmonic contents of the acoustic pressure generated by a 1-MHz, self-focused piezoelectric transducer with and without harmonic cancellation have been evaluated. Measured results indicated that the acoustic third harmonicto- fundamental ratio at the focus was small (-48 dB) with harmonic cancellation, compared to that without harmonic cancellation (-20 dB). The measured acoustic levels of the fifth harmonic for both cases with and without harmonic cancellation also were small (-46 dB) compared to the fundamental. This study shows that it is viable to drive a piezoelectric ultrasound transducer using a switched-mode power converter without the requirement of an additional output filter in many high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) applications.  相似文献   

The position-dependent resonant frequency of a wedge transducer is used to obtain electronic scanning of an ultrasonic beam by varying the frequency. A theoretical calculation of the resolution using the staircase model is in good agreement with the experiment. The principle has been applied to ultrasonic imaging both by combining the wedge transducer with a cylindrical lens and by direct emission into water. A higher resolution is obtained in the latter case, in agreement with the theory. Such a system is proposed as a rapid real-time imaging system for applications not requiring high resolution.  相似文献   

Properties of new electrostrictive materials for displacive transducers are reviewed including theoretical, material and design studies. Intensive investigation of the electrostrictive effects in ferroelectric and antiferroelectric perovskites have led to some empirical rules: the product of the electrostriction coefficientQ and the Curie-Weiss constantC is constant for all perovskite crystals and theQ value is proportional to the square of the thermal expansion coefficient,α. Consistent with the empirical rules, the relaxor ferroelectric ceramic 0.9 Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 −0.1 PbTiO3 possesses much larger strain with lower hysteresis, aging effects and thermal expansion than that obtained with piezoelectric lead zirconate titanate (PZT). Using a multilayer configuration similar to commercial capacitors, a new mirror control device capable of large strains with high reproducibility, up toΔL/L ∼ 10−3, with only 200 V applied has been developed.  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of the inherent signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in medical ultrasound imaging, SNR improvements of 15-20 dB are theoretically possible for real-time phased-array imagers using coded excitation. A very simple coded excitation for phased arrays based on the principles of ;pseudochirp' excitation and equalization filtering is described. This system is capable of SNR improvements of about 15 dB with range sidelobe levels acceptable for many medical imaging applications. Such improvements permit increased operating frequencies, and hence enhanced spatial resolution, for real-time array imagers. Both simulations and measurements are used to demonstrate the efficacy of the method.  相似文献   

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