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Over the last four years, a series of outreach programs have been offered through the Colorado School of Mines to middle school teachers from eleven school districts in the State of Colorado in the United States. Each of these programs is designed to illustrate through hands‐on activities the application of mathematics to science and engineering. Each also has an academic year follow‐up such that a faculty member, an expert teacher, or a graduate student assists the teachers in the classroom. An expected outcome of this effort is the improvement of instruction in mathematics and science in the participating middle schools; an unexpected outcome has been the impact of these projects on the culture of the participating schools, both middle schools and university. Based on our assessment efforts, this article describes the qualitative and quantitative outcomes of this sequence of projects on middle school students, teachers, graduate students, professors, and college curriculum.  相似文献   

Abstract This study was undertaken to provide information on the factors that most influence students to undertake graduate studies in engineering following their baccalaureate degrees. Several hundred engineering deans were asked to send a questionnaire to the three departments in his/her college that had been most successful in encouraging their undergraduates in proceeding to graduate school. Responses indicated that student participation in semester research, student participation in summer research, and mentoring by faculty are the most significant in encouraging students to proceed with graduate studies. These conclusions were confirmed by a survey of newly entering engineering graduate students. Fifty percent of student respondents indicated that they had been involved in some form of research as undergraduates and eighty percent of this group identified that this experience had been important to them in deciding to choose graduate study. It is concluded that the inclusion of undergraduate students in research programs can be very important in influencing their career choices and in enhancing their likelihood of proceeding with graduate studies.  相似文献   

The Engineering Concepts Institute, and the rest of the comprehensive minority student development program that followed it, has served students of Florida A&M University matriculating to the Florida A&M University—Florida State University (FAMU‐FSU) College of Engineering. A significant relationship between participation in the programs under study and graduation/retention was identified with the Pearson Chi‐squared test, Cochran‐Mantel‐Haenszel statistics, as well as the Mantel‐Haenszel estimate. Students who participated in the program were estimated to have significantly higher odds of five‐year graduation and six‐year graduation than students who did not participate in the program. A comparison of high school GPAs identified a selection bias, and high school GPA was then used to control for this selection bias in a multiple logistic regression model. While multiple individual cohorts remain statistically significant, the aggregate of all cohorts lacks significance due to the small number of participants and the possible overly stringent penalty imposed by the addition of high school GPA. Nevertheless, the results continue to show the positive trend observed earlier—that Minority Engineering Program participants are 25 percent more likely to be retained and graduate in engineering than students who had similar high school GPA but did not participate in the program—it is expected that continuing longitudinal study will bear out this trend as statistically significant. Although the programs described in this paper have been discontinued as a result of personnel changes, the study of the program is still useful as a contribution to the body of evidence supporting the effectiveness of such programs.  相似文献   


The authors consider the empirical validity of the graduate record examination (GRE) as a predictor of various measures of performance in a graduate engineering management program. The performance criteria include first-quarter graduate school grades, first-year graduate school grades, cumulative graduate school grades, and faculty committees' ratings of students' theses. Tests indicated that the GRE verbal and quantitative test scores were useful in predicting first-year and cumulative grade point averages (GPAs). The implications of these findings are discussed to include the idea of a theory-based test and measures of graduate student performance.  相似文献   

A major challenge for fostering integrative cross‐disciplinary collaborations at the graduate level arises from the divergent exposure and training of students from uni‐disciplinary graduate programs. In this report, we present the design and preliminary analysis of an experimental forum to facilitate cross‐disciplinary discourse within a NSF‐sponsored Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program (IGERT) at Rutgers. This forum brings together IGERT Graduate Training Fellows and faculty from four diverse graduate programs in the engineering area and four related programs in life sciences and physical sciences for structured seminars and interchanges. Our report offers methodological and analytical tools grounded within a conceptual framework for promoting discourse that integrates content across diverse disciplines as well as across levels of inquiry. Both the theoretical framework and the research tools may be valuable to others seeking to develop integrative training environments for coalescing learning communities between engineers and their collaborators.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates the effectiveness of a summer undergraduate research program designed to attract qualified minority students into graduate school in electrical engineering. This eight-week program recruits students of at least junior-level undergraduate standing on a nationwide basis and pairs them with faculty members and graduate student mentors to undertake research. The research activities are conducted in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and National Science Foundation Engineering (NSF) Research Center in Low-Cost Electronic Packaging at the Georgia Institute of Technology. From 1992–1995, a total of 47 students participated in this program. Thirty-six of these participants were interviewed by phone to obtain qualitative and quantitative information about the program's impact. The findings indicate that 92% of the program participants are either currently enrolled in a graduate program, plan to attend graduate school in the next two years, or have completed a graduate degree. In comparison to a control group of individuals drawn from the membership of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) alumni, it is found that program participants are more likely to pursue advanced degrees and more likely than non-participants to continue their studies in engineering. In addition, participants report higher starting salaries than non-participants. Overall, attitudes toward the program are positive, and the data suggests that GT-SUPREEM does have a significant impact on the student participants.  相似文献   

From 1995 to 1997, a culturally relevant transfer degree program was developed at a tribally controlled Community College in Minnesota. Broad traditional values held in common by most indigenous peoples formed the backbone of the project. These values led to the formulation of several significant components of culturally sensitive programs, which were enhanced by classroom practices adopted and distilled during more than two decades of teaching from middle school to the graduate level. Many of these coincided with and reinforced traditional American Indian values. In addition, practical lessons were learned while creating this new model of education. Our conclusion: the core of minority‐centered education should be good teaching strategies applied to a specific population but applicable to and effective for all students.  相似文献   

This paper examines the various factors that contribute to the success of minority students in engineering programs by exploring past and current paradigms promoting success and analyzing models for advancing the participation of members of these populations. Included is a literature review of articles, government reports, Web sites, and archives published since 1980. Student success is correlated to several indicators, including pre‐college preparation, recruitment programs, admissions policies, financial assistance, academic intervention programs, and graduate school preparation and admission. This review suggests that the problem of minority underrepresentation and success in engineering is soluble given the appropriate resources and collective national “will” to propagate effective approaches.  相似文献   

The Environmental Engineering (ENVE) Department was established at the Middle East Technical University (METU) as a graduate program in January 1973. It began offering undergraduate programs in 1978. The department today has 12 faculty members and about 250 students. Numerous courses both on Environmental Sciences and on Environmental Technology are offered at the graduate and undergraduate level. This paper summarizes the curriculum development and missions of the ENVE Department at METU. Also, the basic characteristics of the undergraduate and graduate program are reviewed from the point of view of sustainable production.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to introduce an American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Student Chapter, highlighting the purpose of developing a student chapter and the activities one can provide. The Purdue University Student Chapter, formed in the spring of 1993 as the first student ASEE chapter, has a threefold mission in providing relevant information to graduate students, undergraduate students, and underrepresented groups. The principal goal is to encourage mentorship among undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty. To accomplish this goal, the student chapter provides seminars and workshops to educate graduate students about the various aspects of an academic career. Similarly, a seminar series on graduate study in engineering has been developed to educate undergraduates about graduate school. The Purdue University Student Chapter of ASEE currently has a membership base of more than 60 graduate students. The initial success of the Purdue Chapter has helped encourage formation of six student chapters at other universities.  相似文献   

Traditionally, business schools are known to promote entrepreneurship education in their undergraduate and graduate programs. To meet the challenges due to advances in technology in the twenty-first century and entrepreneurial competition from developing nations, such as India and China, entrepreneurship programs in engineering education are being developed through grants from public and private foundations in order to promote entrepreneurial mindsets among all graduating engineers. This article highlights one such entrepreneurship engineering education program established at the Mercer University School of Engineering (MUSE) through Kern family foundation grants in 2007. What is currently being done at MUSE in promoting entrepreneurial mindsets among undergraduate and graduate students is highlighted and presented in terms of curriculum development, entrepreneurship clubs for engineering students, and entrepreneurial design projects with innovation and creativity components? This article presents the entrepreneurship engineering education curriculum in place at MUSE and a typical senior design project ‘Retrofitting of Tabletop CNC Lathe’ undertaken by senior engineering students through this program. The results obtained from this senior design project, the difficulties encountered by the student team, and the successful completion of the project are highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to document a successful seminar series developed and used at Purdue University which educates undergraduates about graduate school and equips them to successfully move through the application and financial aid processes. The seminars are designed for all engineering disciplines. The series consists of four seminars given during a two-week period every fall and spring semester. The four seminars are “Graduate Study in Engineering: To Go or Not to Go, That is the Question,” “Helping Engineers Prepare for the General Graduate Record Exam (GRE),” “Approach and Helpful Hints on the GRE Engineering Exam,” and “Strategies for Applying to National Fellowship Programs.” The semester attendance for the four seminars collectively ranges from 150 to 250 students per semester. Data from student evaluations indicate that student knowledge about the graduate school process increases between 66%-164% for the four seminars. An alternative format for a single seminar highlighting all four topics has also been implemented.  相似文献   

This paper describes experience in using hands-on undergraduate research exposure as a tool to identify and recruit potentially successful graduate students. Undergraduate students with an interest in graduate education work toward a well-defined goal under the guidance of the faculty member, typically supporting a senior graduate student on his/her thesis research. The quality of the undergraduate research is maintained by requiring that the results of the research be presented at a major technical conference. It is found that a large percentage of such undergraduate students ultimately enroll and succeed in graduate school.  相似文献   

Of all segments of science and engineering graduate education, the disparity between minority groups is the greatest, and the participation of nonresident aliens is the highest, in engineering. This paper examines the graduate degrees awarded in engineering from the perspective of representation within the US population, the US engineering schools that grant significant numbers of graduate degrees to underrepresented minorities, and the measures implemented by some of these schools that are particularly effective at granting graduate degrees to underrepresented minorities. In addition, we recommend initial steps that an engineering school might make to increase underrepresented minorities' graduate student participation. Although the specifics can vary from institution to institution, the net result should be the same: a sincere commitment to bring underrepresented minority students into the mainstream of the academic enterprise.  相似文献   

We analyzed seven years of pre‐program and post‐program survey data to evaluate the Clarkson University Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site Program in Environmental Science and Engineering, and evaluated whether our program was successful at meeting the intended outcome of increasing participants' likelihood of attending graduate school and pursuing a career in science or engineering research or education. We also evaluated how participant satisfaction in the program changed with the addition of a weekly seminar on environmental sustainability that was intended to improve participants' understanding of the societal value of their research projects. Participant satisfaction in the Clarkson REU Program was high, and increased after the addition of the sustainability seminar. Participants' intention to attend graduate or professional school increased after participating in the program, but their intention to pursue a career in science or engineering research declined. Over 60 percent of participants eventually attended graduate or professional school.  相似文献   

In an exploratory questionnaire study at McGill University, we examine the reasons given by top women and men engineering students for deciding whether or not to continue their studies. Women are significantly less likely than men to plan on graduate school; they encounter hurdles such as limited personalized information, difficulties in obtaining reference letters, a low level of encouragement, and the discomfort of the engineering academic environment. We conclude with seven specific recommendations designed to encourage women, in particular, and also men to pursue graduate work.  相似文献   

The variations in numbers of faculty, degrees (BS, MS and PhD) and research funding over the last quarter century for eleven engineering disciplines are compared to each other and to engineering as a whole. The engineering disciplines considered are aerospace, bioengineering, chemical, civil, computer, electrical, industrial, materials, mechanical, nuclear and petroleum. Emphasis is given to the cycle experienced by engineering BS degrees during this period. The variation in the mix of BS degrees in individual disciplines which has occurred over the past two decades is analyzed. Emphasis is also given to the rapid growth in graduate programs, especially doctoral, during the last decade. It is shown that essentially all disciplines have contributed significantly to the growth of engineering graduate programs. Research funding is analyzed in terms of total funding, funding per faculty member and funding per doctoral degree; actual and constant (noninflated) dollars are considered. Research funding growth in disciplines generally has kept pace with engineering as a whole. The effect of rapid graduate degree growth on funding available for research support is analyzed for individual disciplines; many disciplines are shown to exhibit degree growth extensive enough to cause declines in constant dollar funding per doctoral degree.  相似文献   

Analyzing the research productivity of a country, an academic institution or even a single research group contributes to understand how science evolves and discovers new research perspectives, since such efforts usually reveal key aspects that can be improved, avoided or even applied to other contexts. In this article, we present a detailed analysis of the top Brazilian Computer Science graduate programs. The analysis involves profile data on faculty members (e.g., career length and number of mentored students) and on the quality of their research efforts, assessed using the quality of their publications and collaboration patterns. The objective is to uncover factors that explain the strengths and weaknesses of graduate programs. Results show that the highest ranked programs include more experienced faculty members, who have mentored more Ph.D. students. We also show that programs target distinct publication venues, with the best ranked ones focusing on higher quality conferences and journals. By analyzing collaboration patterns, we show that intra-program relationships occur quite naturally whereas inter-program ones are still very incipient.  相似文献   

Although there has been increased interest in graduate teaching assistant (GTA) training programs recently, few examples of programs specifically for engineering GTA's are found in the technical literature. A survey of engineering schools in Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest region of the United States has been conducted to determine the extent of instructional programs. The results of this survey and the literature indicate that there are large differences in the amount of training that GTA's in different engineering schools receive. While some are involved in extensive training programs, many receive little or no instruction in teaching, and/or inadequate feedback to help improve their teaching skills. These findings are discussed, along with details of innovative instructional programs found in the literature, and suggestions for improving the state of engineering GTA instruction.  相似文献   

The world of engineering is once again changing. Engineering education is changing from the narrow engineering science curriculum of the 1950s to a broader industry‐driven curriculum. Today's employers are seeking engineering graduates with advanced communication skills and the ability to work effectively in team‐based environments. Unfortunately, a large number of undergraduate engineering programs are not sufficiently providing students the skills necessary to succeed in the workplace of the future. In this paper 20 non‐technical skills, 10 curricular changes, and seven post‐graduate training methods were presented to Southern Illinois University at Carbondale College of Engineering graduates to evaluate. These graduates functioned both in team‐based and traditional work environments. Results indicated listening as the most important non‐technical skill; inclusion of real‐world applications as the most important curricular addition, and mentoring as the preferred post‐graduate method of learning nontechnical skills. The findings support further research for implementing changes in undergraduate engineering education to integrate and support development of non‐technical skills throughout undergraduate studies. These changes will in turn increase the production of well‐rounded and flexible graduates that are “workforce‐ready.“  相似文献   

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